Oh yes I didn't specify and in the theme of this thread I should do.
I seem to be very sensitive to heads, even at a low level, so I can't bring myself to add anything but maybe a little of the final transition jar (For Rum) as it merges into the hearts portion, for grain ferments none at all.
I've tried blending some late heads several times into a portion of clean hearts cut, and I just don't like it.
I know I'm missing out on flavour as, if I could age it for long enough it would mellow and change, but I can't get past my dislike for the acetone smell and taste.
I now know that it is heads that kept me from drinking any (Affordable) brown spirits until I started to make my own, The stuff is really headsy!
Also, I think I have a condition, that I can't currently remember the name of, (rosy something?) that makes my face go really red, within minutes, when I drink anything with even a small hint of heads in. I also get it to a lesser extent when I drink wine.