HD novella

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Re: HD novella

Post by HDNB »

Corene, any chance we could get some video? :shock:

Oh Wait! damn. rule #4 :oops:

:lol: :lol:

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Re: HD novella

Post by corene1 »

Shaking and sweaty Corene finally saw the boy and the old man nod off. She and Sarah reluctantly broke off their embrace and set to work tying them fellers up real good. They were about half way done when TB came stumbling in , his eyes were big as silver dollars and his mouth was hanging open but not a word was coming out, strange for him she thought. TB, come to will ya , we need some help turning these guys over! Did Brock get them mules under control yet? we need to make haste and get on with business. TB was just having a hard time shaking the image of the two girls from his mind. Yea Yea , OK, Um , what were you asking? Help we need! We need to get these guys turned over to get them tied up. Oh OK Yea I 'm coming. So what we going to do now TB , we can't just leave them here for the critters to eat , maybe you and Brock can get them boys loaded on the mules and we can hide them in your barn till they wake up. You tell Brock I think he just put half a dose of herbs in that coffee just to make me and Sarah have to work a little longer distracting them fellers. Hope you guys liked the show. She was just making light of the situation while deep inside she knew she and Sarah had both felt something more. Now all we need to do is let the society know we have the hootch and the two packers then they can go put some pressure on ol Marcel.
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Re: HD novella

Post by corene1 »

HDNB wrote:Corene, any chance we could get some video? :shock:

Oh Wait! damn. rule #4 :oops:

:lol: :lol:

Yesir, but it's expensive! :lolno:
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

Well , GODDAMNIT ! Fuckin mule kicks me in the head while me and Brock are repacking them to steal the load of shine and when I stumble down to check on her and Sarah she thinks that I'm all google eyed over the two of them .
>C'mon , I got an eighth grade education , good Christian raisin ; pickin cotton , raisin hell , and balein hay . Ain't no way of you all treatin me thisaway .
>Me and Brock focus on a job of stealin sumpin and you can rest assured that that job is gonna get done . Which was what we was doin when that cranky mule givened me a left hook from a hind foot to the back of my haid while we was packin them back up . Some whaggled me for a time . Got Brock on the trail outta there and went back to rescue the girls .
My haid was hurtin some bad and my eyes wasn't workin all that well when I got back to the camp . And there was Corene and Sarah with them passed out , tied up fellers . And she accused me of wanting to become a
voyeur .
>I was quick to assure her that we was just takin care of bidness . When the bidness was done I offered me and Brock as therapists to get her and Sarah repolarized toward regular relationships .
>Dealin with two conflicted women and a massive headache from a concussion wasn't somethin that was specified in the contract when I signed on with this outfit .
Two conflicted women and a massive headache is rather redundant , isn't it .
If you ain't the lead dog in the team , the scenery never changes . Ga Flatwoods made my avatar and I want to thank him for that .
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Re: HD novella

Post by WooTeck »

as wooteck and Phil left the hotel wooteck rolled up the sleeves of his crisp white shirt. looking around the huge grid block city that was just as foreign to him as the time he spent up in the hills. strangely he felt more comfortable out in the hills it brought back thoughts of his home town. although Edinburgh was a city it was lush with greenery everywhere with the massive dormant volcano in the centre and the hills that the city was plotted on, it always seemed you were headed uphill or were to about to. MMMHHHHHVEEH... the sound of an angry driver and the sharp tug on the shoulder snapped him back to reality.
"what the fuck is wrong with you, you just about got your self killed" said phill
"sorry man, brain just skipped out on me for a second"

they embarked on crossing the road dodging and weaving amongst the busy Chicago traffic. when they got to the doors of Il Forza they stopped for a moment, each took a large pull of their cigar the amber glow lighting up there faces. eck choked briefly as he tossed the butt in to the curb, a large cough and a spit and he composed him self again. phill chuckling away at him.

the stepped thought the grand entrance of the froza and were surprised at the size of the place. from the out side it looked large and well decorated but inside while still very lavish and high end it seemed far to small for the size of the building. they looked around and were suppressed not to see Dave Beck and his entourage or Uncle Mo and Larry even thought they had watched them enter. they looked at each other in a slight confusion.
"fuck it, lets get a drink!" exclaimed eck as he sauntered over to the long mahogany bar. there was a limited selction be hind the bar. one that eck would normally turn his nose up at. alsas they were on a case so there was no opertunaty to be choosie
"as long as your buying im drinking" replied phill as they pulled up a couple of stools.
"what's your best whisky?" enquired eck.
"we have the house 'special'" the bar tender said as he pulled up an unlabelled bottle of clear white liquid from under the counter.
"sure well have 2 of them" said phill
the bar tender pored out 2 3 finger measures of the suspect liquor into some glinting crystal tumblers.
phill was first to take a sip and proceeded to choke and splutter as his face turned red. wooteck gave him a glance that showed an air of superiority. sure he caught a bad drag of a cigar earlier but damn he new he could drink. growing up in the capital with a high rolling father there was an abundance of allsorts of alcohol floating about and eck had tried it all. he raised the glass and took a large mouth full, that he instantly regretted. he now understood phills reaction. this stuff was sub par shine like nothing he had ever tried before. it had the bite of a croc and kicked like a mule. it had taken the air out his lungs and he couldn't help but spit it all over the bar top. after staying in the hills and getting to drink the s3 liquor this was a true disappointment. could damn near kill someone with it.

wooteck stood up in his stool to get the attention of the bar tender who was along the far side of the bar. when a large hand fell on his shoulder. he turned to see that phill also had a hand on his. they looked up in to the face of Larry as he towered over them...
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Re: HD novella

