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Re: SRD and I

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 6:56 pm
by Little Hank


Re: SRD and I

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 6:22 am
by spirit run dave
TB and I,been having a wonderful and exciting learning experience.he's been doing good with the details.
Did a few modifications to my set up,and had TB helping build a new condenser.Did all my mandatory cleaning.started my strip run at 5:30am by 8:30 I was cleaning up.
Did about 18 gallons of mash,got two and a half gallons in less than three hours.
Ran full throttle and that condenser could've taken more.great design,works amazing.

Re: SRD and I

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 7:00 pm
by Truckinbutch
Schedules are a problem . I'm retired and disabled , DAMNIT ! I sit up half the night bullshitting here while he is sleeping . Then he want's to break out of the gate in the first morning race at daybreak . Guess I'm going to have to reform my work habits if I'm going to mentor a younker .
I see this as a positive for both of us and so do our wives .
Gonna miss you late night(to me) folks . I'll catch ya on the next day .

Re: SRD and I

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 8:24 pm
by Truckinbutch
Hug your honey tomorrow . It's Valentine's Day !
Corene , I would have sent you a platonic card but I don't have your address . Be my valentine :)
Well everything has been going fine except for one of my stainless tri-clover to copper solder joints coming off my boiler . Hadn't been able to catch that rascal in the act of leaking ,but suspected it , for nearly 4 years . Kept seeing corrosion but a mirror wouldn't show anything until yesterday .
A bad joint won't heal it's self . The corrosion kept separating the joint around the 2" off the boiler .
11 gallon boiler charge and 8 in the thumper for a full fire strip run finally built enough back pressure for all the corrosion to dissolve and blow out around 15 degrees of the joint to the point that the mirror would detect it . Got a lot of use out of it before it failed so I can't bitch .
My safety protocol requires a leak safety check every 15-20 minutes during a run so this wasn't an 'AW ! SHIT!' moment . Just a problem caught in time .
Riser and downcomer into the thumper needed to be shortened anyway . Dave and I discussed this issue before we set up this winter . It's providence that we didn't do that before we set up .
Had we done so that failed joint would have been part of the final build just waiting to fail .
Ordered a new copper ferrule today that should be here by the end of the week . Do the mods and cleaning runs and back to bidness as usual by the weekend .

Re: SRD and I

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 9:05 pm
by corene1
If you ever need something built let me know. If you have an oxy acetylene set up try silver brazing your stainless ferrule to copper tube. A really strong bond right there. I have a supplier here that has all kinds of stainless fittings and tube remnants . He just got in a bunch of older but unused 2 inch copper tube but it looks to have a thicker wall, probably .065 wall . By the way , thanks for the Valentines day wish. First one I have gotten in a long while.

Re: SRD and I

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 9:42 pm
by Truckinbutch
'Zat mean you'll be my Valentine ? :)
I haven't had an oxy/acetylene outfit for several years because of getting jacked on tank rental . That game changed in the last month . 2 new suppliers moved into the area and the price of poker is going to go down .
In the interim I am going to use the copper ferrule and do the mods I need to do . I'm confidant of my soldered copper joints .
That 'gas well eagle' shit's as promised and there's gonna be a new shop , tig welder , cuttin outfit , and mebbie a trip to see you and T-Pee and others if Cali is still part of 'Merica .

Re: SRD and I

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 8:09 pm
by Truckinbutch
Copper ferrule from Moonshine Distiller came in the mail today via an Amazon order . Looks to be all they advertised it to be . I'll find out this weekend .
Bad/good news on SRD and Coalminer both .
SRD expects to have to go back to work Monday and Coalminer is expecting to get called back to work in March .
How the hell do they expect us to get any likker made when they keep calling people back to work ?
I'm glad to see an uptick in the economy . We can play with our hobby when work schedules allow .

Re: SRD and I

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 6:35 pm
by Truckinbutch
Grandson and I spent most of the day installing a new security system because FBI(middle daughter) was coming to sport a new beau at some point in the day .
Productive day and I didn't shoot the new suitor .
Anyhow , with them all gone I got to address that new copper ferrule and my heavy wall 2" tube . Looks like if I file bevels on both pieces and heat the tube I can shrink fit the tube on the ferrule like I did with the ss ferrule on the original riser .
If I clean , flux , and do this will solder wick into such a tight joint and give me a good seal ? I'm open to alternative approaches . Don't have my lathe back on line to bore the tube for more clearance .

