Lets get carried away with fruity goodness

Discussions of fruits, veggies and grains other then just mashing

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Re: Lets get carried away with fruity goodness

Post by cranky »

subbrew wrote: Mon Sep 25, 2023 10:02 am
zach wrote: Mon Sep 25, 2023 9:44 am Wow, what a load.... Hope you had some help. I'm getting to the point where I'm passing on grapes that require much of drive as I already put away 30 gallons of wine and 5 gallons of brandy for the season.
Yes, we had 3 additional families over. For 4 days before pressing I picked 13 - 5 gal buckets of apples each night. The trailer has 39 buckets in it. One of the other families brought over about 6 buckets and another brought about 10 buckets worth. We were about 5 1/2 hours pressing.

Pretty efficient, we had 4 to 6 people cleaning, washing and rinsing apples, and cutting out large bad spots. Then three or 4 running the crusher and press. And one guy that would take the tractor to empty the loader bucket where we were putting the crushed pulp.

Beer, two years ago cider, brats, hot dogs and sides were provided to keep everyone happy.

I really like doing things like this. I can see why communities were much closer 100 years ago when neighbors would get together for thrashing grain, butchering chickens, hogs, etc. We have this event and honey harvest as social work groups. A few years ago I rented a chipper and people brought over loads of leaves and branches and took home mulch at the end of the day. Food, friends and at the end of the day you have accomplished something as well.
Sounds like fun. The most people I ever get is Mrs Cranky and myself...unless I do it at work, then people come in and want to feed apples into the chopper but they won't help wash apples, press or clean up.
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Re: Lets get carried away with fruity goodness

Post by cranky »

Mrs Cranky and I went to a local "Ukrainian" market today, Before the war over there is was a Russian market :think:

Mrs Cranky wants to do this years batches of jelly and apple butter and maybe pie filling so she has been eyeballing apples. Never mind that I have a bucket of apples sitting in the dining room and another in the truck :roll: and am getting ready to potentially get many more. To her the Braburns and Fujis from the front yard are too small to use the peeler/corer and she doesn't want to peel by hand due to her arthritis.

The market has bins of apples for 99 cents a lbs, which is about the best price around but when they get a new bin they box up the remaining apples and sell them cheap. The cheap ones don't last long but we were fortunate enough to be there on a day when the discount apples were available :ebiggrin: $5 for a big box. I haven't weighed them but last year the boxes ran somewhere between 25 &35 lbs, so I bought Mrs Cranky a big box of apples to make apple butter out of. I considered buying the other 5 or 6 boxes just because that's a good price, and juicing them but didn't.
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Re: Lets get carried away with fruity goodness

Post by shadylane »

It's fruit harvest season, time to make friends with folks that own an orchard.
The fruit that's blemished or over ripe is just fine for brandy and a lot cheaper than at a market.
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Re: Lets get carried away with fruity goodness

Post by NZChris »

A friend just dropped off enough of my favorite variety of Kiwifruit for making about twenty bottles of wine and/or bubbly. They need ripening, so I have a bit of time to decide what to do with them.

Brandy is probably not the best use for them, but I will use the pressings to make a sugar wash to use for a very nice gin base spirit.
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Re: Lets get carried away with fruity goodness

Post by shadylane »

Kiwifruit wine sounds interesting.
I suspect distillation would remove most of the character. :oops:
Maybe add kiwi juice or wine to a neutral spirit.
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Re: Lets get carried away with fruity goodness

Post by NZChris »

There are a lot more varieties of kiwifruit available now than 40+ years ago when I made my first bubbly. In my opinion and experience, the new varieties make crap wine and bubbly and the brandy needs to be refluxed to damned near neutral to be useful for gin etc..
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Re: Lets get carried away with fruity goodness

Post by shadylane »

Damn, I hate to here that.
Just when I was having visions of a tropical paradise, where I could stuff fruit in a jar and have wine. :cry:
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Re: Lets get carried away with fruity goodness

Post by cranky »

I weighed the $5 box of apples we got last week before we started using them. It weighed just a hair under 30 lbs and was mostly fujis. By my calculations that comes to about 17 cents a lbs, which is quite reasonable. Both our slow cookers went bad last year and we only recently bought a new one, but only one, so we were down to only a half batch of apple butter this year. Last night it was finally ready to jar up after cooking for something like 4 days. We got 8 half pints, which should be fine for the next year.

