Maize, Oats & YLAY (Yellow Label Angel Yeast)

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Maize, Oats & YLAY (Yellow Label Angel Yeast)

Post by EricTheRed »

I thought to put this down as a record (and to get feedback) of this particular mash and process

Being a pirate in training, things are not easy when it comes to mashing.
Fortunately, I have a willing deckhand - to a point.
(We're running low on Gin and Vodka - so .....) :)

So, the normal protocol of boiling the water on the stove top, then mixing in the grains, Liquid Alpha, liquid gluco, etc. was not viable. It is heavy, hot and there is always the danger of burning yourself as you cannot a) standup or b) move quick.

So, having read through a lot of YLAY posts, figured it was time to give it a go.

Mash bill (repeat X 3)
* 7.5kgs of Maize meal - fine ground
* 3.33 kgs of Rolled oats - fine ground
(Total grains = 10.83kgs)
* top up to 45L mark after grain absorbed some of the water
* 4 x TBSP of YLAY (60 gms) - pitched on top of the mash - no starter, no stirring it in

I took all 3 of my 50L fermenters and put about 35L of hot water (tap water is at 65°C mid afternoon - solar and solar powered electric)
We then added the grain bill while running the paintstick. No dough balls formed (didn't expect any)
Mash temp was now around 45°C - so stirred it every 15 - 20 minutes. Each time, the grain had settled to the bottom.

Eventually, got the temp down to 34°Cish

Gave it a good mix with the paintstick, and while it was still going round, Pitched the yeast straight on top. No starter, no stirring

That was at 18:00 last night. This morning at 06:30 you could hear it roiling away - it was going like a boeing. I gave it a stir with the paintstick - but i don't think it was needed. The grains were no longer at the bottom but fully mixed and as noted - very active.

So now we wait. Temps here during the day are 30°C+, and it gets quite warm inside. Nighttime lower - around 20°C or so.
I haven't got facility to heat - so will just let it go at whatever temp it gets to.

Will post update once finished fermenting!
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Re: Maize, Oats & YLAY (Yellow Label Angel Yeast)

Post by GrumbleStill »

Great to see you back ETR!

I’ve only done a handful of runs with the yellow label, but they all worked out OK. Except the time that I pitched at 45°C before bed, and had to clean most of the mash off the floor the next morning :crazy:

The instructions I use ... structions do highlight stirring the mash for the first few days.

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Re: Maize, Oats & YLAY (Yellow Label Angel Yeast)

Post by EricTheRed »

GrumbleStill wrote: Mon Nov 20, 2023 4:06 am Great to see you back ETR! Thanks

I’ve only done a handful of runs with the yellow label, but they all worked out OK. Except the time that I pitched at 45°C before bed, and had to clean most of the mash off the floor the next morning :crazy:
that made me literally LOL

The instructions I use ... structions do highlight stirring the mash for the first few days.
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Re: Maize, Oats & YLAY (Yellow Label Angel Yeast)

Post by NormandieStill »

I run the following:

8kg grains
23l water (hot and cold mix to finish as near as possible to 30C)
42g YLAY.

So a thicker mash than yours. This has worked so far with wheat and with raw barley and is currently chugging away through an HBB grain bill.

That said, if you're trying for a neutral more water probably makes sense to dilute the flavour.

All my ferments have started at 30C and settled to around 20C after a day or so. They finish dry after a few weeks and generally get left to clear for a month if I've got the patience.
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Re: Maize, Oats & YLAY (Yellow Label Angel Yeast)

Post by MooseMan »

Great account of what you are doing Eric.

I've got a pack of YLAY but not had chance to use it yet.

I tend to ferment in 40l bins as I have wraps to keep them warm and they are liftable, so I need to sit down and work out a sensible grain bill for them with the YLAY that won't risk overspill but gets me max volume.
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Re: Maize, Oats & YLAY (Yellow Label Angel Yeast)

Post by oddian »

Oh I love YLAY. I run 7.5kg topped up to 30L water at 34C to make an Oat Vodka through a pot and then column still and I get about 1.5-2L hearts when all is said and done at 70-80% or so. Not bad for about $10 AUD or so.

