The liar's bench

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Re: The liar's bench

Post by T-Pee »

At least you won't have problems from most intestinal parasites.

tp (checking the bottom of his cup lately for a number of reasons)
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by moosemilk »

T-Pee wrote:At least you won't have problems from most intestinal parasites.
They don't give me problems as long as I keep them happy with caffeine and likker.

Oh, wait, INTESTINAL.... nevermind. Read that through a blurry glass and thought it said matrimonial.
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Re: The liar's bench

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It's all a gut check.

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Re: The liar's bench

Post by thecroweater »

Well this ain't my yarn its my Great granddads, he joined up for the great war in the year of our lord nineteen hundred and fifteen and was sent to that great slaughter yard The Somme on the western front where he was engaged for the next two years in trench warfare with the Canadian expeditionary forces til loosing his leg late in 1917. Anyways he was saying how they use do dig off a tee trench not far from the kitchen area the latrines which scraps waste and the obvious was deposited. one joker would go in and he would make a big song and dance and stink the place up coming out exclaiming , "jeez boys nearly shit me guts out that time". so one day this fella goes in there and the boys are ready for him, they get some chicken gut from the cook place it on a shovel and slide it behind him under. well starts off with the usual grunts strains and carry on that a squeal and silence. some time latter the ashen faced fella appears from the latrine all a shaking sayin "well fella's it finally happened I really did shit my guts out, darned if didn't have a hell of a time getting it back up there too"
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by S-Cackalacky »

Good one Crow. Shovin' chicken guts up his ass seems a little tame compared to some of the shit those men went through. God bless your great granddad and all Oz military men and women for their courageous service.
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by Truckinbutch »

Shared stories lead me to believe that we all got a small bag of stories comprared to GGDad's stories . We got my wife's GGD's .45 Colt 1911 that he brought back . You got any War 1 relics from yours "
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by Bigbob »

What story's that pistol could tell. That was a nightmare of a war ( but aren't they all). I'm sure that is placed in a place of honor TB.
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by Truckinbutch »

Bigbob wrote:What story's that pistol could tell. That was a nightmare of a war ( but aren't they all). I'm sure that is placed in a place of honor TB.
Absolutely ! Got a picture of him firing it . Also his service record numbers from the archives and his Attestation Papers . Only thing lacking is what's in those Archive drawers to give total provenance to him and his Captain's pistol .
Haven't had the $ to hire a researcher to follow up on that .
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by thecroweater »

well yes but not as much as i would have liked, I have his Canadian expeditionary force badge a copy of his attestation papers and a photo of him marching on Anzac/Veterans day with his crutches. my grandfather had his bag, it was one of those crocodile shin doctors bags and my great grandfather kepted in it all his war stuff, he had every copy of king and country for the whole time he was there (a propaganda magazine) and he had loads and loads of photographs, he kept his insignates and service binoculars. lots of letters new paper clipping including casualty list cut out i guess of mates and even one with his name there was sovaneers of the ship that took him over and the hospital ship that brought him back. All this was lent to my great aunt and in the mean time granddad died and my dads aunt got alzhimers> i hope very much that my father cousin (that aunts only child) still has that stuff but as we have lost touch I have not got round to tracking her down, she can keep it all if she likes but i would dearly love a copy of this stuff that as a kid so fascinated me and i can still quite clearly remember :thumbup:
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by Truckinbutch »

Hear you loud an clear , Croweater . If I could find a friendly Canadian distiller in close proximity to the records in Canada I would be glad to cut a deal to get record copies . I'm leary of the professional researchers that wish to make their living on an hourly basis .
>The more we discuss his the more I feel that our families may have crossed paths in the past .
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by moosemilk »

I have a BIL that is fairly high ranked in the Canadian forces. His major studies while at RMC were History and Military and strategic studies. I can get in touch with him and ask him if he knows any resources for military records.