The rest of the apples went to pie filling. Which worked out quite well. It's nice to be able to slap together a crust, or just buy one, open a jar, bake it and you have the perfect pie.

This leaves me with all the apple butter from last year that Mrs Cranky didn't like. In all it's about 3/4 of a gallon. I'm thinking I might try to ferment it and see how I like it.
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Re: Lets get carried away with fruity goodness

Post by shadylane »

Reminds me of Bubba getting his hands on a shit-load of out of date apple sauce.
Don't know how much he started with, but it was enough to make several gallons after cuts and proofing.
Some he fermented as is, after adjusting the pH to correct for the citric acid preservative.
Some he added molasses, to make Apple Rumbrandy.
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Re: Lets get carried away with fruity goodness

Post by Bushman »

Going to crush and press apples this next weekend. Should get somewhere between 20 and 40 gallons. Will try to get pictures.
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Re: Lets get carried away with fruity goodness

Post by Oatmeal »

Collected thousands of apricots, had a lovely wild ferment, was getting amazing smells from my first strip, scorched at the very end and missed it... :cry:

Remembered that I was going to build a steam rig for this very purpose. Not an awful scorch, will restrip with the other 5 gallons and then spirit. If it's anything like the mild corn scorch I had it'll age out in a few years. (Sigh)

The random 5 gallon ferment of windfall plums got mixed with some random bottles of vodka I did not care for and run. Turned into a lovely eau de vie. Light up front (very sweet character), leaves minutes of plum flavor on the finish.

Will likely ferment smaller batches of fruit in the future and mix with neutral to bring it to 20% for the spirit run. More realistic than gathering 20 gallons of apricots, unless I'm unemployed!
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Re: Lets get carried away with fruity goodness

Post by NormandieStill »

Just started pressing this years haul of apples. We collected around 550kg, and today we mananged to scrat about 3/4 of them. And press the first load. The rest of the apple mash is macerating in a large barrel and a set of sealed buckets. Tomorrow, I'll see what's come off the press overnight and then unless it's still dribbling out, I'll empty, refill and carry on. I'm hoping to also produce some Normandy style cider, but I think it might be too hot. The ferment may just run away. We've ended up throwing quite a few apples which had rotted in the bags. Never saw anything like that even last year. Normally you can keep the apples for a good month after picking before processing them. This year after 3 weeks we already had quite a lot that were rotten through and furry!

Anyway, it seemed like the moment to sample last years work which has had a little over 3 months on oak so far. Even at barrel strength, it's not too hot, and there's a really nice vanilla flavour from the oak. When I was blending, I got scared of going too far into the heads, and aged a separate jar of the heads that I was hesitating over. After 3 months on oak, I'm fairly confident that they'll be rejoining the rest!
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Re: Lets get carried away with fruity goodness

Post by Bradster68 »

Didn't get as much as I wanted, but its something. Got a 5gallon pail and a couple carboys halfish full. (that's wild grapes in the other pail).
Apple juice was 1.042ish.
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Re: Lets get carried away with fruity goodness

Post by Bradster68 »

I know im not supposed to add sugar ,but I got 5 gallons of this mush with some 1/4 to 3/8 chunks of apple still in there.
So imma add sugar and macerate with my sharpened paint mixer and see what happens.
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Re: Lets get carried away with fruity goodness

Post by subbrew »

Racked cider from the big fermenter to carboys last night. 42 gallon at 7% abv. Looking forward to starting stripping runs, the start of my distilling season.
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Re: Lets get carried away with fruity goodness

Post by Bradster68 »

subbrew wrote: Thu Oct 12, 2023 1:23 pm Racked cider from the big fermenter to carboys last night. 42 gallon at 7% abv. Looking forward to starting stripping runs, the start of my distilling season.
Sounds like you did good. Imma do my sugar 1.5 run. And the all natural twice through the pot
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Re: Lets get carried away with fruity goodness

Post by NormandieStill »

We started pressing apples last Saturday, processing 20 out of the 27 sacks. Filled the press and almost every available bucket. While the first pressing ran off the remaining pomace macerated. I was able to refill the press twice, the last fill having macerated for 48 hours. The juice was just pouring off. Bottled 11l as juice and the rest has been poured into a large oak barrel where it's happily fermenting. Gonna see if I can process the last 7 sacks this weekend which should about top off the barrel.

