Dalein panela / raw sugar rum recipe

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Dalein panela / raw sugar rum recipe

Post by Dalein »

Why use panela/raw sugar for making rum?

The first reason is taste: panela usually makes a “lighter” rum. Not meaning here less flavorful, but with more subtle flavors. Compared to a full molasses rum, my panela rum tends to be more floral and fruity. Because the taste of the panela alone is less strong, it gives you the opportunity to make shine the other ingredients such as the flavors produced by your yeast, or the wood used for aging your rum. This allows you to make more variation in taste between the rums you are making. More on that later.
Second reason is cost: where I’m from, molasses is not particularly cheap. A 30L wash can cost me between 50 and 100 euros (depending if I’m using blackstrap or grade A molasses). In comparison panela cost me about 25 euros for the same volume.
Third reason: it’s really simple to make and is also ready to drink quickly. Contrary to a molasses rum who sometimes need more than a year of aging before being drinkable, my panela rum is quite a honest sipper after only 1 month of aging. So, you can do more experiment and fine tune your perfect recipe without having to wait a huge amount of time.

What is panela?

Depending of the origin of your product and your country, panela can have many names: raw sugar, Rapadura, Piloncillo, Panocha… All are basically the same thing, sugar cane juice cooked to evaporate the water. It’s 100% pure sugar cane juice and unrefined (so we are making a rum, not a sugar wash). Panela is not “brown sugar”, which is usually white sugar with molasses added back for coloring and flavor.
Theres is different types of panela, from very dark to light. Both are good for this recipe, it depends on your personal preferences. The darker the panela, the stronger the flavors of caramel and molasses.
Panela is sold either in solid form or as a powder. Both are the same. I usually use the powdered form because you don’t have to struggle to break it down to dissolve into your wash.

Recipe for a 21L (5.5 gallons) wash
- 5kg (11lbs) of panela
- Yeast (see below)
- Nutrient (pick your favorite)
- Water up to 21L of total wash

- Dunder: Up to 2L (0.5 gallon) or 10% of the total wash (see below)
- Feints (heads and tails) from previous runs

Wash and Fermentation:

Pour your panela and warm water together and mix until all the panela is dissolved. Then add the nutrients and the yeast, following the instructions of the brand you choosed.
Use a good yeast with a flavor profile you like. Because this rum is lighter than a traditional molasses rum, you will taste the effect of your yeast, so please don’t use bakers’ yeast. I personally love the kveik yeast, but they are a bit expensive (but worth it in my experience). I can especially recommend the Hornindal strain. Otherwise, pick a yeast with a flavor you like and respect the pitching instructions and the recommended temperature range.
Add your preferred nutrient (Fermaid O for example) and respect the instructions of the brand. Alternatively, you can use Epsom salt and Vitamin B (see SBB recipe for more information: viewtopic.php?t=71293).
The dunder is totally optional and I usually don’t use it, because it brings the recipe closer of a traditional molasses rum which is not what I’m looking for. I don’t recommend going over 10% of dunder. I had some wash failing completely because of that.
The starting gravity of your wash should be around 1.080 and 1.090 (approximately, don’t focus to much on that). Lighter panela tends to ferment dry (1.000 or below) and darker panela finishes a little bit higher (1.015 for the one I use).


Nothing special here. I do stripping runs as hot and fast as possible, obtaining approximately 7-8L of low wines around 30% ABV. I stopped the stripping run at 5% ABV on the hydrometer.
- Optional: add the tails of previous distillations to your wash before the stripping runs

Then I do a spirit run as slowly as possible. I usually end up with 2L of hearts at 70-74% ABV
- Optional: add the heads (not the foreshots!) of your previous distillations to the low wines, before the spirit run


Discard à generous amount of foreshots (200ml for 21L wash is what I’m aiming for).
Obviously keep the hearts. For me on my still, they start at roughly at 80% ABV, and ends around 65% ABV. But it can widely change between different wash, so taste it.
Don’t discard automatically the heads. Some yeast generates really interesting esters in the heads that can add a great amount of flavors to your rum. Especially the early heads. So, taste the heads and you can add part of it to the hearts. Don’t add all of it !
In any case, you can either discard the feints you are not using, or keep the heads and tails separate to add to your next run.