Re: SRD and I

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 6:39 pm
by FreeMountainHermit
Thinking that after the press fit and if you wash the solder up the tube wall a bit then you're golden.

Re: SRD and I

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 6:55 pm
by Truckinbutch
FreeMountainHermit wrote:Thinking that after the press fit and if you wash the solder up the tube wall a bit then you're golden.
Gonna try it tomorrow . Gotta get Calvin back in action . He's got a lot of work to do between now and September .

Re: SRD and I

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 4:47 am
by Hillbilly Popstar
Great thread. Thanks for documenting your learnings, blunders, and old sage wisdom too.

Re: SRD and I

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 5:48 pm
by Truckinbutch
Got the copper ferrule soldered in place yesterday . Little work with a Dremel with a drum sander and that ferrule slipped in that 2"pipe like a minister's cock in a calf's ass .
SRD came over this morning and we finished that remodel . We cut about 20" of 2" and 1" out of the vapor path . That's 40" of copper that doesn't have to be heated to get vapor to the thumper . I expect a significant improvement .
We spent the rest of the day installing security cameras .
Tomorrow I'll do cleaning runs and I'm back in business .
SRD brought over some caramel apple AG that he had just put together . Outdid himself on that mix . SOH had a second one because the first tasted so good . That's a high compliment from her . I ain't been shy about a refill neither .

Re: SRD and I

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 5:07 am
by crazy
SRD brought over some caramel apple AG that he had just put together . Outdid himself on that mix

I am curious what he used for the caramel flavor...?

Re: SRD and I

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 6:01 pm
by Truckinbutch
crazy wrote:SRD brought over some caramel apple AG that he had just put together . Outdid himself on that mix

I am curious what he used for the caramel flavor...?
I turned him on to Monin Syrups . We have both found them to be dependable for cordials at family gatherings .
Not everyone in our groups want a straight likker with an ice cube .

Re: SRD and I

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 6:57 pm
by ShineonCrazyDiamond
Truckinbutch wrote: Not everyone in our groups want a straight likker with an ice cube .
Yep. Some of us throw the ice cube right back at ya.

Re: SRD and I

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 7:31 pm
by japsinok
I have been enjoying this thread, as well as MCH's Mash-off thread. I began my own AG adventure in December with a modified (higher rye) Carolina Bourbon. I am so thankful for these threads especially, as they have made the jump to AG much more pleasant than I expected. I'm mashing a total of 20#, starting with an overnight pre soak of 14.4# cracked corn in 5gal H2O and 2 gal backseat. Then heat to 160 and add 2 cups 6 row, 1Tbsp alpha-amylase and rest 30 mins to loosen the corn. I add another 2 gal water then bring to low boil for 1 hr with near constant stirring to gelatinize without scorching. Let it cool to 160 and add 1Tbsp alpha-amylase. Once it cools to ca. 145, add 3.6#rye and 2# 6-row malt. That cools it to under 140 so I reheat to 140, turn off heat, add 2Tbsp gluco amylase, and cover with blankets. At the end of day I reheat to 140F, add another Tbsp gluco, cover with lid and blankets, and put to bed overnight. By morning, it yields 17-18 BRIX for OG =1.07 and passes the iodine/starch test like clockwork. I split into two 6gal fermenters and pitch 10gm hydrated DADY. They've all been finishing out at around FG = 1.002 for abv just above 10% every time. My only hiccup has been that the local HBS ran out of rye malt and so I have had to switch to flaked (unmalted) rye. I really want the spiciness of rye in this bourbon so I hope the combination of using both malted and unsalted rye does not have too big an effect on the final spirit going into the barrel. So far, I've stripped enough to make two spirit runs through my 5 gal alembic, keeping about a gallon from each run. I'll soon have the third gallon of spirit on the way to filling a new 5 gallon med. char barrel. No real questions at the moment, just an update on progress, and to say thanks for the posts in these threads that have made for a more pleasant experience.

Actually, I guess I do have one question. I always keep the heads/tails from my UJSSM washes for adding back to the next spirit run, but so far have not done that on this journey. Heads and tails are accumulating. What are folks thoughts on adding back to subsequent spirit runs, or doing an AG all feints run?


