HD novella

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Re: HD novella

Post by HDNB »

The guys had been in town for three days now and there was no sign of Jed since he had jumped off the train as it was still moving, pulling into the Pagosa station. Wooteck and Phil had got together with Halfbaked when they had arrived in town and 'Baked had helped them find a truck. He was starting to feel like a resident after an entire month had gone by since he got dumped here.
"Boston called the other day, wondering if any new development had come this way." said 'Baked. "These, young guys, no staying power on a job." he continued.
"Hell, HB, this has gone on a lot longer than any of us expected!" Phil yawned and stretched out, as they gazed out over the town centre. "This is a great place you got here,'Baked. See everything in town and the sun warms these stones up damn nice!"
They were enjoying the sunny south side of the town's tower, watching the world go by. Wooteck was streetside, poking around under the hood of the two and a half ton truck they had procured on Jed's orders, checking oil and making sure the water was topped up.
"Who's that fella?" Jed nodded towards a man that had ambled up to an old boy and his buddy sipping on a jar of shine.
"Dunno." Replied 'Baked, of the stranger with his hair cropped close to the block, he looked like a jarhead on leave.
The stranger with the military hair turned from the old boys and made his way to the trading post. It was the local oufitter shop that had everything you would need for a high country adventure including horses for let in the stable out back. As the door closed on his back, across the street from the trading post the doors to the hotel spilled open. Larry and Uncle Mo stepped into the street. Larry struck a book of matches and lit Mo's Cigar, then his own.
Eck looked up from under the hood of the truck and saw them.
"Holy Fuck!" he muttered to himself and rolled back behind the cover of the big deuce and a half.
Phil was looking right at Wooteck when he made his sudden evasive roll and he transferred his gaze down main street to see the goons making their way down the sidewalk towards Jimbo's Grille.
"Oh Fuck!" Phil exclaimed. Instinctively he touched the wad of cash in his breast pocket. He was still holding a fair jag of Dave Beck's cash, even after he had stashed some in a bank and sent his mother a small fortune...he had foolishly held onto a wad of "walking around money", something he had never enjoyed in his life before. He really felt uncomfortable with it now.
Thankfully the goons had their backs to them and Phil looked up to see Wooteck signalling furiously to get out of site. Phil, in a rare moment of calm and clarity, waved Eck off and elbowed Halfbaked in the ribs. " 'Baked, lets get the hell out of here, them boys see us...we're dead!"
They jumped up and sprinted for the truck, jumping in the passanger side, one on top of the other, as Eck pulled it away from the curb.
"Where the Hell is Jed?" Eck asked breathlessly.
"I don't know," Phil replied from his perch on Halfbaked's lap. "Lets just get the hell outta Dodge!"
Eck grabbed a gear and made the corner heading East in a cloud of dust.
I finally quit drinking for good.

now i drink for evil.
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Re: HD novella

Post by HDNB »

Jed waved down the approaching truck. he had been out on the land for three days now, and looked a wildman. No one in their right mind would stop for him, but the big truck screeched to a halt right beside him.
Phil popped the door open and stuck his hand out. "Where the fuck have you been man? he demanded.
Jed reached out for his hand and pulled himself up to the crowded cab. The Deuce was not made for creature comfort, and certainly not room for four grown men.
Eck already had it rolling down the road, with the door still open and Jed grasping for purchase on anything he could lay his hands on.
Manouvering the load down the gravel road, Eck looked for the first pull out, slamming on the brakes, his cargo piled up against the windshield. Cornering hard, Jed had to hold on with all his might as the other two passangers pushed him out of the open door. There was a pullout into a copse of trees. Wooteck slammed the gearshift into low and pulled in, to a shuddering stop.
Gaining some composure, Jed looked over at the driver. He hopped down from the cab and made his way over to Eck's side. "What the hell was that?" he enquired.
"Shit man, where the hell have you been?" Eck was pumped on adrenaline "Larry and that fucking nutcase Mo were in town! We're getting the hell outta here!"
Jed laid a hand on Wooteck's shoulder and calmly said "Wait, It gets worse."
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Re: HD novella

Post by goinbroke2 »

Corene took GB aside and they talked quietly for a bit, GB offered his hand and Corene gave him a hug. They walked back into the kitchen and it almost looked like Corene had damp eyes Flat thought. "What in Sam Hell was that all about" he wondered, "kid stuff I'd guess". Sara came back in and they all sat to talk about the way forward with the prisoners and the shine and just everything in general. "You make dang good coffee Sara" GB said "but that stuff that we were drinking the other day....." Flat growled "that's TB's blackberry, damn right it's a fine drop" Corene laughed, "I think this is what he was getting at" and pulled out a bottle of apple pie from a batch her and Sara made up months before. "NOW we're talkin" GB beamed.

