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Re: Cornflakes whiskey

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 2:30 am
by greenthumb
Just out of curiosity has anyone tried fresh sweetcorn? As a grower of all things nice I do grow loads of sweetcorn would this not be a viable option? As I can pick it when it's at its sweetest ?

Re: Cornflakes whiskey

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 5:08 am
by Ghost
Odin damn fine job on this one! I started this one a couple of weeks back and I didn't get it to dry in 7 days - I think the cold temps here in the southeast and maybe having too high of a starting abv has caused it to go a little long but she is almost dry and will be run this weekend with any luck.

Re: Cornflakes whiskey

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 5:17 am
by rad14701
greenthumb wrote:Just out of curiosity has anyone tried fresh sweetcorn? As a grower of all things nice I do grow loads of sweetcorn would this not be a viable option? As I can pick it when it's at its sweetest ?
This has been tried and should have shown in results of a site search... This topic is not about fresh corn, however... It is about using breakfast cereal... Please do not ask off topic questions instead of researching...

Re: Cornflakes whiskey

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 9:40 am
by midnightmaraude
odin. gonna try this out cuz of the great reviews and ferment time before xmas here. I have an 8.5 gallon fermenter. could you suggest the right amounts for me to fill the thing up?

Re: Cornflakes whiskey

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 10:08 am
by Odin
About ... 20 liters of water, 1 kilo of CF, 3 kilo's of sugar. Tight fit, though ...


Re: Cornflakes whiskey

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 6:30 am
by midnightmaraude
well...made a batch last night. sg 1.08. Iaactually ran the corn flakes through a coffee grinder and boiled for 20 min. first time ajsing Fleischer yeast. I pitched 3 packets on the surface and sprinkled some nutrients on top at about 90f. checking it this morning I'm getting slow burps. is this normal or did I mess up?

Re: Cornflakes whiskey

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 1:37 pm
by greenthumb
midnightmaraude wrote:well...made a batch last night. sg 1.08. Iaactually ran the corn flakes through a coffee grinder and boiled for 20 min. first time ajsing Fleischer yeast. I pitched 3 packets on the surface and sprinkled some nutrients on top at about 90f. checking it this morning I'm getting slow burps. is this normal or did I mess up?
Sounds fine, give the yeast a chance to work its special magic :D

I have run my first batches gen1 through and made some tight cuts, definitely whiskey like, not alot of flavour as its my first run, but will put on toasted oak tomorrow and see how it fairs,

Gen2 started with reduced sugar as per odins directions, with added backset, cant wait!

Edited to state gen1 and gen2 ..

Re: Cornflakes whiskey

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 1:51 pm
by Ghost
I am little stumped on this one - I stared this wash 16 days ago its a 1st gen. Its been burping right along and a day or so ago it had started to slow so I checked with the triple scale meter and it showed about 5% remaining (OG was around 12%) So today I noticed that both fermenters had slowed to about 2 mins between burps - bored I checked it again and I will be damned if it seems it went up ?!?! It tastes dry - its clearing - BUT the temp of the wash is about 87% ...... anyone know the offset for temps? Or can throw me a little help?

Re: Cornflakes whiskey

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 2:52 pm
by greenthumb
What was your SG i assume about 1.070 and gravity now?
and how much sugar and water did you use Ghost?

Re: Cornflakes whiskey

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 5:14 pm
by Ghost
Yep - SG was around 1.070 or so. water was 6 gallons give or take - sugar was around 10/11 lbs. I did this like I did most of my other sugar heads - start with my base and adjust the sugar/water to get a agreeable SG.

Re: Cornflakes whiskey

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 5:36 pm
by Ghost
Clearly it isn't done. I just tested the triple scale in plain ol water and it measured out 0 potential so I pulled a sample in my test tube and measured and sure enough its still at about 5% left till dry so its just taking its time. Nothing to do but wait it out.

Re: Cornflakes whiskey

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 2:18 am
by greenthumb
Ghost wrote:Clearly it isn't done. I just tested the triple scale in plain ol water and it measured out 0 potential so I pulled a sample in my test tube and measured and sure enough its still at about 5% left till dry so its just taking its time. Nothing to do but wait it out.
All good things take time :D my gen 1 took longer to ferment as I was greedy with the sugar :oops:

Re: Cornflakes whiskey

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 10:25 am
by dave_g
Hi y'all, been awhile since i posted last so here is a little recap. Finish construction of phase I of my still. gas powered 15.5 gal. SS beer keg boiler with a pot still head and 3 foot leibig. has worked awesome with vinegar and sacrificial runs. birdwatchers wash for sacrificial run. then followed up with Odin's Cornflake wash. had 12% abv prior to running it after fermenting dry. Turned out really well. gonna take a while to get cuts and blending down to a "T". I did dilute it down to far to 60 proof was aiming for 80 proof. all in the learning curve still. it has good taste still some burn to it. So started my gen. II of cfw and reduced the sugar and reading right now at 7.2% abv was aiming for 8 to 10%. i sure this will work as well. Am I on the right track? any comments appreciated.

Few question to ask.