Proofing and aging:

Even at 70% ABV, with a little bit of aging, this is a really smooth rum. So proofing down is not mandatory at all. If you proof it down, do it slowly (don’t add water at more than 5% of the total volume each day). If you add water too quickly, you could destroys the esters created by your yeast, so take your time.
For aging, you do you. As explained before, this rum is a great canvas to experiment with different types of woods. The traditional American oak works wonderfully in any configuration (light, medium, dark toast, with or without charring), but also the French oak or some unusual woods such as maple. In any case, this should be easy to drink in about a month. The longer you aged it, the better obviously, but you will be able to taste your experiment quickly.

English is not my main language so don't hesitate to correct any errors you can find, or ask me to explain unclear instructions. Looking for your feedbacks and ways to improve this recipe in the future,

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Re: Dalein panela / raw sugar rum recipe

Post by Dougmatt »

Hi Dalein,

Nice write up. Very clear. Congratulations if English is not your primary language, I could not be that clear in any of my secondary languages.

I make a bit of Panela rum myself (viewtopic.php?p=7754281#p7754281).

Couple of comments:

I don’t add any nutrients. I believe the Molasses in the Panela has sufficient nutrients to sustain healthy fermentation alone.. When using either dunder or prior run lees there’s even more available nutrients so again no need for them in my opinion.

Your Panela to water ratio is higher than mine so that might require some nutrients, but I wouldn’t think so. I am closer to 9 lbs per 6 gallons wash. My OG is lower, around 1.07.

I also strip low (around 5% at the spout) and have a similar strip yield, but here’s where things may differ…. I collect strips into a large glass vessel and store them until I have a full spirit run (for me this is about 4 gallons of low wines or 2 strips plus recycling) On spirit run, the heart zone and final Abv are the same, but I average around 3.5- 4L per spirit of hearts. I recycle late heads and collected tails in a continuous cycle into the two strip runs (3.5 gallons wash each) so I expect those things are driving my higher heart volume…. So my output is about 3.5 - 4L per 7gallons of wash (and recycled late heads and tails). Just shows why output volumes are so hard to compare unless process is truly identical.

Agree this makes a lovely light rum and takes well to different woods. I now have a solera system going with 5 gallon barrels and a Badmo (details also in that thread). Oldest make is now over a year old and tasting pretty darn good. I also have about 3 gallons sitting in glass with more ferment ready to strip, trying to decide if I keep it to top up the solera with over time, or add another barrel.

Congratulations again on the nice write up and making an enjoyable finished product. Would be great if we could trade samples. Would love to try yours one day.

Edit: I hit submit and it dawned on me that I usually add .3gallons of animal grade molasses to a 6gallons batch whenever I am not using any dunder and if I have it available. This adds just a little bit more complexity in my opinion versus basic Panela only version.
Last edited by Dougmatt on Fri Aug 25, 2023 7:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Dalein panela / raw sugar rum recipe

Post by 8Ball »

Interesting write up. Thanks for taking the time to do so. I’m interested in what you gain by adding the feints from previous distillations to the wash before stripping? I normally take a generous fores/heads cut, then collect hearts until they get funky. Then collect the feints for the next spirit run.
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Re: Dalein panela / raw sugar rum recipe

Post by Dalein »

Thank you for sharing your experiments :)
Dougmatt wrote: Fri Aug 25, 2023 6:57 pm
I don’t add any nutrients. I believe the Molasses in the Panela has sufficient nutrients to sustain healthy fermentation alone.. When using either dunder or prior run lees there’s even more available nutrients so again no need for them in my opinion.
I agree, depending on what panela is used, it is not always necessary. The darker panela is richer in nutrient and could work without nutrients. But in my tests, the lighter panela I used needs some to really start a healthy fermentation. Also the kveik yeast I use is quite needy concerning the nutrients. In any case, I like adding nutrients as a safety net

For the panela to water ratio and the OG, the type of panela used can have a huge impact. Darker panela have a higher OG (with the same ratio) than lighter panela.