The plan was to take the three back to Pagosa Springs, but then what, let them go? If we were to let them go, they would just retaliate. That janitor was a mean, no nonsense kind of guy and it didn't appear he was a "forgive and forget" kind of guy. "How about this" GB started, "what if, we introduced them to this Clay guy and said they can help/haul for him, then let them meet up with Larry and Uncle Moe to give them the news? If it all went right, it would take care of two problems at once"? They all hummed and hawed and had good counterpoints, the biggest being the three knew the way back to Sara's and could come right back all armed up. "What if we told them there was a price on their heads and if seen in Pagosa Springs ever again they'd be shot on site"? Sara offered. "Somebody's got to kill 'em on site cold blood though" Flat grumbled "An I have no issues with that, jus cold blood is cold blood" The room got silent again as everyone was thinking. "mmmmgood apple pie" GB said "Well, we kill em or let em go, that's the question...want to vote"? "BAH" flat said as he got up and walked to the window. Corene cleared her throat "if we kill them, more will come looking for em, if we let them go, they might stop the others from coming back. They still might come back mind you, but it's guaranteed they will if we kill them" Sighing she added "Let's take them to Pagosa Springs". GB blurted out laughing "Let's take them to Pagosa Springs and THEN kill them..... ALL". Sarah reached over and grabbed the half empty bottle from him "and that's enough out of you"
"Gimme that guitar on the wall will ya" GB called out. Corene raised an eyebrow but passed it over. Flat grumbled something to himself and went outside.
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
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Re: HD novella

Post by ga flatwoods »

Flatwoods is a thinking man. Thinks it no use to discuss things with emotional women, or men who can't hold their likker. He stood on the porch overlooking the meadow, barn, smoke and shit house taking his time to carefully roll five cigarettes. By that time GB had started what can best be described as sick walker hounds on a deer. He lit a smoke, blower out the match, threw it on the ground while stepping off the porch in an effort to get away from the crooning. He knew what had to be done and headed to get all three prisoners into the barn where he could look em in the eyes... The girls and GB would remain distracted while he did this deed......

(Rest this afternoon... Stay tuned and remember, if you must drink and drive don't! This episode brought to you by Flatwoods Whiskey-for when you want to rough it in class!
The hardest item to add to a bottle of shine is patience!
I am still kicking.
Ga Flatwoods
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Re: HD novella

Post by ga flatwoods »

Flats went to the smoke house to get Janitor to take him to the barn. Tater was already there and Wushurichard was in the horse stall on the outside of the barn. Flats offered Janitor a cigarette but he refused saying he didnt smoke. While walking Flats he let the gag outa his mouth. He started talking shit immediately, still pissed about being thrown down the shit hole. Told Flats he was an evil bastard. Flats grinned and said "Yep! Keep walking and shut the hell up!" Janitor kept talking smack. Flats let him run his mouth. He took him into the barn only after getting Wushu and leading them both into the barn where Tater sat in relative comfort and not gagged. Janitor kept talking shit and was pissed he was treated different than Tater had been. Tater told him to shut up if he knew what was good for him. When Flatwoods forced Janitor down into a chair, Janitor exclaime "When I get the chance I am going to kill you, old man!" Without hesitation, Ga Flatwoods hit Janitor47 square in the mouth with a fist that felt like a sledge hammer had just hit the man square in the face! It knocked the chair and him over backwards. Janitor started cursing and spitting blood. Then he started coughing and gagging and sucking air as if he were drowning. "You knocked my teeth out you old bastard and I just chocked on them!" "You want the rest of them I suppose you should shut the hell up and now, boy, I done had enough of your shit!" Flatwoods said as he held up the pair of linemans pliers that were layng on the workbench. With that said, he reached into his mouthwith the pliers and pulled out another! Tater had remained silent up till now and finally told Janitor to shut the hell up or if he ever got loose he would shut his mouth permanent.
Flatwoods took a hammer and drove the tooth into a post. Then he took out a cigarette for both Wushu and Tater and lit each in their mouthes. Flatwoods lit himself one as well and pulled out his bottle and took a drink. Offered Tater one. He accepted and Flatwoods put it to his lips and poured him one off. Tater was thankful and had his cigarette placed back into his mouth when he finished the drink. "That is damn good old man! You make that?" "Yep" is all Flatwoods said. That damn janitor had seen the drink and started insisting on one for himself. Flatwoods, always the gentleman when able, asked Tater tonhold on just a minute please. He then went to his saddle and pulled out a quart jar of white dog. He found a funnel and walked over to Janitorand forced the funnel into his mouth while he held his head straight up between both the insides his boots. Once in place, Flatwoods began methodicallY pouring the quart of liquor into the funnel forcing Janitor to swallow most of it. He then took a bandanna and pushed fully into Janitor's mouth. Flatwoods looked over to Wushu and asked if he wanted any. Wide eyed and still gagged he shook his head no with a difinite rejection of the idea. "You?" he asked Tater. Tater said "No thenk you. I like what I justt had!" Flatwoods grinned at the man as if to say "you know your liquor".
Pulling up a chair, Flatwoods sat down in front of Tater, 45 in his hands, rolling the chambers. ""You put up a hell of a fight for an old man! SorrY whati had to do to you." Tater was still hurting, wondering if he would ever see correct again. However, he was a wise old man as well. "I'd done the same to you given the chance. You a tough old bastard yourself." Flatwoods continued rolling the chamber, opened it up, looked down the barrel straight at Tater as if inspecting the barrel, and as if aiming directly at his head. "What am I to do with you three?" The others want to kill all of you. Personally, that little bastard aint far from it Flatwoods said pointing at Janitor. "I wouldn't blame you" said Tater, "mee too!" "I will leave that for you then Tater." Tater swalowed hard and shut up. Now you put up one hellofa fight and I respect that. So, we gonna make a deal, on my terms, or I am going to kill you Tater, after you kill Janitor and Wushurichard!" Wushu, who had lived his whole life thinking he was a badass, had no thoughs of badassness in his mind now. He was scared, as well he should be. "Now Tater, here's the deal." Flatwoods laid out the options for Tater.
"You are a respectable man Flatwoods. I wish I had met you under different circumstances. Agreed. That is more than I ever expected out of you and I will not forget it." "Whatever, you fulla shit" Flatwoods said toTater.
Janitor was now quiet and drunk a he had ever been. Flatwoods couldnt believe he hadnt vomited in his mouth with the likker from the jar poured down his throat. Then, he took a pull of some that was left in the wuart jar. It tasted like he needed to bite a cat in the ass to change the taste in his mouth. It was all heads, and nasty ones at that! He lit another cigarette and offered Tater the last one he had rolled. Together, they sat in silence and looked at eaxh other and smoked. When through, Flatwoods untied Tater. Under gunpoint, Tater got Wushu untied and they deadlifted Janitor, an arm over each of them and Flatwoods led them out of the back of the barn. "Stop!" TheY stopped. Now look back Flatwoods told them as they reached the edge of the meadow. "If you ever lay eyes on this place again, it will be the last thing you ever see! Understand?" Both men agreed they did. Flatwoods marched them onward towards the cave and stolen shine. They would deliver the shine to Uncle Mo to save their lives and face with Mo. Janitor was given an opportunity he would not take advantage of. Flatwoods knew this but was trying to be a better man starting with his miserable life.
The hardest item to add to a bottle of shine is patience!
I am still kicking.
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Re: HD novella

