The liar's bench

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Re: The liar's bench

Post by StillLearning1 »

S-Cackalacky wrote: Some folks compare the addition to that of heroine.
I have know two ex heroin users in my life, both said quiting heroin is child's play compared to quiting cigs.

I plan to try the long smoke free track again myself this spring. Made it 5months last time. I can beat that this time I know I can.
But what the heck do I know.....I am still learning.
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by Janitor47 »

Champix was amazing. The dreams were incredible. Then about a week and a half in I read about all the side effects :shock: and decided I should quit that as well as cigs. I just hit the three year mark, and I still miss it sometimes. Sometimes I pass by a smoker and gag; other times I grab them, pull them close, and try to take all of their glorious funk into my nostrils. Side note: Most folk don't like being grabbed and smelled by strangers.

Keep in mind, however, that Canadian cigs, like Canadian Beer, is stronger than your guys' stuff. But I can sure tell YA how nice it is to breathe again :yawn:

Good luck, quitting is tough as GA's girdle, but totally worth it!
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by ga flatwoods »

Janitor 47 you should go over to the welcome center and reintroduce yourself. Or, hang around. You are in the novel, written in by me! Have you seen it? Sorry but I couldnt resist.
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by thecroweater »

Back home at the present, swear the kids are getting dumber here. Went in the bank and said I want my balance checked, stupid kid pushed me over :roll:
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by S-Cackalacky »

thecroweater wrote:Back home at the present, swear the kids are getting dumber here. Went in the bank and said I want my balance checked, stupid kid pushed me over :roll:
No, I think stupidity is fairly commonplace among younguns everywhere. I went into a fast food restaurant that serves roasted chickens that are cut into 4 pieces - two leg/thigh pieces and two breast/wing pieces. I asked the kid behind the counter for a breast quarter and he looked at me with a puzzled face like I was speaking a foreign language. So, I said again slowly, I'll have a breast quarter. He had a look like he didn't know whether to shit, fart or fly for a few seconds and then, it was like a light bulb went on and he said, "Oh, you want a one fourth chicken breast.". Swear to God that actually happened.
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by Bigbob »

You know the scary thing? They are going to be in charge.... I know I have a 16 year old that knows everything.
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by HDNB »

when i was 16 i knew everything too. about 10 years later i was married and found out i knew nothing. my wife told me so.
the moral of the story?
marriage causes alzheimers.
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by moosemilk »

S-Cackalacky wrote:
thecroweater wrote:Back home at the present, swear the kids are getting dumber here. Went in the bank and said I want my balance checked, stupid kid pushed me over :roll:
No, I think stupidity is fairly commonplace among younguns everywhere. I went into a fast food restaurant that serves roasted chickens that are cut into 4 pieces - two leg/thigh pieces and two breast/wing pieces. I asked the kid behind the counter for a breast quarter and he looked at me with a puzzled face like I was speaking a foreign language. So, I said again slowly, I'll have a breast quarter. He had a look like he didn't know whether to shit, fart or fly for a few seconds and then, it was like a light bulb went on and he said, "Oh, you want a one fourth chicken breast.". Swear to God that actually happened.
That one's a genius compared to what I ran into. Went into a Mr. Sub (like subway or Quiznos for you in the US). Ordered a BLT sub. Now I get you "build your own sub" telling them what toppings you want, but being asked "would you like lettuce and tomato on that?" really caught me off guard. Just looked at her for a second to see if she would realize it...nope...i then asked if it was cheaper to get a b and leave out the lt...puzzled look...then I said yes, I'll have lettuce and tomato...and the bacon too just to make sure. Never dawned on the employee at all.

And how many of them are stumped if they hit clear before giving change...can't figure it out without the register telling them!

If that is what determines my future, I'm glad I run a still. Gonna need a lot of likker to get me through!
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by thecroweater »

Oh you want fair dinkum dumb , ok well this happens often. I go in the say the groceries come to $31.60 so ya hand the teen bopper checkout chick $50 and a $1.60 in change, she stares at the change rings up the til and hands you back $18.40 in 3 fivers and a hand full of church change then hands you back ya $1.60 saying with the most innocent smile oh you had enough sir you didn't need this :wtf: (me saying oh yeah silly me.....I guess) :roll:
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by Tokoroa_Shiner »

Gawd I hate it when they do that. I hold it out to them and say "nah, I wana $20 note"
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by WooTeck »

in my exp. people are just dumb (of Corse im exempt. well except when im drinking). some of the 'smartest' academics ive met have been grate on paper but simple real world problem solving puts them on the back foot.
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by S-Cackalacky »

When I was a youngun back in S. Cack, math was taught using a piece of paper and a number two pencil. You had to actually think about the relationship between numbers and work it out in your head.