Post by HDNB »

"You fellas got a problem?" growled Larry
"umm the w-w-w whisky?" Phil was squirming under the pressure on his shoulder. "the liquor has a bit of bite, s-s-sir" he stammered. "well give the bar a wipe and be on our way, we're not from around here and was just looking a drink."
Wooteck took the opportunity to play up the tourist bit and pushed back from the bar, jumped up and looked Larry squarely in the chest. With his best indignant Scottish brogue he went off like a firecracker.
"Och Laddie, nae ye see here!" poking an index finger into Larrys chest "We came doon 'er to yer bonnie braw bar for a wee dram, and yer servin' us this Irish potin, like we clatty craws!" on a roll he continued "Aw ya bawbag sasseanach, yer nae talkin t a coupl'a stotters doon the dole!
Eck pulled the bankroll from his pocket and flashing some bills and nodding to the stairs he said " Na let's get up yon close and have a real bevvy, ye ken?"
Larry glanced at the bank notes and asked "you fellas play poker?"
With broad smile and his finest American accent Eck said "I believe, Sir, you are now talking my language." and shrugged Larrys big paw off of his shoulder.
It was difficult to see past Larry as they climbed the stairs. A broad oaken door stood open and they could hear a lot of voices, but see nothing.
When they entered the room Phil gave a low whistle as he scanned the room. There were card tables, a roulette wheel and even a craps pit all bustling with activity. Eck whispered to himself "awrighty troops." and smiled.
Larry escorted them to a poker table and made brief introductions. As they sat a waitress came by with a tray of drinks and offered "scotch or bourbon, sirs?"
"I'll have a bourbon," said Phil "but i believe it will be scotch for my good friend wooteck, here." as he nodded to him.
Eck was staring towards the back of the room, with a frozen expression. Phil followed his gaze to a group by the back door. SSA Williams was lifting a glass to her lips as her partner Adams shook hands with a well dressed man, flanked by two body guards. As she finished her drink she turned full on to the poker table and set her glass on the edge of a planter.
Eck held his breath and tried to look invisible.
Nothing registered on Hazel's face as she turned back to her host and shook hands. Her and Adams made their way out the back exit, leaving the proprietor to scan the crowd.
Last edited by HDNB on Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: HD novella

Post by WooTeck »

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Re: HD novella

Post by HDNB »

missing scene:

The strawberry tart had been watching through the lobby window when Phil and Eck had been ejected out the Il Forza's entrance. "What have those two been up to?" she wondered. Larry, the big enforcer had shown them the bum's rush, but without the usual ass kicking that she had witnessed on other occasions.
Wooteck picked himself up and recounted the scene for Phil.
"That was a beautiful thing, Phil!" "I was just shooting some craps and had been on a roll for 45 minutes, parlaying the bets and making some dough. everytime i rolled, the roar from the crowd was brilliant! After i crapped out, i musta been up a couple grand! Larry came over a said maybe i should follow him back to the poker room."
Phil was smiling at Eck's recounting.
Eck continued "that big pile of chips in the middle of the table was amazing!" "How did it feel to take down the most powerful man in Chicago?" he asked.
Phil laughed out loud. "when Beck saw the two aces up, and me bettin heavy, he thought he had me bluffing. He had it flushing with the odd ace, and must have calculated me for trips."
When Eck had walked up with Larry's assistance, he had thought it was to witness Phil's demise. Two aces up, Phil had flipped a pair of eights when Beck turned his pocket cards for a flush. Beck exclaimed "dead man's hand, MaStill" and started to reach for the pot. Phil deadpanned and flipped over the third eight. "Full house" he said calmly, and Beck recoiled as if he had been snakebit.
"God that was magnificent!" Eck gushed "you shoulda seen his face!"
"I did, I did" giggled Phil, perhaps a little too gleefully.
"We're flush now!" Phil exclaimed as he patted the thick wad of bils in his pocket. "That was over ten grand!" he whispered with a wink.
"yeah it may have been worth being put out with the rubbish... but it's going to be damn hard not to be noticed now." Said Eck.
"Never seen two guys so happy about being throw out of a place" thought the Cigar girl from the lobby across the way.

Eck looked down at his shirt
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Re: HD novella

Post by WooTeck »

