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Re: Dunder pit infections

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 3:19 pm
by wtfdskin
Old Town wrote:So do you use any type of heating system inside of your insulated box?
I do in mine. I only run in the winter, gets way too hot in the garage over the summer.

I use an ebay 25$ temperature controller and a 10$ wal mart ceramic heater. Keeps my brandy ferments right at 70 and rum gets bumped up to 80. Built it to be knocked down for off season storage and on wheels to roll out of the way. Holds 4 14 gal barrels.

Re: Dunder pit infections

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 3:53 pm
by OtisT
Old Town wrote:So do you use any type of heating system inside of your insulated box?
My box is inside, and I use a 15W bulb when I need to raise the temp of my ferment. I made a tin foil hood for the bulb, as some feel direct light is not so good for yeast. Not sure if true, but being safe anyway.

Re: Dunder pit infections

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 10:08 am
by ElCubanazo
Finally siphoned off about half a gallon of my culture/infect to put in the fridge. I'd have done a gallon or two but the GF was already peeved about my disgusting experiment taking up a half gallon of space in our only fridge :lol:

Planing on using this half gallon either for spirit run or mixing with feints for a week for the spirit run as Otis suggested. Might pull more from the pit for my spirit run depending on ratios of water and fresh dunder.

Not gonna lie, the smells coming off this little milk just were.... A complex mix of beautiful and nasty. It's some interesting shit!!!

Re: Dunder pit infections

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 12:50 pm
by Shine0n
Since I've only done this experiment in the summer I had no need for the box, now that fall is here I need to build one for the cooler weather so I can keep at 90+f.

I'm a gluten for punishment because I run all year, hot as hell and cold as Siberia, I just like the sound of the still running plus the end product of course. lol

I see no need to refrigerate the dunder, keep it in a 5 gallon bucket outdoors. OR get a few buckets of smaller size that you can put a set amount in to add to the set amount of low wines for a spirit run. Say 10 gallons LW and 2.5 gallons dunder for a 12.5 gal total.

I always diluted my LW to 35%Then add my dunder so I know I'm safe in the spirit run :thumbup:


Re: Dunder pit infections

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 1:48 pm
by Old Town
I think I'm going to build me a box for this winter as well. I like the heater with the temp controller idea.

Re: Dunder pit infections

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 5:06 pm
by wtfdskin
Old Town wrote:I think I'm going to build me a box for this winter as well. I like the heater with the temp controller idea.
Heres a link to a thread with my build. Mines near the end, I seem to be a thread killer, lol.

Re: Dunder pit infections

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 3:03 am
by Old Town
Yeah sorry ShineOn.. Back to the dunder pits..

Re: Dunder pit infections

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 8:50 am
by Stargazer14
I keep mine on top of the water heater in the basement which keeps an almost constant warm temp.

Re: Dunder pit infections

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 3:59 pm
by Shine0n
As long as Tater don't yell at us I'm fine with it, no need to go too far off though. lol

wtfdskin, nice box :thumbup:
Stargazer, I wouldn't be able to sit mine on the water heater, too big!

OT, what's up buddy

Re: Dunder pit infections

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 4:15 pm
by Tater
tater yelled

Re: Dunder pit infections

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2017 7:20 am
by Shine0n
loud and clear, sorry!!!

Re: Dunder pit infections

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 8:54 am
by NEGaxSEGa
I just finished reading this whole thread, and I'm hooked on the idea of trying it, once I get my still running.

Thanks for the great read, der wo, ShineOn, and others.

I've also gotten a seed of an idea from this and the reading I've done on Belgian sour brewing traditions. When the weather gets cold enough (very cold), might it be useful to open the boiler while hot and let what remains inside cool naturally overnight? You should pick up an interesting and diverse mix of esther and acid producing critters this way, and it could serve as a starter for future dunder projects.

Re: Dunder pit infections

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 12:15 am
by Shine0n
That would work, I don't always empty mine right after stillin and is usually cooled down.
sometimes I can't get back to it for a while because of work so I cap off the top of the keg with something because I don't want but sooo much funky shit in my boiler, I know it gets clean on the next run but if you've seen the pits.... that's not something I want in my boiler. lol

I hope you give it a try and like it as much as I have, it's definitely an interesting rum and is coming along nicely aging on oak.

Re: Dunder pit infections

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 4:26 pm
by Old Town
Hi buddy I'm going to give your recipe a first try this weekend. I got enough supplies to fill my 30 gallon fermenter. That should give me enough for two stripping runs. I plan on starting my own dunder pit also can't wait to get started..

