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Re: Making Holes in Stainless Stockpots

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 12:31 pm
by rad14701
With stainless steel it works well to drill as small of a pilot as possible and then increase the drill size... I try to drill a pilot hole using a .125" (1/8") drill or smaller...

Re: Making Holes in Stainless Stockpots

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 8:56 pm
by Wanker
On my stock pot lid I started with small drill bits and worked my way up to half inch then I soldered my 2” to 1.5”copper reducer to the lid cented on the half inch hole then flipped the lid over and opened up the half inch hole with a die grinder Carbide Bur Cylinder bit till the hole matched the inside dia of the 2” end of the reducer. With a die grinder those bits go through thin SS like butter but if you don't have one a drill will do it too with that bit, just take longer!

Re: Making Holes in Stainless Stockpots

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:55 am
by ScottishBoy
I usually use a smaller bit and drill a series of holes around the inside of where I want the hole. It comes out like a perferated boxtop. Then I take a dremel with a metal rasp on it and zing off the inside circle and that leaves me with about 10 minutes of work with a grinding stone. Simple and easy.

Re: Making Holes in Stainless Stockpots

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 5:55 am
by BanjoTed
While looking into a way to cut a hole into my SS stockpot lid I looked into the IKEA Fixa tool you described in previous post. The tool is actually call a q-max cutter and comes in lots of sizes: ... %20Cutters" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow

You still need to drill a central hole but from what I gather from the reviews it leaves a very neat hole with with no burrs etc. so this is what I am going to use. Will let you all know how easy it is to use.

Re: Making Holes in Stainless Stockpots

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2021 12:31 pm
by Tom Kat
I have a question-
I am making a beer keg boiler. I intend to put a 240 VAC element attached to a 2" ss ferrule welded at the bottom of the keg to heat the boiler. The element is a Dernord bend back?
wavy looking thing. How big of a hole do I need to drill? My thought is about 1 7/8" but if it needs to be smaller that would probably be a plus.
Thank you for your help in advance.

Re: Making Holes in Stainless Stockpots

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2021 2:41 pm
by still_stirrin
Tom Kat wrote: Fri Jan 01, 2021 12:31 pm I have a question-How big of a hole do I need to drill?

The 2" SS tri-clover ferrule is 2" OD and 1.870" ID.

You could drill/punch a 2" hole and slide the ferrule in to TIG weld it to the keg. Or, you could grind a "saddle" shape on the ferrule and weld it on and then drill a 1.8125" (1-13/16") hole through the ferrule.

Help you?

Re: Making Holes in Stainless Stockpots

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 6:40 am
by Tom Kat
Yes it did, that is what I was looking for. THANK YOU