WooTeck and Phil tumbled out the door followed by Larry. Who abruptly slammed the door behind them. The two picked themselves up off the dirty city pavement and and brushed down their fine suits Phil was lucky to still be wearing his jacket so most of his shirt was untouched.
HDNB wrote: The strawberry tart had been watching through the lobby window when Phil and Eck had been ejected out the Il Forza's entrance. "What have those two been up to?" she wondered. Larry, the big enforcer had shown them the bum's rush, but without the usual ass kicking that she had witnessed on other occasions.
Wooteck picked himself up and recounted the scene for Phil.
"That was a beautiful thing, Phil!" "I was just shooting some craps and had been on a roll for 45 minutes, parlaying the bets and making some dough. everytime i rolled, the roar from the crowd was brilliant! After i crapped out, i musta been up a couple grand! Larry came over a said maybe i should follow him back to the poker room."
Phil was smiling at Eck's recounting.
Eck continued "that big pile of chips in the middle of the table was amazing!" "How did it feel to take down the most powerful man in Chicago?" he asked.
Phil laughed out loud. "when Beck saw the two aces up, and me bettin heavy, he thought he had me bluffing. He had it flushing with the odd ace, and must have calculated me for trips."
When Eck had walked up with Larry's assistance, he had thought it was to witness Phil's demise. Two aces up, Phil had flipped a pair of eights when Beck turned his pocket cards for a flush. Beck exclaimed "dead man's hand, MaStill" and started to reach for the pot. Phil deadpanned and flipped over the third eight. "Full house" he said calmly, and Beck recoiled as if he had been snakebit.
"God that was magnificent!" Eck gushed "you shoulda seen his face!"
"I did, I did" giggled Phil, perhaps a little too gleefully.
"We're flush now!" Phil exclaimed as he patted the thick wad of bils in his pocket. "That was over ten grand!" he whispered with a wink.
"yeah it may have been worth being put out with the rubbish... but it's going to be damn hard not to be noticed now." Said Eck.
Eck looking down noticed he had a patch of filth on a once clean shirt.
"Damn now I need a new shirt" he said.
"I wouldnt worry about that. we are loaded and this city will be ours. What do you want to do now?" asked Phil
"Back to the hotel? Least there we don't actually have to pay for the drinks" chuckled eck.
"Yeah might as well since we have fucked up the recon for tonight."
Whilst looking for a chance to cross eck glanced up at the balcony where they had enjoyed their meal at he noticed the redhead looking down and giggling.
HDNB wrote:"Never seen two guys so happy about being throw out of a place" thought the Cigar girl from the lobby across the way.
When they entered the dining room the table they had been at was occupied by a couple. The gentleman wearing a large cowboy hat and a young woman. They headed over to the bar to look through the list of what was on offer WooTeck opted for an old fashioned Phil not knowing what to choose went for a Martini shaken not stirred. As he felt in the next few years it would become a popular drink.
the room was fairly quiet. a piano playing away i the background and the few tables that were in use were keeping their conversions to them self's not quite whispering but not loud and booming. the two propped up but the bar thinking about how they would go about getting the story now as the drinks were getting prepared.
"what do you think the next step is then phil?"
"well they know what we look like now, we shouldn't have been so gung ho about it all, but im glad we did"
"yeah, i was sure to smart guys like us could pull off playing big balls. that big fella didn't look half as intimidating from up here"
"ive never heard anything as true as that" phil said
"damn i still cant get over that win" eck said with a beaming smile as the drinks were delivered.
they eagerly scooped them up.
"wow, this is so much better that that swill they were serving down there" said phil
"you could say that again, i wonder what cretin produced that pish " said eck
ecks mind wandered off to the girl who gave the cigars to them earlier. he couldn't see her as scanned the room as sutley as he could.
"you think theres a chance this story may be the end of the road for us?" phill enquired
"what do you mean?" eck replied
"well we ARE fucking with the biggest fish in this pond, with a whooping at the card table he's not going to be a happy chappy"
eck hadn't really thought about it. after the last few days being as crazy as they had he was running mainly on gut impulses, usually they never failed him although they had landed him in some pretty tight situations.
"what are you suggesting phil?"
"maybe we should come up with a backup plan"
"yeah thats some wise words" eck replied "maybe tool up as well?"
"tool up?"
"you know arm ourselves in case of the worst" said eck in a hushed voice as he leaned in closer to phill.
phil feeling a little uncomfortable about the direction the conversation was headed looked over ecks shoulder. looking in to the distance eck saw that something had caught phils eye, phil nodded in the direction of the door. eck turned to see what was going on as the pretty young redhead started elegantly towards them.
she looked at ecks shirt and giggled . "you guys trouble makers or just plain stupid?" she said with a grin that was as perfect as the ass eck had checked out earlier that evening.
"i assure you miss we ain't stupid" said eck with a wink. "no cigars this time?" he said in a cheeky yet charming tone.
"I just finished my shift so you'll have to come see me tomorrow" she said
"would you'd like to join us, he's paying" eck said jokingly nudging phils elbow. phil could see the desire in ecks eyes.
"so what are you fellas doing in Chicago?"she said. "you sound like you're a long way from home" she directed at eck.
phill leaned in a started "well, we are re..." eck put his had to phils chest. feeling that the interest she was showing in the pair may be more than that of your usual member of staff.
"we're here on business" he said, in the back of his mind trying to figure out how valuable to the article she may be. she sure knew the two thugs from across the street. working across the street she would know who they were the question remained how well
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Re: HD novella

Post by HDNB »

"Coleen" she said, extending her hand. Eck looked at her forearm somewhat lacsiviolusly, admiring her fine bones and china white skin , dotted with freckles.
When he took her hand in both of his, Eck said with a genuine smile "Wooteck, your servant, Miss?..."
She blushed a bit and looked to Phil for a savior.
Being a gentleman, Phil extended his hand and said "Phil, Miss. Phil MaStill, Pleased to make your aquaintence."
Taking her hand in a firm, yet polite grasp.
"Please, join us" said Eck pulling a stool from the bar. "Or would ye be more comf'table by the fire?" he enquired, nodding over to the massive fireplace that separated the lounge proper from the outdoor balcony.
"Oh, I could sit for a minute i guess." Coleen smiled and took the proffered stool. "what brings you gents to Chicago?"
Phil opened his mouth,
"Business" Wooteck said flatly, as he cut Phil off.
"Hmm. And what business be that?" Coleen countered, letting just a little of her island lilt slip.
Eck smelled cop.
"Coleen, will you be staying for a drink then? the bartender walked over and proceeded to wipe the countertops.
"Sure Sam, can you fix me a Manhatten? She replied.
"Sir?" Enquired the bartender
"Yes, yes,of course...and please another Glenfarcas for me and Phil? Another Van Winkle 23?" said Eck.
"Absolutemont!" Declared Phil with a fun french accent.
Cutting to the chase, Wooteck said "we're not going to solicit you, so you may as well call off the vice squad and enjoy your drink."
Coleen jumped from her stool and slapped him forcefully "how dare you!" she hissed and promptly dropped back into the saddle, remembering where she was. The other patrons quieted and looked around to the bar.
Being a gentleman Eck resisted the urge to smack her back, and avoided rubbing his chin. "well if it's not vice then, who're ya with?" the innuendo was not lost....
Phil, being somewhat dumbstruck, waited on her answer. Coleen, knowing she'd been outed, tried to save face by saying "and who are you reporting to?

