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Re: Looking for a foe

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 7:11 pm
by Truckinbutch
Are you SURE you can skin grizz , Pilgrim ? :moresarcasm:

Re: Looking for a foe

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 7:27 pm
by ga flatwoods
Janitor47, why you pick up suck a suck ass handle :x . Everybody needs a janitor but no one respects him. From where I sit you look like a damned troll. Come on here stirring up a bunch of bad vibes against the bros in da hood. That crap will not cut it around here. Grow your ass up and read the home site until you know it backwards then you can play with the big boys. Leave thst dsmned monkey out of any of your bs he is fine where he is! No one gives a crap if ya like em or not.
GA Flatwoods

Re: Looking for a foe

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 7:29 pm
by pfshine
You been sippin ga?

Re: Looking for a foe

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 7:32 pm
by ga flatwoods
A little bourbon and diet coke. Why you ask? You havent? :D

Re: Looking for a foe

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 7:33 pm
by Truckinbutch
pfshine wrote:You been sippin ga?
Perish the thought that our fine friend Flatwoods would be tippling . He can handle his likker even if it takes both hands :D

Re: Looking for a foe

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 7:41 pm
by ga flatwoods
Honestly? Honestly? Yes. Met a damned snow bird hiding out at one of our county river parks flagged us down asking for places to see and photograph birds. Yes bird photography! Found out he also like canoeing and loves the river swamp and flatwoods, often visits Swampdog's neck of the woods. I showed him some good hooch, and local out of the way places we locals mostly dont show snow birds. I would not have shown him except he was from Atlanta and was smart enough to come see my neck of the woods so I was hapoy to oblige him. Grateful enough he was that he bought my wifes, her girl friend, and my dinner at our favorite restaurant. Drank house bourbon thus the diet coke. Probably have a headache tommorrow. Damn him!
GA Flatwoods

Re: Looking for a foe

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 7:52 pm
by corene1
Truckinbutch wrote:While you are learning stop by The Liar's bench . There's some guys over there that will butter your head and swallow you whole . And there's a damned monkey that will butter your ass and ................. :oops: :oops: :oops: ............... Forgot Corene was watching this thread .
Hey TB don't hold back. If your packin heat fire from the hip. I know how to stay clear!

Re: Looking for a foe

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 8:38 pm
by Janitor47
ga flatwoods wrote:Janitor47, why you pick up suck a suck ass handle :x . Everybody needs a janitor but no one respects him. From where I sit you look like a damned troll. Come on here stirring up a bunch of bad vibes against the bros in da hood. That crap will not cut it around here. Grow your ass up and read the home site until you know it backwards then you can play with the big boys. Leave thst dsmned monkey out of any of your bs he is fine where he is! No one gives a crap if ya like em or not.
GA Flatwoods
Thank you for the warm welcome into the group, Cletus. It was like a hug for my eyes. I would also like to thank you for heroically correcting me. It was indeed foolish of me to go posting on the welcome boards without first having read the entire forum. It is good policing like that, that keeps the peace in havens such as these.

I would also like to apologize for picking up suck a suck ass handle, there is indeed a lot of suck there. Unfortunately, HeeHaw69, GitErDun69, and ga flatwoods were all taken.
But please don't knock janitors. After all, if you didn't have a sister-wife and an aunty mom, who would clean your trailer? And correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm guessing you and soap aren't the best of friends.

You know, I used to have a one eyed dog named Cletus. Loved that dog, even though he'd go and get his head stuck in Old Man Buckley's fence at least three times a week. He didn't much care for baths either. He'd take one look at that soapy tub and take off runnin' like a damn fool. We knew if we gave him a few minutes, we would always find him back at Old Man Buckley's, with his head in the fence again.

Re: Looking for a foe

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 9:02 pm
by granddad
ahh come on lets just sit back and watch this I am sure that rad will humor us with his rendition of a true education or at least give us a good chuckle :D

Re: Looking for a foe

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 9:27 pm
by Truckinbutch
corene1 wrote:
Truckinbutch wrote:While you are learning stop by The Liar's bench . There's some guys over there that will butter your head and swallow you whole . And there's a damned monkey that will butter your ass and ................. :oops: :oops: :oops: ............... Forgot Corene was watching this thread .
Hey TB don't hold back. If your packin heat fire from the hip. I know how to stay clear!
Yea , you know how to stay clear and I never fire unaimed shots , noway . Fact is that Tater told me that if I couldn't play 'nice' I was gonna get put on 'READ ONLY' basis so ; I been tryin to play nice :ebiggrin:

Re: Looking for a foe

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 5:01 am
by ga flatwoods
Janitor47, names speak much for a man. I am truly sorry that heehaw69, Giterdun, and Cletus were already used or hit to close to home for you to use. I havent seen a JackAss#1 on here yet so maybe you could ask a mod to change to that one as it appears to fit. You sure seem to know a lot about the trailerhood, been there all your life living with your uncle daddy? You must have named that dog Cletus from watching Dukes Of Hazzard or listening to Jerry Clower from Yazoo, Mississippi. Was the other pups named Marcel, Raynel, Parnel, etc? Probably had a single shot rifle and a possom in a sack most Friday night. Tell ya brother Larry and your other brother Larry to get a job. Oh yes, you are right, Obama is taking care of them so they dont have to work being slowand all as they are. And just so you know, my dog and I take a bath every Friday whether we need one or not and we both like Old Spice Fugi liquid soap. Had to quit using Axe as too many angels kept crashing and hanging out for a week at the time, was killing me. They can party like hell.
Hope you have a good day and a good experience here at HD. It is what you make out of it. You appear to have a gift for gab, not a bad thing around here. Read, research, and ask before you spend money or time unnecessarily! Congratulations, you have passed my initiation but could GAD if you like me or not. But in fine spirit, I will try not to piss on the floor or throw a cigarette butt at any urinal I may pass today in your honor. Hard lighting one after they been wet? I bet so.
GA Flatwoods

Re: Looking for a foe

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 5:23 am
by Tater
yall can quit feeding this only cant reply.