Re: Dunder pit infections

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 2:54 am
by Shine0n
OT, What's up buddy!
When you do the stripping runs, make sure to go wayyy down to capture as much flavors you can get.

The dunder is something you can use fresh or aged or infected, see how much low wines you collect and add accordingly. If using fresh dunder make sure not to over do it, since you run without a thumper I'd add no more than 10-15% total volume, on my next one using dunder I may scale it down as well. I'm letting the dunder age now till next summer and just make reg rum for the cold weather.

Re: Dunder pit infections

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 3:14 pm
by Old Town
I got quite a bit of distillers yeast I would like to use up. Would this be ok to use on the rum or should I get some bakers?

Re: Dunder pit infections

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 5:31 am
by kiwi Bruce
My two cents worth...if it will ferment...use it!

Re: Dunder pit infections

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 6:36 pm
by Shine0n
+1 to what kiwi said, use it up :thumbup:

I've used Dady many times as it was 1 lb so it lasted a loooong time, I liked it just fine but I also love my bread yeast for rums.

Do you plan to strip then rerun with dunder?

Re: Dunder pit infections

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 6:55 am
by Old Town
Yes I do,I got enough for two stripping runs. I'll save the dunder and cut my stripping runs down to low wines with it. I started my ferment last night and no action out of the bubbler yet.. I don't know if it's warm enough in the house so I'm going to wrap it in a blanket and see if she gets going.

Re: Dunder pit infections

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 12:23 pm
by Shine0n
Keep that puppy warm!
If you have a small space heater I'd aim it at the closet and crack the door, even with Dady yeast I'd still ferment hotter than 80f.

Since you haven't done this before and like I've mentioned many times, start with about 15% dunder as it adds a serious punch to the likker, not in a bad way imo but some say 25% like I do is too strong for their likings.

Most people are so used to buh-kar-dee They can't appreciate the esters that a bold rum has to offer but me... I love the shit!!! And I'm the only one who matters when it comes to my likker but I just want you to enjoy this without having to wait for a year to settle down.

I don't mind the wait because I know what's coming :thumbup:

Re: Dunder pit infections

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 5:06 pm
by Shine0n
I haven't touched the rum with infected dunder so I can't say for sure if it has any of the pineapple taste or not but I did have a smell of it today and there is nothing resembling pineapple now :(

It did however have a great rummy smell and I think for thanksgiving I'll knock down a bottle to 90p and see how it's progressing flavor wise.

I can smell a difference between my normal rum and this one with infected dunder and now on to the aging until March or so, I'll take samples from time to time to see the goodness get better.

Re: Dunder pit infections

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2017 3:20 pm
by Shine0n
I've tasted the rum and I thinks it's pretty good, still a bit young but good, nice flavors, aromas and all around good rum.
I'll have some time for the hols and I'm going to strip another 30 or so gallons to get another spirit run happening right after new year, this time I'm going to leave the rum white.
Although I said it's good... it's not great, YET!!!

Last time I used 25% dunder, this time I'm going to cut it back to 15% plus I'm going to use a different yeast. I'll have to look it back up but it's a yeast that imparts some banana esters so it should make for an interesting final spirit if that's the case along with some infected AGED dunder... it's been sitting for a spell and the aromas coming off is quite nice, floral, spicey, soy sauce-e.

I'm also going to age for 1 year, I'll keep a bit more heads in this round minus some tails... ok ok maybe some but nowhere near the amount of the last one as it's still a little heavy on the back end but getting better.

I have some all moll dunder that's been sitting in a locked container so no infection and I may use up to 5% and 10% infected, maybe, I'm not exactly sure right now but the total will be 15% either way.

I'm going after a super funky white rum and with some new found knowledge I think it's possible to strip the color and not the flavor so oak may be used for a portion of this experiment.


Re: Dunder pit infections

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2017 11:09 am
by ElCubanazo
Hey y'all interesting info over here just thought I'd share.

My first venture outside of rum I decided to do an easy "whiskey" with a friend. Followed the recipe for the Rye Bread Whiskey in the tried and true section.

It's just a rye bread sugar head, but I did add a small amount of rum dunder to the wash just for flavor. Not infected dunder just regular stuff.

So I made it and left behind the bread crumbs/chunks and a small amount of liquid. It's been a few days sitting in the container in our guest shower (it's below freezing here in Chicago) and what do you know!!! Developed a pellicle!!! Only been like 4 days. Wow!