Your solera system seems really amazing, I have to tried it myself. Don't have enough barrels yet, and I need a bigger still to produce enough alcohol to fill those new barrels (hopefully upgrading in the following months). So for the moment, I am aging 2L in a french oak barrel, and the rest is aging in 50cl test bottle with different wood sticks. Once ice fine my preferred yeast and aging process, I'll probably invest in a badmo barrel :)

With your system, any idea for how long you could aged it before it turns too woody to drink ?
I'll remember that proposition of trading samples. With pleasure. I'll get back to you once my experiments will be a little more advanced :)
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Re: Dalein panela / raw sugar rum recipe

Post by Dalein »

8Ball wrote: Fri Aug 25, 2023 7:01 pm Interesting write up. Thanks for taking the time to do so. I’m interested in what you gain by adding the feints from previous distillations to the wash before stripping? I normally take a generous fores/heads cut, then collect hearts until they get funky. Then collect the feints for the next spirit run.
It is a method I've taken from a few distilleries I was able to visit. The idea to separate heads (for the spirit run) and tails (for the stripping run) is to keep a constant abv. Adding to much tails to your spirit run could lower the ABV too much. Adding them to the wash for the stripping run eliminate this problem.
But concerning the taste, I'm not convinced it will create any difference if you decided to add everything only to the spirit run.
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Re: Dalein panela / raw sugar rum recipe

Post by Stags »

Congrats on an excellent product. I recently discovered Panela and have the first generation sitting in its fermenter, hoping to run tomorrow. Your recipe is damn similar to what I noodled my way into, 12 lbs dark Panela for a 6 gallon wash. I did use some white labs yeast nutrients because it’s hotter than satans taint here and happy yeast, happy drinkers.

May start to add some molasses here and there for a more complex flavor as mentioned above.

I used white labs Hornindal and am super excited to taste the results.

Because of cost of the yeast I am planning to do a continuous wash similar to UJSSM. Will use oyster shells for PH autopilot
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Re: Dalein panela / raw sugar rum recipe

Post by Dalein »

Stags wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2023 7:59 am I used white labs Hornindal and am super excited to taste the results
I've started with hornindal from white lab, and the result is amazing. If you like kveik yeast, I can also recommend the brand Kveik Yeastery. They have 4 strains, all producing very interesting esters.

Never tried a continuous mash, but I like your idea. Keep us updated about the results 🙂
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Re: Dalein panela / raw sugar rum recipe

Post by Dougmatt »

Stags wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2023 7:59 am
I used white labs Hornindal and am super excited to taste the results.

Because of cost of the yeast I am planning to do a continuous wash similar to UJSSM. Will use oyster shells for PH autopilot
I do a continuous cycle wash myself and works well for me. I don’t use oyster shells, though like the nutrient, don’t think they could hurt, just haven’t needed them. I’ve tried different yeast, but bread yeast seems to be the cleanest. I have not tried white labs, so let us know how that goes. Would suggest you do bread as well for a side by side tasting.
I just read an article about the dangers of drinking that scared the crap out of me.

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Re: Dalein panela / raw sugar rum recipe

Post by Dalein »

Quick update : last batch was using Stalljen Kveik yeast from Kveik Yeastery. Combined with dark panela, it gives me a flavor bomb, with strong notes of apple (cooked, nearly apple pie) and spices (more Xmas spice : cinnamon, cloves...). As always with kveik, it'is on the expensive side if you dont re-use your yeast, but i strongly recommand it with this recipe or with a molasse rum. I'll update this topic with the result of aging this batch.
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Re: Dalein panela / raw sugar rum recipe

Post by Stags »

Dalein wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2023 11:37 pm
Stags wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2023 7:59 am I used white labs Hornindal and am super excited to taste the results
I've started with hornindal from white lab, and the result is amazing. If you like kveik yeast, I can also recommend the brand Kveik Yeastery. They have 4 strains, all producing very interesting esters.

Never tried a continuous mash, but I like your idea. Keep us updated about the results 🙂
I’ll check out the yeastery. No such thing as too many quality vendors

Update: ran 5 gallons of wash at ~10% abv and wound up blending up 3.5qts @44%. This was a first gen wash, no Dunder to use.

Chinese junk potstill, thumper charged with purified water and the rest of a high proof rum jar I had laying around.

I will say this was the most aromatically pleasant distillation I have ever done- the fruit flavors really smelled delightful

Pitched ~3 pints of foreshots and heads. Added one heady pint jar to the blend to add complexity for interaction with oak.

Hearts were some of the cleanest hearts I have ever tasted.

And here’s the interesting thing. I ran it to 15% coming off my parrot and tails never really materialized. The last 2 jars had a slightly golden hue (assuming this is the rum oils I’ve seen discussed) but the wet dog/ sock taste never materialized. The only difference as the jars went on was the alcohol content went down and the sugary flavors from the Panela increased (maybe long chain sugars yeasties can’t eat?). Regardless did not throw any tails jars away.

