Vapor, Liquid or Cooling Management. Flutes, plates, etc.

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moonshiner dave
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Post by moonshiner dave »

I plan to use perf plates, but if they give me trouble I'm going to go with bubble plates instead. I will probably go ahead and make the bubble plates just in case, that way they will be ready to go if I need em. :D I shouldn't have any trouble with enough steam though as a use an old burner from a natural gas hot water tank and it puts out crazy heat. As a matter of fact, I can't turn it down enough with the current head I use to get the right output. Instead I have it setting on bricks and when I need to lower the heat I just remove a couple of em and move the burner farther away from the bottom of the pot. Thanks for the comments guys. I hope to get this thing done soon, and yes, you will see it in the family photo album.
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moonshiner dave
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Post by moonshiner dave »

Thanks Mr. Spooky. I'll see what I can do about the build thread, things are pretty busy here right now though. I am taking pics as I go so I will get it up when I get the chance and go from there. :)

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Post by olddog »

We have come a long way in the last year. Twelve months ago no one was even considering using a 4"plated column keg mounted for home use. I was playing around with my Evil Twin 2"twin column plated still, and LWTCS was developing his Humper thumper. I then built the Magic Flute as an experiment just using basic tools to see if it was possible to drive a 4"column from a keg, and to incorporate sight glasses on a home based still.
Since then there has been a whole orchestra of Flutes been built, all with their different variations, but all based on the same theme. Kentucky Shiner was the first to replicate the build, and his results were identical to mine, the high ABV from a single run, lots of flavor, and potstill speed.
I am flattered that so many folks have had the confidence to follow my build, and its great to see even more variations on the theme.

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Post by Mr.Spooky »

im realy hoping that every piece of this build will be done out of sheet copper (no prefab fittings) 8)
4" plate column >>>[/color] the flame that burns twice as bright only burns half as long
moonshiner dave
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Post by moonshiner dave »

I can't wait to get it done. I got the shipping confirmation today for the rest of my sheet. OD, I must give a big THANK YOU for coming up with the idea. The boss is out of the office tomorrow and said he didn't care what we do, said we could have a sword fight if we wanted, he didn't give a damn. Guess what I'ma gonna do. :D Spooky, your makin it tough on me. I had thought about doing no pre made fittings, but had changed my mind. So far nothing at all is pre made with the exception of the downcomers and caps. The dephlag is going to be made of sheet but the inside will more than likely be made of 2" copper pipe, but we'll see, I may get creative. 8)
The stone age didn't end due to a lack of stones
Kentucky shinner
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Post by Kentucky shinner »

Moonshiner Dave, you just took the cake dude.. That sombitch is looking great.. I love the all copper build.. I have been wanting to make me a boiler from all copper.
How thick is the copper sheet?
moonshiner dave
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Post by moonshiner dave »

Thanks KS. The sheet is 18 oz., somewheres around .024" thick. You should give the copper pot a go, I built mine in the living room floor minus the soldering.(before I replaced the carpet with hardwood flooring)
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Kentucky shinner
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Post by Kentucky shinner »

so you have a good supplier for the sheet copper that you could share?
moonshiner dave
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Post by moonshiner dave »

The 18 oz. I bought from ebay about 3 years ago. The sheet I just ordered to finish the flute I bought from http://www.guttersupply.com. I went with 16 oz., .021",. I don't think 2 oz. a sq. ft. is going to make much of a difference though. I found some 18 oz. 4' x 10' but it was like $400.00 or more if memory serves me. I didn't get it though since I don't need nowhere near that much. I have found that guttersupply is cheaper than what I could find on ebay though, for the same thing.

Edited 1 time to get the dang link to work.

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Post by olddog »

Here is the latest pics of Dolikeadrinks 4 - 6 - or 10 plate monster, all the hardware is now finished, I just have to cut the cork and teflon seals and cut the glass to go into the sightglass fittings. This still will be able to run in either 4 plate, 6 plate or ten plate modes, depending which column or columns you use.
Dolikeadrink made a 4 to 2 sankey adapter to mount it on my keg so I will be able to do a cleaning and test run before shipping it back to him.

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Post by condensificator »

olddog wrote:Here is the latest pics of Dolikeadrinks 4 - 6 - or 10 plate monster, all the hardware is now finished, I just have to cut the cork and teflon seals and cut the glass to go into the sightglass fittings. This still will be able to run in either 4 plate, 6 plate or ten plate modes, depending which column or columns you use.
Dolikeadrink made a 4 to 2 sankey adapter to mount it on my keg so I will be able to do a cleaning and test run before shipping it back to him.

OH SH*T!!!! holy melonfarming column. so stoked!
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Post by Thorn_veritas »

Holy shit olddog! That sir is a beauty! Just out of curiosity how much is it gunna cost to ship that monster back east? Would have to be atleast a couple of hundred.