Post by goinbroke2 »

It was a sweltering night as she laid on the satin sheets with her hair spilling onto the pillow, the moon giving her breast a soft yellow glow. He kissed her belly and she never reacted, he planted small kisses higher and higher until his mouth touched her nipple. She let out a soft moan and smiled. He laughed and playfully kissed her on the cheek as she opened her eyes, "GB" she said, then louder "GB"! Finally she yelled "GB!!" and he woke with a start "wwhat"? Sara laughed and said "play another one, don't stop now" once the fog cleared from his eyes GB started belting out "move it on over" by Hank Williams who died just a few short years before. Half way through the song Flatwoods walked back in, went to the sink and started washing his hands. GB was watching from the corner of his eye as Flat grabbed a glass and poured a drink. He stood there waiting for a break in the music so when GB finished he turned towards Flat. "What's going on"? GB asked as Sara and Corene turned towards Flat and lost their grins. "Well" thought GB "three of us were having fun here anyways"....
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
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Re: HD novella

Post by corene1 »

Sarah and Corene just sat at the kitchen table listening to GB mumble something about some girl he was friendly with . Corene said to Sarah, he has some kind of imagination when he is passed out drunk. I think next time he wants a drink we better give him kool-aide instead since he sure can't hold his liquor. Sarah was giggling to Corene , satin sheets , up here golden hair , He should be a science fiction writer with an imagination like that . Just then Flatwoods walked in with a serious face on. Corene and Sarah knew he was about to tell them something that could be life changing for sure, GB was still drunk and in dreamland when he made his statement about them all having fun. Flatwoods knew Corene and Sarah were all business in these kind of situations. Flats looked at them with out mincing words and told them he let them 3 fellers loose under some strict guidelines. If they ever show their face here again they will be killed and that he gave then the liquor to appease big Mo . Sounds good to me Flatwoods. Now you and GB get on out of here and watch them fellas and tell the society what is going on. Sarah and I will get this mess cleaned up here at the cabin and set up some good watch sites through the woods here just incase they don't follow your plan. That one fella looked like the type to take revenge no matter what. That is true said Flatwoods but if he does he will die tryin and it won't be a cold blooded killing. Well take what you need , Sarah and I have plenty here, and don't forget that GB fella too! Sarah whispered in Corene's ear. Yep I'll be glad to be rid of that GB he is kind of forward and brash to say the least.
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Re: HD novella

Post by goinbroke2 »

Flat said he let them go and something or other, GB wasn't listening after that, he was thinking of Mama again. "You know you're gone too long when you're dreamin of your own wife" he thought. He giggled at that and got another stern look from Flat. Suddenly everyone was moving and Sara was shooing them out the door. GB put the guitar back on the wall and grabbed his jacket off the back of the chair he was in. "Don't forget your gun" Corene called, GB forgot he took his sleeve gun off his left arm so he could play guitar. He picked it up by the chair and wadded it into his pocket.
GB took one step outside and the cool air hit him like a pole axe, sobering him up in a second. "Damn" GB said as his left ear began to ache again. GB and Flat went in the barn and grabbed the horses, saddles, blankets, saddleholsters for the rifles and everything else they'd need. Gluebag was stomping her feet and tried to nip at GB when he put the bridle on, a couple handfulls of oats and they mounted up. Once in the saddle gluebag settled down, Flat wanted to lead so GB reigned back. "Be a slow walk back to town" GB thought, "following them dumbasses carrying the likker". You could hear the tinkling of glass touching together long before you could see them. "Split up" grumbled Flat and moved to the left, GB tip toed the horse to the right of the path and slowly plodded along in a widening arc so he could flank them...
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
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Re: HD novella

Post by goinbroke2 »

GB was inching through the woods, listening to the three of them tripping and falling and generally making a racket with the shine. He was just waiting to get back to his hotel room in Pagosa Springs.

http://www.rare-maps.com/PHOTOS_PIC/P-1459-PAGOSA.jpg" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
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Re: HD novella

Post by goinbroke2 »

They trudged on through the night and it was well after daybreak before they hit the bottom of the mountain. They had stopped in a horseshoe shaped clearing and while GB only saw glimpses of Flat during the night he could see him inside the treeline watching them. With GB inside the treeline on the opposite side of the shoe, they sat and waited. The horses had drank in the streams as they passed and now were happy chewing whatever was found. Using the scope GB had a close look at them, torn, bloody, and exhausted. Two had dropped as soon as they stopped but one lumbered on....Tater. As he was watching him leave, GB swung the scope over to Flat who was making small motion signs to follow Tater. He slid the rifle back in the holster and slowly moved forward, apparently Flat was going to stay back and babysit these two.