When I take my wife and younguns out to a restaurant and the check comes, they reach for their phone apps to figure the tip, but I usually figure it in my head and blurt it out before they even get their apps up and running. They're fascinated that I can do it in my head and I'm bewildered that they can't.
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by HDNB »

can't add? shi-ite they can't speak. i went out with the wife and daughter and her fella a few nights ago, to a fairly nice (at least stupidly expensive) restaurant. there were four teens/twenties at the next table that never spoke a work to each other just sat there and texted on their phones.
this was a fodue place and it took forever, we were in there for 3 hours or so...and honestly the only time they spoke was when the wait staff showed up and had to repeat themselves to this foursomes.... all with bewildered looks at someone who was actually speaking to them...

i'd like to say i stretched some hyberbole in there for the bench...but sadly it is complete and true. I guess they was there for the food, not the company.
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by moosemilk »

That's funny stuff there, HDNB. Imagining them sitting there probably texting EACH OTHER. When it comes down to real world situations where they have to actually speak to another person, it's quite hilarious. And I thought we were brutal as kids doing the "ask her is she likes anybody, does she want a boyfriend, etc". Getting a friend to call. I'm wondering how they even get a bf/gf these days? I could just picture a modern date...sitting in a nice restaurant, table for two, TEXTING Each other lol. God forbid the phone dies or network goes down!

Thankfully, I can't punish my kids by taking electronics away. Used to be able too. But now they happily read a book, play a game, play with friends OUTSIDE.

We are doomed. I can just see being stuck in an old folks home and some young doctor texting me asking me where it hurts.

Edit: gotta add, day 13 I think now, maybe 14? No smoking.
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by heartcut »

When I quit smoking (1986), the hardest part was coffee in the morning and the first beer at night. Knew I was finished when the last t-shirt with a pocket went into rags.
My grandkids are really fine kids, but give them all their tablets and the only conversation is about the video game or website they're on. Take the computers/phones away and after some whining they're children again. We're producing a bunch of mental eunuchs.
I once listened to 2 adults (?) have a cellphone conversation while both were in the same restaurant. My wife kept me from suggesting a different method of communication. I have a cellphone, but sometimes it looks like it might make a good Frisbee.

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Re: The liar's bench

Post by S-Cackalacky »

My kids laugh at me because when I come inside, I power off my cell phone and lay it on a shelf. It's off more than it's on and I only need to charge it maybe once a month. I still use a flip phone with the lowest cost service available - $15/month. I use it to phone people and actually talk to them.

My daughter once forgot her cell phone (device) when she went off to work. She called me up wanting me to bring it to her - about 8 miles away. I told her no and she showed up back at home about an hour later saying she didn't feel well and had to leave work. She won't admit it, but she left work because she was having an anxiety attack.

Moose, good on you for reaching such a milestone. It will become less and less effort to convince yourself not to have the first one. Congratulations and keep it up.
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by WooTeck »

i allways have my phone in hand. normally reading about brewing/distilling or beer. although my soh would disagree i dont think i use it too much when out.

its alot easier to carry the phone with the good beer guide and a tasting notes app that the hard copy book and note pad.
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by ranger_ric »

I Love this thread... I read the first 9 pages and had sooo many stories to tell... I skipped to the end and things have gotten serious here with fellas needin to quit smokin and all. Dadgum I am no quitter.
Anyways back when I was first breakin off from livin at home I worked with this old old old fella.. He had been a trapper up in the panhandle back in the depression days and all. He had spent many many a day and night horseback checkin them trap lines and all. He claimed to have been caught in thunderstorms and struck by lightning 3 times. 2 of the times it killed the horse out from under him. He wore the biggest ass bump on the top left of his forehead from one of them lightning strikes.
I worked with him at a water company. (the city we live in has HORRIBLE city water and many people will go and buy cookin and coffee water from someone else because the tap water sucks.) "Wild Bill and I would have to drive way out past the city limits to this "secret" well and fill the water truck with 800 gal of well water. At some point the right of ways changed and they were moving a highway so the electric company pulled out the electricity to the well. This caused "Wild Bill" and I to have to haul a welding/generator trailer to the well with us to get a load of water. the second law of thermodynamics tells us that everything is moving to chaos and that being said the water well developed a ground fault. Now a ground fault was causing us to get a teeth jarring electrical jolt if we stood on the ground and touched the truck or welding trailer (they were insulated by the rubber tires, but us standing on the ground and touching the trailer we would get 220V (Ouch)). It took 45 minutes to fill the water truck so we got 'er started and I took a running jump and landed on the trailer fender to sit out the 45 minutes while the truck filled. I asked "Wild Bill" to tell me the story of getting hit by lightning. Now Wild Bill could give Truckin butch OR Croweater a run for their money on the story telling... So he tells this tale must a took 20 minutes, about riding his horse through a blinding thunderstorm and when he gets to the part of the lightning bolt he reaches over and grabs a hold of my ear (GROUNDING ME OUT TO 220V).... hOLY F^$%ing S#@t.... He had me by the ear... I tasted the rusted metal in the back of my throat.. I pissed my pants.... I thought I was going to die.... He just laughed and laughed.. Electricity NEVER bothered that man... God I miss "Wild Bill" and men like him...
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by moosemilk »