The pellicle is white and looks identical to what I've seen in my dunder pit/container.

This next week it'll be somewhat above freezing and I'll be out of town for Christmas so I've moved it outside to halt or slow down the culture, but man, this was the easiest culture to develop ever...

The attached photo was after I moved it outside and the pellicle broke!Image

Re: Dunder pit infections

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2017 6:03 pm
by Shine0n
Looks like the beginning of a beautiful spirit indeed :thumbup:
Add it to your low wines on a spirit run and I bet you'll taste the goodness.

Try it at about 15% or so total volume and it may be just what you've been looking for.

Re: Dunder pit infections

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2017 10:30 am
by firewater69
Great thread, I miss my dunder pit, I'll have to get going on another one soon. I see a lot of talk on adding dunder to your spirit runs but have any of you folks tried adding it to the ferment? ... 6#p7368416" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow

Re: Dunder pit infections

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2017 6:12 pm
by Shine0n
it's a noticeable difference in the two from my experience, plus when I infect my dunder it is intentional and controlled but if I infect my whole ferment there is a bigger chance that it can stall, just not go the way I want it.

I'm out of a good bit of money to toss a ferment but there are those who believe in that method and have had good experiences that way I'm just not one.

Knowing what I do now I'd have a better chance at success and someday in the future I may again try but I'm very pleased with the addition to low wines.

How do you do your runs? Dunder to low wines and now thinking of the ferment?

Do you age, infect or just fresh dunder?

Re: Dunder pit infections

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2017 7:18 pm
by firewater69
I kept my pit for about two years, it was infected there are pics on here somewhere I think, I started out boiling the dunder to kill it before adding to my ferment, then i got brave and tried it, never had a problem. I've added it to low wines as well, I couldn't tell any real difference in flavor.

Re: Dunder pit infections

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2017 10:45 pm
by OtisT
I’m glad this thread was updated recently. It reminded me I have a carboy of infected backset sittin outside and it’s going to freeze here soon, so I had better bring it in before the glass breaks. :-)


Re: Dunder pit infections

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 10:46 am
by kiwi Bruce
[quote="ElCubanazo"]Hey y'all interesting info over here just thought I'd share.

My first venture outside of rum I decided to do an easy "whiskey" with a friend. Followed the recipe for the Rye Bread Whiskey in the tried and true section.{/quote]

I don't know what a whisky based "Muck-pot/Dunder-bucket" would be called. What is left over from the Beer Still run, is called "Pot Ale" basically it's boiled wash and yeast residue, but it should still have enough nutrients in it, to sustain an infection. (So...Pot Ale Muck ? or What ales U muck ?) The left overs from the Spirit Still run are called "Spend Lees" and it's basically only boiled water. I don't think it has enough nutrients in it to sustain an infection, but add a little malt and who knows. (So if one were to use it, it could be called... "Lee's Muck" ? or Spent Lee's Muck ?)
Unlike Rum distilling...There is NO evidence that this is done in the whisky or bourbon industries at all. (but I have my suspicions) Until recently, we didn't know that Rum had a deep dark secret ether.
So I've decided to call mine "Fester" or "Uncle Fester" after the Addams family.
Uncle Fester.jpg

Re: Dunder pit infections

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 10:58 am
by ElCubanazo
kiwi Bruce wrote:
ElCubanazo wrote:Hey y'all interesting info over here just thought I'd share.

My first venture outside of rum I decided to do an easy "whiskey" with a friend. Followed the recipe for the Rye Bread Whiskey in the tried and true section.{/quote]

I don't know what a whisky based "Muck-pot/Dunder-bucket" would be called. What is left over from the Beer Still run, is called "Pot Ale" basically it's boiled wash and yeast residue, but it should still have enough nutrients in it, to sustain an infection. (So...Pot Ale Muck ? or What ales U muck ?) The left overs from the Spirit Still run are called "Spend Lees" and it's basically only boiled water. I don't think it has enough nutrients in it to sustain an infection, but add a little malt and who knows. (So if one were to use it, it could be called... "Lee's Muck" ? or Spent Lee's Muck ?)
Unlike Rum distilling...There is NO evidence that this is done in the whisky or bourbon industries at all. (but I have my suspicions) Until recently, we didn't know that Rum had a deep dark secret ether.
So I've decided to call mine "Fester" or "Uncle Fester" after the Addams family.
Uncle Fester.jpg
Kiwi, with that "whiskey" those were the left over grains in my fermenter, not the dunder/backset!