GB only followed a short while until the trees and cover gave way to open land. "Heck with it then" GB thought and pulled the horse out onto the road about 200 yards or more behind Tater. It wasn't long before Tater hesitated then spun around to confirm he was being followed. He stood feet apart, hands at his sides and cocked his head. GB waved him on. Tater stood there, stiff as a board. GB pulled the rifle out and cradled it in his arms and nudged the horse forward. When about 75 yards separated them GB called out "what's the problem Tater, keep moving". Rubbing his eyes, Tater slowly turned and carried on. GB thought "I don't think he can see who it is, Flat must of really messed his eyes up" then as an afterthought he touched his left ear "I wonder if he answered"? When he could see the town off to the left he decided to cut across country and beat him in. He swung the horse then brought it up to a slow trot going as-the-crow-flies. 15 minutes later GB turned gluebag back over to the stable boy.

Jumping in his truck, GB headed back out of town, about 3 miles out he found Tater sitting on the side of the road. "Jump in the back, we'll go back for the likker". " Water"? Tater asked. "No thanks, I had a big drink back in town for I left" GB answered. Tater had nothing left in him, he just drug his ass up and onto the flatbed. Seeing that the man was even devoid of humor, GB hung his wineskin full of water out the window then looped it into the back of the truck. He heard Tater croak a "thank you" then he stomped the gas almost doing a "combat offload" as Tater slid to the back edge of the flatbed. By truck it didn't take too long to get back to where the other two, Flat and the likker was. He spun around and backed up to within 20-30 feet of the likker then jumped out and aimed the rifle. "Let's go boys" GB shouted "load 'er up". Flatwoods came out of the bush and ambled over so they had intersecting lines of fire. "Whatcha doing GB" Flat said "Well, they needed a better way to haul the likker so I thought I'd do it, Tater would of brought somebody else out to this spot anyhow and then even more would know where to start for Sara’s. Besides, I think it’s time I settle this with Uncle Moe. One way or t’other we’re gonna straighten this out”.

He headed back into Pagosa Springs with a small load of likker and three completely spent men on the back of the truck. He kept his pistol at the ready and drove with one eye on the road and another on the mirror, watching the three with their legs dangling over the back of the flatbed. They unloaded at the back of the stable then covered it in hay. He sent Tater into the hotel as GB backed across the street and turned the truck so the right side of the truck was facing the door. Rifle barrel resting on the door, he waited. It was a good 10 minutes before the doors swung open and Uncle Moe stood there with hands on his hips. He was trying to peacock a bit, but the moment was ruined when Larry brutishly bumped him, pushing past and stepping down onto the street. “Tater tell you the likker I delivered for ya”? GB called through the open truck window. Moe stepped down onto the street beside Larry, motioned him to stay then slowly and deliberately walked towards the truck. He stopped 10ft from the truck. “So, it IS you” he said with a sneer. “You want to play nice now do you”? GB ignored him “you want likker, I brought you likker, I can set up a steady supply as well if you want to let sleeping dogs lay”. GB noticed that while Larry had stood his ground, the little guy GB had named Turd had slowly moved down the street while pretending to talk to somebody. They dickered for a few minutes and came to an agreement. 20 gallons a week and if they wanted more, there was another supplier who could step up. Business done, Moe made a theatrical show of backing away from the truck without turning around. “You realize that if that little turd you had with you tries anything I’m putting one in your chest right?” Moe stopped then glanced down the street. He waved the turd off then nodded his head as he swung his arm in a grand “after you” type gesture meaning GB could leave. GB rolled his eyes and put the truck in gear and drove away. As he passed the Turd he raised the rifle with one hand, barrel still out the window, aimed at Turd and mouthed the words “bang” as he slowly drove by. “Well”, he thought, “Wonder what’s being prepared for this horse race”…..

>>C,mon, I'm not writing about the race so somebody step up.<<
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

Bump . Weather , cow feeding , and life in general kind of gettin in the way of my creative moods right now . I'll get back in the saddle in a short time .
If you ain't the lead dog in the team , the scenery never changes . Ga Flatwoods made my avatar and I want to thank him for that .
Don't drink water , fish fornicate in it .
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Re: HD novella

Post by HDNB »

Jed explained the carnage that had taken place just down the road.
"I made a buy from some of the more wildlife around these parts. Managed to get some stashed, maybe about 200 cases in the trees just up there." Jed pointed to a houndstooth ridge in the distance with a big stand of conifer rising up it's face.
"Jayzus, it was terrible." He continued "They was supplying their regulars, a young kid and a good ole boy. I had just borrowed their old ford to make another run up to the stash when all hell broke loose. I got back there ther an everyone was dead, the four guys working the still and four Feds."
"Holy fuck!" exclaimed Eck "Feds? the whole goddam world is going to be coming down around our ears here!"
"I think it was Hazel's guys." replied Jed. "There was something pretty non-official going on there. Them two fat bastards that I rode out with a few months back were there...deader than dead."

