Stoneys (almost) all copper CCVM Build

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Stoneys (almost) all copper CCVM Build

Post by Stonecutter »

So I originally posted this in another thread but got no love and after crying in my beer I figured what the hell, I’ll start my own CCVM Build thread here.

Would SS tees and fittings have been way cheaper and less time consuming, of course but the pipe was free and hard work has always been my path as I’ve never been smart enough to figure anything else out.
I went with 2” because that’s what was available. I’m using an 8 gallon milk can boiler with an internal heating element. I’d love to get a copper boiler figured out in the future but for now the SS will do just fine. I started my build with the simplest piece, the 42” column. I got restless with the dead blow hammer and tweaked the first ferrule trying to get it on. Only after I decided to “live with it” and solder it on did I change my mind. So I beat it off :shifty: and switched to OD sized ferrules for the rest of the build. While waiting for parts I finished up the elbow and “Tee” with 8” extension. I’ve got a sweet hookup on a copper shotty from a reputable source (THANK TB! :wave:). I was able to score some “line set” from a buddy in order to twist up a reflux coil and that’s the last piece I need to figure out.
After cleaning up my joints and scrubbing she’s become way TOO shiny and clean for me. I’m eager to get that sac run over with and build up the patina.

THANK YOU DAD300! Without your CCVM innovation this simple build would not have been possible and thank you to all within the forum who have helped further the hobby.
I’ll post up the finished rig as soon as possible.
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Re: Stoneys (almost) all copper CCVM Build

Post by Yummyrum »

Looking good Stoney
I’d be dead set proud of that :thumbup:
Love those ferrules BTW
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Re: Stoneys (almost) all copper CCVM Build

Post by Stonecutter »

Thanks yummy! :ebiggrin: It’s amazing what a flapper wheel will do.
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Re: Stoneys (almost) all copper CCVM Build

Post by jessespa »

I saw it on the other thread. I was thinking I remember alot of this reading it before. It doesn't bother me when people post on old threads I enjoy reading alot of those. There is alot of information in these forums. Sometimes people accidentally post in old threads and I read back to the beginning anyway.
I first started reading when my son went into the military and that was when Dad3000 was first posting about the CCVM so it really brings back some memories when an old thread pops up every now and then. He's back now and I have a little 3yo grandson that helps me around the still now.

Nice work Stonecutter reminds me of the one I built following Dad3000's instruction on here back then.

Funny how things work out in this hobby. I started with CCVM and now I'm working the other direction heading more toward pot and pot and thumper systems now.
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Re: Stoneys (almost) all copper CCVM Build

Post by Stonecutter »

For sure Jessespa, I prefer to post on them old threads for that exact reason. There ain’t much that hasn’t been gone over a couple hundred times :lolno:
And I really appreciate Pinks’ thread :wave:
Figured I could be selfish and post my own thread this time.
Man that’s so cool to hear about your Grandson. My boy is just old enough to start helping me (3yrs). We’ve got songs to sing while we “work” and he can name a couple of pieces of equipment. I figure teach him to respect the hobby and it’s potential and he’ll make a damn fine Still hand. Thumpers is something I’ve always been curious about but not enough to run with one. I’ve yet to run a sac through my plated 6” but I’ve already got molasses and the plan in the works :crazy: haha I wonder if I’ll ever catch up with myself but I digress as that’s story for another day.
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Re: Stoneys (almost) all copper CCVM Build

Post by Stonecutter »

Finally got my coil blown out and cleaned up! Starting my maiden voyage with this CCVM rig as we speak.
The only things not copper are the sight glass and SS milk can boiler. I’m pretty proud of this rig.
Again thank you to DAD300 and ALL the members (too many to name) that came before and helped contribute to this moment. You guys rock!
Thank you Uncle Jesse for creating this electric village. We’re all humbly with indebted to you.
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Re: Stoneys (almost) all copper CCVM Build

Post by Deplorable »

I probably missed it, but what did you choose for packing Brother?
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Re: Stoneys (almost) all copper CCVM Build

Post by Stonecutter »

Deplorable wrote: Sun Jan 15, 2023 9:56 am I probably missed it, but what did you choose for packing Brother?
Copper mesh. (9) rolls filled my column. I’m just tinkering with coil height and power input now.
First jar came out at a lousy 93% :thumbdown: So I lowered the coil and left the power input alone. I’m collecting a little less than 1L an hour-ish. Still getting the hang of it.
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Re: Stoneys (almost) all copper CCVM Build

Post by Sporacle »

