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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 2:01 pm
by ledyard
Prairiepiss wrote:Some molasses have oils added to them. So they will pour good. Some feeds have some oils added to them. It shouldn't be a problem. May even act as a defoamer. A good hot water rinse should be all that's needed.
Well I guess my keg will have to come in the house to get rinsed. No hot water in the garage.

Re: sweetfeed whisky

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 2:34 pm
by ledyard
How do guys think this looks? Racked it off 48 hrs ago.

Re: sweetfeed whisky

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 2:45 pm
by JBR
ledyard wrote:How do guys think this looks? Racked it off 48 hrs ago.
looks ready to run!!:grin:

Re: sweetfeed whisky

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 3:03 pm
by ledyard
JBR wrote:
ledyard wrote:How do guys think this looks? Racked it off 48 hrs ago.
looks ready to run!!:grin:
Just wanted to make sure you guys had the same definition of clear that I do :mrgreen:

The other 20 gallons is clearing in the fermenter. I think I will snap the lid down so its air tight. im going to dump it through my fine strainer and some cheesecloth on the way into the boiler.
After I run this off I will probably recharge with the heads and tails along with the heads and tails from the BW and even the hearts that were harsh and run that whole thing together. Dilute it down of course. Unless the sweetfeed comes out very nice then I will keep the BW out of it.

Re: sweetfeed whisky

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 3:15 pm
by JBR
My experience with the oil in it never got any clearer. But ran just fine. I tried running 1 run twice nice and slow but always was had a off smelling and taste.. So I tried doing a stripping run and a spirt and much better product.. So I built a smaller pot the size of what I get off a 5-6 gal strip.

Re: sweetfeed whisky

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 3:30 pm
by ledyard
JBR wrote:My experience with the oil in it never got any clearer. But ran just fine. I tried running 1 run twice nice and slow but always was had a off smelling and taste.. So I tried doing a stripping run and a spirt and much better product.. So I built a smaller pot the size of what I get off a 5-6 gal strip.
So should I not even piss around with it? Should I just strip it fast and dirty down to maybe 20%, dump the dunder, then run it again low and slow soon as its cool enough to recharge?

How much did you dilute your spirit run? I have been reading opinions ranging from 30% up to 60% for various reasons.

Re: sweetfeed whisky

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 3:51 pm
by S-Cackalacky
ledyard wrote:
JBR wrote:My experience with the oil in it never got any clearer. But ran just fine. I tried running 1 run twice nice and slow but always was had a off smelling and taste.. So I tried doing a stripping run and a spirt and much better product.. So I built a smaller pot the size of what I get off a 5-6 gal strip.
So should I not even piss around with it? Should I just strip it fast and dirty down to maybe 20%, dump the dunder, then run it again low and slow soon as its cool enough to recharge?

How much did you dilute your spirit run? I have been reading opinions ranging from 30% up to 60% for various reasons.
For safety reasons the maximum ABV for a spirit run shouldn't be more than 40%. I'm not totally sure about the theory, but it's my understanding that the lower the % ABV (more water) the less flavor will be carried over to the final product. So, if you're looking to retain as much flavor as possible, keep the ABV as near 40% as possible.


Re: sweetfeed whisky

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 3:58 pm
by ledyard
S-Cackalacky wrote:
ledyard wrote:
JBR wrote:My experience with the oil in it never got any clearer. But ran just fine. I tried running 1 run twice nice and slow but always was had a off smelling and taste.. So I tried doing a stripping run and a spirt and much better product.. So I built a smaller pot the size of what I get off a 5-6 gal strip.
So should I not even piss around with it? Should I just strip it fast and dirty down to maybe 20%, dump the dunder, then run it again low and slow soon as its cool enough to recharge?

How much did you dilute your spirit run? I have been reading opinions ranging from 30% up to 60% for various reasons.
For safety reasons the maximum ABV for a spirit run shouldn't be more than 40%. I'm not totally sure about the theory, but it's my understanding that the lower the % ABV (more water) the less flavor will be carried over to the final product. So, if you're looking to retain as much flavor as possible, keep the ABV as near 40% as possible.


40% is what I was going to shoot for barring a real good argument for another number.

