To start this topic, how many of you are happy with your neutral? Does it have any off tastes?
How does it compare to top shelf vodka?
Have you added anything that you think makes it better?
Are there things we can do at a hobby level to make something as good, if not better than the big players?
For fun, list your worst vodka experience

For me, vodka is an illusive beast. You're trying to beat out all the harsh flavour, but allowing a little... Some of that grain, be it wheat, corn, barley, you do want some of that through...
Balancing heads, tails... Apart from carbon filtering, I think big distillers are cheating more... I'm sure they're adding extra to improve mouth feel etc.
My neutral always had a slight bitterness to it. I chalked it up to tails, but after making repeated reflux runs, with more and more cuts, I'm just of the opinion that ethanol is bitter and additives are added to commercial product to smooth it out.
I've read that various different taste receptors work differently with everyone... Some are more prone to bitter, some less so, some almost none at all. For me, I can definitely tell the bitterness of ethanol, not strong, but it's there.
For me, my neutral works damn well as a mixer, doesn't stand up to a vodka soda though, or a straight sip. As I said, the lingering bitterness just doesn't work. Makes a great gin though, very happy with that. Thanks Odin for a great start.
Tried a small amount of citric acid... I think it works. A little acidity cuts almost all of the bitterness. Something I'll be testing more...
Any thoughts appreciated, sorry for the long ramble

p.s. my worst vodka experience...
Underage, got my older mate to buy me the cheapest bottle available... Was some brand like Ruskov or something, plainly pretending to be Russian...spent the next day driving the porcelain bus...