I want one! :( :( :(
Kentucky shinner
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Post by Kentucky shinner »

She looks great OD.. that is a freaking beast.. I cant wait to read results from that baby.. If I were you I would have to run a wash through it just to see how she will run.
Looks great.
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Post by olddog »

Kentucky shinner wrote:If I were you I would have to run a wash through it just to see how she will run.
I am going to do a cleaning run to make sure everything is sealing properly, then it going to have a good polish and make it shine ( excuse the pun)

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Post by ScottishBoy »

This is a sensitive question, but how much did the materials for that beast cost?
HD Survival in a Nutshell...
Read.Search.Listen.Ask for feedback, you WILL get it. Plastic is always "questionable". Dont hurry. Be Careful. Dont Sell,Tell, or Yell. If you wouldnt serve it to your friends, then it isnt worth keeping.
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Post by olddog »

I don't know, Dolikeadrink sent the copper tubes to me with the tri-clamp fitting attached, I manufactured the plates and the sight glass fittings, made the dephlagmater and Graham condenser, and assembled.

Ben Stillin
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Post by Ben Stillin »

whew...40 pages finished and only a couple of pissing contests

my boka looks sad and lonely in the corner now.

Going after lunch to the metal salvage yards to try and secure some 4" Cu

I do have a question on those copper to SS ferrule connections. I am looking for something really clean, like a press fit. Earlier in the thread I saw someone was using a freezer and torch to get a press fit (I think it got soldered anyway). This seems like a sizable chance to take (salvaged pipe may not be the same dimension as modern pipe, and just manufacturing variances) for me. I wonder if a muffler shop can expand 4"

Perhaps I should call the muffler shop
2" Boka on a sanke and a 4" 6 plate flute (learning setups)

Current setup
Wall mounted steam stripper
Wall mounted 6 plate "flute"
50 gallon immersion heated mash kettle
Kentucky shinner
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Post by Kentucky shinner »

You have to be carefull expanding copper. I have done some but you have to go really slow.. I have had some hard copper to split. You might be able to anneal it before trying to expand it but I am not sure if that will help much. On the 2" I freeze the ferrule then heat the copper almost red hot. take the ferrule out of the freezer and you can tap it right into the copper pipe. I always solder mine also just for some extra strength and make sure I get a good seal.
Ben Stillin
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Post by Ben Stillin »

Very cook,

Thank-you KS

Also is there any opinion on 304 vs 316 ss?
I found some fairly inexpensive ferrules and clamps here, http://www.gvc.net/p/242/butt-weld-ferrules" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow and http://www.gvc.net/p/785/double-hinged-clamps" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow

I will try the freezing method on the 4" or at least mic them for measurements to see if it has a hope of fitting (the walls on 4" are surly thicker than a 2")

I need a few pieces before I can start my own flute build thread. :-)
2" Boka on a sanke and a 4" 6 plate flute (learning setups)

Current setup
Wall mounted steam stripper
Wall mounted 6 plate "flute"
50 gallon immersion heated mash kettle
Ben Stillin
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Post by Ben Stillin »

Alright, no worries or belling the copper, really glad I asked. It could have been an expensive mistake.

I figure at worst I can have either the fitting or the pipe interior milled down to fit.

Thanks Guys.

.......So yeah I'm using thinking I'm going to be investigating DLADs rig very very closely, it just screams pro build
2" Boka on a sanke and a 4" 6 plate flute (learning setups)

Current setup
Wall mounted steam stripper
Wall mounted 6 plate "flute"
50 gallon immersion heated mash kettle
Ben Stillin
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Post by Ben Stillin »


Since I'm going to try my damnedest to replicate your build, I have a couple of minor questions

what kind of plates are you using and what kind of spacing?

Looks like all of your cooling tubes are the same size but what size are they 1/2" 3/4" 1"? I was wondering because I want something sturdy enough to handle someone torquing the ball valves (I child proof as much as possible due to occasional stupidity)

What are the lengths of the 4" on the 4 plate and 6 plate lengths.

BTW the lapping of the site glass brass with a 4" grinder blade was pure genius OD.

