Many like to post about a first successful ferment (or first all grain mash), or first still built/bought or first good run of the still. Tell us about all of these great times here.
Pics are VERY welcome, we drool over pretty copper
Had a bumper crop of grapes this year so pressed them a and made some wine just to see if i could
but after pressing I had a large pile of grape skins and plup (grapes are seedless ) had a look on interweb to see what i could do with them and grapper came up so not wanting to waste anything i got to it
about 8kg grape stuff add 10lts very hot water and gave it a good mix up and left over night
next day topped to 25 lts with cold water let it stand for 24 hours did hyd reading sg 1.05 so put in some yeast (1118 stuf )
going well
will wait and see what we get
In the absence of anything else it's fine, the real grappa however is produced with 100% distilled grape skin. Just these days I'm doing it. In the photo the grape marc after distillation (exhausted)
do you leave them in when pot stilling or just use the liquil
seems to be going real well the skins are moving up and down bit like a larva lamp
No, I distill the skins in a current of steam, that is, the skins are in a perforated basket, the steam passes through the skins and extracts alcohol and aromas .. this is the first step, you will get a low alcoholic liquid that will be distilled again to obtain the final product.
You could distill the whole lot at once or distill just the pressed/drained wine by itself. I myself would distill it all combined in my traditional alembic pot still.