CB radio

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Re: CB radio

Post by Runt »

Yummyrum wrote: Fri Oct 28, 2022 4:56 am Was ZL3TMJ way back in UnZud … like 30 +years ago

Anyway .

Ham ( Actually Ham is abbreviation for Amateur …. Fuck knows why … but curious )radio and CB were totally different things then .

Amateurs were mostly a bunch of what we would now class as “ Autistics” that understood and felt comfortable with the whole Amateur radio system .

Whereas , CB was used by the general public for day to day communications .

HAM’s are happy spending hours and hours doing CQ CQ CQ DX …………………………………… waiting ……………………….

Hams are Hams because they like radio coms ……. Not the communication , but when it happens . Its all about the …….what the fuck ……. Tropospheric ducting ….etc

CB is different . Its citizen Band communication .
“I want to talk to to this person now “…..like on a phone but via radio

I guess my main bitch here is that I believe (and I hope I’m totally wrong ) is that folk are jumping on the Ham radio band Wagon thinking that its an easy way to gain world comms

It’s not .

If you want to chat , CB is the way
Hell Ya! Let's talk some shit! Can't do that on ham. Lets break the rules, don't do that on ham. But we will sneak up above and creap down below cb to talk a little farther on a quieter channel.
I'm just glad to know I'm not the only one that plays radio while running a batch.
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Re: CB radio

Post by Runt »

Chauncey wrote: Fri Oct 28, 2022 5:25 am Breaker breaker one nine this is ol Chauncey headed east on the 110, smokeys by exit 9 proceed with caution do you copy?

10-4 Chauncey I'll take I70 east instead.
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Re: CB radio

Post by Runt »

stillanoob wrote: Sat Oct 29, 2022 7:12 am
Yummyrum wrote: Fri Oct 28, 2022 4:56 am Was ZL3TMJ way back in UnZud … like 30 +years ago

Anyway .

Ham ( Actually Ham is abbreviation for Amateur …. Fuck knows why … but curious )radio and CB were totally different things then .

Amateurs were mostly a bunch of what we would now class as “ Autistics” that understood and felt comfortable with the whole Amateur radio system .

Whereas , CB was used by the general public for day to day communications .

HAM’s are happy spending hours and hours doing CQ CQ CQ DX …………………………………… waiting ……………………….

Hams are Hams because they like radio coms ……. Not the communication , but when it happens . Its all about the …….what the fuck ……. Tropospheric ducting ….etc

CB is different . Its citizen Band communication .
“I want to talk to to this person now “…..like on a phone but via radio

I guess my main bitch here is that I believe (and I hope I’m totally wrong ) is that folk are jumping on the Ham radio band Wagon thinking that its an easy way to gain world comms

It’s not .

If you want to chat , CB is the way
Gonna have to disagree with quite a bit here yummy...

Firstly, ham is not an abbreviation of amateur. It comes from "ham fisted" or at least the majority think so. In the beginning of radio, most wireless telegraph operators came from the wired telegraph service and were proficient Morse code operators. They sneered at the new amateur operators poor skills and the pejorative "ham fisted" was born. Later it was adopted by the amateur community as a badge of honor, much like the song Yankee Doodle was originally a derisive ditty by the British and then adopted by Americans with pride.

CB radio is very dependent on ionospheric conditions. When the E layer is in good shape the signal can travel a long ways. Otherwise it is restricted to very local communications. It terms of relaibility of communications, since hams have access to many bands one can use the band that is working for what you need it to do and thus achieve much more reliable comms. This isn't to say that it is always and everywhere but you have a much, much better chancing of contacting the desired station. CB is definitly not "I want to talk to this person now" unless they are very close. And at that range hams have frequencies that are just above CB and can do the same thing, as well as access to VHF/UHF, repeaters, much, much more power and so on. So ham radio does everything that CB does, times 1000. Or more.

Autisitics? Not at all. There is a large social element to ham radio. Nerds yes. Much technology has been innovated by the ham radio community. I work with developmentally disabled folks and can tell you that autism and ham radio are not synonymous.

