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Re: Hello ALL! Making some killer 'shine on a small pot stil

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 8:53 am
by MadMasher
@Dan P ... 15&t=39190
Seems there is some controversy about shock cooling. Apologies to the OP for the side

Re: Hello ALL! Making some killer 'shine on a small pot stil

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 9:45 am
by T-Pee
MadMasher wrote:Oh look, a picture with a company name and phone number. Google the number? Oh look, an address along with another name and phone number, as well as an email address with the same username as on this site. A facebook link? Oh look the business, they spread dirt around. One comment from our member. Click the name? oh look, pictures of him and family and friends. So we've got his name, phone number, occupation, address of occupation and pictures of his car, family, and illegal substances. Hmmmm
Shot's a bit "in yo face", eh? :problem:

tp (understated)

Re: Hello ALL! Making some killer 'shine on a small pot stil

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 9:59 am
by MadMasher
Did I go too far? I was just trying to prove a point, maybe get him to wisen up.

Re: Hello ALL! Making some killer 'shine on a small pot stil

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 10:21 am
by T-Pee
Did I go too far? I was just trying to prove a point, maybe get him to wisen up.
Heck no. Not you...him. Good post on your part, MM.


Re: Hello ALL! Making some killer 'shine on a small pot stil

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 12:55 am
by ShotnVA777
Is this a board of police? Or brewers?!?!

Sheesh, get off my penis for the Sake of God! My balls are sore as SHIT too for some reason!

Yes, my setup is a little GOOFY right now... It was the first one I ever just slapped together (literally!) But I'm producing really decent clear right now, especially my rice recipe for Saki!!! Not oily, not "dirty", just clear as water GOOD SHIT! All of my washes have came out great and its not rocket science figuring out the cuts! It all came natural to me, as most things do.... Don't hate! Lol! Jk jk.

I don't even drink it, this was only a "bucket list" type thing, just like it was when I grew 69 marijuana plants over a years time... INDOORS!!! Ordering seeds thru the mail of WHATEVER kind of medical Mary Jane I could EVER want. From a 6 month white widow to a 75 day white cheese - ALL GUARANTEED feminized! AMAZING STUFF, fruits of MY labor!!! ENJOY THEM!

I DO plan to make a MUCH BETTER, 5 gallon pot still. It will have a VERY deep SS domed lid and the outlet of 3/4 ID copper tubing linking inline with a 2.5 gallon SS thump keg, plus a BRAND NEW 4 or 5 gallon bucket. Then closing off with a hose in/hose out cooling method from a COLD water hose. It will have a MUCH better worm as well, now that i have a big yenough round pipe and sand to really get it RIGHT! She'll be GREAT, I'm sure of it will being 100x's better than this small pot still EVER could be!

The NEW pot still will be at another location (oh and BTW, my homemade sideburner DIY Outdoor Cooker works PERFECTLY! It was ALL free too!!! VERY EASY to maintain temps as well!

On the whole ATF coming to kick my door down over a few pints of shine, let em! Lmao! Its easy to track ANY of us down, persay... just who has the time to stalk me OTHER than someone thats paid to do ot?! Proving it in a court of law would be completely impossible though. Sorry Charlie!

Yall don't know me brothas, I promise u that u don't... And u could NEVER find me. That's a STRAIGHT promise/bet!!!!


Re: Hello ALL! Making some killer 'shine on a small pot stil

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 2:32 am
by superdaveva
[quote="ShotnVA777"]Is this a board of police? Or brewers?!?!

both, would they come get ya for a few pints? na would they come get ya for a few pints a still and 69 plants and the equipment to grow it when you practicly dare them too, oh ya. im new hear but i read every day and try to join the discussion when i can. this group preaches to be safe dont tell dont sell. they want to represent responsible hobby home distilling period. my best advise for you is take down your videos and read read read, you may learn something! s d

Re: Hello ALL! Making some killer 'shine on a small pot stil

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 7:23 am
by MadMasher
Just trying to help YOU out but if YOU don't want to listen that's YOUR choice.

Best of luck to ya.

Re: Hello ALL! Making some killer 'shine on a small pot stil

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 7:34 am
by rad14701
Yep, it's easier to find members than they might like to think...

As for spouting off about growing weed, not the smartest thing to do... Read The Rules We Live By... If you can't abide by them then perhaps this isn't the site for you, ShotnVA777... You sure are full of yourself for being a novice and new member here... We're all waiting with bated breath for you to share your wealth of knowledge, I'm sure...

Starting to look like a troll, and I almost always give the benefit of the doubt - but . . . .

Re: Hello ALL! Making some killer 'shine on a small pot stil

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 2:00 pm
by MoonBreath
Then of course Shot, when you get your distillation license, and open your distillery,
you can create a world-class marijuana infused rice liquor and make millions ..
Then you can laugh at all of us ..Just a thought.

Re: Hello ALL! Making some killer 'shine on a small pot stil

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 3:26 pm
by woodshed
I sent a PM to the OP earlier today and no response either by PM or on this thread. Most of that activity was going on at a rather late hour. Hoping the OP was just outside of reason due to chemical use. Also sent a site warning. Will keep an eye out.

Re: Hello ALL! Making some killer 'shine on a small pot stil

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 12:32 am
by five_slow
woodshed wrote:I sent a PM to the OP earlier today and no response either by PM or on this thread. Most of that activity was going on at a rather late hour. Hoping the OP was just outside of reason due to chemical use. Also sent a site warning. Will keep an eye out.
Pisses me off to see this dude act a fool. I'm a novice and have years of learning ahead just to be decent and kind of need a site like this to learn. He is only bad news that will only bring attention to this site. Hell I'm a novice and have a still light years ahead of his and mines made out of a damn keg!!!

Re: Hello ALL! Making some killer 'shine on a small pot stil

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 11:09 pm
by W Pappy
This shotinVA guy should be booted and this post just disappear he is baaaaad news!! Makes me want to git and not come back I love HD I would hate to see good people get burned over a moron like this!!