The fire in her green eyes made her irresistable to Eck.

"I watched you fellas get the bum's rush from Larry, across the way. Usually that's accompanied by a sound beating. I can't make it out. Obviously your not crooks or bums, and you're way too flush to be reporters... I don't get it" said Coleen.
"You show me your's, I'll show you mine" said Eck with a sly grin.
Coleen paused and with a sigh, reached up to her bra... and when the bartender was not looking nimbly flipped a miniature badge around for them to see. "FBI" she said,and let the badge fall back against her warm bosom.
Eck smiled in acknowledgement and pulled his press creds out and said "Daily Record" "Doon Embra"
"Fer Chrissakes! I'll be arsed! If bull-shit was music, you'd be a be a brass bleedin' band." she spouted in full Irish lilt.
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Re: HD novella

Post by HDNB »

The burly fellow that had ushered Dave Beck into the Il Forza made his way across the lobby, catching Phil's eye as he came into the lounge.
Wooteck and Coleen had their backs to the door and turned slowly when Phil nodded towards the door.
The three of them sat wordlessly as the big man strode up. The bulge of his revolver was plainly visible under his left armpit. "Beggin your pardon Ma'am" he said looking at Coleen, he touched his brow as if to tip a hat.
his gaze shifted to Phil and he continued "Mr Beck enjoyed the game tonite, and would like the opportunity of a rematch this upcoming Friday."
Phil's hand dropped to his lap, instinctively protecting the big wad of cash in his pocket. "i'm not sure we are welcome back" Phil offered.
"Ah yes, I'm to extend Mr Enrico's sincerely apologies for your hastened departure." the big man said "Larry thought he was protecting Mr. Beck's best interest, but he is a gaming man and knows these things happen." "I can assure you, you will be most welcome on the week's end."
"Thanks, we'll consider your offer sir" Eck said with some authority, signalling the end of the conversation.
The bodyguard made his way out of the bar and Coleen turned to the guys... barely able to contain herself "this is awesome guys, we have been trying to get into that room for over a year" she said.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Eck said holding up a hand, "what makes you think we are interested in getting shot, broke or beat on behalf of the government?"
"we'll stake you." she replied with a sparkle in her green eyes.
"Hmm", "Let's go upstairs and discuss this." Eck said, glancing up at the ceiling and out into the lobby to make sure the ape had left.
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

Truckinbutch wrote:Well , GODDAMNIT ! Fuckin mule kicks me in the head while me and Brock are repacking them to steal the load of shine and when I stumble down to check on her and Sarah she thinks that I'm all google eyed over the two of them .
>C'mon , I got an eighth grade education , good Christian raisin ; pickin cotton , raisin hell , and balein hay . Ain't no way of you all treatin me thisaway .
>Me and Brock focus on a job of stealin sumpin and you can rest assured that that job is gonna get done . Which was what we was doin when that cranky mule givened me a left hook from a hind foot to the back of my haid while we was packin them back up . Some whaggled me for a time . Got Brock on the trail outta there and went back to rescue the girls .
My haid was hurtin some bad and my eyes wasn't workin all that well when I got back to the camp . And there was Corene and Sarah with them passed out , tied up fellers . And she accused me of wanting to become a
voyeur .
>I was quick to assure her that we was just takin care of bidness . When the bidness was done I offered me and Brock as therapists to get her and Sarah repolarized toward regular relationships .
>Dealin with two conflicted women and a massive headache from a concussion wasn't somethin that was specified in the contract when I signed on with this outfit .
Two conflicted women and a massive headache is rather redundant , isn't it .
Way Corene was actin kinda put me in the mind of the ole boy that bought hisself a Monkey Wards mail order bride that they delivered to the railway station . On the way home he explained to her that his needs were simple ; when he wanted it it was right NOW! No courtin or orther foofuraw . And he proved to be true to his word . Breakfast table , outhouse , bedroom , middle of the barn yard ; made no never mind , when he wanted it ; he nailed it .................
One day she was crossin the barn yard when she seen him comin , runnin across the fields jumpin every fence he came to without a check in his stride . Whoopin and hollein all the while .
>Dutiful wife that she was , she shucked her dress and flatbacked herself right in the middle of the barnyard and braced herself .
>Old boy come to a slidin halt when he came to her and looked down on her nakedness . Puzzled for a moment and then ripped off his slouch hat and threw it to the ground .
>"GODDAMNIT! AIN'T THAT JUST LIKE A WOMAN ! Best damned barn we got on the whole entire place is afire and burnin down and she want's to fuck !"
>Anyway , me and Brock loaded them fellers and started the pack string . We agreed that we could work out what to do with them and the mules while we were working on the original mission .
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Re: HD novella

Post by HDNB »