Eck, Phil and Halfbaked stared at Jed and his tales. They were reporters, not wild west Sherriffs. Halfbaked piped up "This is nuts! I was thinking this town would be a nice retirement. There's more killin' goin' on here than when i was covering dubya dubya two!"
Phil touched the wad of cash in his breast pocket and thought "dammit, i'm never going to get to enjoy this!"

Eck was moving back towards the truck "Listen lads, I got a fine fiery redheid waiting on me, and it's time to saddle up and fuck off." He swung up into the driver's chair and roared the truck to life.
Jed reached up and turned the key off. "Relax. "Those Feds were off the radar. No one knows they'us here. Except maybe Hazel. I owe that bitch one, from where i stand all of this bullshit lays squarely at her feet. She's been protecting the mob and busting down the folks around here to line her own pockets and further her agenda. That's bullshit. And there is no way i'm letting her get away with it. Holier-than-thou, My ASS!"Jed was seething.

"Boys." Jed was trying to rally the troops and handing out the last of his cigars, hoping to keep their attention for a while longer. "rolled these mysef. Got me some good filler and rollers from Cuba. You ain't gonna find another smoke like this in your lives."
He held out a small tin box and offered up a round.
"well if that ain't like hangin' yer dick out in a whore house!" Phil exclaimed, and jumped to claim his stick. Halfbaked reached in eagerly and Eck joined in a little reluctantly, being as the last cigar he tried had turned him green and he had wretched from the acrid smoke.

"Boys, I still need your help here. You can write about life, or you can get out and live it!" Jed was looking a little wild eyed, puffing on the cigar. His intonation was starting to sound a little political, but he had their attention. "I need some help loading up the booze in them trees up there." he said thumbing over his shoulder. "the good news is, since everyone was dead when i got to that camp, i still got my buy money, and i figure i only need another 100 cases to make the meeting with Enrico next week."
"this is the story of your lives, fellas. Are you with me?" Jed looked at them expectantly.

"Fuck it. Let's do this thing lads!" Eck was thinking about Coleen, and figured if he turned tail now, there would be no running back to her anyhow. She wouldn't have him.
"Jed, here's the thing." Eck continued. "Phil made a good stake in Chicago, and i'm sure he want's to live to spend it. I have plans on taking Coleen home to meet tha auld bastard and Ma. But Halfbaked here, he's been working hard for a long time, with little return."
"A hundred cases from that distiller in town ain't gonna cost you but 5 grand. That leaves a solid ten thousand of buy money for our good friend 'Baked."
Jed considered this for a moment and said "Done." He Reached out to shake a hand with Halfbaked.
I finally quit drinking for good.

now i drink for evil.
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Re: HD novella

Post by goinbroke2 »

He went up the street and made a left and was gone from Turds sight.
GB made another left at the next intersection which took him right back to the loading dock out back of the store. Stepping in through the door he was met with a pistol in his face, "you lost mister"? asked the clerk. "I spotted a guy $200 and I'm here to pick up the stuff" he replied. A second older clerk stepped into the loading area "He's good Karl, the stuff is in the corner over there." Then he added "but the guy spent your $200 an another $100 besides and you gotta pay that afore ya take it all" GB looked at the pile which was considerable, but he'd seen this shakedown before. "Yeah no problem, I just want an itemized receipt for the business of course" There was a pause as they looked at each other and GB could see the old guy thinking fast. "yes, of course" he said as he turned and walked back out to the front of the store. Opening the sliding door he could see the copper gleaming in the sunlight. Flat sheets, rivets, piping and odds and ends. There was a pallet loaded with bags of corn, a belt driven, cast iron grain mill (looked like the best they had here too he thought) bullets, copper pots, it looked like a man on a spending spree that's for sure. Boots, coveralls, a few bolts of cloth? On and on it went, the flatbed was getting quite full when they finally hauled the last of it out. The clerk slid the door closed as GB was tying stuff down. Going back to the man-door he found it locked. "Really"? he thought. All the rifles were under the box and he couldn't lift the flatbed to get them without dumping everything in a heap. He had taken his jacket off because he was hot loading and when he did so, he also took off the sleeve guns. He reached in the cab and grabbed his 45, stuck it in his pants pocket then walked around to the front of the store. The front door was locked and there was a "closed" sign hanging in the window. They were starting to piss him off now. He kicked the door several times rattling it so much the closed sign and a poster stuck on it fell off. The older clerk came running to the door shouting "we're closed damn it, come back in an hour"!
Upon seeing GB and the look on his face he stopped short. "What's amatter mister"?
"Receipt" GB said. "yes, yes, I have it just give me a second mister" He came back to the door and opened it handing GB the receipt. "anything wrong mister"? he asked "Just wondering why you locked me out is all" GB said and started reading off the items. As he started to close the door GB stuck his foot in it, "not so fast" and kept reading. The prices were high, obviously the list had to equal $300 instead of $200 now, but there was only a few questionable things and he'd talk to the Morrison guy about that. Pulling his toe out he turned and walked back to the truck.

Just up the street in the Pagosa Hotel a rifle barrel slid back into the window and the curtains closed. "BAM!" he exclaimed, "Coulda had him right there"! "Shut up TURD" Enrico said liking the nickname GB put on his minion. "You'll get your chance if I say so and not before" Enrico had immediately thought of ways to kill GB when he first laid eyes on him. GB had a business deal that would make Enrico money so, meh he thought, who am I to kill someone putting bread on my table. Larry stepped away from the other window in the room and turned to Enrico "you want me to follow him boss"? "Naw, he'll be back" he replied.