Have many of my grandparents and great grandparents items from the wars (both WWI and WWII). Great grandfather's discharge papers showed reasons being unfit for further service in WWI were gunshot wound to chest and shrapnel in his head (my dad told me he always though he was joking when he said he had metal in his head, but turns out he did, bits of shrapnel that couldn't be removed).
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by thecroweater »

Hmm I'll be in touch moose :thumbup:
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by thecroweater »

page one of my great Grandfathers attestation papers
Great Granddads.GIF
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by WooTeck »

i own my grandfathers uniform jacket. it fits like a glove
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by ga flatwoods »

My ggp rode with Roosevelt, fought in the war to end all, wwII, and Korea. Tough old bastard! Togher than mule plowing through a fat lightered stump. Tried to teach Audy Murphy how to be a soldier but said he was hard headed. RIP Killer!
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by SassyFrass »

My family has as long, or longer, of a history with military service as they do making likker. Had a GG(?)Uncle that was in the test platoons at Benning for the experimental airborne units, then either jumped in, or rode a glider into Normandy. He passed before I was ever old enough to talk to him, but I reckon he stayed a corporal his whole time in. My GM said he would get promoted to SGT, but do something to get busted back down so he didn't have to pay for uniforms and such. He also used to go home on leave and take likker back to his unit in Benning and then Campbell. My GF's GGG(?) GF was deeded the land in Rockcastle County Kentucky for his service during the Revolutionary War. Although, I believe it was just Indian territory back then. They were some of the first settlers to hit the area through the Cumberland Gap. Scots-Irish all over the place, back then and now also. Reckon they made a little likker to get by on back then too.

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Re: The liar's bench

Post by Bigbob »

Had ancestors in the revolution , also a relative in the civil war, have his pocket bible. After that a dry spell untill my oldest spent some time in Iraq and Afghanistan with Uncle Sams Misguided Children.
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by goinbroke2 »

I'm in, both my brother (airborne) and sister(supply then veh tech) served as did my dad (air weapon tech) and my mum (supply). Was a base brat growing up until dad retired and we bought a farm. Had two uncles in vietnam, one died there. Had another uncle in korea. One gf was in the army (artillery) the other died in a sawmill accident when he was 26 leaving gm with 6 kids and no means of support....not sure why i added that but there it is.

I'm a Vehicle Tech (armoured, 16 years on Leopards, the rest in infantry or combat engineer units) joined 24 Aug 1984.
Now, about those records TB, PM me and I'll see what I can do. Not promising anything but if you can tell me what you're looking for I can go on the DWAN (army internet) and do a search there. I'm thinking any records keeping would be outside of DND but maybe not.
Anyway, pm me and if I'm in the same mood tomorrow when I'm sober I'll try to help. LOL!!!

edit: I just saw it's croweater not TB who wants help..or somethinig, i think I better go to bed I can't see straight.
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by Truckinbutch »

goinbroke2 wrote:I'm in, both my brother (airborne) and sister(supply then veh tech) served as did my dad (air weapon tech) and my mum (supply). Was a base brat growing up until dad retired and we bought a farm. Had two uncles in vietnam, one died there. Had another uncle in korea. One gf was in the army (artillery) the other died in a sawmill accident when he was 26 leaving gm with 6 kids and no means of support....not sure why i added that but there it is.

I'm a Vehicle Tech (armoured, 16 years on Leopards, the rest in infantry or combat engineer units) joined 24 Aug 1984.
Now, about those records TB, PM me and I'll see what I can do. Not promising anything but if you can tell me what you're looking for I can go on the DWAN (army internet) and do a search there. I'm thinking any records keeping would be outside of DND but maybe not.
Anyway, pm me and if I'm in the same mood tomorrow when I'm sober I'll try to help. LOL!!!

edit: I just saw it's croweater not TB who wants help..or somethinig, i think I better go to bed I can't see straight.
The records that Croweater and I both are talking about are archived by box and drawer number in the National Archives . You can download copies of attestation papers . That enables you to find where service records are stored by file numbers . These are not availabile online and have to be requested in person or by a researcher . One box can lead to another and another and another and can become quite expensive if you are hiring a researcher .
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by goinbroke2 »

Interesting, I'll look into it when I get back to work Monday. The Admin O is two offices down from mine so maybe he can help. I'd be thinking any "national archive" would be in Ottawa though, might/might not be able to access it through the DWAN.

