Real Ale in pot still - still need stripping?

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Real Ale in pot still - still need stripping?

Post by warx »


I have 2.5 gal real ale ESB just out of the fermenter at 6.2% mildly hopped. I have an Anvil Foundry (10.5gal, 2800W) and an AlcoEngine small pot still. I'm shooting for a true eau-de-vie-de-beire and not trying to get a regular whiskey (thinking flavor retention).

The AlcoEngine is pretty slow and the beer is filtered (the same as I put in the beer cask/keg) so I am wondering if I should just run it slow for one pass since it is not a big volume and clear (no lees or solids). Or, do I still need a stripping run first? Or, do I have enough volume to try both with 1.25gals each? Maybe just grab a jar of hearts and then do second spirit run with the rest - if that is a true comparison.

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Re: Real Ale in pot still - still need stripping?

Post by bilgriss »

You will have a hard time running amounts that small and making cuts, not running your still dry, etc. At 6% of 1.25 gallons, you've got about 8 ounces of alcohol. If you run it once and get 40% in the stripping run, You will have collected a little more than a pint total. That plus smearing and if you collect in 1 oz jars, I'd think you'd still have a hard time finding hearts.

At risk of sounding anything other than helpful, which is the spirit this is intended in, I'd recommend you carefully read everything here:

Then come back and see if your questions have changed a bit.
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Re: Real Ale in pot still - still need stripping?

Post by warx »

My batch size is dictated by what's left over from the beer process and I'm looking at experimenting. I take your point 1.25 gals is too small so I will pick one method (stripping or not) for the whole 2.5 and try the other next beer batch.

Basically, I can only drink so much real ale before it goes stale that I either brew half-size batches or be creative with the other half.
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Re: Real Ale in pot still - still need stripping?

Post by subbrew »

Only run once with that small of an amount. Or call friend and drink it given the small amount. 4 friends can easily knock that off. 2 if they are good.
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Re: Real Ale in pot still - still need stripping?

Post by warx »

My friends like fancy hazy, double IPAs not malty flavorful bitters, milds and traditional UK pale ales (read: warm and flat).
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Re: Real Ale in pot still - still need stripping?

Post by NormandieStill »

What you can do is strip it and just save it. If you are regularly making the same recipe, in time you'll have enough low wines for a spirit run.
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Re: Real Ale in pot still - still need stripping?

Post by Chauncey »

Even if it's lightly hopped be aware of hop oils mucking up yer still. There are mixed opinions on this situation but it's come up before.
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Re: Real Ale in pot still - still need stripping?

Post by warx »

As an update; From the 10L I got 1250ml during the single run and cut down to 800ml product at 40%. I saved some 20% low wine cuts to throw in the next batch. It's now sitting on varying levels of oak cubes but is already quite tasty to me. Sweet and carries a lot of the beer flavors. I would say this is more of a brandy than whiskey and I probably won't age it for long as I don't think this wants too much of those added flavors. Overall I'm happy.

My AlcoEngine and brew kettle lid also fit on a 12" large stainless skillet which works on my portable induction cooktop so this would work great for a small batch second spirit run for next time.
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