On his way to Otter Falls GB crested a rise and saw the lights of a police car. As he approached he could see lights flashing off in the woods where the battle took place. He slowed as he pulled up to the cop blocking the road. "what's going on here" he asked "Move along, nothing to see here...keep moving" GB let the clutch back out and continued rolling along in first gear craning his neck as if he could get a glimps of what might of happened in the woods. A second cop near the front of the car yelled "keep moving, get out of here" so he stepped on the throttle and proceeded on. Lots of people in uniforms and suits walking all through the woods and the edge of the field.

He turned onto a rough, rutted, dirt path called Snowball Road that ran the base of Jackson mountain up to Otter Falls where it ended. A couple of shacks, a few barns, there wasn't much to Otter Falls that was for sure. There were some kids fishing in a little stream so he stopped and asked if they knew where "Mr Morrison" lived. They jumped on the running boards and led the way, all of a hundred feet to the next lane which was Mr Morrison's, their father. He got out of the truck and stretched, looking around. "well, I've been poor, but wow" he thought. Now he knew what the bolts of cloth were for and several other "un-still like" items. He decided he wouldn't bring it up as it was needed more by them than him. "C'mon in and sit a spell, the boys'll unload ya" said a short square woman standing in the doorway of the little shack. GB walked over and introduced himself. "Pa says you an us is in bisness t'gether now huh" With that she turned and stepped back into the shack picking up a teapot that was steeping on the wood stove and poured two cups. "like the shine do ya"? she asked but before GB could answer she said "been makin it many a year, helped me pappy when I was a we'un". Then she talked about something else and before GB knew it she had changed the subject several times and never once let him answer any of the dozen questions she asked. "Pa's home" came from somewhere outside. "he got critters". Clay Morrison stepped in the door and threw some critters in the sink. "GB" he said and nodded his head. "I see you met the missus, she let ya get a word in?" He grabbed a jar from the cupboard and filled a dirty glass sitting on the counter, then topped up GB's glass which was almost empty of tea. She had got up when he walked in and was tending to the dead animals in the sink. "only time she don't talk much is when she's 'spectin, tis why I got 11 kids" he said with a grin. They talked business for a while and come to the conclusion that either they move the still site closer to Pagosa Springs or he'd need a truck. Clay liked his horses so a move was in order, right down Snowball road to where Messa Ditch crossed it. Clay had kin that owned land all around there so he'd find a good spot he told GB. "Gimme 3 weeks and I'll be ready to start fermenting" he said. Business settled and the truck unloaded GB headed back to the Pagosa Hotel to find Enrico and fill him in.
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
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Re: HD novella

Post by goinbroke2 »

He pulled up to the back of Pagosa Hotel and parked the truck so there was no way Enrico could get the drop on him. Climbing the staircase he saw a poster for the horse race. "POSTPONED ONE WEEK" was printed across the top in large letters and then the details were underneath. He quickly skimmed the details then continued up the staircase. GB stood in the hallway to the side of the door and reaching out, rapped several times with the but of his pistol. "Who is it" came from behind the door and there was scuffling inside the room. "GB, Turd, now open the door I want to talk to Enrico" he replied. After a moment the door creaked open and Larry stood there holding a pistol. "c'mon in....friend" he added mockingly. "Drop the gun or my buddy outside your window with fill you with buckshot". Larry's eyes narrowed, he hated not being the "clever one". Dropping his gun he turned and looked at the window, GB went in and to the side so he never had his back to him. Still holding his 45, GB sat on a chair beside the bed. "Where is Enrico" GB asked flatly. "I am here GB, you are impatient" came from the behind the standup changing screen. Enrico stepped out from behind the screen desperately trying to appear dramatic. "So, you have news, no?" "Three weeks and it'll be built, another week or so to get a load made and to Pagosa Springs" GB said. "Word is" Enrico started "that there has been trouble in the woods, many killed including Feds. Some say it was a territory dispute, some say it was a robbery, some say" GB cut him off "some say people talk to much about shit they know nothing about so maybe they should stop talking". Larry bristled at GB's rudeness to his boss and started squeezing his pistol butt. GB was still sitting with his pistol on his lap pointed at Larry. "Larry, you and Turd go to the tables, I'll join you soon" Enrico said. Larry slowly turned and while never taking his eyes off GB, opened the door and left with Turd. They finished the details and GB went to the door to leave, he opened it while again standing off to the side but there was noone outside the room. "A little spooked perhaps"? Enrico said laughing. "I like my skin just the way it is and don't trust any of you as far as I can throw you" he replied and left the room.

