I love this recipe... run it enough that I now have about 60L @ 60+% ageing in kegs with Oak sticks

Can I clarify a couple of things (bearing in mind I'm using a Pot Still)?
1) You recycle your heads and tails, right? Do you take foreshots out? (I recycle them currently)
2) I have just obtained a 210L stainless drum for fermenting: I was thinking of running a 160L SBB wash until dry, then dumping my remaining fores/heads/tails into that and siphoning off into 5x individual stripping runs, over a week or 3 in my Keg boiler. Or would it be best to add them to each boiler load at the time of the run?
I'll run each of those strips until the collection pot total is under 40%, then store that in another stainless drum until I get around to doing spirit runs.
I've been running single ferments and strips up until now, so my process is changing a bit