Collection rate seems about right Stoney, what power input?
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Re: Stoneys (almost) all copper CCVM Build

Post by kimbodious »

Output ABV does seem a little low. Did you just put the rolls of copper mesh in the column or did you tease them all out and wad them in randomly? One way to optimise ABV is to make sure there’s plenty of opportunity for the rising vapour to mingle with the falling condensate.
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Re: Stoneys (almost) all copper CCVM Build

Post by Stonecutter »

Sporacle wrote: Sun Jan 15, 2023 12:33 pm Collection rate seems about right Stoney, what power input?
I’m at 80V on a 110V 2000W element
So 70% power.
kimbodious wrote: Sun Jan 15, 2023 1:04 pm Output ABV does seem a little low. Did you just put the rolls of copper mesh in the column or did you tease them all out and wad them in randomly? One way to optimise ABV is to make sure there’s plenty of opportunity for the rising vapour to mingle with the falling condensate.
I rolled them up and stuffed them in. Each one just snug up against the last.

I’ve cut my output to half speed (8ml) a minute and now I’m just a hair above 94. It’s waaay too slow. This is a fun first go :D

I can feel the tails coming on though. I’ve got another batch of low wines waiting, stoked to give er’ another go.
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Re: Stoneys (almost) all copper CCVM Build

Post by Sporacle »

Kimbos the man to answer the power stuff Stoney, I think I run about 80% on a 240v 2000w element.
Tails should hit like very obviously, change in output, smell and a rapid abv drop
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Re: Stoneys (almost) all copper CCVM Build

Post by Stonecutter »

I’ll have to jerk off that magnifying glass up there and sacrifice my eyes to some more bloodletting.
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Re: Stoneys (almost) all copper CCVM Build

Post by Deplorable »

I also use copper mesh. Rolled, not teased. and pull between 94 and 95% at about 900ml/hr. I don't recall the power consumption since it's been a good spell since the last time I made a neutral run, but I run a 5500W 240V element. 52 inches of packed column below the sight glass. Given the margin of error on my thermometer, and an Amazon alcometer, I'm close enough.
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Re: Stoneys (almost) all copper CCVM Build

Post by Stonecutter »

Encouraging words Deplorable.
I only had about 40-42 inches of copper but I could easily squeeze another small roll or two and eat up some extra space to get me to 45+.
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Re: Stoneys (almost) all copper CCVM Build

Post by Yummyrum »

Stoney, a 2” should be able to handle the full 2000w no worries.

More power means more reflux meaning higher ABV for the same takeoff rate .
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Re: Stoneys (almost) all copper CCVM Build

Post by Stonecutter »

Yummyrum wrote: Sun Jan 15, 2023 7:25 pm Stoney, a 2” should be able to handle the full 2000w no worries.

More power means more reflux meaning higher ABV for the same takeoff rate .
Ok, thank you very much Yummy. So you suggest to crank the power to full and truly use the coil like a valve? Gee when I say it like that it makes sense…
I dialed in my takeoff rate really easily but if I could eliminate a variable and set and forget the power input that would be even easier.
I was running like a CM rig as that’s all I’ve ever had experience with. Tinkering with heat input and coil placement.
I don’t think I was ever close to flooding and I feel like I have plenty of knockdown power.
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Re: Stoneys (almost) all copper CCVM Build

Post by kimbodious »

About my stainless steel CCVM. 48” x 2” column packed with 14 SS pot scrubbers. The boiler uses a 2200W element on 240VAC. I can achieve maximum purity (95.nn%) at an output rate of 1.2 LPH at 1450W. That’s what you should be aiming at Stonecutter.

It’s a balancing act between level of packing and power level and takes a bit of fiddling to get right.

If your packing isn’t sufficient you won’t get enough dwell time for the condensate to optimise the amount of reflux going on - so you won’t get maximum ABV.

If your packing is too tight the condensate won’t be able to return quick enough and the condensate will start building up from the top of the column and eventually spill out via the offtake.

Same thing with power level. The higher the heating power the greater amount of vapour that is being pushed up the column. Too little vapour and the rate of output will be very low. Too high a rate of vapour the greater the amount of condensate produced could start to build up from the top of the column (influenced by the packing) with the risk of spilling over etc.

I can run my CCVM at 1600W before condensate building up becomes an issue. I’d be getting 1.5 LPH but take a hit of about -1% on the ABV.

