SBB's All Molasses Rum Recipe

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Re: SBB's All Molasses Rum Recipe

Post by Shine_Dad »

Saltbush Bill wrote: Thu Jun 23, 2022 3:12 pm
Shine_Dad wrote: Thu Jun 23, 2022 7:57 am but replaced the traditional molasses with squeezed natural Sugar Cane juices that were boiled down
If I had easy access to freshly squeezed sugar cane juice I wouldn't be wasting my time boiling it down. I'd be making Cachaca from the fresh juice.
Sporacle wrote: Thu Jun 23, 2022 11:07 am or sugar beets to extract the juice.
99% of what Ive read , including reports by hobbyists about trying to make Rum from Sugar Beet says that it makes a really crappy product......most try it once and never again I think.
I actually spent a couple of Hours looking into this last night after your suggestion.

It's sounds pretty awesome.

It was originally referred to and sold, exported from Brazil as 'Brazilian Rum' until hey reached a deal with them in 2013 to drop the word 'Rum' from being used on the products.

Since Rum is made with the Molasses left over from sugar cane being boiled and having the sugar crystals removed, it isn't a 'Rum'. Instead of boiling it down, as Saltbush Bill states, you just directly press the juice out and go right to fermenting it. It sounds as simple as a sugar head as well... basically just sugar cane juice, water and yeast... but I am sure that is just the 'basic' way to do it.

Something like 340 Million Gallons of Cachaca are generated per year from natural Brazilian sugar cane, and the version of it that is aged is also aged differently than we do with traditional white oak but instead different types of woods natural to Brazil. Only 1% is exported, and surprisingly most of that is sent to Germany. It is the number one alcohol produced/drank in Brazil, and here in America is used as a mixer primarily for 'tropical drinks'.

Sorry... I may as well have pasted direct wikipedia and website text... but this is really interesting.

So now... the REAL interesting question is... can I 'Rapid Grow' with added Nitrogen and fertilizers a small stock of Sugar Cane in Tennessee Climate. Though not a super wet hot climate that way Louisiana is, Tennessee is more and more becoming the same as those states during the summer. So my thought is that if I supercharge the fertilizers and add additional Nitrogen to when it is planted in early Spring, that maybe I can still produce a decent run of Sugar Cane that can be harvested in an 8-month season versus a 12-month season.

Or it could end up being a giant waste of time and effort.

With that said... I am preparing things to try this since I have a few acres of good fertile land that gets direct sunlight from sun up to sun down.

Won't be able to report back on this or anything until Spring of I will start a thread in like 6-8 months when I decide to give this a go.

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Re: SBB's All Molasses Rum Recipe

Post by NZChris »

Shine_Dad wrote: Fri Jun 24, 2022 5:50 am So now... the REAL interesting question is... can I 'Rapid Grow' with added Nitrogen and fertilizers a small stock of Sugar Cane in Tennessee Climate. Though not a super wet hot climate that way Louisiana is, Tennessee is more and more becoming the same as those states during the summer. So my thought is that if I supercharge the fertilizers and add additional Nitrogen to when it is planted in early Spring, that maybe I can still produce a decent run of Sugar Cane that can be harvested in an 8-month season versus a 12-month season.

Or it could end up being a giant waste of time and effort.
I have no trouble growing sugar cane. What I do have trouble with is getting the juice out of it. It's not easy. Attend to that before you plant your cane.
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Re: SBB's All Molasses Rum Recipe

Post by Yummyrum »

Umm , discussions on squeezed cane juice while interesting , have no relevance to Saltbushes all Mollases topic .
Lets not go too far Off topic

However, I agree with you Chris , I stuck a bunch in and although , I’m so far south it took over two years to mature , I hadn’t considered the crush . :oops:

Ripped it all out as its an invasive species :ewink:
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Re: SBB's All Molasses Rum Recipe

Post by Saltbush Bill »

As Yummy says , lets keep this on topic.....if anyone wants to talk cane growing , cane crushing /juicing machinery, then I'm all for it, just start a new topic.
Its probably a topic that warrants discussion anyway.
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Re: SBB's All Molasses Rum Recipe

Post by Royalwulf »

I can't get Molasses very cheap, so what is the effect of less Molasses? The feed stuff i can get is 64.4% soluable sugars. If I used 8.33kg (1/3 of 25kg container) at 64.4% sugar, get me close to 8l of 47% soluable sugar, so similar sugar but would the flavour be a huge difference?
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Re: SBB's All Molasses Rum Recipe

Post by Chug »

Royalwulf, I routinely use part molasses and part sugar with this recipe just to get enough initial sugar in the wash. I use 5kg fancy molasses and then add enough sugar to make up the rest depending on the size batch I’m using. Never noticed a difference in flavour.

