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Re: Meme’s

Post by cob »

Ahhh the good old days when you could shoot a BMG for $1.00 per round US.

Sold mine when round's went up to $2.00 each.
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Re: Meme’s

Post by Deplorable »

cob wrote: Tue Jan 11, 2022 6:33 pm Ahhh the good old days when you could shoot a BMG for $1.00 per round US.

Sold mine when round's went up to $2.00 each.
I may have exaggerated a little. It's about $3 to $3.50 a round now.
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Re: Meme’s

Post by Truckinbutch »

Deplorable wrote: Tue Jan 11, 2022 6:21 pm
Truckinbutch wrote: Mon Jan 10, 2022 9:49 pm Got me , too . Been contemplating a .50BMG . Like I really need that .
Think of all the money you could spend on grain that you're gonna shoot up on range day at over $8 a round. That should quell the urge for a 50BMG. 😉
Point taken . I'd be better off to rent one at a range for an hour and keep on shinen .
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Re: rifles

Post by Deplorable »

It's a novelty gun for those with more money than sense.
Imagine the problems if the police came a knocking and found a still, a shit load of booze, guns and a .50 cal BMG. Of all the things you might get back even if you fought the law and won, that BMG would surely be lost in the evidence locker.
I can think of a lot of other things to spend 6 to 8k on.
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Re: rifles

Post by Toxxyc »

50 BMG is nice, but there are almost certainly another caliber that would do what you want with a 50 BMG, just as well, and at a lower price point.
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Re: rifles

Post by Euphoria »

I don't know too many shooting ranges or other places that will even allow them to be fired. Our local sportsman's club range will not allow them to be shot. They do too much damage to the range, and as the owner of 35 guns, personally I've never seen a need to own one. Certainly not a hunting rifle in any sense of the term. I'll stick to my Remington .308 for big game. And my Hogan 5.56mm. It is my "fun gun," and a great varmint eradicator.
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Re: rifles

Post by Truckinbutch »

Cop Grandson's Cop buddy bought a .338 Lapua . Spent so much on rifle and scope that he can't afford a box of ammo . Tell me that ain't chasin the Devil around the stump .
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Re: rifles

Post by Ben »

My 4.8lb deep timber .308
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Re: rifles

Post by SassyFrass »

I only keep a few calibers anymore, and I try not to add any to it...but thats getting difficult. I've always kept 5.56, .308, and 30-06. But after talking to buddies that are still active duty, I'm seriously considering adding 6.5 Creedmoor into the safe. The folks still wearing green talk highly of it.
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Re: rifles

Post by Truckinbutch »

SassyFrass wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 7:42 am I only keep a few calibers anymore, and I try not to add any to it...but thats getting difficult. I've always kept 5.56, .308, and 30-06. But after talking to buddies that are still active duty, I'm seriously considering adding 6.5 Creedmoor into the safe. The folks still wearing green talk highly of it.
I try to focus on what I can resupply from an OPPFORCE . Social breakdown may make that a necessity ,
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Re: rifles

Post by jward »

Truckinbutch wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 10:26 pm I try to focus on what I can resupply from an OPPFORCE . Social breakdown may make that a necessity ,
Hopefully you can take some arms from them before your stash runs out in a pinch too.
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Re: rifles

Post by contrahead »

SassyFrass wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 7:42 am I only keep a few calibers anymore, and I try not to add any to it...but thats getting difficult. I've always kept 5.56, .308, and 30-06. But after talking to buddies that are still active duty, I'm seriously considering adding 6.5 Creedmoor into the safe. The folks still wearing green talk highly of it.
I didn't know anything about the 6.5 Creedmoor, so I did a little reading and watched a couple videos to play catch-up. The hunting and shooting industry has a long tradition of hype. That part hasn't changed.

Seems to me that if a guy was young and planned to do a whole lot of future bench rest shooting at predominantly 1,000 yards, then this caliber might be worth investing in. Otherwise no.

One is not likely to find any of this spent brass just laying about the shooting range. At $2.00 to $2.50 per round it might take a guy quite a while to build up a useful reserve supply of reloaded ammo. Commonality of ammo and availability of re-loadable brass have always been a consideration for me, at least.

4 Reasons to Hate the 6.5 Creedmoor

6.5 Creedmoor Versus 270 Winchester

If I had my “druthers”, I'd have a custom 270 built for myself. Personally, I could reload ammo for that caliber till hell freezes over – if I necked down some of the 30-06 brass that I've collected over the years.

Besides; I don't need to complicate my ammo inventory anymore than it already is. I've already got “tack drivers” in 22-250, .243 and .308. My old, inherited .270 and 30-06 are less accurate because they are worn; certainly not because of any inherent deficiency in the rounds themselves.
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Re: rifles

Post by Ben »

contrahead wrote: Sun Jan 30, 2022 10:04 am I didn't know anything about the 6.5 Creedmoor, so I did a little reading and watched a couple videos to play catch-up. The hunting and shooting industry has a long tradition of hype. That part hasn't changed.

Seems to me that if a guy was young and planned to do a whole lot of future bench rest shooting at predominantly 1,000 yards, then this caliber might be worth investing in. Otherwise no.

You got that right. Shoot a .308 for a whole lot cheaper, have enough umph for any game in North America at a humane range and reload off of range brass until the cows come home :) People have shot .308 at 1000 for the last 70 years, it still works. I think you could shoot 7 mag for the same price as 6.5 right now, and in the current climate ammo is easier to find.

With the Army moving to the 6.8mm that may be the intermediate round of the future. In a few years ammo will be cheap and plentiful, its got good ballistic characteristics, low recoil and enough range for the above average shooter.