Re: SRD and I

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 7:56 pm
by Truckinbutch
japsinok wrote:I have been enjoying this thread, as well as MCH's Mash-off thread. I began my own AG adventure in December with a modified (higher rye) Carolina Bourbon. I am so thankful for these threads especially, as they have made the jump to AG much more pleasant than I expected. I'm mashing a total of 20#, starting with an overnight pre soak of 14.4# cracked corn in 5gal H2O and 2 gal backseat. Then heat to 160 and add 2 cups 6 row, 1Tbsp alpha-amylase and rest 30 mins to loosen the corn. I add another 2 gal water then bring to low boil for 1 hr with near constant stirring to gelatinize without scorching. Let it cool to 160 and add 1Tbsp alpha-amylase. Once it cools to ca. 145, add 3.6#rye and 2# 6-row malt. That cools it to under 140 so I reheat to 140, turn off heat, add 2Tbsp gluco amylase, and cover with blankets. At the end of day I reheat to 140F, add another Tbsp gluco, cover with lid and blankets, and put to bed overnight. By morning, it yields 17-18 BRIX for OG =1.07 and passes the iodine/starch test like clockwork. I split into two 6gal fermenters and pitch 10gm hydrated DADY. They've all been finishing out at around FG = 1.002 for abv just above 10% every time. My only hiccup has been that the local HBS ran out of rye malt and so I have had to switch to flaked (unmalted) rye. I really want the spiciness of rye in this bourbon so I hope the combination of using both malted and unsalted rye does not have too big an effect on the final spirit going into the barrel. So far, I've stripped enough to make two spirit runs through my 5 gal alembic, keeping about a gallon from each run. I'll soon have the third gallon of spirit on the way to filling a new 5 gallon med. char barrel. No real questions at the moment, just an update on progress, and to say thanks for the posts in these threads that have made for a more pleasant experience.

Actually, I guess I do have one question. I always keep the heads/tails from my UJSSM washes for adding back to the next spirit run, but so far have not done that on this journey. Heads and tails are accumulating. What are folks thoughts on adding back to subsequent spirit runs, or doing an AG all feints run?

That's a personal call . I've done it both ways . What was most interesting was that I had several gallons of heads and tails collected when it was confirmed that I would be hosting S3 16 .
SRD and I spirit ran 54 halfpints of that mix and aired for 24 hours . Then we capped those jars .
At S3 16 we had a group wide blending seminar . The general blending consensus agreed to oak 2 half gallons and one quart at 60% . 1 toasted/ 1 toasted-charred stick in each half gallon . The quart got one toasted /charred stick .
Well , SRD and I consumed that quart as a public service and I needed the jar .
Those 2 half gallons are to be judged at S3 17 at a year old .
Smell and finger dip tests show a lot of promise .
And that's just an all feint's run .
When in doubt , run it . Ya won't know what ya got unless ya do .

Re: SRD and I

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 8:21 pm
by japsinok
Thanks for the quick feedback! You've got me leaning toward an all feints run, aging on toasted/charred sticks for the heads/tails, and keeping the CB limited to hearts. I toast/char my own white oak so have a steady supply. Might need to pick up another carboy since the stripping and spirit runs take up the two that I have on hand and the feints are beginning to fill more than the gallon mayonnaise jars I have on hand.

Re: SRD and I

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 8:41 pm
by Truckinbutch
japsinok wrote:Thanks for the quick feedback! You've got me leaning toward an all feints run, aging on toasted/charred sticks for the heads/tails, and keeping the CB limited to hearts. I toast/char my own white oak so have a steady supply. Might need to pick up another carboy since the stripping and spirit runs take up the two that I have on hand and the feints are beginning to fill more than the gallon mayonnaise jars I have on hand.
Think about it . The big box boys shove all of it together in oak with no cuts . We get the best hearts for instant gratification and no hangovers . Redistill what you left out and age it on oak . What have you lost ?

