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Re: Wrapping Sythetic Seals in PTFE Tape

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 2:38 pm
by Sgt Stedenko
Using inked cardboard in the "everlasting" gasket is flirting with rule 8, synthetics.
Likewise, dont.

Here's a proof of concept for a better seal on non standards sized openings needing a gasket.

Take a length of PTFE tubing and split it lengthwise along one side.
Slip the split tubing over your stockpot rim and carefully trim so that the ends meet up when installed on the lip.
Voila. A simple, safe gasket for non standard sized openings.
P1090151 (Small).JPG
This example was done with 1/2" PP tubing only for the proof of concept and to illustrate how it works.

Re: Wrapping Sythetic Seals in PTFE Tape

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 5:06 pm
by buflowing
Your comments are offensive. You're on my foes list.

Re: Wrapping Sythetic Seals in PTFE Tape

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 3:22 am
by der wo
It will not good seal at the ends of the tubing.
And ptfe hoses are less flexible than pp.

Re: Wrapping Sythetic Seals in PTFE Tape

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 3:40 am
by pythonshine
Wonder if you could heat/weld the plastic ptfe together?

Re: Wrapping Sythetic Seals in PTFE Tape

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 4:14 am
by der wo
pythonshine wrote:Wonder if you could heat/weld the plastic ptfe together?
Me too. But ptfe fumes are very toxic. And anyway, you would need much and even pressure from the top that the ptfe compresses bit and seals.

Re: Wrapping Sythetic Seals in PTFE Tape

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 5:02 am
by Johnny Walker
That's not PTFE tube it's PTFE coated tube, when you cut it the ends are exposed, who knows what the actual tube is made of.

As far as I know all PTFE is white, I assume the tube is not white because to coating is so thin.

I have used this to seal 3: sight glass with great success ... s/2147.htm you can also get it from most hardware stores, sold in 18 inch lengths as PTFE valve stem packing. Just overlap the ends for a leaktight seal.

Re: Wrapping Sythetic Seals in PTFE Tape

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 7:00 am
by Sgt Stedenko
Johnny Walker wrote:That's not PTFE tube it's PTFE coated tube, when you cut it the ends are exposed, who knows what the actual tube is made of.

As far as I know all PTFE is white, I assume the tube is not white because to coating is so thin.

I have used this to seal 3: sight glass with great success ... s/2147.htm you can also get it from most hardware stores, sold in 18 inch lengths as PTFE valve stem packing. Just overlap the ends for a leaktight seal.
It's polypropylene tubing as I said in my post. It was a proof of concept.

PTFE tubing comes in clear and white. We have hundreds of feet at my office we use for indoor air sampling.
PTFE tubing isn't coated. It's 100% PTFE.

Re: Wrapping Sythetic Seals in PTFE Tape

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 7:04 am
by Sgt Stedenko
buflowing wrote:Your comments are offensive. You're on my foes list.
You know what?
Being born and raised in Pikeville, KY, I find the term "hillbilly" offensive as well, yet that is allowed to persist on these boards. Do a search for hillbilly engineering and let me know how many hits you get
Connotations of people who arent smart, well off, etc.
Do you see that slippery slope?

Sounds like you need a safe space, snowflake.
Bet you received lots of participation trophies growing up.

Re: Wrapping Sythetic Seals in PTFE Tape

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 7:09 am
by corene1
Looks like a good idea to me if it 100% PTFE. Bet I could get the ends to seal with a small dollop of flour paste. If it is a stiff tubing you could immerse it in hot water to help form it to the existing shape. Certainly worth doing a test if you have the tubing in hand.

Re: Wrapping Sythetic Seals in PTFE Tape

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 7:16 am
by Sgt Stedenko
Yup. Flour paste will seal the seam.
We dont have 1/2" tubing at the office as the air sampling stuff is all 1/4" for swagelock.
I ordered 3 feet of 1/2" from US Plastics.

Re: Wrapping Sythetic Seals in PTFE Tape

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 8:08 am
by sltm1
Take a look at corene's PTFE wrapped copper washer (gasket). After seeing her's I made one to replace my cardboard one, a excellent permanent solution.