"I'm tired" said Phil, looking over to one of the bedrooms in the suite that the Palmer Hose had seen fit to appoint them with.
"we'll be fine" Said Coleen
"Aye, see you in the mornin' " added Eck
As the door closed behind him, Eck turned to Coleen and said "a dram then mm?" and raised an eyebrow.
"Ye'd think i didn't have a mouth on me!"
"aye lass, a double then?" said Eck, pouring a large tumbler of whisky
"c'mere, i'll tell you a question" She said
Eck brought the tumbler to her and she said "Can ye hold yer piss, man?"
"aye" agreed Eck, handing her the glass.
Eck moved in closely and could smell the whisky on her breath. The gold flecks in her iris had him transfixed and he dropped a hand to her shoulder.
"Hmm" she said "that's lovely" savouring the Oban.
Coleen moved to the sofa and set her whisky on the coaster. "Eck, if you can help us get into Enrico's operation, that would be huge!"
"like I said, I'm no really interested in being shot, or worse, on behalf of your mission." Eck tipped his Oban
"i wouldn't be asking you to do anything you would not be doing anyway....but uncle sam can bankroll you while you do your research"
"What do you know about these guys anyway?" Eck enquired
Last edited by HDNB on Fri Nov 14, 2014 7:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

Brock and I discussed it at length while we was trailin that pack string . They was big , Missouri type mules . 1600 pounds of contrary meanness to the each . Fit to pack 500 pounds if well fitted or work plowin and cultivating from daybreak to last dark . Prime animals to trade on over to Blackwater Station . Them flatlanders could make fine use of them in their crop fields and S3 was growin short on that 'Bloody Butcher' sweet corn for stillin . We couldn't see no reason why Forrest Bondurant wouldn't swap a ton and a half of that corn for this string of mules and give us the loan of them to haul our plunder back .
>The two fellers we were packin along posed a problem . Forrest would want 'boot' to deal with them if we packed them along to his place . We weren't willin to lose on a trade on their account nor did we wish to just cut their throats and remove them from everyone's misery . Brock allowed that them herbs would be wearing off before long and they would be waking up .
>Since we was passin near there anyway we agreed on Pigeon Water Cave as a good place to leave them and that's what we did . Stripped them butt nekkid and shoulder packed them about a quarter mile down the main tunnel of that cave and laid them out . They had the option , when they woke up , of finding their way out of that dark hole or not . Choice was entirely up to them ...................
>Me and Brock had some tradin to do over to Blackwater Station ....................
If you ain't the lead dog in the team , the scenery never changes . Ga Flatwoods made my avatar and I want to thank him for that .
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Re: HD novella

Post by HDNB »

Coleen and Eck talked deep into the night putting together their back stories, with Eck learning about the criminal network the FBI was trying to sweep up. She had held nothing back at Eck's insistance, since it was his neck in the noose he wanted to know everything. She outlined the moonshine and bootlegging operations. The Feds were estimating that the mob was pulling 3 million a month through their speakeasies. Consumpsion was at an all time high since the government had relaxed liquor laws to allow women into barrooms, even if it was only to adjoining rooms, the ladies had taken a plunge into the deep end of the pool.
"Three million a month, Eh?" Eck pondered as Coleen stretched and yawned, her eyes had grown heavy with drink and she was nodding.
"So I understand the Bootleggin' fine, and the gaming room is pretty obviously on the down low" Eck said, "but you've told me nothing about the squint bitch and her partner passin' queer."
Coleen sat bolt upright "queer?" she said
"aye, funny money, you know...counterfeit" Eck replied.
"I know what queer money is Eck, what are you talking about?" Eck went on to explain the paper thin walls at Ledbetter's motel and how they had fortuitiously landed the adjoining room and were able to listen to the agents like they were at the same table.
"At first, it sounded like they were all straight and just there to bail out the other three, but the more we listened it was pretty obvious they have their own little gang going. The fat bastards in lockup have a trunk full of queer cash they stole from a bust. They were up in the hills trying to buy their way around the mob and open up a pipeline of corn whiskey of their own." Eck continued to fill in all the details of the conterfeit operation that he had.
"Well, the manky slut! I knew she w' mad for the mickey, but workin both sides o' the street!" Coleen was indignant
"Aye, and she and the Adams fellow were oot the back door of the games room after having a chat w' the owner - Enrico?" Eck said
"Wow, that's ballsy! not only both side of he street but right up the middle too." Her eyes were blazing, green emeralds of fire. The adrenaline of the news had energized her.
Suddenly she jumped up and straddled Eck on the sofa, taking him by surprise. She ran her fingers back through his hair and gripping a handful, kissed him hard and wet crushing her firm round breasts against his chest. Coming up for air, she looked in his astonished eyes and said "take me to bed!"
Last edited by HDNB on Fri Nov 14, 2014 7:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: HD novella

Post by HDNB »

i see ye been waitin for a wee touch more... :shock:

Eck gathered her up in his arms, and Coleen giggled as she was carried off to the bedroom. Reaching around his neck, she pulled herself up in his arms and nibbled playfully at an ear.
Eck stopped the door and crushed her against the wall, grabbing her hips and pressing his lips to hers, forcefully. Coleen enjoyed the embrace and darted her tongue artfully between his lips, savouring the smokey spirit of Oban mixed with the salt of his wanton desire.
Eck made his way to the bed and laid her carefully. Eck turned down the lights and with a grin he said "must go shake hands with the unemployed" and made his way to the ensuite.
"I think there may be a job soon!" she called behind him, and laid her head on the pillow.
Eck smiled as he admired himself in the mirror. He gave the stubble a quick wash and scrubbed his teeth quickly. As he exited, the light from the bathroom lit her hair a beautiful copper. "Hmm, " he mused.
Eck reluctantly closed the light and made his way to the bed, sliding in gently from the near side. not wanting his cold hand to jar her, he softly caressed the curve of her buttock oer top the blanket. Coleen let out a pleasant snore.
"Wha?" Eck studied her as he rocked that round ass a little more agressively.
"HmmPFttth" Coleen sighed, slipping her hand under a pillow, quite obviously fully asleep.
"Fek!" Eck said and rolled to the other side "friggin wimmin" he muttered, punching up a pillow and stuffing it between his legs.
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Re: HD novella