When i started cleanning and sacrificial runs outside temps where upper 50 degrees, on my last run of cf it was 9 drgrees outside. i seen alot of condensation coming out of my liebig. should i worry about this or will i be able to see alcohol vapor floating down towards the floor verses floating up like water vapor? also on my first run of cf, i cut 500ml of foreshots then started to collect 8 oz cut into 20 numbered jars and collected down to 30%abv stopped when started seeing cloudy. seem to work okay. just questioning my production methods. Thanks alot HD!! 

Re: Cornflakes whiskey

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 1:37 pm
by Odin
If you ferment this, do not go higher than 8.5%. Sugarheads higher in potential abv tend to develop a hot after taste.

Regards, Odin.

Re: Cornflakes whiskey

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 1:43 pm
by Prairiepiss
Odin wrote:If you ferment this, do not go higher than 8.5%. Sugarheads higher in potential abv tend to develop a hot after taste.

Regards, Odin.

Re: Cornflakes whiskey

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 1:49 pm
by Ghost
I have been wrestling with this recipe for 21 days now. About days ago I removed the cap and strained out the liquid ( mistake number one as it wasn't done) with about 5% to go it stalled and basically shut down on me, from there I started thinking low pH - the entire state of Georgia must be in a pH testing shortage as I cannot find any strips or meters (mistake number two - always have this on hand) so I over thought the entire process but decided to go with a couple of crushed multivitamins - she is back to bubbling nicely. Damn fine recipe if it weren't for my mistakes!

Re: Cornflakes whiskey

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 1:55 pm
by Prairiepiss
You removed the cap?

Re: Cornflakes whiskey

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 2:00 pm
by Ghost
Yep - don't ask me why because for the life of me I don't know.

Re: Cornflakes whiskey

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 2:08 pm
by dave_g
Thanks Odin, I thought I read that somewhere in this thread. was kinda ballpark in this recipe I seen a table on here somewhere. and was trying to match for a 32 liter wash. first cornflake whiskey wash had like 15 .5 pounds of sugar in it this one I scaled back to 9 pounds. hoping this batch does a lot better. the first batch was smooth and sweet but I can still feel the burn deep into my belly. Thanks again.

Re: Cornflakes whiskey

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 1:01 am
by aussie_redneck
Got a problem. My 5th gen wash has stalled i added some tomato paste to liven the yeast back up and it did but my sg isn't dropping been four days now and I'm.unsure of what to do

Re: Cornflakes whiskey

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 1:06 am
by aussie_redneck
It ok just worked it out when back over my notes and something didn't add up... made a very basic mistake misread the intial sg as 1.080 should have been by my calculations 1.180 which is miles too high :-( bugger now its at 1.070 after 11 days may just have to run it and see what happens

Re: Cornflakes whiskey

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 2:31 am
by pounsfos
aussie_redneck wrote:It ok just worked it out when back over my notes and something didn't add up... made a very basic mistake misread the intial sg as 1.080 should have been by my calculations 1.180 which is miles too high :-( bugger now its at 1.070 after 11 days may just have to run it and see what happens
or you could get another container, split in half or a little more, and add water..... and maybe some new yeast..

Re: Cornflakes whiskey

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 2:56 am
by aussie_redneck
pounsfos wrote:
aussie_redneck wrote:
or you could get another container, split in half or a little more, and add water..... and maybe some new yeast..
See... thats why i love this forum i was mind f$&cked with what to do then a simple answer comes along..
Cheers guys

It helps to think outside the square sometimes

Re: Cornflakes whiskey

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 3:32 am
by Odin
Very good advice from Pounsfos!

Aussie ... try to aim for 8.5% ... that's the sweet spot.


Re: Cornflakes whiskey

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 3:44 am
by aussie_redneck
Yeah thats about where i normally aim for i must have been out of it when i topped this batch off.

Re: Cornflakes whiskey

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 2:41 pm
by robbdtn
Hey all,
Just ran my second cornflake recipie
4 kg Kellogg's CF crushed
1 kg malted rye grain crushed
1 kg Dark malt sugar (had some lying around)
5 kg sugar
10 liters backset
60 liters water
50 grams yeast nutrient
25 grams Redstar champagne yeast
Small can Tomato paste
lemon juice to adjust PH

So I cooked down the CF and the rye with the backset and then added the sugars when the tempurature was down I transferred the "porridge " to the mash barrel top off the waterline and prepared to adjust ph (none required 5.1) and then finally added the yeast nutrient / yeasts
Next morning everything was bubbling away nicely and it looks smells and tastes healthy
Oh....SG 1.07 :thumbup:

So the Rye grain and the malted sugar are new I am hoping to get a more complex flavor the last recipe was ok but I thought it lacked flavor but being a total noob I think I ran my still to fast and hot so next time I'll run it in a low and slow style for comparison

Re: Cornflakes whiskey

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 10:37 am
by Devonhomebrew
Havent been on here for a while but i can honestly say this whisky has given me and a couple friends some fun nights

So glad to see in in the tried and tested recipes thread though.

congrats odin :D

Re: Cornflakes whiskey

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 10:51 am
by Odin
Thanks Devon! Glad you like it. How did you drink it? White? Or aged on some wood?

Regards, Odin.

Re: Cornflakes whiskey

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 11:18 am
by Devonhomebrew
10 oak chips per 2l and left for 2 months i learnt the hard way that being impatient with oaking is a bad thing

Re: Cornflakes whiskey

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 11:28 am
by Odin
Thanks! Did you have any problems clearing the wash prior to running it?

Regards, Odin.