Many like to post about a first successful ferment (or first all grain mash), or first still built/bought or first good run of the still. Tell us about all of these great times here.
Pics are VERY welcome, we drool over pretty copper
Make yourself a nice stick on label on your computer and you're all set for Christmas, birthdays, or visiting friends. It makes a good looking package to compliment the product.
I didn't soak them as I've read that it really doesn't help. I like Mr. Stirrin's T-corks a lot, and that box-O-whiskey is off th' charts COOL!
I have made some labels, but my printer shit th' bed so I have to go the the public library to use theirs and the old ladies there give me the hairy eyeball when they realize what I'm up to.
Make yourself a nice stick on label on your computer and you're all set for Christmas, birthdays, or visiting friends. It makes a good looking package to compliment the product.
what are the box specs. what did you line it with. it's awesome
DBCFlash said, " didn't soak them as I've read that it really doesn't help."
A few years ago I re-corked several hundred bottles of wine, with a floor model corker. It compresses the corks before they are pressed into the bottle and the corks certainly had to be soaked. I would not like to try a little hand held corker without soaking the corks!
P. S. That was using standard wine bottle corks, not the 'tee' corks often used for fortified wines and maybe spirits and that we do often use; the ones with the hard plastic top. G.