Post by HDNB »

In the morning Eck woke to an empty bed and a fat haed. Hearing voices from the other side, he stumbled aimlessly thought the doors rubbing his face in his hands. "wha the fuck" he muttered through his hands "thank ye gods me dear ol da's whisky don't do this to yer haed!"
Phil said " Eck, I think you forgot your pants."
he stopped and looked down "shite!" and made a turn back to the bedroom "beggin yer pardon" he tossed over his shoulder as the door closed.
A few minutes later Eck emerged washed and shaven, "y' am pure nick" he said, rubbing his neck
"ah you'll do in a pinch" said Coleen with a bright grin.
"Coleen has been on the phone with her boss, Eck and there is quite a bit of hand wringing and teeth nashing going on about this conterfeit money. For the first time it it seems we are a step ahead of the rest!"
Coleen spoke up "there has been a lot of queer showing up in the big cities, but they have not been able to trace it to the source yet. Thank God i'm in a different division than Williams, my boss damn near lost his shit when i told him about the bitch and her crew of flunkies."
"slow doon" said Eck "is there coffee?"
Phil produced a french press and poured Eck a cup, which he gratefully acknowledged with a nod and a noisy slurp. "Ahhh" Eck exhaled.

Coleen continued "Eck, they have had me up here working the moonshine angle for nine months now, and no one had any idea that the queer money was in the same house! If this goes a deep as you have it, well, i'll be havin' a "supervisory" in front of my special agent title quick as a wink." she bristled with energy.
"good for you" said Eck flatly. " can we quiet it down in here for the time being?" dropping his head into his hands. "Why in Christ's name do people drink this commercial shit" he said, rubbing his temples.
"you've given me a gold star at work, Eck." Coming up behind him, Coleen gently rubbed his neck with warm hands "how will i be repayin' ye?"
"I'm sure you'll think of something" chuckled Phil as he made his way to the back of the suite.
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Re: HD novella

Post by corene1 »

Well TB and Brock headed out , said they was going to do some trading with the mules and stash those 2 fellas somewhere safe till they were needed. Corene felt a little lost at that point. She didn't know what was going on in the big city and wasn't quite sure what the boys had planned for Marcel. She and Sarah decided to head back to town and let the society know that TB had the mules the 2 fellers and the hootch so they could get to Marcel and start putting some pressure on him for information about the mob and the shine connection. She knew she could help but also knew her planning ability was poor at best, she was more of a spontaneous type of girl. She told Sarah that she was going to go by her cabin and get a few things then they would head back up to the Skodies and check out that still sight to see if they could find anything that might help the boys in their mission to oust these mobsters from Pagosa.
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

SoMo saw me and Brock workin our way up the valley . He'd been keepin tabs on Jed and Corene's cabin . Told us Jed was off to town and it was clear for us to stash the load close the cabin . Which we did . Then we muffled them mules hooves with burlap sackin . wasn't no untrained pilgrim gonna be trackin us from that point on . Close as we were we swung by my place to get a good meal and a night's sleep .
S-Cak and Flatwoods was there when we herded our pack string into the barn lot . They had come to see if SOH had any news of us and if she needed any help with chores while I was gone . Fortuitous coincidence for all of us .
>Around the supper table we held a small war council . Got us all up to date and back on the same page . Gotta give credit to SOH . She always has a practical mercenary mindset . She opined that it was foolish to traipse them stolen mules across the mountains to Blackwater Station unladen on a trading venture . Her thought was that we ought to load them down with cured hog meat and other goods we could trade on .
>She also spoke up about how those Bondurant boys had , in her opinion , too high of an opinion of their favorite thoroughbred runnin horse . Her opinion was that both my Tennessee stud and that Steppin Woman mule
could show heels to him in a 2 mile course . We just had to set the stage to make the charm work .
>Conivin little wench , she is . We was fixin to do a trade and she has been plottin a raid . Even mentioned takin along my best fightin rooster and Flatwoods to get them into a card game . That's where I drew the line .
"Damnit , Woman ! We got to leave them a little dignity for the next time . I think mule tradin and mebbie a horse race will be good enough this time . "

>The fire was burnin low as we all had a last drink and went off to bed . Mornin was goin to come early and we had a lot of packin to do when it got here .
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Re: HD novella

Post by HDNB »

