I decided to finally get around to a few things today including finally running that Cheez-it wash that's been sitting in a sealed 30 gallon fermenter since June (I think). So I get everything ready then unscrew the lid and see this
Looks pretty funky don't it?
The red color is from the paprika that gives Cheez-its that nuclear orange color so that isn't a big deal. At first I was thinking the rest was probably congealed fat because Cheez-it washes tend to have a lot of fat floating on top. but when I got a scooper and scooped it off it was pretty obviously Mother.
I am running it off anyway and see what happens, I figure worse comes to worse it is another cleaning run.
Last edited by cranky on Thu Mar 02, 2017 6:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
So I opened the lid 4 days after the cap dropped on my latest Irish all grain (it was a clean ferment that lasted 4 days also) and I have a classic white moonscape lacto infection going on. Now what? I’ve read that you should let it go until it smells like pineapple. I’m okay with that but don’t want to screw up a good thing. Right now it smells like a good, finished mash should. Nothing funky. I tried to upload a picture but it failed because it said the file was too big. But it looks exactly like other pictures posted here. Any ideas are welcome. download/file.php?id=48023&mode=view
IDK generally these notes are nice in rum but whenever I let the lacto ferment go on my whiskey I'm not a fan. I'll let folks with more whiskey experience chime in tho.
ElCubanazo wrote:IDK generally these notes are nice in rum but whenever I let the lacto ferment go on my whiskey I'm not a fan. I'll let folks with more whiskey experience chime in tho.
Thanks for the input ElCubanazo.
🎱 The struggle is real and this rabbit hole just got interesting. Per a conversation I had with Mr. Jay Gibbs regarding white oak barrel staves: “…you gotta get it burning good.”
ShineonCrazyDiamond wrote:Pineapple is for butyric infection, not lacto. Butyric smells like vomit at first, and you wait for the pineapple. Lacto is good to go anytime.
Good to know. Will get on it asap. Thanks SCD!
🎱 The struggle is real and this rabbit hole just got interesting. Per a conversation I had with Mr. Jay Gibbs regarding white oak barrel staves: “…you gotta get it burning good.”
Grappa-Gringo wrote:So just to clarify, is this lacto type infections...good for product. Mine looked like the thick brow stuff being held by Saltbush. Clear and run it? Pls and thanks
GG if you are referring to my infection then yes! That lacto, while stealing a little bit of the alcohol in the wash, is providing my bourbon with some beautiful flavors. I have had it in every single bourbon I have made... I think it came in either on my rye or on the TSC cracked corn but I'm not complaining!
I siphon the beer off through one of my special socks into the boiler and run her! Not one complaint.
As far as what SBB has going on there....WHEW! That s**t looks like pure EVIL .
How fast did that pellicle form? I had something similar that formed within 48 hours of finishing the cooking, and talking with a microbiologist it was more likely a wild yeast strain as opposed to a lacto contamination. I was told it isn’t possible to identify a bacteria by the pellicle alone because many different bacteria can form similar looking pellicle in different environments.
Noob here 5 gen uj few rogue throw together runs and a spirit run under my belt never had this on a wash its milled cracked corn malted rye and barley 10 pound dextrose reading and stuff on Lacto infections looks like pics I've seen.... Help please What's uf guys input
Durhommer wrote:Noob here 5 gen uj few rogue throw together runs and a spirit run under my belt never had this on a wash its milled cracked corn malted rye and barley 10 pound dextrose reading and stuff on Lacto infections looks like pics I've seen.... Help please What's uf guys input
Run it. Then clean and sanitize everything. Then pick a tried and true recipe that is close to what you like and follow it exactly. While you are at it, continue reading here and take notes, a lot of them. Good luck.
🎱 The struggle is real and this rabbit hole just got interesting. Per a conversation I had with Mr. Jay Gibbs regarding white oak barrel staves: “…you gotta get it burning good.”
I'm set up for uj and birdwatcher but can't help throwing other stuff on my recipe ( tweaking malt amount , adding oats. Its nice to have a relaxing hobby
So this is my second time with same shit on my wash taste horrible sg 1062 its at 1040 now and taste sour non alcohol almost I'm pissed !!! Think my cracked corn is the culprit 8 gallon and time and effort shot all to hell I feel.last batch finished out and ran thru was ok this one has worse vinegary smell/ taste
Durhommer wrote:So this is my second time with same shit on my wash taste horrible sg 1062 its at 1040 now and taste sour non alcohol almost I'm pissed !!! Think my cracked corn is the culprit 8 gallon and time and effort shot all to hell I feel.last batch finished out and ran thru was ok this one has worse vinegary smell/ taste
So you did nothing to correct the problem the first time and yet wonder why things are happening again a second time in a worse way? See my earlier post.
🎱 The struggle is real and this rabbit hole just got interesting. Per a conversation I had with Mr. Jay Gibbs regarding white oak barrel staves: “…you gotta get it burning good.”
No I sanitized and stuff I think the corn is weird should I be cleaning and rinsing my cracked corn it has particulate in it so should I clean it all up before I grind
Not a great photo, but this infection looks just like sawdust sprinkled on top.
No bubbles. Very foamy when scooped up, and an intense fruity smell.
Ring a bell with anyone?
I have some pomegranate molasses/ panela rum backset that has the same look and smell.
Also, I just realized that I must have deleted the rest of my post from above.
That was an infection (I believe) that turned to mold quickly. Tossed the batch just to be safe.
Infection = good
Mold = bad.
So I’m told.
"There is something about yourself that you don't know. Something that you will deny even exists until it's too late to do anything about it."