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Hi Everyone
I'm just looking to perfect the Moonshine process. My Mother used to make her own wine... My husband and I are not a big wine or beer fans anymore. Too easy to get fat. Sippin' whiskey is more my style now days. Learning to make it is fascinating.
My first mash is at day 7. Looking to distill tomorrow. Mash is nice and sour. Bubbling has pretty much stopped.
A little background. I am a retired Chef. I worked Marriott at Sawgrass in the 80s, Sheraton Palm Coast in the 90s and International Hotels Inc at the turn of the century.
I had to retire because I literally worked my arse off.
In 2015 I had both my hips replaced. Finally pain free.
Well, 4 years ago I developed drop foot in both feet and that led to peripheral neuropathy and the return of serious pain.
After a couple years I decided to try whiskey instead of the hard drugs they were prescribing.
Kessler to the rescue. 5 bucks a half pint and real pain relief again.YUK! Tastes horrble. Rot-gut whiskey to the max!!! There had to be a better way... That is $150 a month for crap.. Smooth as Silk my arse!
This ain't working.
A friend of my husband suggested making my own whiskey so I invested in a still and got a couple mash kits and low and behold here I am with two full liters on the shelf and one liter of some tasty frigging 'shine in the fridge.
$80 for the still another $100 for two mash kits and I have real relief. This blue hopi triple malt is my recipe. It's my third run and wonderfully successful thanks to y'alls help.
I wish y'all could taste this. It's delicious!!! Sweet and potent!
Thanks everyone!
Also I apologize if I got a bit snippy. Won't happen agin!
Alice is a friend of mine...
I'm in the rabbit hole...
The Cheshire Cat is in my lap...
...My husband is Mad Hatter. ]ReadTheF*ckingMessage