Then yesterday, I made up a sugar wash and dumped the dry pomace from the final pressing into the fermenter with it. Going to see if there's enough wild yeast left to start the ferment and steam strip on the solids when it's done. Try and sneak a bonus run of apple (almost) brandy to keep out of the real stuff for a couple of years.
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Re: Lets get carried away with fruity goodness

Post by Bradster68 »

NormandieStill wrote: Thu Oct 12, 2023 10:00 pm We started pressing apples last Saturday, processing 20 out of the 27 sacks. Filled the press and almost every available bucket. While the first pressing ran off the remaining pomace macerated. I was able to refill the press twice, the last fill having macerated for 48 hours. The juice was just pouring off. Bottled 11l as juice and the rest has been poured into a large oak barrel where it's happily fermenting. Gonna see if I can process the last 7 sacks this weekend which should about top off the barrel.

Then yesterday, I made up a sugar wash and dumped the dry pomace from the final pressing into the fermenter with it. Going to see if there's enough wild yeast left to start the ferment and steam strip on the solids when it's done. Try and sneak a bonus run of apple (almost) brandy to keep out of the real stuff for a couple of years.
My thoughts exactly 🍻
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Re: Lets get carried away with fruity goodness

Post by cranky »

Ok, I couldn't stand it. A few days ago I drove by the house with the black apples. It's a little early but the trees are loaded and apples all over the ground. I then realized it looked like new people had moved in and there was a sort of extension added to part of the fence making it look like they wanted to prevent people from picking them.

I looked up the house on Zillow and sure enough, it sold last month :? So, one day when there weren't any cars in the driveway I stopped and left a nice note asking for permission to pick. A few days later I got a text giving me permission but asking me not to go in the yard because of their dogs :think: That complicates things a bit but not terribly, although it limits my reach but there are a couple other trees around the corner I've picked in the past so if I have a shortfall I figure I can easily make it up with those if I need to.

So this morning I loaded the chopper into the truck and hauled it into the shop at work. I took it apart and cleaned the blades, shaft and mounting parts. I didn't get to the barrel but should get to that tomorrow. I should also be able to get the press pan and plates cleaned as well. The stand is a little worse for wear and will also need a bit of attention and bracing to function properly so it will take a few days to sort out.

On my way home from work I stopped and picked 2 buckets of apples, which was very, very easy. The tree with the greenish apples has so many apples this year I'm surprised it hasn't broken every branch on it. Here is a picture of one branch that is hanging straight down because it weighs so much.
Apples 13 oct 23 - C.JPG
Those apples are softball size, and the pic doesn't do justice. I bet there's at least 600#s of apples on this tree this year. That doesn't even include the blacks.

I also met the family who bought the house, they are very nice and even set their own picker out for me. Of course I don't need it but it's nice to meet nice people in this world.

So my plan is to get 13 or 14 buckets of them, then try to find the free time at work to chop and press them, or possibly bring the chopper home and do it here. I have sort of an evil plan for that but can't really talk about it yet.

Of course Mrs Cranky isn't all that happy with me because we have so much else to do but she also just mentioned that she'd like to put back some more pie filling and these apples work real well for that.

There is a little problem though :problem: A lot of my buckets have somehow become planters or been damaged, so I'm a bit short on them for apples and apple juice. I do need to make a stop at Lowe's for a few things and I could pick up a bucket or two...or three there but that gets kind of expensive. So I may wind up transporting the juice in carboys instead of buckets. I was considering using my 30 gallon drum but that would weigh too much to move. I'm sure I'll figure something out when the time comes though. I also can't remember where I put my press bags.
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Re: Lets get carried away with fruity goodness

Post by Bradster68 »

cranky wrote: Fri Oct 13, 2023 3:41 pm Ok, I couldn't stand it. A few days ago I drove by the house with the black apples. It's a little early but the trees are loaded and apples all over the ground. I then realized it looked like new people had moved in and there was a sort of extension added to part of the fence making it look like they wanted to prevent people from picking them.