I do get dough balls so make sure you stir while you're adding your oats. I use Quick Oats, though rolled I'm sure is fine if you crush them enough but I'm too lazy and quick oats work well. The dough balls can be hot and can ruin the yeast so make sure to break them up and let it cool to save having to re-pitch. I pitch at 34C after letting it sit overnight.

YLAY will remain a staple for me, the vodka is smooth and tasty without the icky sugar off taste, make a wicked Gin. The mash smells like spew though, just something to bear in mind. Don't do it in the house.
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Re: Maize, Oats & YLAY (Yellow Label Angel Yeast)

Post by EricTheRed »


Fermentation went hard and fast for 4 days and then slowed considerably. Day 7 - activity done
Let it clear for 2 weeks

So far i have 60 litres clear wash and will get another 40 after gravity does its thing.
Edit: after gravity did its job i got around 105 Litres about 10.5% to 11.0 %ABV

OG on this recipe is typically around 1.074ish

FG was 0.990

Will be a couple of weeks before i can strip it.
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Re: Maize, Oats & YLAY (Yellow Label Angel Yeast)

Post by Dancing4dan »

EricTheRed wrote: Sat Dec 09, 2023 6:31 am Update

Fermentation went hard and fast for 4 days and then slowed considerably. Day 7 - activity done
Let it clear for 2 weeks

So far i have 60 litres clear wash and will get another 40 after gravity does its thing.
Edit: after gravity did its job i got around 105 Litres about 10.5% to 11.0 %ABV

OG on this recipe is typically around 1.074ish

FG was 0.990

Will be a couple of weeks before i can strip it.
Makes a nice neutral. I pot still a similar recipe and oak age it. Smooths right out.
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Re: Maize, Oats & YLAY (Yellow Label Angel Yeast)

Post by EricTheRed »

So. Spirit runs done.

Netted 35 L from my stripping runs. Put 31 of that through spirit run.

3.8 L heads
11.2 L keeper @64%
2 L tails/sweetwater

Caramelly flavour right off the bat.

Now in glass with a selection of oak. Used, recharred , new plain toast and new toast and char.
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Re: Maize, Oats & YLAY (Yellow Label Angel Yeast)

Post by Saltbush Bill »

Eric keep some good notes on oak types and quantities.
One lot that I did using YLAY turned out to be excellent ......the demijohn is now empty and I have no notes as to what oak was used or how much.........other spirit from the exact same run using different oaks and quantities turn out good but not any where near as good as that one.
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Re: Maize, Oats & YLAY (Yellow Label Angel Yeast)

Post by EricTheRed »

Have good notes.
4 x used and recharred
4 x new toasted - 3 hours at 220⁰
4 x new toasted and charred

Interesting that the ylay gave such a caramel taste

Will keep my paws off as long as i can.
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Re: Maize, Oats & YLAY (Yellow Label Angel Yeast)

Post by Saltbush Bill »

Different people seem to interpret flavours from YLAY in different ways .....I see one member refer to the finished spirit as tasting like "undrinkable shit"......others who seem more than happy with the end result ...and yet others who have had excellent outcomes using this yeast.
Personally I'm not sure I got the Caramel thing , I thought more grainy ? , but now that you mention it ..........I think I need to go dig it out and have another sip.
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Re: Maize, Oats & YLAY (Yellow Label Angel Yeast)

Post by EricTheRed »

Each person has their own interpretation.
I asked Margaret to taste and smell. Same.

Busy with a vodka and gin base. Will see how that turns out
Then another whiskey
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Re: Maize, Oats & YLAY (Yellow Label Angel Yeast)

Post by EricTheRed »

Well - just an update
after sitting on Oak for 7 months - and my drinking stock was gone - i proofed this down to 43%
The chocolatey / caramelly smell still there - but reduced
Taste - I like it. No bite and quite nice on mouthfeel.

I have another one still aging in glass with the same oak treatment - that one will be able to age for around 9 months before i need to attack it :D

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