After talking weather and bullshit for almost five minutes, Phil finally heard the "click" on the line that signalled the nosey operator had found a more interesting call to listen in on. He jumped right into the story from last night.
Halfbaked roared with laughter as Phil gave him the play by play of the poker win over the telephone. "well done! well done, son." he grinned at his friends good fortune, even as he considered his own not so fortunate circumstance.
"I Owe you big time for bailing out of the car and sending me with Eck! said Phil. "This trip has been coming up aces on all fronts. Eck's gone and got all cosy with a girl named Coleen here. She's FBI and been working the city, watching the the Mob's hangout. She was investigating the likker coming into Chicago and you know what baked?" Phil continued "They had no idea about the counterfeit money was coming from the same place. Apparently it has been showing up all over the country in big cities and there was no tie-in until Eck filled her in on what we had found in Pagosa springs."
"Right on, Phil. Boston followed that other Fed Adams up to their local office and he got his hands on the car them fat bastards were driving...he buggered off so quick that Boston lost 'em." Halfbaked played back a few more of the details on their end of the story and finished up with a sombre thought "Without the car and the trunk full of queer, we're screwed. No evidence on this end to tie anybody to anything."
"I told you baked, Everything is coming up aces here." said Phil "That crooked bitch and her partner Adams were at the Il Forza last night. You can bet that car full of cash he brought back won't be far away."
"Coleen was telling us earlier that the feds had a couple of informants that were supposed to be mulin' the booze back down out of the hills, but they never showed up for the rendezvous at Muckalee creek. You heard anything about them boys?"
Halfbaked replied "No, i seen an ol fella and kind of a city looking kid with a small mule train heading up to the Skodies, but that was two or three day ago. Haven't seen nobody else since. I'll check with Boston, he's down at Ledbetters doing his time in that shithole."
"That reminds me Baked",Phil offered "I wired some cash over to the bank for you this morning. I know how cheap The Times is with their per diem."
"What? What the hell, Phil. You didn't have to do that." Half said.
"My pleasure", replied Phil. "Like I said, if you hadn't jumped outta that car and sent me along with Eck...none of that would have happened!"

"Well, I wished i come with you now. There's a lot of nothing going on in this town. Seems like half of the whole town is to a hunting trip up the hills, the few folks that are left here don't want to have nothing to do with a reporter from LALA land."
"Stay on it, Baked." said Phil. " I got a feeling there's gonna be some news coming down from them hills soon. Coleen has given us her word to give over the inside scoop on this from the FBI side. Eck pretty much made the little tart's career with the scoop he gave her on William's little gang. This is going to be a great story!"
"I hope so Phil, the old career could use a little charging up about now anyway." Halfbaked hung up the phone.
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

Mornin came earlier that most of us expected when SOH called us to breakfast better'n an hour before daybreak . Her fresh boiled coffee made the morning look a little less bleak as we shoved that bountiful breakfast down our necks .
>It was just breakin day when we finished brushin down them pack mules and got the pack saddles strapped to them . SOH directed us to what could be loaded out of our smokehouse onto the mules for the tradin trip .
With them lined up in the barn lot ; she and I went back to the barn to lead out the "Tennessee Stud' and 'Steppin Woman' . I looked sidewise at SOH and asked ,"You sure about this ?" SOH smiled an evil smile and replied ,"Yup".
>Steppin Woman took that opportunity to try to bite a hunk out of SOH ............Her bad . SOH had been waitin on the mule move . She jumped in the air and the mule's teeth snapped shut on nothing with a sound that wasn't nearly as audiable as the 'CRACK!' we heard when SOH's blackjack smacked between the mule's ears on her way back to the ground . Steppin Woman , out cold , hit the ground before SOH did .
"You killed my mule!", I yelled . I was pissed and not ashamed to show it .
"Nawp , "said SOH , "Just got her attention . Just like a husband , sometimes mules got to be reminded of who is in charge ."
>Steppin Woman thrashed and kicked for a bit and then struggled to her feet somewhat bewildered about what had just happened . SOH looked her in the eye with a smiling semievil grin , rubbed her nose a bit and murmered ,"There , now . We aren't going to have any more problems ,are we ."

>Flatwoods looked sidewize to me and said ,"So that's why you don't go card flippin and drinkin with us no more ."
>My "Fuck You" response was drowned out by the pack string gettin under way with SOH astride Steppin Woman leadin the way down the valley to finish loadin the string .
>I coul see that this was the start of a momentious venture .
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

Flatwoods sensed the same thing and tugged at my arm ,
"Butch , I gotta be part of this just to see how it plays out .Just let me be front man . I'll get your cousins all primed for a race before you get there ."

"You gonna play cards with them , too, Flatwoods ?"

"Well , I got to be neighborly .................."

"Do what you will ... You make what you will from the card flippin or lose what you can stand . You just agitate them into being primed for a race when we get there with the pack string ."
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Re: HD novella

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"Just talked to halfbaked" said Phil as he walked out to the main room of the suite. " What's goin' on out here?"
Wooteck was making another pot of coffee in the kitchen and called back " care for a cuppa, Phil?"
"No, I'm good." he replied "Sun's almost over the yardarm, almost time for a shot, no?"

"You guys are incorrigible" Said Coleen, as she was putting on her shoes and coat.
"you are rushing off?" asked Phil
"I've been on the phone with the head office" she replied " they've asked me to report back to Washington with Eck for debriefing. I was able to get him out of the trip but i got to go."
"That sucks" phil said.
"she's not goin nowhere till i get another cuppa coffee" said eck. "you don't want to join me?"
"Sure, what the hell, " said Phil drawing a flask from his hip pocket. as he poured a measure into his cup, and another into Eck's he said " That'll fix you up lad."
"I was just talking with halfbaked, back in Pagosa springs. he said not much going on there right now so he was going to go down to Ledbetter's motel and see if young Boston had learned anything new."
"Did he know anything about the two guys we got workin the mule train?" asked Coleen.
"No, no word there. He said there may have been a couple guys fittin the description the other day, but has not seen hide nor hair of them since." replied Phil
"Well, I'm going to take Coleen down to the train station Phil, so do ya want to meet up for a steak around dinner? Eck enquired.
"Sure, that would be great" said Phil "I'm buying too!" feeling his oats with the new found wealth he was enjoying. "how about we go to that fancy Ruth's Chris place uptown?"
"Right on, Phil." Eck said, walking out the door cup in hand. He grabbed Coleen's bag and punched the button for the elevator . " I'll see you there at 6"
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Re: HD novella

