New to distillation, or simply new to the HD forums.
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Thanks for the concern. Ive watched uncle george and jesse. And a few plumber mates are going to knock up my condenser and pot still.
My mate has been distilling for 8yrs now and is going to ahow me the ropes.
Been reading and watching for 3 to 4 months now gathering as much info as i could.
Welcome. You'll probably want to forgot some of what you learned from George. A lot of the theory starts to make sense when you actually run your still. Lots of good recipes in Tried and True. Be safe and enjoy.
"I have a potstill that smears like a fresh plowed coon on the highway" - Jimbo
If you click on The Rules By Which We Live at the bottom of this page and read rule l. you will see that George's reputation here is so poor that you are not permitted to link to his videos. Think twice before using his advice in your build.