Simple Mods toan Air Still?

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olddog newtricks
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Simple Mods toan Air Still?

Post by olddog newtricks »

Hi all looking for opinions here I have the very basic 4ltr Still Spirits Air Still, as I slowly learn more about this subject I see many things that are far from perfect with the little Air Still.

Silicone Gasket- would wrapping this in PTFE or something less damaging to spirits be a move in the correct direction?

Lack of Copper - There is no copper in this little unit, so few observations

Copper Saddles - The Air Still uses ceramic boiling saddles to aid the boiling process, question here I see you get copper saddles would that bee worth trying?

Copper Mesh - To combat the lack of Copper my thoughts here are use copper mesh in the boiler section so the vapours have to pass through the copper mesh.

Silicone Spout - The Air Still has small silicone elbow coming off the condenser to the output spout, this could be replaced with a copper elbow in microbore.

These are low cost options, just to ask is it worth doing or a waste of time?

Until i have the space and funds to upgrade to an actual still looking to get the most from this little unit
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Re: Simple Mods toan Air Still?

Post by Oystercracker123 »

To add copper to the vapor path you can get the gin basket and put copper scrubbers inside. It’s about the only place besides the wash where it is practical.
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Re: Simple Mods toan Air Still?

Post by Bolverk »

I'm probably going to get flamed for this :lol: .... but your still doesn't NEED copper. Plenty of good liquor is made on 100% stainless... It's knowing why that lets you take advantage of it.

SO4 compounds are formed in high levels in hot fast ferments... they say you need copper to neutralize the S04s and this is true, copper helps tremendously, but if you're running a cooler cleaner ferment, youll have minimal sulfates/ites and it's unnecessary.
There are two types of people in this world.
1. Those that can extrapolate from incomplete information.
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