Either way I'll see what I can come up with. I got some friends in NDHQ as well, see if they can help or point me in the right direction.
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by Truckinbutch »

goinbroke2 wrote:Interesting, I'll look into it when I get back to work Monday. The Admin O is two offices down from mine so maybe he can help. I'd be thinking any "national archive" would be in Ottawa though, might/might not be able to access it through the DWAN.

Either way I'll see what I can come up with. I got some friends in NDHQ as well, see if they can help or point me in the right direction.
There is a searchable database called Trenches On The Web that makes attestation papers available and some unit histories . The actual service records in Ottowa are not online yet . That's where it takes on site research to continue the story . Presenting drawer and file number request then perusing those records . Which will probably lead to having to request more files and doing more reading . Record keeping at the time was such that there are reams of information to go through . Edit . Sorry , not exactly a double post but very redundant .
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by goinbroke2 »

So you're saying you need somebody physically in Ottawa to flip through the files in the boxes, all "cold case" type digging. Hmmm, I'm about 1000 miles from Ottawa so I'm out, but I'll see what my buddy in NDHQ says.

Wonder if the DVA would have anything to do with it? Plus there would be "freedom of information" stuff to clear as well.
So THAT's why I didn't become a clerk! LOL!
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by SassyFrass »

Little story my mom related to me yesterday about my GGM and GM. Apparently my GGM was something of a wildcat, especially in her younger days. She was a corker at 90+ years young, when I was a teenager. She spoke exactly what was on her mind and there was NO filter. She told some really good stories about my ancestors and the family. Anyway, mom was telling me about Granny O'Brien making a run to Indiana from the mountains. Granny O'Brien's husband had just been killed by revenoors and was only planted a week or so. So it was up to my GGM to make the trip to Indiana so the bills would get paid. She took off with my GM riding shotgun. My GM was 4 or 5 at this time. Somewhere in Indiana, Granny O'Brien got into an altercation with some other folks and her vehicle was run off the road and might of had a few shots put into it. In the wreck, my GM's throat was cut from flying glass and Granny O'Brien laid her on the hood and sewed her up. Pulled the car back on the road and brought home the egg money to pay the bills. I don't know how true it is, but I seen the scar on my GM's neck many times and asked about it when I was young. She just said it happened in a car wreck when she was little and she didn't remember nothing about it.
Just my contribution to the bench.
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by ShineonCrazyDiamond »

Mighty fine contribution to one hell of a cold bench.

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Re: The liar's bench

Post by Truckinbutch »

Thanks for a fine contribution . Betchya you can find some others if you pilfer a little deeper into your bag . :wave:
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by SassyFrass »

Well, a little bit of a story from the same time frame and concerning Granny O'Brien, sorta. I just set here and sip on this apricot PD that is about 2 years old, and tell ya'll about it. Little place in Estill county KY named Buzzard Roost.
When I was a kid there was a little store in the forks of the road and a basketball goal hung on a pole. Not a store bought goal but one made out of a bicycle rim and packing crate boards for a back board. I always thought it was funny because somebody had painted "Buzzard Roost Sports Club" on the homemade back board.
Anyway a bunch of years before I was born that little store was the local gathering place and where you could buy or sell a lot more than what was on the store shelves. Losta bartering went on, (still does) because cash money was hard to come by, but everybody had chickens and crops and such to trade for sugar and flour and staples. My ancestors may have been involved in some not so legal bartering at the store, when one of my GG? Uncles got into a little altercation with some rival fellers. My GG? Uncles name was Hood Moss and I reckon he was a salty individual. He'd fought for Uncle Sam, served his time and come home to settle down. Anyway, the story is that 3 or 4 fellas jumped him outside the store and was gonna cut him a little, just for a lesson. but he grabbed a Coca-Cola bottle and was giving as good as he got, but then Granny O'Brien opened up with an old scattergun and laid them folks low. Hood Moss didn't make it either. He got stuck pretty good multiple times and bled out. But Granny O'Brien earned a reputation as a hellcat. Not bad for a little lady there was on the bottom side of 5 feet tall, and less than 90 lbs.
No one ever said if she hit Hood with the scattergun, Granny O'Brien told me this story early in the 80's about a year before she passed. I asked her if she hit Hood Moss with the scattergun, and she sighed and said nope he was laying on the ground and she held high. But Hood had been married to Granny O'Brien's sister Aunt Louetta. And I can't remember them two ladies ever talking to each other or even staying in the same room as the other. But no one ever said why and I didn't think to ask until just now. 35 years too late.