Re: SRD and I

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 9:11 pm
by japsinok
Truckinbutch wrote:
japsinok wrote:Thanks for the quick feedback! You've got me leaning toward an all feints run, aging on toasted/charred sticks for the heads/tails, and keeping the CB limited to hearts. I toast/char my own white oak so have a steady supply. Might need to pick up another carboy since the stripping and spirit runs take up the two that I have on hand and the feints are beginning to fill more than the gallon mayonnaise jars I have on hand.
Think about it . The big box boys shove all of it together in oak with no cuts . We get the best hearts for instant gratification and no hangovers . Redistill what you left out and age it on oak . What have you lost ?
Yeah, my UJSSM, either barrel aged or with toasted charred oak, is already better than anything store bought that now sits unloved on my shelves, and has never given the first headache/hangover. That still amazes me. It will be interesting to run that AG feints jar. Actually, there is one cut in the tails that I add back to the hearts because it has a really nice flavor profile that I like when I am making cuts. So, I expect the AG feints run will have some very nice favors if I can isolate the best part of the run. That will be a new experience for me so any advice on making cuts in a feints run would be greatly appreciated as well.

Re: SRD and I

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 10:13 pm
by Truckinbutch
It's just a matter of taste . I had roughly 30 people arguing over 54 half pints . We achieved agreement and put it on oak .
You will have equal , but different results . We are both right .
It's a matter of personal taste .

Re: SRD and I

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 5:56 am
by japsinok
Wondering if you found an obvious transition from heads to hearts (and tails) in your all feints, since you are concentrating the heads to a much greater degree. I could imagine massive headaches if you go too far into the heads especially, and lots of opinion about what to blend or discard as you move into the tails.

Re: SRD and I

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 6:09 am
by Pikey
As Truckinbutch says "it's a matter of personal taste" - The heads, (to me) contain the sharpness and sharper flavours I associate with a "spirit", the tails, some of the softer flavours and "Body" - also deep tails contain some fuesel oils and poor tastes. Some (including me on some products) return a lot of heads and some tails into the blend.

Remember that little cut of "Foreshots" ? well I keep mine for cleaning and lighting the fire and I refer to it as "My bottle with all the headaches in it" ! :)

Re: SRD and I

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 8:32 am
by japsinok
Thanks, Pikey. Yes, I'll just have to run the all feints and learn to judge for myself, as I continue to learn the differences between distilling/blending AG and sugar wash. But that all feints activity will have to be saved for later, after I have completed the Carolina Bourbon project, or at least until 5 gals are aging in the barrel. This foray into AG mashing etc has been exciting, though I am jealous of those who have distilling partners (like TB and SRD) as I feel somewhat alone in the wilderness, which makes learning to make cuts and blending without a tutor something of a challenge. ...but a fun challenge!!

Re: SRD and I

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 11:46 am
by crazy
Truckinbutch wrote:
crazy wrote:SRD brought over some caramel apple AG that he had just put together . Outdid himself on that mix

I am curious what he used for the caramel flavor...?
I turned him on to Monin Syrups . We have both found them to be dependable for cordials at family gatherings .
Not everyone in our groups want a straight likker with an ice cube .
Thanks I appreciate the info

Re: SRD and I

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 10:02 pm
by Truckinbutch
Guess you all can figure that I been 'screwin the pooch' the last few days . Ain't exactly accurate . Just life gettin in the way for all of us .
SRD is fixin to go back to work come Monday . I got to do some doctoring and got to take SOH and her friend to the airport on Friday for their cruise .
Coalminer is almost finished with his build and is working brutal hours when he has to work .
He has found is a source of ground , locally grown , corn meal for $11 /100# .
Told y'all he was fit to take along .
I did cleaning runs on my riser and downcomer tubes today after taking 3'of 1 and 2" tubing out of the vapor path . Washed up all my settling buckets and am ready to rack and squeeze the next strip run .
Life is good today .

Re: SRD and I

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 9:03 am
by rager
how many gallons of low wines have you got now? must be close to being able to do a spirit run i would assume , unless i missed something somewhere

Re: SRD and I

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 10:30 am
by Truckinbutch
Got 3 gallons from the last strip and I expect yo get about the same from the next . That will make up a spirit run .

Re: SRD and I

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 11:06 am
by goose eye
You done good ole boy now the problem

Problem with makein good likker is
Is makein good likker

So I'm tole

Re: SRD and I

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 5:48 pm
by Truckinbutch
goose eye wrote:You done good ole boy now the problem

Problem with makein good likker is
Is makein good likker

So I'm tole
That's only one problem , goose .
The other is stayin out of it so you can stockpile some of it when it tastes so good . I got to still harder to get ahead .