Welcome to the bench ranger ric. Just seems like serious talk quitting smoking and all. What it really comes to is just a little bitching. Didn't totally quit the rush. Still carry a tin of cope, not the long cut flavored stuff either, the good kick ur ass snuff. Have yourself a little if ya like, don't sit well in the side of your cheek, but take a good lip in front. Hiccups? Ahh hell, you'll get used to it an won't get em anymore.

I'll be back in a minute. Gotta go drain myself on that electric fence over there. Wife wants some tonight and that's better than those blue pills for getting started. Give er a try yourself.

* spitooooooh *
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by ga flatwoods »

Ranger that is the best story here in a while now. Thanks for contributing. What did you bring to drink?
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by ranger_ric »

I just ran me a batch of distilled water last night for my inaugural still cleaning. Gotta find the time this week to get the vinegar and sac runs through her. I got 15 gallons of UJSSM bubbling away. I wish ole Wild Bill could be here when I get all that run.
One time workin at the water company I was cleaning and replacin the ole drum brakes on that water truck. I was up to my elbows in gasoline over the parts pan. Wild Bill walks in with a cigarette danglin from his lips, and goes to tellin another tale. He comes right over and leans in close with that smoke in his face. I went to givin him what fer and told him to get away from my gasoline soaked body. He laughed and said I had nothin to worry about. So we argued a bit about that til he finished what he could on that cancer stick and then he flicked the still smoking butt right into the gasoline parts pan in front of me.......
I jumped 20 feet but nothing happened except the cigarette went out. DadGum if he wasn't right? You cant light a panful of gasoline with a cigarette. I have tried it 20 times since then and it never has set a pan off. I miss ole "Wild Bill"
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by Bigbob »

Knew a couple of wild bills. Both crazy. And I have a great picture my son sent me on his first deployment to Iraq . Two marines siphoning fuel both with cigarettes smoldering in their mouths. Typical, Semper Fi. :thumbup:
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by goinbroke2 »

I was young and working at a reserve post even though I was reg force, had to drain fuel out of a deuce and a half. Couldn't find a suitable hose but found some 5/8 heater core hose. Stuck it in the tank and since the roll had about 25ft left on it I went down the hill a bit beside the truck. Sucked..sucked...sucked...had the jerry can all ready, suck...the angle I had the hose apparently was lined up perfectly with my throat because quicker than I could react about 2qt's of diesel went into my gut. I got the hose in the jerry can and it was pouring like a firehose. I bent it over and ran up the hill then puked. Long strings of saliva and puke hanging from my mouth I tried to hold the hose up higher than the tank, of course it uncoiled/flipped/whatever and undid so the hose started spraying all over. I just dropped it and pulled the hose from the tank and then puked again. I was covered in diesel and puke and was about 45 miles from my base/shacks. I just said %^&* it and closed the shop door and locked it, got in my DND truck and drove home. It was about 1:30pm, I had a shower and went to bed sicker than a dog. Wasn't feeling better for about 3 days after.

Along the same timeframe (first four years in 84-88 or so) I was in refuelling section. Got the job of replacing the rear leaves on a fuel bowser. These things are air start, you have cable reels with ground clips on them for everything. So, easiest way is to obviously torch off the old u-bolts, can't do that on a refueller...a bit more with a 2ft power bar on rusty old nuts and I said what about a zip saw? Nope, it'll make sparks, what about a air chisel? I get the go ahead and am furriously hammering away when the Master Corporal starts screaming that I'm making sparks. We got drain pans and contrary to popular belief aircraft fuel is just like diesel, it won't just burn at ambiant temps. I proved it to the other Cpl with the drain pan out back of the Maint shop, took a pan with some JP-4 in it, lit a match and threw it in repeatedly, match just goes out, see? Some airforce wanker drove by and spotted me and everybody but God himself showed up screaming. I was only in Refuelling section about two weeks..never went back.. :roll:
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by Truckinbutch »

Flatwoods called me 'tother day and asked me how cold it was here as he was gettin colder down there where he's at than he'd ever been before . I wasn't sure how to 'splain it to him , given his more southern latitude .
Thought I'd just post a reply for all of you to try to 'splain . Little long winded .
SOH gets up about 4:30 in the morning to get ready for work . She lets the 2 stock dogs out to piss , fires the wood stove , lets the dogs back in to eat their breakfast while she does some housekeeping and fixes her own breakfast . Once they have all finished their meals she puts the dogs back out to shit while she gets dressed for work .
Usually the dogs come right back in when she calls . The Blue Heeler pup picked that day to want to tease and play and not come back in when SOH called for them to come back in . Got her some aggravated and she stood in the door yelling at that pup for some time before the pup saw the open door and came running back in the warm house .