Final blend like I said was 3.5 quarts of 44%. And as others have reported it was a delightful light rum. Very delicate flavors of banana and mango from the yeast. It’s so clean and fresh tasting it would be easy to mistake it for flavored water.

After all was said and done, mixed another 10 lbs of Panela into 1 gallon of dunder. Heated until dissolved. Let it cool and added back to the fermenter which I had left with 1” of liquid in the bottom. Today when I left for work it was popping away happily.

I’m a big believer in hornindal now. And panela. I understand the necessary evil of bakers yeast but after this I don’t see myself going back to that.
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Re: Dalein panela / raw sugar rum recipe

Post by LordL »

I have done something similar, but with dark muscovado and on a 21l batch, around 3.2kg sugar instead of 5+. For around 9% wash. Trying to keep bad congeners at bay. Yarr.

Have yet to make a spirit run, but any month now! :)
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Re: Dalein panela / raw sugar rum recipe

Post by shadylane »

Dalein wrote: Fri Aug 25, 2023 1:41 am
The dunder is totally optional and I usually don’t use it, because it brings the recipe closer of a traditional molasses rum which is not what I’m looking for. I don’t recommend going over 10% of dunder. I had some wash failing completely because of that.
I agree. :thumbup:
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Re: Dalein panela / raw sugar rum recipe

Post by Dalein »

LordL wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2023 4:28 pm I have done something similar, but with dark muscovado and on a 21l batch, around 3.2kg sugar instead of 5+. For around 9% wash. Trying to keep bad congeners at bay. Yarr.

Have yet to make a spirit run, but any month now! :)
Keep us updated :) What exactly is your muscovado sugar ? Is it like brown sugar (white sugar with added molasse), or is it closer to panela ? In my previous search i found no clear definition of it and it's not a word we're using in my country
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Re: Dalein panela / raw sugar rum recipe

Post by Dalein »

Stags wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2023 1:55 pm
And here’s the interesting thing. I ran it to 15% coming off my parrot and tails never really materialized.
That's interesting. Could it be linked to the fact you are using a Parrot ? It can blend the line between the different cuts, at least on a small scale batch (Still It had an interesting video about that on youtube)
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Re: Dalein panela / raw sugar rum recipe

Post by Stags »

Dalein wrote: Thu Aug 31, 2023 3:57 am
Stags wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2023 1:55 pm
And here’s the interesting thing. I ran it to 15% coming off my parrot and tails never really materialized.
That's interesting. Could it be linked to the fact you are using a Parrot ? It can blend the line between the different cuts, at least on a small scale batch (Still It had an interesting video about that on youtube)
I would doubt that. I don’t think they were smeared. I’m pretty good at detecting that flavor because I like a little bit of it mixed in for stuff that’s going on wood. I generally run my still hot for heat up and foreshots/ 1-2 heads jars before backing things down as low as they can go while keeping my burner lit and a respectable very fine thread of output to avoid pushing tails into hearts. Usually crank heat up incrementally when into tales to take some time off the run

After this run I immediately refired the still and ran 10 gallons of UJSM, and tasted plenty of tails on that run. Yeast culture for that is a hodgepodge of bakers and DADY.

So the only thing I can think of is something unique to panela, the white labs Hornindal, or the fact that temps here have started to drop off a bit from where they were as we head into fall. I ferment in my insulated garage so temps are more consistent but not flat
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Re: Dalein panela / raw sugar rum recipe

Post by LordL »

Dalein wrote: Thu Aug 31, 2023 3:18 am
LordL wrote: Mon Aug 28, 2023 4:28 pm I have done something similar, but with dark muscovado and on a 21l batch, around 3.2kg sugar instead of 5+. For around 9% wash. Trying to keep bad congeners at bay. Yarr.