Re: Looking for a foe

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 8:58 am
by S-Cackalacky
Oh well, troll, or not, it was fun while it lasted. Always a treat to see Flatwoods get all riled up.


Re: Looking for a foe

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 5:11 pm
by shadylane
Janitor47 wrote:
shadylane wrote:It's not all fun and games.
Can you make safe, good moonshine?
That, my friend, is why I'm here. The fun and games is a perk while I learn.
That's a good answer.

Re: Looking for a foe

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 5:18 pm
by rad14701
I feel so much wiser now... :wtf: Not...!!! :lolno: Next...!!! :twisted:

Re: Looking for a foe

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 5:38 pm
by pfshine
Wow! You broke out the not. Thanks for the reminder of the 90s rad. I worked so hard to forget them.

Re: Looking for a foe

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 6:33 pm
Sprised It lasted as long as It did since It was cruisin fer a brusin since It got here.

Prolly due to the same kinda thang that makes a feller stare at a train wreck and that crazy lady that puts on way too much eye make up while a waitin at the municipal bus stop.

Re: Looking for a foe

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 1:29 pm
by Janitor47
Hey guys. I've been reinstated. I am only here to make clear that despite the evidence above, I was absolutely not trying to "troll" anyone, nor was I out to hurt feelings and offend people.

Considering everything that has happened since, it is obvious that I have.
And for that I sincerely apologize. I will try to be a little more discerning and PC in the future around here. Cheers.

Re: Looking for a foe

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 2:58 pm
by MitchyBourbon
I was a little perplexed, I just figured it was something that was posted in some other thread.

Welcome back Janitor47.

Re: Looking for a foe

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 3:01 pm
by T-Pee
Use the emoticons. They're there for a reason.


Re: Looking for a foe

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 3:12 pm
by ga flatwoods
Glad you got reinstated. We all have enough people in life ready to stab us we need not come on here and invite it. Now in your honor I will have a drink of toilet bowl punch! Enjoy the forum, the rest of us do!
GA Flatwoods

Re: Looking for a foe

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 4:20 pm
by Janitor47
Bottom line: Thanks for the welcome, team. Looking forward to moving forward.

So, about distilling: Holy crap! I've been reading about it with pretty much obsessively for the last 6 weeks, and I'm still learning 5-6 new things every day.
Getting ready for practical application soon.

Re: Looking for a foe

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 4:46 pm
Not many truely took you too serious. Well your probation officer may have since we do try and demonstrate that this is not the place for knuckle heads.
Humor is one thing and being a knuckle head is another.

Not enough folks know you well enough to permit that kind of humor without your primary focus being aimed at best practices for distilling.

Welcome and good luck moving forward.

Re: Looking for a foe

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 4:54 pm
by Janitor47
LWTCS wrote:Not many truely took you too serious. Well your probation officer may have since we do try and demonstrate that this is not the place for knuckle heads.
Humor is one thing and being a knuckle head is another.

Not enough folks know you well enough to permit that kind of humor without your primary focus being aimed at best practices for distilling.

Welcome and good luck moving forward.
I couldn't agree with you more. Thanks for the welcome and the luck, I reckon I'll need both :)

Re: Looking for a foe

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 5:20 pm
by googe
Welcome.janitor, best thing you can do to avoid brain explosion here is, find what you want to drink, find a recipe for it, find the still that best makes it, read how to operate the appropriate still. If you focus on them issues it should easier. Good luck.

Re: Looking for a foe

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 7:45 pm
by Truckinbutch
I guess now we and you will see if you can skin grizz , Pilgrim . :wave:

Re: Looking for a foe

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 9:33 pm
by Janitor47
@googe That is some of the best advice I've seen on here. However, more considerations are required. I will ultimately be very careful with my decision, as I only want to build one still. Ever. And I am pretty sure I want it to be as versatile as possible: operating as both a pot and a reflux, whichever I require. Nevertheless, your advice provides me with my starting point, so thank you.

@truckinbutch Here's where I get to be brutally honest: only 40% of the reason I begged to have the digital tape ripped from my ever flapping digital mouth, was to converse about still and wash/mash design.
The other 60% was so I could ask you what on Gods green Earth does "skinning Grizz" mean???
My assumption is it's a reference to "spanking the monkey", as I have a dirty mind and also want to already be really good at skinning Grizz.

Re: Looking for a foe

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 9:41 pm
by corene1
Janitor47 wrote:@googe That is some of the best advice I've seen on here. However, more considerations are required. I will ultimately be very careful with my decision, as I only want to build one still. Ever. And I am pretty sure I want it to be as versatile as possible: operating as both a pot and a reflux, whichever I require. Nevertheless, your advice provides me with my starting point, so thank you.

@truckinbutch Here's where I get to be brutally honest: only 40% of the reason I begged to have the digital tape ripped from my ever flapping digital mouth, was to converse about still and wash/mash design.
The other 60% was so I could ask you what on Gods green Earth does "skinning Grizz" mean???
My assumption is it's a reference to "spanking the monkey", as I have a dirty mind and also want to already be really good at skinning Grizz.
I guess you need to watch the movie Jeremiah Johnson" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow

Re: Looking for a foe

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 9:49 pm
by jbird1992
:lol: :lol: I needed that laugh

Re: Looking for a foe

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 9:50 pm
by MitchyBourbon
I don't know what that means either. But I'm not worried, chasing bears is my other hobby. No joke, they always run.