She went on to work and the grandkids got dropped off for me to put on the school bus as usual a couple hours later per daily routine . Ran the pickup up to the pasture gate on the way to the bus stop to let the grandson prop the gate open for me so I wouldn't have to get off the tractor for that when I went to feed .

Damn ! It was cold at 7:30 in the morning . 11:00 came round and the sunball creeped over the ridge and put some light in our holler . It was still cooooldd. Suited up in my eskimo clothes and climbed up on the 5610 Ford 4wd tractor to go feed the cows since daylight had finally got here . 1,000 # round bale hanging off the back and the transmission in the 'goin home hole' I raced up the drive to get them cows fed as quick as possible . Clean run to the pasture since the grandson had opened the gate earlier .

Charging up the drive since I didn't have to stop for the gate , I paid no attention to the shadow of the big pecan tree that usually marked where I had to stop to open the gate . Full bore and 'Getter Done !' as fast as possible , cold as it was .

Something whacked me a glancing blow on the forehead that half whaggled me and then I heard a WHANG ! on the roll bar behind me that nearly stalled the tractor . JAYZUS !

Regained control of the tractor and looked back to see what I had hit . There was the shadow of the pecan tree layin in the road behind me broke up like shards of glass . It was so damned cold that the shadow had froze solid . Had to stop and throw all that out of the way when I came back down so I wouldn't punch a tire on it .

Best part of the story came in the evening . Got the grandkids off the bus and got back to the house just ahead of SOH . She pulled in her parking spot and saw all this litter in the snow in the yard . Little pieces of multicolored stuff scattered all over the snow . She knew immediately that those grandkids had littered HER yard and sent them out to pick it all up and bring it in and put it in the kitchen garbage .

Imagine their squeals of laughter when all that 'litter' thawed out and became all the yelling Nona had done at her pup that morning . They didn't know , until then , that Nona could outcuss a drill instructor .

..................So , how cold has it been at your house ?...................
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by SassyFrass »

That definitely calls for a drink or ten.
:wtf: :lol:
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by ranger_ric »

Well it was purt near cold here BUT not so cold that the shadows and swear words were freezin'. However I did learn tonight that you cannot scoop snow off of the steps and throw it in where the pond pumps through your Liebig. The dirt and funk mixed in the snow will plug your pump...... Just sayin'
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by ga flatwoods »

Sorry I asked TB! If you hadnt told it I would never have believed it! Some folks been known to stretch the truth round here at times. It did get so cold here after I called you that while outside with the SOH she let a fart and tried to blame the dog but couldnt hide the heat exhaust smoke coming out her ass through her pants! Reminiscent of the paper plants round these parts.
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by thecroweater »

Never seen weather cold enough to freeze shadows or walked through any land yaz can carry LPG around in buckets and I suspect I don't care to either. Did go camping as a young fella with the old man years ago, he found ice in his swag reckoned it was a frozen fart, did have my doubts but sure as God made little ants he threw the ice in the fire and with my own ears I heard "Pfft", who woulda thought :shock: . Been hotter than blazes here trying to fix my broke down car. Only got to 43/ 110f' yesterday so the spanners didn't burn my hands near as bad as the day before and least I got some shade...... No where friggen near me. Still they say what don't kill ya makes ya stronger so few more days of this and look out for a crow in the weight liftin division next word titles . Anyone here ever worked on a Mitsubishi V6 motor, by gum what a bastard design, literally got to pull 3/4 of the motor down to change a water pump "literally" :wtf: . Glad I didn't bust a fan belt, prolly have to pull the transfer box out to change it :roll: (little wonder those guys finished up on their deadly treadlies by wars end) . Anyway nearly done, only got about 1000 more things left to bolt up and connect so back to it I guess :thumbup:
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by Truckinbutch »

Well , SHIT! SOH came home today with a damage estimate from one of her coworkers for paint repair to the gal's car . The parking spaces are pretty tight where she works and t'other day when it was so cold the security cameras recorded her keying the side of the gal's car with her nipples when she turned to go inside to work . :wtf:
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by ga flatwoods »

So TB, you are saying it was colder than a witches titty?
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