I'm considering just stripping all 30 gallons which I estimate would give me maybe a 12 gal spirit run. Then by the time I dilute it I'm thinking maybe i'll have two 10 gal final runs. Probably be smarter than stripping 10 gal and spirit running that.

Re: sweetfeed whisky

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 4:09 pm
by S-Cackalacky
Ledyard, keep in mind too that a spirit run takes 2 or 3 times longer to run than a stripping run. So, if time is a consideration, you might want to do the spirit runs in smaller batches.

Good luck with it. Looks like you got some nice wash there.


Re: sweetfeed whisky

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 7:12 pm
by ledyard
S-Cackalacky wrote:Ledyard, keep in mind too that a spirit run takes 2 or 3 times longer to run than a stripping run. So, if time is a consideration, you might want to do the spirit runs in smaller batches.

Good luck with it. Looks like you got some nice wash there.

Yeah I was considering that. Plus the last time I ran BW (my first wash ever), I ran it all slow. It took about 2-2.5 hrs for 6 gal or so. Maybe a touch longer on the second half of the wash I ran because I ran it down to almost nothing ABV wise.
I was guessing a good 6 hrs for a 9-10 gal spirit run. I know you cant try and put a time frame on things as it is what it is and that's ok. SInce I would like to have some for my brothers to try this weekend I may run off this 10 gal then do a spirit run on it and then strip the last 20 gal later. Since its a little oily like JBR's was I think trying to run it slow will likely have the same result he did so I might as well strip/spirit it. Cant hurt anything except clean it up.

Also I read guys debating back and forth all the time....with my 20 gal still in the fermenter and likely to be there for another week should I put the snap ring lid down on it so its air tight? Its just barely cracked now so it can breath. Or should it be airlocked? Basically air locked or air tight is the question. I don't want to leave it exposed to oxygen.

Re: sweetfeed whisky

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 7:35 pm
by JBR
Airlocked and don't open it till ready to use. There's still active yeast in there don't seal it up. There starving but still active.

Re: sweetfeed whisky

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 8:26 pm
by ledyard
JBR wrote:Airlocked and don't open it till ready to use. There's still active yeast in there don't seal it up. There starving but still active.
Did you have any issues getting the film out of your vessels?

If not I will put it all in water jugs airlocked.

Re: sweetfeed whisky

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 5:30 am
by JBR
ledyard wrote:
JBR wrote:Airlocked and don't open it till ready to use. There's still active yeast in there don't seal it up. There starving but still active.
Did you have any issues getting the film out of your vessels?

If not I will put it all in water jugs airlocked.
never moved it to clearing vessel siphoned right off the grain to the boiler then added 1/2 gallon sugar water to keep the yeast active till I finished my run. Then added BS as normal. I did have a oil film ring around the top of the fermenter which I wiped off with a paper towel soaked in starsan.

Re: sweetfeed whisky

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:51 am
by S-Cackalacky
Ledyard, seems that you run a lot faster than I do. I have a five gallon boiler - usually charged with 4 to 4.5 gallons. It takes me about 2 hours for a stripping run and closer to 5 hours for a spirit run. That includes a 1 hour heat up time. But, I'm running a max of 1375W (electric). I run the controller wide open for stripping runs and only get a thin stream. I run the spirit runs to get 5 or 6 drips per second.


Re: sweetfeed whisky

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 8:25 am
by ledyard
S-Cackalacky wrote:Ledyard, seems that you run a lot faster than I do. I have a five gallon boiler - usually charged with 4 to 4.5 gallons. It takes me about 2 hours for a stripping run and closer to 5 hours for a spirit run. That includes a 1 hour heat up time. But, I'm running a max of 1375W (electric). I run the controller wide open for stripping runs and only get a thin stream. I run the spirit runs to get 5 or 6 drips per second.

No I don't really run fast. The two runs I have done anyways. 15.5 gal boiler, propane heat. Once up to temp it took 2-3 hours to run off 6 gals with a broken stream. I never really stripped yet. Not til this evening.