Ham radio is not about calling CQ. A percentage enjoys that and it can be fun. Me, I use ham radio out in my adventure van for example. I can send and receive emails or text messages from pretty much anywhere on earth. I talk to my buddies back home from all over the southwest and to my radio friends all over the country. You can't do that with CB. Then there are all sorts of things you can do with ham radio. I once talked to a cosmonaut on the ISS!

So maybe check out ham radio a little more and consider getting a license. It can be very fun and is much more than calling CQ.
I have listened to people talk to the ISS on CB. Conditions didn't connect me but I could here both sides of the q-so.
I am un welcome on Ham. I talk shit, don't obey the rules, don't like test, like my echo, and doing whatever I want being free in the USA. If I want to be restricted I'll talk ssb. lol To each there own, there is room and a place for all of us and I mean no offence to any ham (many friends of mine are) it's just not for me. My nose doesn't go that high. lol
But I know my echo, loud MODULATION, foul mouth and bad since of humor aren't for everyone and appreciate them leaving me alone and going to ham. lol I am glad there is a frequency for everyone.
I talk to much crap. lol All in fun if You can take it.

I'm just glad to know I'm not the only one that plays radio while running a batch.
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Re: CB radio

Post by shadylane »

The HR2510 radio has somewhat of a cult following.
It had a much better receiver than the average CB.
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Re: CB radio

Post by Runt »

shadylane wrote: Tue Nov 15, 2022 10:48 pm The HR2510 radio has somewhat of a cult following.
It had a much better receiver than the average CB.
Yes, I agree. It was among the first of the new digital wave at the time along with what we called the ranger 2910.
I was more of a Galaxy fan, still am. I have owned several and there knock of cheaper versions still had the Galaxy board.
Currently I run a Galaxy 96HP with a 102" stainless steel antenna. At a mile high here it gets out.
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Re: CB radio

Post by stillanoob »

Runt wrote: Tue Nov 15, 2022 9:47 pm
I have listened to people talk to the ISS on CB. Conditions didn't connect me but I could here both sides of the q-so.
I am un welcome on Ham. I talk shit, don't obey the rules, don't like test, like my echo, and doing whatever I want being free in the USA. If I want to be restricted I'll talk ssb. lol To each there own, there is room and a place for all of us and I mean no offence to any ham (many friends of mine are) it's just not for me. My nose doesn't go that high. lol
But I know my echo, loud MODULATION, foul mouth and bad since of humor aren't for everyone and appreciate them leaving me alone and going to ham. lol I am glad there is a frequency for everyone.
I talk to much crap. lol All in fun if You can take it.

I'm just glad to know I'm not the only one that plays radio while running a batch.
The ISS operates in the 2 meter band, around 147mHz. CB operates in the 11 meter band, around 27mHz. So it is impossible to hear the ISS on a CB radio.
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Re: CB radio

Post by Runt »

stillanoob wrote: Wed Nov 16, 2022 10:17 am
Runt wrote: Tue Nov 15, 2022 9:47 pm
I have listened to people talk to the ISS on CB. Conditions didn't connect me but I could here both sides of the q-so.
I am un welcome on Ham. I talk shit, don't obey the rules, don't like test, like my echo, and doing whatever I want being free in the USA. If I want to be restricted I'll talk ssb. lol To each there own, there is room and a place for all of us and I mean no offence to any ham (many friends of mine are) it's just not for me. My nose doesn't go that high. lol
But I know my echo, loud MODULATION, foul mouth and bad since of humor aren't for everyone and appreciate them leaving me alone and going to ham. lol I am glad there is a frequency for everyone.
I talk to much crap. lol All in fun if You can take it.