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Re: SBB's All Molasses Rum Recipe

Post by Bren »

thanks for the easy follow recipe salty

my feed molssses are 37.5 % sugar so a fair bit lower than your stuff do you think adding an extra drop or two would make much of a difference to the end product?
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Re: SBB's All Molasses Rum Recipe

Post by Saltbush Bill »

Are you sure that its that low.....very few if any Sugar Mills that I am aware of are able to extract that much sugar before sending Mollases to the storage tanks. Mind if I ask what country that molasses is produced in.?
Adding more wont hurt if it is truly that low.
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Re: SBB's All Molasses Rum Recipe

Post by JustinNZ »

Just an update on my 4month old agrifeeds molasses SBB rum, cos tonight I opened a big jar that I’d put a few used dominos in (apple and rhubarb brandy, mainly) recently and it blew my head off in a beautiful way. Crazy rich aroma, great sipping too - but sensational with coke. I’m now a rum addict. Can’t wait to try it at 8months and a year. Thanks SSB. More bubbling away too…
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Re: SBB's All Molasses Rum Recipe

Post by Saltbush Bill »

Glad your enjoying should continue to get smoother and better with age.
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Re: SBB's All Molasses Rum Recipe

Post by LWTCS »

Saltbush Bill wrote: Mon Jul 04, 2022 2:00 am Are you sure that its that low.....very few if any Sugar Mills that I am aware of are able to extract that much sugar before sending Mollases to the storage tanks. Mind if I ask what country that molasses is produced in.?
Adding more wont hurt if it is truly that low.
If it's that low it's been cut/diluted. See it that low all the time at the feed stores and such.
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Re: SBB's All Molasses Rum Recipe

Post by Bradster68 »

JustinNZ wrote: Mon Aug 01, 2022 12:44 am Just an update on my 4month old agrifeeds molasses SBB rum, cos tonight I opened a big jar that I’d put a few used dominos in (apple and rhubarb brandy, mainly) recently and it blew my head off in a beautiful way. Crazy rich aroma, great sipping too - but sensational with coke. I’m now a rum addict. Can’t wait to try it at 8months and a year. Thanks SSB. More bubbling away too…
Iv just tried some that's been aged 6 months and wow what a difference. Patience is the key here. Luv this recipe
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Re: SBB's All Molasses Rum Recipe

Post by Saltbush Bill »

LWTCS wrote: Mon Aug 01, 2022 3:32 am If it's that low it's been cut/diluted. See it that low all the time at the feed stores and such.
Hadn't considered that Larry.......I've never seen the diluted stuff sold here.
Goes straight from the mills to the feed stores at full strength.
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Re: SBB's All Molasses Rum Recipe

Post by LWTCS »

Saltbush Bill wrote: Mon Aug 01, 2022 9:22 am
LWTCS wrote: Mon Aug 01, 2022 3:32 am If it's that low it's been cut/diluted. See it that low all the time at the feed stores and such.
Hadn't considered that Larry.......I've never seen the diluted stuff sold here.
Goes straight from the mills to the feed stores at full strength.
Yessir. Its the move here. The average slob (bloke) doesn't usually know any better.

50% (or the like) is usually the threshold here. Getting any more sucrose out of the centrifuge is usually not cost effective.
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Re: SBB's All Molasses Rum Recipe

Post by Dougmatt »

SBB thank you for this recipe and process. Wow what a read. I’ve done a few rums with my favorite being a Fancy and turbinado mix but I have struggled to find black strap. Finally found a TSC about and hour from my house and picked up some blackstrap to do this recipe. I just kicked off a 5G ferment of this (alongside a .5 gallon + 2 lb panela ferment to possibly blend, but that’s probably OT!). Here’s my pitch details:

Ferment 1 - all molasses - 6.6G bucket size
- 1.5 gallons tSC evolved Habitats feed grade moly
- Made to 5 gallon wash
- no dunder (have some, but trying to stay pure. I could add on spirit…)
- no nutrients or ph to see how my water does
- Ferm temp 80* brew belt
- Bakers yeast
- OG - 1.104 @111F - 1.10 corrected
- FG - TBD

Ferment 2 - moly + Panela
- .5 Gallon TSC feedgrade Moly
- 4 lbs Panela
- Made to a 4 gallon wash
- Bakers yeast
- OG -1.071 at 116F - 1.079
- FG - tbd

My still is a 5G stainless pot with a gin box.

I have 100# of panela on the way (thanks @sugardaddy) but trying to discover how much molasses is “right” by doing this pure run.

Please let me know if there are any concerns on ratios or plan above. Just wanted to post to this thread to say thanks for the inspiration to seek out strange new worlds…. Ummm. New molasses.. and boldly go where NO MAN (except the 14 pages of people in this thread and many Caribbean distillers?) has gone before!

PS if there is interest in a head to head between these two over time I will open a new thread, but cautious not to “offend”
I just read an article about the dangers of drinking that scared the crap out of me.

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Re: SBB's All Molasses Rum Recipe

Post by tomtom »

I seen this on you tube
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Re: SBB's All Molasses Rum Recipe

Post by Yummyrum »

Thanks for reposting that Tomtom .