Have yet to make a spirit run, but any month now! :)
Keep us updated :) What exactly is your muscovado sugar ? Is it like brown sugar (white sugar with added molasse), or is it closer to panela ? In my previous search i found no clear definition of it and it's not a word we're using in my country
I'll give it a try... ;)



It aint that cheap in my country, I think it costs around 3usd/ 400g... But it's my hobby, I want to try this not because i want cheaper liqueur than can be store bought.
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Re: Dalein panela / raw sugar rum recipe

Post by Blues »

I have been stock piling Goya Panela, Brown Cane Sugar and just noticed it says there’s Potassium Sorbate added
Not sure if there’s any way of fermenting this now..
If anyone has any suggestions or advice, I’d greatly appreciate the help
..gotta say I’m pretty bummed out that I didn’t notice the K-sorbate additive prior to buying so much
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Re: Dalein panela / raw sugar rum recipe

Post by Dougmatt »

Blues wrote: Wed Aug 14, 2024 5:23 am
I have been stock piling Goya Panela, Brown Cane Sugar and just noticed it says there’s Potassium Sorbate added
Not sure if there’s any way of fermenting this now..
If anyone has any suggestions or advice, I’d greatly appreciate the help
..gotta say I’m pretty bummed out that I didn’t notice the K-sorbate additive prior to buying so much
First suggestion - Don’t panic :D

K-Sorbate just inhibits yeast reproduction, and there is a limited amount in the Goya sugar. I would suggest making up your batch using very hot water and aerating well to evaporate as much off as possible. Then inoculate (you may want to use a starter / bomb, but I would wait to do that if it doesn’t take off). If it stops fermenting or never takes off after 3-4 hours, inoculate again. The k-sorbate will eventually be used up (it coats the yeast stopping reproduction I believe) and the yeast will break through, but I’ve used Goya before and had no issues getting I started.
I just read an article about the dangers of drinking that scared the crap out of me.

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Re: Dalein panela / raw sugar rum recipe

Post by Bolverk »

I'd never had any issues getting the Goya piloncillo to ferment. Once diluted down to 1.25lbs per gallon I suspect the potassium sorbbate is in such low concentration thats it's not an issue.
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Re: Dalein panela / raw sugar rum recipe

Post by 8Ball »

Bolverk wrote: Wed Aug 14, 2024 6:44 am I'd never had any issues getting the Goya piloncillo to ferment. Once diluted down to 1.25lbs per gallon I suspect the potassium sorbbate is in such low concentration thats it's not an issue.
+1 no issues w/Goya @ 1.4 ppg either. I heat mine up to 185F with just enough water & dunder to rehydrate, then cool down & pitch.
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Re: Dalein panela / raw sugar rum recipe

Post by Tōtōchtin »

I'm in cane country where I thought I had the best prices. Here there is no way I can get panocha cheaper then blackstrap looking at weight of sugars. I have a person here I've been watching who buys agriculture grade melaza dirt cheap. By the time he has heated the melaza to remove sediment the flavors come out pretty mellow for a lighter rum. But he then adds salts and stores this in kegs for 3 months. He then sells this to a private club without putting any wood on it. Straight(52.5%) it leaves a lingering taste I could do without,somehow in fruit daiquiris it shines.
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Re: Dalein panela / raw sugar rum recipe

Post by Blues »

Dougmatt wrote: Wed Aug 14, 2024 6:32 am
Blues wrote: Wed Aug 14, 2024 5:23 am
I have been stock piling Goya Panela, Brown Cane Sugar and just noticed it says there’s Potassium Sorbate added
Not sure if there’s any way of fermenting this now..
If anyone has any suggestions or advice, I’d greatly appreciate the help
..gotta say I’m pretty bummed out that I didn’t notice the K-sorbate additive prior to buying so much
First suggestion - Don’t panic :D

K-Sorbate just inhibits yeast reproduction, and there is a limited amount in the Goya sugar. I would suggest making up your batch using very hot water and aerating well to evaporate as much off as possible. Then inoculate (you may want to use a starter / bomb, but I would wait to do that if it doesn’t take off). If it stops fermenting or never takes off after 3-4 hours, inoculate again. The k-sorbate will eventually be used up (it coats the yeast stopping reproduction I believe) and the yeast will break through, but I’ve used Goya before and had no issues getting I started.
Thank you so kindly, my friend
I cannot express my gratitude, for offering all the insight, support and advice..
Not sure if it is any difference from the Goya Panela you used but I have the 8oz Goya Panela (that looks like an upside down ice cream cone” see picture
Ingredient list with added K-Sorbate
Ingredient list with added K-Sorbate
Goya Panela 8oz from US grocery stores
Goya Panela 8oz from US grocery stores
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Re: Dalein panela / raw sugar rum recipe

Post by LWTCS »

Have to agree Toto,
The white works really well with a bitter and sweet fruit juice combo. Think cranberry/ pear juice.