I'm just glad to know I'm not the only one that plays radio while running a batch.
The ISS operates in the 2 meter band, around 147mHz. CB operates in the 11 meter band, around 27mHz. So it is impossible to hear the ISS on a CB radio.
There are numerous radio's on the ISS for numerous bands.
One of the astronauts has there person export radio so they can talk 10 and 11 meters.
They often talk to schools as they orbit by of course those are tentively scheduled in advance.
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Re: CB radio

Post by HDNB »

just reading back this thread, stillanoob's comments reminded me of times long ago.

In the late 70's, early 80's i worked in two-radio and mobile entertainment electronics for about 5 years. The guy that owned the store actually was given a gold plated cobra 29 cb radio, as the the highest selling outlet of (their brand) cb radios in north america.

We kind of looked at the CB as a tool there, servicing and installing them in big trucks. they were used like this newer version https://two-way.ca/alberta-ladd-channels/ we had lots of cb geeks that came hung around the store, to talk about how great their radio was, how fast they found the "bunny" last friday on the bunny hunt.
we tolerated the geeks, they spent money...but not like truckers. they would come in with a broken mic cable and leave with a new 3 or 400 dollar radio, just because they had to get back to work. ( i think we charged 10 bux to fix a mic, but it took a half hour)
The ham guys never came around. they dealt at the more commercial / wholesale place. they all did their own service, we were more front lines retail service. Ham guys were the true hobbyists that went after long range comms, shootin' the skip....LOL

CB's were never really meant for long range, more line of sight stuff like pilot truck to the tractor, and truck to truck for police and accident report. The best equipment with the best install (of course, since i did it) tuned perfectly on the best ground plane...got unreliable out of line of sight, really bad at 3miles and crapped out 5 miles.
You can jazz up the power all you want, anything beyond those ranges is unreliable. Hell, i can show you how to bump those old cobras to 10 watts with nothing more than screw driver but it doesn't really help. it's a exponential thing, that RMS power, so at 3 miles it may give you another 1/4 mile (reliably)...so whoopie! -does make the voice sound better up close tho!
If you want to talk to the other side of the planet, iirc, you are gonna want a ham rig, a30 foot tower (at least) and some sound understanding and ability to rig antenna. it's a bit of an art, dialing in antenna.
i think those LADD radios sound fun, listening to the truck traffic...it would be like flying listening to the other pilots.
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Re: CB radio

Post by shadylane »

Runt wrote: Tue Nov 15, 2022 9:21 pm

Hell Ya! Let's talk some shit! Can't do that on ham. Lets break the rules, don't do that on ham. But we will sneak up above and creap down below cb to talk a little farther on a quieter channel.
You have a point.
There's so much noise, beeps and splatter.
It's easier to communicate outside of the CB channels.
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Re: CB radio

Post by Chauncey »

I want my handle to be spaghetti
<no stopping to corner anytime [] no parking passenger zone>

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Re: CB radio

Post by Yummyrum »

Runt wrote: Tue Nov 15, 2022 9:47 pm To each there own, there is room and a place for all of us and I mean no offence to any ham (many friends of mine are) it's just not for me. My nose doesn't go that high.
Absolutely Runt .Back when I was young and my nose was sooo far up my arse , I would scoff with the jokes about whether CB stood for Chicken Band or Children's Band .

And now as I sit here at work … 40 years later , and see my workmates pick up a CB handheld , and patrol the workplace with no need for exams , theory or protocol , I can appreciate the ease and place for CB as a legitimate and purposeful method of easy communications between one citizen and another .
It is without doubt Citizen Band communication , and it is still today as much important as it was back in it’s inception .
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Re: CB radio

Post by Yummyrum »

Chauncey wrote: Thu Nov 17, 2022 1:22 am I want my handle to be spaghetti
And by the way , if you want that here too , we can sort you out :ewink:

But Chauncey is definitely much better than your original hande :ebiggrin:
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Re: CB radio

Post by stillanoob »