I looked up the house on Zillow and sure enough, it sold last month :? So, one day when there weren't any cars in the driveway I stopped and left a nice note asking for permission to pick. A few days later I got a text giving me permission but asking me not to go in the yard because of their dogs :think: That complicates things a bit but not terribly, although it limits my reach but there are a couple other trees around the corner I've picked in the past so if I have a shortfall I figure I can easily make it up with those if I need to.

So this morning I loaded the chopper into the truck and hauled it into the shop at work. I took it apart and cleaned the blades, shaft and mounting parts. I didn't get to the barrel but should get to that tomorrow. I should also be able to get the press pan and plates cleaned as well. The stand is a little worse for wear and will also need a bit of attention and bracing to function properly so it will take a few days to sort out.

On my way home from work I stopped and picked 2 buckets of apples, which was very, very easy. The tree with the greenish apples has so many apples this year I'm surprised it hasn't broken every branch on it. Here is a picture of one branch that is hanging straight down because it weighs so much.
Apples 13 oct 23 - C.JPG
Those apples are softball size, and the pic doesn't do justice. I bet there's at least 600#s of apples on this tree this year. That doesn't even include the blacks.

I also met the family who bought the house, they are very nice and even set their own picker out for me. Of course I don't need it but it's nice to meet nice people in this world.

So my plan is to get 13 or 14 buckets of them, then try to find the free time at work to chop and press them, or possibly bring the chopper home and do it here. I have sort of an evil plan for that but can't really talk about it yet.

Of course Mrs Cranky isn't all that happy with me because we have so much else to do but she also just mentioned that she'd like to put back some more pie filling and these apples work real well for that.

There is a little problem though :problem: A lot of my buckets have somehow become planters or been damaged, so I'm a bit short on them for apples and apple juice. I do need to make a stop at Lowe's for a few things and I could pick up a bucket or two...or three there but that gets kind of expensive. So I may wind up transporting the juice in carboys instead of buckets. I was considering using my 30 gallon drum but that would weigh too much to move. I'm sure I'll figure something out when the time comes though. I also can't remember where I put my press bags.
Well atleast you landed some apples. Every tree in our area are all hanging heavily with apples. It's been a good year. I'll be getting my.own press soon as I don't want to miss another year like this.🍻
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Re: Lets get carried away with fruity goodness

Post by Wildcats »

Man you guy make me want to get some apples!! I am going to have to get with the guy at work and see how many Pears he has left on his tree/ ground.
I got plenty of buckets. Just need the fruit. Hopefully I'll be able to get some.
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Re: Lets get carried away with fruity goodness

Post by NZChris »

Wildcats wrote: Fri Oct 13, 2023 6:36 pm Man you guy make me want to get some apples!! I am going to have to get with the guy at work and see how many Pears he has left on his tree/ ground.
I got plenty of buckets. Just need the fruit. Hopefully I'll be able to get some.
Collecting the fruit is easy compared to crushing and pressing to get it's juice into the fermenter.
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Re: Lets get carried away with fruity goodness

Post by MooseMan »

Oh ain't that the truth!

I have access to hundreds of pounds for free, just a few dozen yards from my house, but the previous experiences of the time and effort to do the rest has stopped me doing cider again this year.
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Re: Lets get carried away with fruity goodness

Post by cranky »

For me chopping and pressing is easy, it's cleaning the chopper, press and carboys that is the hardest part. I'd really like to get one of those grinders (?) like Bushman got but can't justify the cost...although it would certainly make the process easier.
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Re: Lets get carried away with fruity goodness

Post by Bradster68 »

I was lucky last year. 10 gallons delivered to my door for free. This year I helped the guy.
It still didn't discourage me enough to not want my own press and do this annually for a few more years. But.....I'm new to the game compared to you seasoned veterans. 🍻
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Re: Lets get carried away with fruity goodness