She answered the phone on the third ring, "yes I'll accept a collect call". GB found out that Mama converted the old barn GB was using to store stuff, into a "drive through". Customers would drive up and flash the lights, then a guy would run a bottle out to the car. "Dang, woman" GB exclaimed, you got the Co-op delivering grain, the store delivering jars, and hired on another guy to sell the shine at a drivethrough"? "Sounds like you got it all well in hand darlin" She quickly admonished him "GB, get your business finished and get back here as soon as you can! All this going on is going to make people curious. I already had to up the monthly pay to the Sheriff to $50.00"! "Yes dear" he replied. They talked a bit more and then he hung up. He stepped away from the phone, shook his head and speaking up a bit said to noone in particular "I guess it's some hot in Texas". He figured if anybody was listening he could still keep the location of his home a secret. It was a wild shot but it didn't hurt to be careful. Back in his room he locked and blocked the door and then laid on the bed and was out in seconds.
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

Casting call :
Let's put more faces in here . Example :Hazel Williams , my estranged daughter . She is portrayed most accurately in film by Ally Walker as Agent June Stahl in 'Sons Of Anarchy' and could actually double for her in person and moral integrity as portrayed in the TV series .
>My buddy Brock could easily be Ernest Borgnine as William Holden's sidekick in 'The Wild Bunch'.
>GB might also be played by a young Bo Hopkins from that same movie .
>Of course , Sam Elliot has to be me . My wife said it is so and I wouldn't wish to call SOH a liar . :sarcasm:
If you ain't the lead dog in the team , the scenery never changes . Ga Flatwoods made my avatar and I want to thank him for that .
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Re: HD novella

Post by ga flatwoods »

th-5.jpeg (7.04 KiB) Viewed 1647 times
Sam Elliot as Truckinbutch
Sam Elliot as Truckinbutch
th-3.jpeg (10.93 KiB) Viewed 1650 times
Harrison Ford as Tater
Harrison Ford as Tater
th-6.jpeg (3.13 KiB) Viewed 1645 times
Bruce Willis as Jed
Bruce Willis as Jed
th-7.jpeg (14.35 KiB) Viewed 1644 times
Tom Selleck, Sam Elliot, Jeff Osterhage as GB
Tom Selleck, Sam Elliot, Jeff Osterhage as GB
th-4.jpeg (13.8 KiB) Viewed 1648 times
The hardest item to add to a bottle of shine is patience!
I am still kicking.
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Re: HD novella

Post by corene1 »

Don't forget the women folk.
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

Marvelous ! :clap:
If you ain't the lead dog in the team , the scenery never changes . Ga Flatwoods made my avatar and I want to thank him for that .
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Re: HD novella

Post by goinbroke2 »

I always thought of myself more of a Terrance Hill kinda guy....
EDIT: had to pull the picture, can't get it to not show my album's (and all my other pic's...thanks HDNB for the heads up :oops: )

Just cause I like to act the funny guy, sometimes in an inapropriote time. Lifes too short not to laugh at yourself...and others...especially others. :lol:

But I'd be good with either...
Last edited by goinbroke2 on Fri Feb 13, 2015 7:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
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Re: HD novella

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Flatwoods has to be Robert Duvall
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Re: HD novella

Post by ga flatwoods »

Charlie sheen as Marcel Ledbetter
Charlie sheen as Marcel Ledbetter
Keanu reeves as Turd
Keanu reeves as Turd
keanu-reeves-medium-hair.jpeg (10.46 KiB) Viewed 1603 times
Ted Danson as Jimbo
Ted Danson as Jimbo
DANSON.jpeg (15.54 KiB) Viewed 1610 times
Last edited by ga flatwoods on Sat Feb 14, 2015 12:01 am, edited 3 times in total.
The hardest item to add to a bottle of shine is patience!
I am still kicking.
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Re: HD novella

Post by goinbroke2 »

corene1 wrote:Flatwoods has to be Robert Duvall

So Flat is a crosssdrawer?? :shock:

oh wait...that's not what I was thinking of...:lol:
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
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Re: HD novella

Post by HDNB »

Gerard Butler as Wooteck:


you can thank me later when the wife gets done wit'ya.
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Re: HD novella

Post by goinbroke2 »

All right dang it, we got the intro's done all around now somebody get down to work and start a writin!

GB been sleepin for a week, he needs his beauty sleep but come on, it's not like he's Tater-ugly.

TB, forget the snow, the cows is fed/watered and milked so time to get a peckin' on thet keyboard! :wink:
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
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Re: HD novella

Post by Bigbob »

[quote="goinbroke2"]All right dang it, we got the intro's done all around now somebody get down to work and start a writin!

GB been sleepin for a week, he needs his beauty sleep but come on, it's not like he's Tater-ugly.

TB, forget the snow, the cows is fed/watered and milked so time to get a peckin' on thet keyboard! :wink:[/quote

If you guys and gal will write something I can print in the paper.......
Also this could be me in the movie!
If you wear underwear then it's a dress!
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Re: HD novella

Post by goinbroke2 »

Suddenly the fat bastard jumped to his feet overturning the table. The cards and drinks flew, "ach, ye wee strumpet, cheatin on me wit the likes 'o that"! he said pointing at GB who had the ogre over his shoulder and was carrying her down the stairs. He stopped mid stride, pivoted and dashed back up the stairs as Bigbob called after him, "Doncha run ya little beggar, she wants a man, a REAL man the likes o' me, a man 'oo can treat a lass so doncha even tink ye kin match me" He waddled over to the stairs and started calling up them "aye, tis me she wants, nay NEEDS". GB dropped the ogre at the top of the steps "I still don't know how you got in my room" he said backing away. "I climbed in the window" she giggled
"AN 'ERE I COME" bigbob shouted as he mounted the first step which groaned under his massive weight.
"Why are you even in this hotel, I thought you worked the one in Muckalee creek"? GB questioned. Not waiting for an answer he ran to the broom closet and grabbed a mop bucket still half full of water and a broom. He threw the broom to the ogre who was slowly creeping up the hall towards GB. Grabbing the mop bucket by the handle he swung back and then in a perfect motion slid the bucket down the hall towards the stairs. As it closed on the ogre GB shouted SWEEEEEP, SWEEEEEP, HARRRRRD, HARRRRD. The ogre beat the broom back and forth in front of the slowly turning mop bucket then when it was lined up perfectly with the middle of the staircase he shouted OFF, LET IT GO. Bigbob's forehead had just cleared the floor level as he climbed the stairs when the bucket found it's mark. The sound of rolling thunder from the wheels of the mop bucket as it flew down the hall was replaced by a heavy smack of flesh and water falling. "AARRGG, YE BROKE ME BLOODY NOSE YE BASTARD" Bigbob yelled as he broke through the banister and dropped to the floor below. There was the horrific crash and then the silence as everybody held their breath. Laying on his back and holding his flattened nose Bigbob said "Ach...I'm still sexy" then passed out.
Last edited by goinbroke2 on Sat Feb 14, 2015 8:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
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Re: HD novella