Re: sweetfeed whisky

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 1:19 pm
by New Shiner
Kentucky shinner wrote:what I have been using is corn, oats, and molases . Let me know how it goes for ya.
What kind of still are you using for this recipe

Re: sweetfeed whisky

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 3:54 pm
by ledyard
Stripping 10 gal now. Jars are filling up pretty fast. Only running about 50%abv though. Soon as I get to 20% I'm going to shut it down, dilute it and recharge.

Re: sweetfeed whisky

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 4:03 pm
by ledyard
Ok what an I missing? I'm stripping 10 gal. Just filled pint #9 and I'm already into fusel oils and tails? Wtf?

I ended up with a gallon and a half or maybe a touch more. I mixed it all together and I don't even need to dilute it because it's right on 40%. Now I have to run this little in my 15 gal boiler? I'm considering putting the few gal of BW i need to run again with it.

Re: sweetfeed whisky

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:24 pm
by Truckinbutch
Normal in a stripping run . You are pushing it hard to get it done . Smearing is to be expected . Pull fores and then smear it down to 20% or so . Save enough strips (low wines ) to make it worth while to do a spirit run .
What you got sounds reasonable for a 10 gallon strip run .

Re: sweetfeed whisky

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:37 pm
by ledyard
Truckinbutch wrote:Normal in a stripping run . You are pushing it hard to get it done . Smearing is to be expected . Pull fores and then smear it down to 20% or so . Save enough strips (low wines ) to make it worth while to do a spirit run .
What you got sounds reasonable for a 10 gallon strip run .
Thanks truck. Guess I was just surprised by the low volume I got. Filling jar 6 now on the spirit run. Still holding at 168 proof as of jar 5. Way better product!

Re: sweetfeed whisky

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 12:19 pm
by sunshine1101
i have done several runs and am doing my first strip run. my question is how much do you cut the strip run for the 2nd distillation? i am running a 15.5 gallon boiler on propane heat with a 2" pot still head and liebig condenser.

Re: sweetfeed whisky

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 1:49 pm
by JBR
sunshine1101 wrote:i have done several runs and am doing my first strip run. my question is how much do you cut the strip run for the 2nd distillation? i am running a 15.5 gallon boiler on propane heat with a 2" pot still head and liebig condenser.
what do you mean by cut?

Re: sweetfeed whisky

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 2:02 pm
by sunshine1101
i think i found the answer..... after you do your strip run you dilute it back to 30-40% before you run your slow spirit run. is that correct?

sweetfeed whisky

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 2:03 pm
by JBR
ledyard wrote:Way better product!
Told ya!! Haha glad ya had a good run I usually air out for a day or two and make my cuts. I almost always get 15-16 200ml out of a run, single strip and adding feints from previous run. Keeping jar 4 which is 82% to 12 which it usually around 58% slightly into the tails. Then water down to 62% for oaking. Finish amount 1800ml. This is from a 5 gal wash.
What did you end up keeping?

Re: sweetfeed whisky

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 2:09 pm
by ledyard
So after my first time with this recipe which is only my second wash ever here are some impressions.

1) doing a strip/spirit run is essential IMHO Spirit run product is wayyyyyy better even at high proof.

2) on the strip run I did get one jar in the middle that actually smelled like oats, had an organic taste to it (other than tasting like gas also from being run fast)

3) the product from the spirit run is smoother even at 170 proof (wasn't swallowing though)

4) I notice it taste almost like the BW I made for the first run.

Have 20 gallons of wash left. Going to strip it all then do one last spirit run. Then try my hand at UJSSM. Letting this first spirit run air out a few days then I'm going to knock it down to 60% and decide what to do with it.

Re: sweetfeed whisky

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 2:17 pm
by shadylane
sunshine1101 wrote:i think i found the answer..... after you do your strip run you dilute it back to 30-40% before you run your slow spirit run. is that correct?
My stripping runs when added together are usually 30-40% without diluting with water.
The yeast worked hard to piss alcohol, so I strip till the first fusel oil appears.

