>SOH discovered that a mouse had invaded the cabinet under her double kitchen sink and did the usual mouse thing ; crapped all over the area . Direct affront to SOH who tries to keep a spotless house and is very proud of her Heritage solid wood cherry cabinets .
>So , the dog and I are in our corner listening to the background noise of her cursing mice in general and the one that crapped in her cabinet in particular as she empties the contents out to clean . Did I mention that SOH is 'vertically challenged' ? About as broad as she is tall , too .
>Well , she is on her belly , nearly waist deep into that cabinet cleaning and cursing . The pup decides she isn't getting enough attention . Goes to her toy pile and picks up a toy and softfoots it back beside SOH and bites down hard on the squeaker !
>And ALL HELL breaks loose

>SOh let out a squall like a mashed cat . Started trying to unass that cramped area by whatever means . Brought the cabinet doors and divider with her . Skeert the pup so bad she pissed on the floor and SOH rolled out into that and unleashed another torrent of barn talk . At the same time my dog thought that the pup had hurt 'Mommy' and piled on the pup and they commence to fightin on top of SOH rollin on the floor in puppy piss tryin to get up .
>Enter the hero . Got bit a couple of times separating the dogs and pitching them out the door . Got SOH on her feet and settled down . She went off to get clean clothes and a shower . And I commenced repairing the
cabinets . So much for my leisure time

>Life is stranger than fiction . Ya just can't make this kind of shit up