Hoping I'm not asking questions already overly discussed.
2" Boka on a sanke and a 4" 6 plate flute (learning setups)

Current setup
Wall mounted steam stripper
Wall mounted 6 plate "flute"
50 gallon immersion heated mash kettle
Ben Stillin
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Post by Ben Stillin »

never mind on the length, I figured out how to search OD and DLADs posts

length question answered

The lower section is 700mm and will have 4 plates in it for flavored spirits, The top section is 800mm long which will have 6 plates

sorry about that, ignore anything else that has been already been answered
2" Boka on a sanke and a 4" 6 plate flute (learning setups)

Current setup
Wall mounted steam stripper
Wall mounted 6 plate "flute"
50 gallon immersion heated mash kettle
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olddog wrote:Here is the latest pics of Dolikeadrinks 4 - 6 - or 10 plate monster, all the hardware is now finished, I just have to cut the cork and teflon seals and cut the glass to go into the sightglass fittings. This still will be able to run in either 4 plate, 6 plate or ten plate modes, depending which column or columns you use.
Dolikeadrink made a 4 to 2 sankey adapter to mount it on my keg so I will be able to do a cleaning and test run before shipping it back to him.

Thanks Mike :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

That's awesome mate thanks very much for the effort and attention to detail you put in too your builds, You are a true gentleman and a pleasure to do business with, As I said in the PM please don't put your self out take your time enjoy your Christmas with friends and family, Finish the MMF of and send it in the new year.

Regards: Dolikeadrink
"Your putting on the agony but missing all the style" Ya want a good Still PM olddog
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ScottishBoy wrote:This is a sensitive question, but how much did the materials for that beast cost?
G'Day SB It's not a sensitive question to me, I am in the shed and the missus in the house :D I am as happy as a pig is poo, I have kept all my receipts will add it all up when it's finished and post it for all to see, I will brake it down and supply links to where i brought my products, Which i hope may assist other Aussies.

With out HD and OD this would not be possible for me :D and SB Thank you for advising me in one of my early post not to wright with the caps lock on, But i guess i am gunna do it again .
THANKS HD AND ALL MEMBERS FOR MAKING THIS SUCH A GREAT SITE :ebiggrin: :ebiggrin: :ebiggrin: :ebiggrin: :ebiggrin: :ebiggrin: :ebiggrin: :ebiggrin: :ebiggrin:

Cheers: Dolikeadrink
"Your putting on the agony but missing all the style" Ya want a good Still PM olddog
Ben Stillin
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Post by Ben Stillin »

Sweet, so I will start collecting the obvious parts and impatiently await the finer details

Thanks both of you, This looks amazing.

It's like a personal brick oven. Yeah it's heavy, expensive and takes up 70 sqft and only has one purpose, but its so damned gorgeous I built my kitchen around it. :-)
2" Boka on a sanke and a 4" 6 plate flute (learning setups)

Current setup
Wall mounted steam stripper
Wall mounted 6 plate "flute"
50 gallon immersion heated mash kettle
Kentucky shinner
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Post by Kentucky shinner »

Ok for everyone who is questioning the success of perforated plates. This is a 6 plated column I just finished for another member. The plates are all sealed against the walls with solder.. You will see all plates are bubbling very well and did so thru the entire run. I collected at 1 gallon per hour at 90% thru the entire hearts run... How can it be any better.. This was a 10% sweet feed wash. I said on the video the plates were drilled at 7/32, That is wrong they are 3/32.. I had a brain fart.. each plate has 60 holes.
Here you go. check it out...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_csb0KQCIA" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow
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Post by bgrizzle »

SO I just watched the video... HOT DAMN! Every plate seems to be bubbling away! I may be wrong here, but I swear in other videos I've seen the bottom plates just dont seem to have that much action?!

Dont forget to send an operation manual with that thing!

KS... you are the man!!
blind drunk
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Post by blind drunk »

Looks great KS. How'd you solder the plate against the column? I don't see any cutting :?
I do all my own stunts
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Post by Kentucky shinner »

blind drunk wrote:Looks great KS. How'd you solder the plate against the column? I don't see any cutting :?
Once I installed the plates. I make sure it is very clean then use the harris liquid flux. cut a length of solder that will just fit around the perimeter of the plate next to the wall of the colomn. Then take my torch and heat from the outside until the solder melts and attaches the plate to the wall.
Hope this helps you out.
Kentucky shinner
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Post by Kentucky shinner »

rockchucker22 wrote:How long was the run? How much mash was in the boiler? Looks good.
Kentucky shinner wrote:Ok for everyone who is questioning the success of perforated plates. This is a 6 plated column I just finished for another member. The plates are all sealed against the walls with solder.. You will see all plates are bubbling very well and did so thru the entire run. I collected at 1 gallon per hour at 90% thru the entire hearts run... How can it be any better.. This was a 10% sweet feed wash. I said on the video the plates were drilled at 7/32, That is wrong they are 3/32.. I had a brain fart.. each plate has 60 holes.
Here you go. check it out...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_csb0KQCIA" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow
Pretty short run. I only had about 4 gallon of 10% sweet feed wash.. It was over pretty quick. The gallon an hour was calculated. by the speed. I only got about half gallon of hearts.
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