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MEN MISSING IN MOUNTAINS: 2 men are reported missing in the mountains above Pagosa Springs. Local authorities are saying the two men are described as one in his late fortys or early fifties, the other much younger maybe mid to late twentys. Both men are strangers in the area and the reason for being in the mountains and missing are not known at this time. A search party is being organized.
The search party<br />The search party
The search party
The search party

In other news: a monkey was reported running around Muckebee Creek yesterday, carrying a cue ball.
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

Well , I bid Flatwoods good day and he set off on his self serving mission . Time i caught up to SOH down to Pagosa . I swear ! That half Jewish lady had already packed out that remainder of the mule train and paid cash money for all of it outa her pocket . We was no longer trading for the community , she had made us the owners of what we was going to trade / bet over to Blackwater Station .
Devil take the hindmost ; I had done floated my stick .
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Re: HD novella

Post by HDNB »

Devil take the hindmost ; I had done floated my stick .[/quote]

Hell, TB.,... i'm gonna have to get gooseye to start translatin' for me.
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

HDNB wrote:[quote="Truckinbutch"
Devil take the hindmost ; I had done floated my stick .
Hell, TB.,... i'm gonna have to get gooseye to start translatin' for me.[/quote] Well , FUCK ME A'RUNNIN ! If you ain't cultured enuff to unnerstan plain English then mebbie yew otter hire a translater :ewink:
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Re: HD novella

Post by HDNB »

Truckinbutch wrote:
HDNB wrote:[quote="Truckinbutch"
Devil take the hindmost ; I had done floated my stick .
Hell, TB.,... i'm gonna have to get gooseye to start translatin' for me.
Well , FUCK ME A'RUNNIN ! If you ain't cultured enuff to unnerstan plain English then mebbie yew otter hire a translater :ewink:[/quote]

s'weeeel i'll beef hooked. mr. google translator actually knew the answer to this'un.
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Re: HD novella

Post by ga flatwoods »

Flatwoods always had a fancy for the suave, debonair, and cool approach to the finer things in life of the lore surrounding Doc Holiday. Wyatt Earp was ok but Doc was his hero. He was a good poker player, straight shooter and quick draw, and better yet a Georgia flatwoods brother having been raised up around the big swamp on the southeast quarter. He came up on the Bondurant boys while taking a pull from some his best likker he brought for the trip. Them Bourdurant boys never had no brown likker as the ole man didnt take the time nor effort to make any. Claimed that it caused good likker to make a headache. Fact is them boyz never understood that as evertime they drank any his white they got the headache anyway. Flatwoods found it a good way to start a talking with them, and of course them a drinkin. Drinkin led to shooting the shit and eventually the cards came out when enough of the creek water was in em. Seems these boyz couldn't drink as well as shoot the shit. The interest in the card game seemed to bring a clarity to all of them and they done had idea of takin all Flats money and drink up all his likker as well as hide some what he was packing. They had to admit it was some the best damn likker they ever tasted. Flats told them he was looking for a water source when he stumblled up on them. Didnt mean to intrude on their action as he didnt realize there were other shiners in these parts. One them Bondurant boys all loose lipped allowed "Feller you just dont know, we got cousins in these hills making so much they sending it to the city for them assholes to swallow like punch. Aint worth a damn but they getting big money for it!" "Shut the hell up boy!" one of the others snapped! Flatwoods looked on as if all he had just heard was just more bullshit. Once the arguing between the Bondurant boys was iver and there was nithing more going to be said of any value, Flatwoods went to work of taking all their damn money ... How far out was TB kept running through his mind. When they weren't looking he would reach down nervously and roll the chambers in that old 44 Colt Peacemaker he always carried.
The hardest item to add to a bottle of shine is patience!
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

Me and SOH got down to Blackwater Station some behind Flatwoods bein as we was trailin them mules . We was concerned that we was a bit too late when we walked in and saw Flatwoods and all three of them around a card table . Tension was kinda like static electricity in the air . DAMNIT ! What did I do in another life to require me to keep getting into these situations .I SWEAR !!
>That iggorant assed Howard was just fixin to call Flatwoods a card cheat when I hit him right in his cocksucker with my left fist . Saved his life , I did , as Flatwoods was fixin to put a window through his head you could see eternity through as soon as Howard made the call .
>That stupid kid , Jack , jumped up at the same time to take Howard's part . He never did have no sense .... I distracted him some . I mean I got a 9 inch hand that's 5 1/2 inches wide attached to a 220 pound platform . You get hit with a horn off that band wagon and you WILL have pause for thought even if it is a backhand swing .
>Forrest was just sittin there , real still , with his hands flat on the table staring into the mouth of my 1911 Colt in my right hand . He was a man that liked to contemplate . "Any way we can work this out ? ", he asked
>"Sure , you and your brothers and Flatwoods roll your cards . Winner takes all on the table . That Flatwoods is a good card player , but he ain't a cheat . You settle up your game and then we will do some tradin ."
>While Flatwoods was rakin his pile of money into a sack I chanced a look over at SOH . She and Maggie , Forrest's girlfriend , was over to the far end of the bar . Forrest's sawed off 12 gauge double was layin on the bar and Maggie was standing very still with SOH's 'Tinker Made' Bowie restin across her collar bone and her neck ; needin only a short pull to send her to the 'Promised Land '.
If you ain't the lead dog in the team , the scenery never changes . Ga Flatwoods made my avatar and I want to thank him for that .
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