Runt wrote: Wed Nov 16, 2022 8:13 pm
stillanoob wrote: Wed Nov 16, 2022 10:17 am
Runt wrote: Tue Nov 15, 2022 9:47 pm
I have listened to people talk to the ISS on CB. Conditions didn't connect me but I could here both sides of the q-so.
I am un welcome on Ham. I talk shit, don't obey the rules, don't like test, like my echo, and doing whatever I want being free in the USA. If I want to be restricted I'll talk ssb. lol To each there own, there is room and a place for all of us and I mean no offence to any ham (many friends of mine are) it's just not for me. My nose doesn't go that high. lol
But I know my echo, loud MODULATION, foul mouth and bad since of humor aren't for everyone and appreciate them leaving me alone and going to ham. lol I am glad there is a frequency for everyone.
I talk to much crap. lol All in fun if You can take it.

I'm just glad to know I'm not the only one that plays radio while running a batch.
The ISS operates in the 2 meter band, around 147mHz. CB operates in the 11 meter band, around 27mHz. So it is impossible to hear the ISS on a CB radio.
There are numerous radio's on the ISS for numerous bands.
One of the astronauts has there person export radio so they can talk 10 and 11 meters.
They often talk to schools as they orbit by of course those are tentively scheduled in advance.
Well, I'll take your word for it. I can't find any reference to the ISS using 11 meters. Certainly all of the school contacts are in the 2 meter band, you can look at the schedule to see the frequency. It would be hard to use an 11 meter radio for an ISS contact. It would have to be brief as there is no way to compensate for Doppler shift due to the channelization of 11 meters. And since the change in frequency caused by Doppler shift is directly proportional to the frequency of the original, the lower frequency of the 11 meter band would make it much harder. This is also why operators don't usually need to compensate for Doppler on the UHF downlink frequencies. With a 2 meter rig you can change the frequency as the ISS approaches and as it moves away. Certainly VHF and UHF are better for orbit to earth communications as they don't skip on the ionosphere in the way that 11 meters can. I wonder how skip works from space, would it bounce back into space?
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Re: CB radio

Post by Runt »

HDNB wrote: Wed Nov 16, 2022 9:27 pm just reading back this thread, stillanoob's comments reminded me of times long ago.

In the late 70's, early 80's i worked in two-radio and mobile entertainment electronics for about 5 years. The guy that owned the store actually was given a gold plated cobra 29 cb radio, as the the highest selling outlet of (their brand) cb radios in north america.

We kind of looked at the CB as a tool there, servicing and installing them in big trucks. they were used like this newer version https://two-way.ca/alberta-ladd-channels/ we had lots of cb geeks that came hung around the store, to talk about how great their radio was, how fast they found the "bunny" last friday on the bunny hunt.
we tolerated the geeks, they spent money...but not like truckers. they would come in with a broken mic cable and leave with a new 3 or 400 dollar radio, just because they had to get back to work. ( i think we charged 10 bux to fix a mic, but it took a half hour)
The ham guys never came around. they dealt at the more commercial / wholesale place. they all did their own service, we were more front lines retail service. Ham guys were the true hobbyists that went after long range comms, shootin' the skip....LOL

CB's were never really meant for long range, more line of sight stuff like pilot truck to the tractor, and truck to truck for police and accident report. The best equipment with the best install (of course, since i did it) tuned perfectly on the best ground plane...got unreliable out of line of sight, really bad at 3miles and crapped out 5 miles.
You can jazz up the power all you want, anything beyond those ranges is unreliable. Hell, i can show you how to bump those old cobras to 10 watts with nothing more than screw driver but it doesn't really help. it's a exponential thing, that RMS power, so at 3 miles it may give you another 1/4 mile (reliably)...so whoopie! -does make the voice sound better up close tho!
If you want to talk to the other side of the planet, iirc, you are gonna want a ham rig, a30 foot tower (at least) and some sound understanding and ability to rig antenna. it's a bit of an art, dialing in antenna.
i think those LADD radios sound fun, listening to the truck traffic...it would be like flying listening to the other pilots.
as a kid, the airlines used to give me a set of headphones and one of the channels was the piolets radio. That was petty cool.
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