Spirit Run

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Spirit Run

Post by utvol »

So I was in the middle of a spirit run and had to shut down unexpectedly.

Since i disregarded the foreshots when i first started I would not have to do that again would I?

2nd question. This is my first spirit run. How low do keep collecting proof? Is it similar to a stripping run.

I can just save the tails for my next run?

thanks in advance

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Re: Spirit Run

Post by zed255 »

Generally you can just pick up where you left off. The first little bit might seem odd but it's not really another fores collection. Run down until you find the smell and or taste goes off, then let 'er rip to blast off the tails. You can include the tails with the next batch of similar product. I usually toss them in with a strip run.

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Re: Spirit Run

Post by Sporacle »

Discard the first bit and collect as per usual, make a note of when the new run jars start and keep them seperate. Then do your cuts as usual.
I collect to where tails show up then as Zed said, turn up the power and collect for fients
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Re: Spirit Run

Post by utvol »

After I tossed the foreshore my first half Pont was 166 I was on 1/2 pint 14 when I stopped at 140 proof. Any idea on when the tails start? I was going to do the smell test but so far they are completely clear and still smell good. I'm wondering what proof I would turn up the heat to finish up. Thanks in advance.
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Re: Spirit Run

Post by Sporacle »

Abv for tails will vary dependant on charge, still type and many other factors.
Don't rely on ABV, use smell and taste
Keep collecting and when they turn up you'll know.
They have a distinct flavour and smell
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Re: Spirit Run

Post by Yummyrum »

If its your first ever spirit run , you would be wise to keep collecting in 1/2 pints down to at least 100% proof( 50% ABV ) .
This will be way below what you will keep but sounds like you need to do some taste /smell calibrating if your senses to get an idea of what to expect so that next time you can predict on the fly , what is well into tails .

You haven’t said what kind of still you are running . That will have a huge impact on roughly where the tails will be .

Edit: posted with Sporicle
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Re: Spirit Run

Post by utvol »

I'm running a 15 gallon keg still with a 2 foot riser and a libeig condenser.

I charged with 12 gallons of stripped ujsm and a few other feints I had lying around.

You haven’t said what kind of still you are running . That will have a huge impact on roughly where the tails will be .

Edit: posted with Sporicle
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Re: Spirit Run

Post by Demy »

For the cuts, as mentioned by others, I rely on smell (first thing) and taste (I dilute the spirit with water and taste). This is because every ferment and equipment is different.... ABV and volumes (to be discarded or collected) are not a reliable method but I think yummy's advice is excellent.
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Re: Spirit Run

Post by jonnys_spirit »

15 gallon spirit run charge in my still equals approximately 20 mason jars then strip the rest. Hearts yield is about 2-2.5g @ 120’ish proof depending on the charge.

I typically choose some heads and tails for my feints which comes to approximately three gallons. Throw some oak in that carboy and save it for next spirit run.

Foreshots and early heads goes into the firestarter / solvent jug.

Not too worried about getting all the good etoh out of the feints cut since it goes back in next time :) I might sprinkle in some of the outliers into my hearts blend for interesting flavors that hopefully integrate with some age. It’s different every time?

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Re: Spirit Run

Post by utvol »

jonnys_spirit wrote: Fri Apr 07, 2023 6:25 pm 15 gallon spirit run charge in my still equals approximately 20 mason jars then strip the rest. Hearts yield is about 2-2.5g @ 120’ish proof depending on the charge.

I typically choose some heads and tails for my feints which comes to approximately three gallons. Throw some oak in that carboy and save it for next spirit run.

Foreshots and early heads goes into the firestarter / solvent jug.

Not too worried about getting all the good etoh out of the feints cut since it goes back in next time :) I might sprinkle in some of the outliers into my hearts blend for interesting flavors that hopefully integrate with some age. It’s different every time?

Great information thanks! I got 20 pints it fell off very fast at the end. I'm going to smell and blend tomorrow.
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Re: Spirit Run

Post by still_stirrin »

Cut profile for spirit run
Cut profile for spirit run
This is the collection from a spirit run in my small stock pot gin still. It was charged with 3+ gallons (12-13 quarts) of low wines. The jars range from 250ml to 375ml and 850ml. Total collection was roughly 5 quarts.

The image shows roughly where I made the cuts. But some of the late heads and early tails were blended with the hearts cut when done. The final keeper jars were then put on wood in 2 liter jars for aging. I hope his slide gives you a “seat of the pants” feel for the potential product.

Non-keeper jars were put together in the feints jar for future rerunning with other feints.
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Re: Spirit Run

Post by NZChris »

still_stirrin wrote: Fri Apr 07, 2023 8:16 pm This is the collection from a spirit run in my small stock pot gin still.
I would go nuts before I managed to choose a heart doing that. Taste buds can only handle a certain amount of abuse before they start telling lies.

In my shed, as in industry I believe, there is no such thing as early and late distillates that get partially blended into the hearts. They, and I, have a cut off point at each end. That is why it is called cuts.

The definitions of heads and tails are that they are the distillates that are excluded from the Heart Cut.
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Re: Spirit Run

Post by Saltbush Bill »

That is your opinion Chris, and we all have one of those......personally I think the way that S.S.'s diagram shows the differences is how many of us do it.
And Newbies would be wise to heed his advice.
If I were making a brown or flavored spirit spirit I would do it that way , if i was using a reflux still and was after neutral only, then the only thing to make the final cut would be the very heart of the cuts.
Maybe you can put up a photo or diagram of the way you think it should be done......that would be quite useful and help newbies decide which of the two methods they would prefer to use.
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