Why is my silver solder not sticking at all to stainless?

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Salt Must Flow
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Re: Why is my silver solder not sticking at all to stainless?

Post by Salt Must Flow »

Once you have the right flux, it will behave like a totally different animal. The solder will flow and you'll get excellent adhesion. As everyone warned about, flux multiple times and do not over heat it. That video is a very good tutorial. I've only ever used a propane torch and have always suceeded.

I recently soldered a 3" ferrule on top of a keg that had stamped embossments like shown below. I just set the ferrule on top and soldered away. Solder filled all of the gaps, but one. Long story short, it didn't take much to get that spot to seal up. It doesn't appear that you have any meaningful gaps so it should be a breeze in comparison once you have the proper flux.

Keg 3in 08.jpg
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