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The editor of the PAGOSA SPRING was injured yesterday in a bad fall. Bigbob suffered a broken nose in a fall down stairs at a local hotel. No other people where hurt and there where no witnesses. Bigbob has not stopped working and says he will continue to bring all the news that's fit to print.
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Re: HD novella

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The PAGOSA SPRING editor bigbob who was injured at a local hotel is denying any wrong doing in a surprise picture that is making the rounds. " I'm not hiding anything, I'm dead sexy " the editor was quoted as he left for a 'vacation' in nearby Muckalee Creek. The young lady could not be found for a quote.
Bigbob and unidentified woman in local hotel
Bigbob and unidentified woman in local hotel
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Re: HD novella

Post by ga flatwoods »

Ooops I forgot Janitor47:
Steve Buscemi as Janitor47
Steve Buscemi as Janitor47

Jon Voight as Enrico
Jon Voight as Enrico
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Re: HD novella

Post by HDNB »

Jed made his way over to Pagosa Distilling, it was just out the back of the hotel and a half a block down, to the south. "Looks like a friggin' woodshed!" he said to no one in particular as he approached the clapboard structure.
The boards were weathered and beaten. The building must have stood since the 1800's and obviously had not seen a whitewash brush in the last decade.
He tried the front door and found it locked, and looked down to check his wristwatch. A quarter to 11. Thinking that was odd, Jed turned to the side yard and was met by a wild haired man coming around the corner.
Dirty denim jeans, and a tattered t shirt hung from the fellow's wiry frame.
Speaking first, "Can I help you?" the man looked Jed up and down and then squarely in the eyes, assessing his visitor quickly.
"i'm looking for the proprietor" Jed said.
"You have found him." The man replied flatly.
Jed introduced himself by way of his badge. Probably the wrong tack he estimated, judging by the wary eye that was cast upon him. Switching gears quickly, he turned on the charm and extended his hand.
"Jed Necker" he said warmly extending his hand to shake.
Somewhat begrudgingly the man returned the handshake and said "you can call me Mr. Stevens."

"Mr. Stevens, I find myself in somewhat of a pickle. I'm Hoping you can help." Jed played on every person's natural instinct to help someone in need. it was a little trick they had taught him at "The Farm", an advanced training school the FBI had for the best and brightest of their undercover programme.
"You see, I am in the middle of an undercover operation, that is rapidly approaching it's conclusion. I'm not at liberty to discuss all of the details, and i certainly don't want to waste your time." Jed pulled out a roll of bills and flashed the buy money.
"I came here to buy some of the locally produced wares, but unfortunately my source has come to an abrubt end. I need to procure 100 cases of the worst rotgut you have available."
"Yer barking up a dead dog's arse" Mr. Stevens replied stiffly and turned back towards his yard.
"You don't understand." Jed said, taking a step towards him and laying his hand his shoulder.

Stevens spun like a cat, grabbing Jed's hand, simultaneously sweeping his legs out from underneath him. Without hardly disturbing the dust on the gravel lot, he had Jed tangled in a heap, knee in his back and his own arm strategically twisted around his neck.
"YOU don't understand." Mr. Steven's whispered into his ear. "You fucking lawmen are all the same. The rules only apply to regular folk. You pricks do whatever you see fit, whenever you see fit to do it and know your "brothers" will all be there to protect you. Where's your brothers now?"
"Mr. Stevens, I assure you..." Jed choked out through his crushed airways.

Easing up on Jed, Stevens said "If you want to buy whiskey, you can go to yon store." Nodding down the street. "Or talk to the state distributor. Nothing I can do for you here."
Jed unfolded hiself and rose from the ground dusting himself off. Mr Stevens had taken a few steps towards his side yard when Jed pulled out his revolver. The click of the hammer coming back echoed off of the buildings and Stevens pulled up short, and slowly turning to Jed he snarled "You gonna fucking shoot me?"
"Like i said, you don't understand. Time is of the essence here." Jed levelled the barrel and pointed it squarely at Stevens' head.
"I need 100 cases and i need it now. I'll pay you double your wholesale rate, and leave you with a reciept and an imprint of my badge for the revenue people. This isn't cops and citizens here, this is some really bad people doing some really bad things. I need you to step up!"

Stevens turned back to his work and called over his shoulder "I gotta get the rest of these barrels into the warehouse. You give me a hand...I'll consider helping you out." He took two quick steps toward the cask rack and sprang up the side of it like a squirrel going for the highest nut on a tree. As he walked the uppermost planks of the structure he looked down at Jed and said "You think we don't know the Mob is sniffing around our town? Mister, we are small town... not small minded."
I finally quit drinking for good.

now i drink for evil.
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