Definitely spent a few evenings using that juice combo to dilute some 160 into some self medication back in the day.
It's what turned me into a big fan of Angostura/ Compari (and Orgeat) styled rum cocktails.
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Re: Dalein panela / raw sugar rum recipe

Post by Blues »

Bolverk wrote: Wed Aug 14, 2024 6:44 am I'd never had any issues getting the Goya piloncillo to ferment. Once diluted down to 1.25lbs per gallon I suspect the potassium sorbbate is in such low concentration thats it's not an issue.

I want to send a big Thanks your way for all the help and advice, as well

Can you tell me if you’re using the same Goya Panela as I’m using (I do believe I’ve seen pictures of it online in different packaging). I’m wondering if just the kind I bought has K-Sorbate in it or if it’s something that they do everywhere
I posted pictures of it in my post above..
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Re: Dalein panela / raw sugar rum recipe

Post by Bolverk »

Happy to help man

Yes it the same stuff. I'm not sure if they all do it, but I've never had had issues with the Goya brand.
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Re: Dalein panela / raw sugar rum recipe

Post by Blues »

8Ball wrote: Wed Aug 14, 2024 8:35 am
Bolverk wrote: Wed Aug 14, 2024 6:44 am I'd never had any issues getting the Goya piloncillo to ferment. Once diluted down to 1.25lbs per gallon I suspect the potassium sorbbate is in such low concentration thats it's not an issue.
+1 no issues w/Goya @ 1.4 ppg either. I heat mine up to 185F with just enough water & dunder to rehydrate, then cool down & pitch.
..and Thank you too 8ball for you’re help..
I also would like to know if you are using the same Goya Panela as I bought (I posted pictures of it two posts up)

Oh.. I was planning on using 1-1/4 lbs of Panela per gallon (with a touch of molasses added ~6-8oz per gallon in total for a twist of added flavor)
Any thoughts on that would be also greatly appreciated
Last edited by Blues on Wed Aug 14, 2024 5:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dalein panela / raw sugar rum recipe

Post by Blues »

Bolverk wrote: Wed Aug 14, 2024 4:49 pm Happy to help man

Yes it the same stuff. I'm not sure if they all do it, but I've never had had issues with the Goya brand.
Thanks man.. I really do appreciate it and I’d also like to just throw out there the same question I ran by 8ball which is that I was planning on using 1.25lbs of Panela per Gallon w/ about 6oz oz of Molasses added per gallon as well
Not sure exactly what my SG will be at (yet) but I’m hoping it will be around 1080 ish

I know I’ve already bugged you enough but if you have any thoughts or suggestions.. I would be greatly appreciative
Last edited by Blues on Wed Aug 14, 2024 5:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Dalein panela / raw sugar rum recipe

Post by LWTCS »

Based on sucrose content, as a rule of thumb, 10lbs of panela is the equivalent of about 8 lbs of table sugar.

Goya has a reputation of using coloring agents to make their blocks look more uniform compared to more traditionally produced panela.
There was also a rumor that Goya does a measure of sucrose extraction prior to sending the rendered juice to the molds.
Probably bad manners on my part to make that assertion.

The muscovado is a single "strike" through the centrifuge.
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Re: Dalein panela / raw sugar rum recipe

Post by Blues »

LWTCS wrote: Wed Aug 14, 2024 5:09 pm Based on sucrose content, as a rule of thumb, 10lbs of panela is the equivalent of about 8 lbs of table sugar.

Goya has a reputation of using coloring agents to make their blocks look more uniform compared to more traditionally produced panela.
There was also a rumor that Goya does a measure of sucrose extraction prior to sending the rendered juice to the molds.
Probably bad manners on my part to make that assertion.
I’m always interested in learning something I may not know, my friend
I guess I’ll just have to see what happens.. but if you’re interested I’ll post my results (when I have them lol) ..got off to a rough start today so I’m not sure how much I’ll get done but nevertheless I’ll keep ya’ll updated
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Re: Dalein panela / raw sugar rum recipe

Post by Bolverk »

I have no solid answer for your SG sadly... once you start adding molasses that all goes out the window.

1.25lbs of panela per gallon will gave you about a 6.5% potential abv. 1 gal of blackstrap molasses in 4 gals water will give you approximately a 9.5% abv so just do the math and work out how much you want to add.

I will say rum made from panela only is boring in my opinion, adding molasses will help with the rummyness.
There are two types of people in this world.
1. Those that can extrapolate from incomplete information.
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