Would SS tees and fittings have been way cheaper and less time consuming, of course but the pipe was free and hard work has always been my path as I’ve never been smart enough to figure anything else out.
I went with 2” because that’s what was available. I’m using an 8 gallon milk can boiler with an internal heating element. I’d love to get a copper boiler figured out in the future but for now the SS will do just fine. I started my build with the simplest piece, the 42” column. I got restless with the dead blow hammer and tweaked the first ferrule trying to get it on. Only after I decided to “live with it” and solder it on did I change my mind. So I beat it off

After cleaning up my joints and scrubbing she’s become way TOO shiny and clean for me. I’m eager to get that sac run over with and build up the patina.
THANK YOU DAD300! Without your CCVM innovation this simple build would not have been possible and thank you to all within the forum who have helped further the hobby.
I’ll post up the finished rig as soon as possible.