If you aren’t hitting your target ABV, my tip is to tease out the copper mesh, scrunch it up and jam it in your column to give the condensate a more torturous return path to the boiler. More dwell time in the column means more opportunity for reflux and thus higher ABV. You’ll most likely find that you actually less rolls of mesh.
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Re: Stoneys (almost) all copper CCVM Build

Post by Saltbush Bill »

Yummyrum wrote: Sun Jan 15, 2023 7:25 pm Stoney, a 2” should be able to handle the full 2000w no worries.
!00% Yummy, it will probably handle at least 2200w from past experience.
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Re: Stoneys (almost) all copper CCVM Build

Post by Stonecutter »

Thank you guys for the input. It’s highly valued.
I’ll crank up the element (it is 2200W for the record) and add a bit more packing.
I’ve got a sight glass below the “tee” so that I can look out for any flooding.

I think I’m going to leave my packing how it is Kimbo and see if I can’t get a different result before changing that up. From what I’ve read uniform packing is something to be desired. I’m not dismissing your advice I’m just going to change one variable at a time until I tune in my rigs potential.

I know I’m right there and I just need a couple little tweaks to get me over the hump. :thumbup:
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Re: Stoneys (almost) all copper CCVM Build

Post by Deplorable »

I've found with my rolls of copper mesh, that once I got them formed I can just push them in to the spool, assemble all the spool sections together, and give them a good tamp down with a 1 3/4" dowel and the top one sits just below the gasket at the bottom of the sight glass.
After the run is done and I rinse the column down with cold water, I just push them all out and allow them to air dry in the shape they're in, then bag them up for storage. I don't have to fuss with getting them right. They hold their shape just fine.
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Re: Stoneys (almost) all copper CCVM Build

Post by Stonecutter »

Deplorable wrote: Mon Jan 16, 2023 9:50 am Stonecutter,
I've found with my rolls of copper mesh, that once I got them formed I can just push them in to the spool, assemble all the spool sections together, and give them a good tamp down with a 1 3/4" dowel and the top one sits just below the gasket at the bottom of the sight glass.
After the run is done and I rinse the column down with cold water, I just push them all out and allow them to air dry in the shape they're in, then bag them up for storage. I don't have to fuss with getting them right. They hold their shape just fine.

Using those rolls that’s also been my experience in the past. They hold their rolled form just fine and a little rinsing after use is all I’ve ever done. I have one long copper spool at 42”. The first time packing I managed to get them so fu*king wedged in there that I had to rig up a hook on a rod to pull the damn things out. Lesson learned after getting them unstuck I gently pushed each one into place and they came out easily after that.

Edit: After getting them unstuck I unrolled and rolled back up each packing roll. Making sure to tease them back to width before rolling back up.
Last edited by Stonecutter on Mon Jan 16, 2023 7:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Stoneys (almost) all copper CCVM Build

Post by Danespirit » way she's too shiny..she's a beauty! :clap:
One way to find the maximum power setting for your rig is to run a quick and dirty sugar wash through it.
You can crank up the power just until you recognize flooding in the column, then dial back a bit.
If you have the maximum power it will take without flooding you've reached its full potential.
You can repeat it with low wines and take some notes.
Tip: If you strip in potstill mode and load her up with the low wines you'll end up with excellent neutral + it goes easy on the packing.
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Re: Stoneys (almost) all copper CCVM Build

Post by Stonecutter »

Danespirit wrote: Mon Jan 16, 2023 10:29 am way she's too shiny..she's a beauty! :clap:
One way to find the maximum power setting for your rig is to run a quick and dirty sugar wash through it.
You can crank up the power just until you recognize flooding in the column, then dial back a bit.
If you have the maximum power it will take without flooding you've reached its full potential.
You can repeat it with low wines and take some notes.
Tip: If you strip in potstill mode and load her up with the low wines you'll end up with excellent neutral + it goes easy on the packing.
Thanks Danespirit! My end goal is a true Neutral. I won’t be satisfied until I hit a solid 95% :x
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Re: Stoneys (almost) all copper CCVM Build

Post by Danespirit »

One thing you could try is to insulate the column.
I don't know under which conditions you run it but if it gets too cold or drafty you'll experience fluctuations.
The insulation will do a few things, it will help you bring the column faster to equilibrium, stabilize the run, and save power input.
I've insulated my 2" column even though I run it indoors and it stabilizes rock solid.
Normal plumber's insulation like foam shells will do the job.
If that copper spool of 42" (1060 mm) is all you have I'd recommend building a tad higher than this. :idea:
There is a thread somewhere in here about column height+ width, etc.
Height = Purity
Width = Production capacity
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