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Re: Crow's Rum

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2018 6:06 am
by thecroweater
Brown sugar and raw sugar are too completely different products. Brown sugar is fully refined sugar that has molasses added to it so no real difference than a molasses and white sugar ferment where as raw sugar (terbinado) is very little refined other than allowing some crystals to precipitate out basically so has much more of the components of cane juice, not as much as muscovado but somewhat similar. I've made rum with all molasses, with white sugar, with half raw half white and molasses, with raw and molasses and with muscovado so for me the best bang for my buck is the above method and also gives me my preferred result. I think the difference is more noticeable as tafia (unaged rum) but also a little unique aged.

Re: Crow's Rum

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2019 7:19 pm
by fizzix
Kicked up three 6-gallon versions of this today (6-lbs. turbinado ... 2/3 gallon molasses) and added 1/2-lb. coconut sugar to each.
Let's see if the coconut sugar enhances anything.

Re: Crow's Rum

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2019 11:49 am
by Bombo80
All I need is 20# or the organic cane sugar from costco, and I will have pretty much this recipe.

I am going for .....
4.25 gallons molasses
36# cane sugar
2 gallons funky dunder
33 gallons of water
DAP and yeast energizer along with 1/2 gallon leftover wash/yeast that has been boiled.

This should give me pretty close to 40 gallons of rum wash somewhere in the 1.060 range.

Hope to get this done while I do a bourbon spirit run and setup my next all corn whiskey wash.

Might be a long weekend. :ebiggrin:

Re: Crow's Rum

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2019 11:17 am
by fizzix
fizzix wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2019 7:19 pm Kicked up three 6-gallon versions of this today (6-lbs. turbinado ... 2/3 gallon molasses) and added 1/2-lb. coconut sugar to each.
Let's see if the coconut sugar enhances anything.
Maybe imagination, maybe reality.
But the spirit run on this batch sure does have a brighter, more "buttery" taste, especially about mid-hearts.

Also the longest run I've ever had of Crow's! Two gallons of strip and 1-3/4 gallons of water went for a colossal 6-1/2 hours since 1st drip.
Steady pencil-lead stream, and 36 collection jars not counting the overwhelmingly caustic fores.

Blending now, 24-airing-hours later, and getting some fantastic captures.

Re: Crow's Rum

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2020 2:21 am
by thecroweater
Running another one of these tomorrow, not sure how long it took to ferment out as I was interstate for nearly two weeks but it's well and truly done now, the rumour in the barrel is really pretty special now and quite a lot like a Caribbean style.