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Re: 35 lbs of free Oreos

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 4:41 am
by NcGunny
Racked off the first into a funnel lined with flannel. Had to settle again and reracked. Repeat.. 2nd bucket is all done now. Gunna run first tomorrow.

Re: 35 lbs of free Oreos

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 6:52 am
by NcGunny
First run is complete..tastes like the cheapest vodka known to man!! Reracked into my boiler before the run,no column packing. Highest proof in the parrot was around 148ish. I am gunna say the DAP had a effect on it. The second is completely different in taste. First run you would never know what it was made of at all, still its kinda hot to the mouth even though I made the run slow.

Re: 35 lbs of free Oreos

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 7:12 am
by bearriver
Sorry it was lackluster. I only excpeted you may get a hint of cocoa. Minime reported good luck with adding 1 cup of cocoa to the boiler during spirit runs, thus adding a chocolate flavor to the final spirit.

Re: 35 lbs of free Oreos

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 8:32 am
by MDH
Take your hearts, put them in a small carboy, stuff a thick cloth in the lid and put it under your stairs... Leave it for at least a few months.

(Also kind of like an ex?)

Re: 35 lbs of free Oreos

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 8:09 am
by NcGunny
Tried 1 gallon of the second wash in a small 2 gallon pot I have. Tastes almost like the first run except its missing the mouth burn..going to run the whole works with my thump filled with something. Thinking maybe a fruity peach or black berry.

Re: 35 lbs of free Oreos

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 2:43 pm
by jedneck
Gunny try coffee in your thump. I did a chocolate shreaded wheat sugar head that I wasn't happy with. So I charged the thump with coffee seemed to meld the flavours pretty good.
But chocolate strawberries are perty good to.

Re: 35 lbs of free Oreos

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 3:59 pm
by MichiganCornhusker
NcGunny wrote:Thinking maybe a fruity peach or black berry.
Maybe you should ask your son, he knew enough to not throw cookies in there!
Ha, sorry, just kidding, couldn't resist.

I've been following this as it's nice to have someone blazing the trail and learning by their experience. I sure have had a good time with the Froot Loops because of your batch.

Wondering if Jed is onto something (he usually is). Maybe something to help bring out the chocolate? Coffee would be good, maybe macerating some of it with specialty grains like crystal malt or even "chocolate" malt (the beer grains, not ovaltine)
Or maybe a cocktail with something like creme de cacao, or frangelico, or something, where it could piggyback on the other flavors of the liquour?

Love the adventure, keep us posted.

Re: 35 lbs of free Oreos

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 12:36 pm
by NcGunny
Second run is finished. I decided to give the coffee a try and through in some chocolate likker I borrowed from a buddy. This may have turned into a favorite,by the time the 1st run had been put back.through...I was done in. Lotsa complex flavors inside now. Looks like I will be using up the rest of the Oreo's I froze up. I wud say if you dont have access to a freezer to skim off the fats...this is a winter time run.