Re: Wrapping Sythetic Seals in PTFE Tape

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 4:02 pm
by rad14701
Sgt Stedenko wrote:
buflowing wrote:Your comments are offensive. You're on my foes list.
You know what?
Being born and raised in Pikeville, KY, I find the term "hillbilly" offensive as well, yet that is allowed to persist on these boards. Do a search for hillbilly engineering and let me know how many hits you get
Connotations of people who arent smart, well off, etc.
Do you see that slippery slope?

Sounds like you need a safe space, snowflake.
Bet you received lots of participation trophies growing up.
The term "hillbilly" will only bother you if you let it... If you don't consider yourself a hillbilly then your argument is moot... But if the shoe fits, wear it proudly... You're the one pigeonholing yourself, not anybody here...

I've been following your recent posts and you sure do seem to think you've got all the answers and have no problem belittling members here without knowing who you're talking to, and in some instances not even knowing what you're talking about... Keep calling people derogatory names and you might just end up in Read-Only mode... It's happened due to far fewer offenses than I've read from you in just this one topic... Take a chill pill, have a drink, and relax because it may be you that needs advice someday and if you piss off those with the answers the silence could be deafening...

Nuff Said...

Re: Wrapping Sythetic Seals in PTFE Tape

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 10:53 pm
by pythonshine
How did the gasket work? Had a feeling you'd be here rad....I used to weld plastic for a drainage Co, take a rasp to the edges get em nice and rough, heat till the burs start to melt then press the ends together. Sharp knife to the balled edge. Now that was not ptfe buit should flame directly on the plastic. Let me know if anyone tries it.

Re: Wrapping Sythetic Seals in PTFE Tape

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 11:04 pm
by freaky_cutout
Hmmm, I have a question. I see there is a large membership, the OP asked what HD thought on the subject manner. My question being, who is HD and how do 'they' make the decisions?

Re: Wrapping Sythetic Seals in PTFE Tape

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 11:07 pm
by pythonshine
Home Distiller.....HD......everybody......not sure what your asking?

Re: Wrapping Sythetic Seals in PTFE Tape

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 11:09 pm
by freaky_cutout
pythonshine wrote:Home Distiller.....HD......everybody......not sure what your asking?
From what I have read, it is the members that make the rules, apart from UJ's have to rules. I suppose what I am asking is who is it that says that one thing is OK and others are not. Who makes that call?

Re: Wrapping Sythetic Seals in PTFE Tape

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 11:14 pm
by pythonshine
Hmm...that is a slippery slope.. I am not knowledgeable enough to say, however I do know enough to say this is not the thread this should be discussed. Start your own thred, but be warned, you might not like the outcome.

Re: Wrapping Sythetic Seals in PTFE Tape

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 11:17 pm
by freaky_cutout
pythonshine wrote:Hmm...that is a slippery slope.. I am not knowledgeable enough to say, however I do know enough to say this is not the thread this should be discussed. Start your own thred, but be warned, you might not like the outcome.
Right, thanks.

Re: Wrapping Sythetic Seals in PTFE Tape

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 5:53 am
by thecroweater
freaky_cutout wrote:
pythonshine wrote:Home Distiller.....HD......everybody......not sure what your asking?
From what I have read, it is the members that make the rules, apart from UJ's have to rules. I suppose what I am asking is who is it that says that one thing is OK and others are not. Who makes that call?
Admin make the call, just like every forum ever. A quick search will bring up some resent threads discussing synthetics and the burden of proof, the same search will bring up the stuff discussed and how to talk about it. That is if it's not shown to be safe then the board are unlikely to proved it and it can not be recommend here :thumbup:

Re: Wrapping Sythetic Seals in PTFE Tape

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 6:01 am
by thecroweater
Sgt Stedenko wrote:
Monkeyman88 wrote:Easy. Unwrap a very used everlasting gasket. I've done it twice and both bits of cardboard where in the same condition they were when first wrapped. I used a section of cereal box with colours still on and they hadn't changed at all.
Do you know the chemical composition of the ink on your cereal box?
A PTFE gasket is about a buck.
Trying to afro engineer a gasket with a questionable core is priceless.
Like others have said.
If you cant afford this hobby, stick to knitting.
Listen champ the rules are about synthetics in CONTACT with vapour or spirit. Anyone said to me this hobby is only for the wealthy :lol: they may not love what I would say back. Trouble with high horses is its a long way down if ya get knocked off :wink: