Thought I'd list the ones I can think of for full disclosure.
I tried to solder 3/8 copper pipe to the outside of a 2 inch diameter 12 inch length of SS sanitary spool to make a reflux condensor.... before I understood how to solder SS and before I understood reflux
I built a PID to control the boiling temp of my still, it is actually awesome for controlling a brew heater for fermenting.
I placed botanicals in cheese cloth in the column of a "Super Reflux" still.
I stripped a rum wash and took the low wines and returned them to the boiler with the backset they had been stripped from and then did a spirit run from that....
I added a choclate malt barley to a rum wash...smelt amazing
I did a ferment of sugar and water, pitched Bakers yeast and nothing else....It didn't finish dry, maybe I should have inverted the sugar?
I did a mash of corn and water, not malted corn and no enzymes....did not convert
I thought my first all grain would taste tasted like JD made by Jesse Pinkman before he got schooled by WW
I thought..... no that jar is alright ill throw that in to the blend
.... Morgan Freeman voice "the jar was not alright, in fact the jar ruined the blend"
I rushed and didn't read.
I didn't listen at times and I didn't stop and think
Oh and I didn't try to just be nicer
Happy brewing to all for 2023, unless any of you are Melbourne Storm NRL fans

" you can pick your nose and you can pick your friends; but you can't always wipe your friends off on your saddle" sage advice from Kinky Friedman