Re: sweetfeed whisky

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 2:21 pm
by ledyard
JBR wrote:
ledyard wrote:Way better product!
Told ya!! Haha glad ya had a good run I usually air out for a day or two and make my cuts. I almost always get 15-16 200ml out of a run, single strip and adding feints from previous run. Keeping jar 4 which is 82% to 12 which it usually around 58% slightly into the tails. Then water down to 62% for oaking. Finish amount 1800ml. This is from a 5 gal wash.
What did you end up keeping?
Yes you did JBR. Glad I took your advice. I collected in 200ML increments because I only had a touch over a gallon and a half from stripping 10 gal. I was kinda disappointed with that. was hoping for at least 2 gal. The strip run started at 55% which was shocking to me. Thought it might have been a touch higher. I was filling a pint in about 5-6 min. When I dumped it all in a carboy and swirled the hell out of it for a minute it came out to 40% ABV!!! Which sucked because I was hoping to add some water just to get a little more volume in the boiler. Since the product was cold (and it was almost zero out) I know the likker was cooler than 60 degrees. I looked at the chart for my alcometer and you have to add a few proof if its cold. So not feeling like going inside to get my thermometer I just threw a quart of water in there for good measure to be double sure it wasn't over 40%.
I collected 300ml and tossed it. Then 200ml at a time from then on. I got 8 jars. Jar 9 was an immediate turn to tails. Dropped from 172 proof to 160 like that (insert snapping fingers here) So I collected apx 500ml of that. The next jar was still 80% but started to smell like total ass. So I shut it down. The jars are all sitting with coffee filters on them til tomorrow night then I will re sample.
Was a very interesting experience stripping for the first time. Basically no hearts. Just blasted from heads right into tails. Collected down to 20%.

Re: sweetfeed whisky

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 4:54 pm
by sunshine1101
shady lane you are right on the money im sitn right at 40%. put some sugar in the backset and added back to the mash in the fermenter. going to run a few batches and then do a final spirit run. thanks for the answer.

Re: sweetfeed whisky

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 5:03 pm
by JBR
ledyard wrote:
JBR wrote:
ledyard wrote:Way better product!
Told ya!! Haha glad ya had a good run I usually air out for a day or two and make my cuts. I almost always get 15-16 200ml out of a run, single strip and adding feints from previous run. Keeping jar 4 which is 82% to 12 which it usually around 58% slightly into the tails. Then water down to 62% for oaking. Finish amount 1800ml. This is from a 5 gal wash.
What did you end up keeping?
Yes you did JBR. Glad I took your advice. I collected in 200ML increments because I only had a touch over a gallon and a half from stripping 10 gal. I was kinda disappointed with that. was hoping for at least 2 gal. The strip run started at 55% which was shocking to me. Thought it might have been a touch higher. I was filling a pint in about 5-6 min. When I dumped it all in a carboy and swirled the hell out of it for a minute it came out to 40% ABV!!! Which sucked because I was hoping to add some water just to get a little more volume in the boiler. Since the product was cold (and it was almost zero out) I know the likker was cooler than 60 degrees. I looked at the chart for my alcometer and you have to add a few proof if its cold. So not feeling like going inside to get my thermometer I just threw a quart of water in there for good measure to be double sure it wasn't over 40%.
I collected 300ml and tossed it. Then 200ml at a time from then on. I got 8 jars. Jar 9 was an immediate turn to tails. Dropped from 172 proof to 160 like that (insert snapping fingers here) So I collected apx 500ml of that. The next jar was still 80% but started to smell like total ass. So I shut it down. The jars are all sitting with coffee filters on them til tomorrow night then I will re sample.
Was a very interesting experience stripping for the first time. Basically no hearts. Just blasted from heads right into tails. Collected down to 20%.
What was your wash abv. I get about 1 1/2 gal from a 6 gal strip i collect to about 20%. My wash is usually 8%.
On your spirt run you should keep collecting down to 40% you were still at 80% just because that one was bad the next could be fine. Could of dumped some fusels.
Then save your heads and tails as feints and add them to your next spirt run. Then you will get alot more drink and better cut points.

Re: sweetfeed whisky

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 5:42 pm
by Due51
Led, your play by plays along with the other comments are very helpful. I'm learning from reading about your runs. Good job.

I have one batch of Sweetfeed stripped and in jars while another 10 gallons finishes fermenting. I'll strip it, then combine the 2 for a spirit run. Glad to hear your spirit run provided a better product. Good job.