So now I'm gonna sip a little more of this apricot and try to get rid of this nagging cough, and let someone else take a seat. I got her warm for ya.
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by moosemilk »

Well, haven't been posting much this past week. Been visiting and reading. Got some damn bug that's been going around. Ended up on some hefty anti-biotics. Been coughing so much I actually bruised ribs (heard of that happening but never knew anybody it happened to personally. Not fun).

Always trying to look on the positive side, it's going on day eleven of no smoking. Every time I lit up I'd damn near die. From a pack to pack and a half a day (25 to a pack here) of the strongest there is to nothing. Been smoking almost 30 years. Even stuffed up with this infection, amazed what I can smell now! I did take on one old habit I used to only have come hunting season. Had to grab some good ol copenhagen. Just to keep the withdrawal symptoms manageable. Had bad migraines, nausea, aches. But a tin of dip that lasts over a week for 20bux is better than the 14 bux a day for smokes killing my lungs. Next step is giving up the dip.

Just figured I'd pop in and share as I remember somebody else here a bit back quitting the sticks. Was it TB or GA? I think one of you. Hope you're still off them things.

And now for a real * spitooooooh* but there ain't no bs in my story. Just gotta finish kicking this bug so I can run all the ferments I got going!
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by ga flatwoods »

Moosemilk I quit. Used Chantix but only one pill a day. That way the dreaming was not as intense or weird. I feel good. Bloodsugar levels dropped some 20-25 points every morning. Docs say it shouldn't matter but it does! Ne er really had an ED problem, or so I thought, but tent pole city every night. And hey,I smoked marlboro 72's lights half pack on a heavy day! So I was not that heavy at all. I managed to start at an old age due to my divorce. Wouldn't give the bitch the pleasure of wasting whiskey on her andmquit that altogether but did start smoking. Looking at it like I let the bitch get control of me to make me do that, I still wish to piss on her grave, and decided to take the smoking away as a result of moving beyond her grasps, if that makes sense.
Stay the course and goodluck. Like divorce, it is one day at a time, the further you go the tougher you will be
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by moosemilk »

Flatwoods: I quit smoking once before for awhile. And even though younger at that time (I think about 30) I noticed a difference. So did the wife. She told people my quitting smoking made her koochie hurt lol. Plan on sticking with it this time. Don't even want to light up. Guess my body just said enough and the brain actually jumped on board for once.

Last time I quit was on zyban. Funky but not bad dreams like some get. I did go a bit squirrely and fidgety. Still have the keyboard with all the letters and numbers scraped off. Dunno why I did it, but it soothed some need.
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by S-Cackalacky »

I quit 30+ years ago. It was the hardest damned thing I ever did. I went through a program called "Smoke Stoppers" at a local hospital. It was pretty much cold turkey. It was about 2 years before I stopped reaching for my shirt pocket. The only medication they had at the time was Nicorette chewing gum. Some folks compare the addiction to that of heroin.

Can't tell you it will be easy, but good luck to you. Take it a day at a time. It's a matter of convincing yourself not to have the first one.
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