Post by Bushman »

cranky wrote: Sat Oct 14, 2023 3:38 am For me chopping and pressing is easy, it's cleaning the chopper, press and carboys that is the hardest part. I'd really like to get one of those grinders (?) like Bushman got but can't justify the cost...although it would certainly make the process easier.
My family pitched in so the grinder cost each family member split 4 ways just over $120 each. Calculating a gallon of the cheapest apple juice at Fred Meyer at about $5. We payed for the grinder in the first two years putting up over 200 gallons. The last year we put up over 70 gallons and this year probably another 60.
I had covid or we would have made the juice last weekend. The family picked the trees clean and we will probably grind and press next weekend. It has become a great family work party. I will try to post more pictures as we go.

Cleanup is one of the easiest processes with this portable stainless steel grinder.
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Re: Lets get carried away with fruity goodness

Post by Wildcats »

NZChris wrote: Fri Oct 13, 2023 10:55 pm
Wildcats wrote: Fri Oct 13, 2023 6:36 pm Man you guy make me want to get some apples!! I am going to have to get with the guy at work and see how many Pears he has left on his tree/ ground.
I got plenty of buckets. Just need the fruit. Hopefully I'll be able to get some.
Collecting the fruit is easy compared to crushing and pressing to get it's juice into the fermenter.
Yeah I don't even have a way to process the fruit. But I still at least want to try and make some wine. The peach wine I made a few months ago is still clearing. I will rack it again today, as there is a very fine layer of sediment on the bottom of the carboy. I need a way to chop/shred and press any fruit that I get. That's the main reason I haven't gotten any farther with fruit.
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Re: Lets get carried away with fruity goodness

Post by HDNB »

i found this apple picker-upper video on facebook. some of you that have fruit near you could use.
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Re: Lets get carried away with fruity goodness

Post by NZChris »

Wildcats wrote: Sat Oct 14, 2023 5:26 am
NZChris wrote: Fri Oct 13, 2023 10:55 pm
Wildcats wrote: Fri Oct 13, 2023 6:36 pm Man you guy make me want to get some apples!! I am going to have to get with the guy at work and see how many Pears he has left on his tree/ ground.
I got plenty of buckets. Just need the fruit. Hopefully I'll be able to get some.
Collecting the fruit is easy compared to crushing and pressing to get it's juice into the fermenter.
Yeah I don't even have a way to process the fruit. But I still at least want to try and make some wine. The peach wine I made a few months ago is still clearing. I will rack it again today, as there is a very fine layer of sediment on the bottom of the carboy. I need a way to chop/shred and press any fruit that I get. That's the main reason I haven't gotten any farther with fruit.
I have made small batches of sparkling hard cider using a kitchen juicer. It was time consuming, but the results were very nice and worth the effort. I wouldn't want to try putting a trailer load of apples for brandy through one.
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Re: Lets get carried away with fruity goodness

Post by cranky »

NZChris wrote: Sat Oct 14, 2023 10:06 pm
Wildcats wrote: Sat Oct 14, 2023 5:26 am
NZChris wrote: Fri Oct 13, 2023 10:55 pm
Wildcats wrote: Fri Oct 13, 2023 6:36 pm Man you guy make me want to get some apples!! I am going to have to get with the guy at work and see how many Pears he has left on his tree/ ground.
I got plenty of buckets. Just need the fruit. Hopefully I'll be able to get some.
Collecting the fruit is easy compared to crushing and pressing to get it's juice into the fermenter.
Yeah I don't even have a way to process the fruit. But I still at least want to try and make some wine. The peach wine I made a few months ago is still clearing. I will rack it again today, as there is a very fine layer of sediment on the bottom of the carboy. I need a way to chop/shred and press any fruit that I get. That's the main reason I haven't gotten any farther with fruit.
I have made small batches of sparkling hard cider using a kitchen juicer. It was time consuming, but the results were very nice and worth the effort. I wouldn't want to try putting a trailer load of apples for brandy through one.
If you look back many years ago, I started off like that. If I recall, at one point I used a food processor and pillow case and wrung it out with my hands. Then, a thrift store juicer, which I didn't like. Entually getting the small press but still using the food processor and doing a bucket or two per day. It's certainly not the best way but I did make quite a bit that way.
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