Pic of the day, NAA .22 mag vs S&w 460 xvr, not a rifle but in the same power class. ~2400 ft lbs ME. Ethical elk gun with 325gn hard casts.
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Re: Re:

Post by contrahead »

MASH IT wrote: Tue Mar 08, 2022 10:25 pm and a passport of air pistols rifles, from 177 to 30 cal, all are PCP pre charged pneumatic, dang airguns are worth much more than powder burners.
If I had nearby neighbors or lived in a more crowded condition, I might consider a good air rifle like this. I've never had a pellet rifle with a gas canister but I do have a Benjamin BB rifle, that I think achieves perhaps 900 fps (in you pump it 12-14 times). Pellet rifle speeds today are approaching 1,600 fps I hear. (High velocity for a 22 LR is only 1,280 fps).

Beeman 850k -Girandoni-Military.jpg
The most famous air rifle, or the one that deserves more attention, of all should be: the one Lewis and Clark took across the continent. It shot the same caliber ball as all their flintlocks (45 cal ?) and scared the s&*#t out of the Indians because it was so quiet and deadly and shot repeatedly. It took something like 2,000 strokes from the air pump though to charge the air chamber in the butt-stock.
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Re: rifles

Post by WhiskeyRebellion »

I have a couple of off calibers a 38 and a 380. everything else uses 9mm, 556, or 22, multiples of each of those calibers rifles and pistols.
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Re: rifles

Post by EdGrog »

22, 30-06, 5.56, 8-06, and some from a 1884 11mm
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Re: rifles

Post by juana_b »

Picked up one of these a little while ago. PCP, .50 cal, single load, shoots arrows too, 8.5lbs, but balanced well at front grip.
And I don't have to pay 3 different people for delivery.
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Re: rifles

Post by cob »

Have you looked for or found bullet molds for pcp?
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Re: rifles

Post by juana_b »

Only ones I've found are from Lee Precision.
track of the wolf and neilsen specialty have much cheaper pellets than anywhere else.
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Re: rifles

Post by tombombadil »

I have a few ARs and one bolt gun.
ARs are in 5.56, 6.5cm and 450 bushmaster.
The bolt gun is in 6.5cm.

The ARs are mainly for zombies, communists, the coming societal collapse, robot/drone army etc... Oh, and for fun of course :ebiggrin:

The bolt gun is for hunting. And maybe I'll eventually get some free time to go do some rifle shooting competitions. The public range here only goes to 200 yards, have to join a club and go to the competitions to get on the 300-1000 yard range.

I used to shoot pistol competitively but ammo got to be too expensive and free time too scarce so it's been a while.

I'm no expert, just think it's fun to shoot.

Those airguns look pretty cool! I did not know they could be so powerful!
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Re: rifles

Post by juana_b »

AEA has a .72 cal now.
And I can't remember who, but they have a 20mm with a nitrogen charge(maybe) that they are testing at around 3000 fpe.
From a PCP?!
The PCP industry is also starting to get good at semi and full auto.
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Re: rifles

Post by jedneck »

Gots me a new pea shooter. Sako AV action w a 30” 1 3/8 barrel chambered in 300wm topped with a 20x unertl. Its a light 50# :D
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Re: rifles

Post by jedneck »

Also building this one up. A 1918 kar98a with a mcgowen 20” light barrel in 8x57
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Re: rifles

Post by shadylane »

My favorite rifle is my 50yr old marlin model 60.
I can plink away for pennies per shot. :ewink:
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Re: rifles

Post by Chauncey »

shadylane wrote: Sat Sep 03, 2022 6:39 pm My favorite rifle is my 50yr old marlin model 60.
I can plink away for pennies per shot. :ewink:
I have a late 70s model 60 with the longer barrel. It's gorgeous
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Re: rifles

Post by Wildcats »

and a Ruger break barrel air rifle
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Re: rifles

Post by Wildcats »

Ruger 10/22. Ruger air rifle. And my Sig M400 Tread
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Re: rifles

Post by subbrew »

I once thought I might stay to just a few calibers. I did Ok until recently when I inherited a few firearms. Present list
25 ACP
380 ACP
22 LR
357 mag
40 S&W
300 ACC
20 ga
16 ga
12 ga
10 ga
.45 blackpowder
.54 blackpowder

You will notice a glaring lack of 9mm which I intend to correct shortly.
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Re: rifles

Post by Yonder »

Got lucky and picked up a 1943 GM Inland Division 30 cal M1 carbine with a couple of mags from the same company. Did a complete armorers strip and cleaning. Probably hadn’t been done in 40 years. Nice rifle! Goes great with my ‘45 Garand.
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Re: rifles

Post by contrahead »

Yonder wrote: Sat Jun 03, 2023 9:45 pm Got lucky and picked up a 1943 GM Inland Division 30 cal M1 carbine with a couple of mags from the same company. Did a complete armorers strip and cleaning. Probably hadn’t been done in 40 years. Nice rifle! Goes great with my ‘45 Garand.
30_Carbine.jpg (3.71 KiB) Viewed 1853 times
A great pair of rifles. I've known vets that literally loved the carbine. I'm not the only one to wonder why designers didn't keep the excellent form and ergonomics of the carbine, but just upgrade the ammunition. I've always had the impression (perhaps misguided now that I re-consider) that the .30 carbine cartridge was a little wimpy. But a change to something like .357 mag would not be considered much of an upgrade at all. Of the two, the .30 carbine round is much flatter shooting beyond 200 yards.

If I were roaming around in wild grizzly country, I can't thing of any superior firearm in the world to be carrying for bear protection, than a M1 Garand. (Unless it was a sawed off - BAR maybe ;-)
(a Wikipedia picture)
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