I’m not at all into watching you-tubes , but I had to see it through . The guy followed Saltys method to a tee and ended up with a perfect result . :clap:

I really thought he would skimp on the Pressure washer bit as it’s very quirky and when I saw the start of that you-tube with the Copper Alembic , I figured “here we go , he’ll do a single run in that “.
But no ,he used the pressure washer and a four plate still as recommended .
It just goes to show , if you follow the instructions and recipe and don’t alter things because you think you might know better , you’ll end up with a good result :thumbup:

A bit long winded , but he was true to HD topic and hit all the main points in my opinion .
There wasn’t anything I could fault in that you-tube except he did his cuts in the fly , something that a more experienced distiller might do , but I’d recommend Newbys still collect in many jars and do cuts after airing . …. Infact I still do that after having run this many many times .
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Re: SBB's All Molasses Rum Recipe

Post by Saltbush Bill »

Like Yummy I'm no real Youtube fan, however I was pleasantly surprised when I watched what this guy has done.
Will be looking to see what other distilling vids he has made.
Hes obviously a member here .....who ever you are, thank you :thumbup: nice work :thumbup:
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Re: SBB's All Molasses Rum Recipe

Post by bcook608 »

Saltbush Bill wrote: Sun Aug 21, 2022 12:05 am Like Yummy I'm no real Youtube fan, however I was pleasantly surprised when I watched what this guy has done.
Will be looking to see what other distilling vids he has made.
Hes obviously a member here .....who ever you are, thank you :thumbup: nice work :thumbup:
I recognize the still from the Construction Site I think.
It's a pretty standard setup, but the handles on the kegs stand out to me.
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Re: SBB's All Molasses Rum Recipe

Post by Oatmeal »

Made this last year for my birthday this year, and cracked the jar open for my little rum party. Despite using a truly awful alduterated molasses (38ish% sugar content), it turned out really nice.

Just had a few shots worth of it, and put it back to bed for another year. I think another year will be real nice.

Thanks for the recipe!
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Re: SBB's All Molasses Rum Recipe

Post by tomtom »

Hi , I can get this feed molasses locally , so just making sure it's the right stuff
Thanks for any info
Gonna give it a go , after sloe season

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Re: SBB's All Molasses Rum Recipe

Post by Dougmatt »

Finished my run on 8/11. Ended up with 650ml diluted to 60% of hearts. Put it on a medium toast HBS spiral. Been shaking and airing about every other day. Opened today for a sip (10 days on oak) and pretty tasty for as young as it is. Lots of flavor. My newer Panela rum is drinking better now, but I would say this has. Lot of potential. Gotta hide it from myself (and others).

Question: lots of research has turned up a variety of Abv levels for aging. I generally start at 60 and let it naturally dilute, but seeing posts about 80%. Any strong opinions on this recipe of oak type and aging for different outcomes???

Thanks again SBB. I wouldn’t have known where to start on a pure molasses rum without this thread!

Edit - that’s medium toast American. I also am going to throw a small spiral out of some bourbon I’ve aged on it which is medium toast French. No char on any of it.
I just read an article about the dangers of drinking that scared the crap out of me.

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Re: SBB's All Molasses Rum Recipe

Post by Saltbush Bill »

It's generally accepted that spirals are not a good option for oaking much exposed end grain. Better to use home toasted oak sticks or something like the oak dominos sold by Still Dragon.
Ten days isn't even scratching the surface of oaking and aging.
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Re: SBB's All Molasses Rum Recipe

Post by Dougmatt »

Agreed. I usually age 1 year in glass before beginning to pull off small bottles. Thanks for the comment on the spiral. Used what I had handy, but need to get some other options which is why I was asking what people use. My big batch of panela is going into a badmo barrel and a used wine barrel. On the used wine barrel, I need to drop some oak in there for flavor as it’s totally spent.

Sorry been making wine for a long while now and trying to break those habits at times.
I just read an article about the dangers of drinking that scared the crap out of me.

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Re: SBB's All Molasses Rum Recipe

Post by Yummyrum »

tomtom wrote: Sun Aug 21, 2022 8:46 am Hi , I can get this feed molasses locally , so just making sure it's the right stuff
Thanks for any info
Gonna give it a go , after sloe season

Hey tomtom
That stuff you are looking at is feed stock Mollasses and only has 36% sugar.

See where it says " Please note the Mollases and raw materials used in this blend are byproducts ......."

Not saying it won't work , but Saltys recipe uses Blackstrap Molasses which has a sugar content closer to 45- 50% whereas what you're looking at is Feedstock Molasses which has other stuff added , probably the protein . So as the sugar quantity is lower , you'll get a lower yield . May also experience more foaming and puking due to the protein added .
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Re: SBB's All Molasses Rum Recipe

Post by Bradster68 »

My oldest SBB's is a little over 6 months. Just opened one and me and my son both looked at each other and said"WOW".
This stuff given the right time transforms into something pretty tasty. Iv got 6 litres following behind gonna go a full year on plain oak chips(no charring). with this batch.excellent recipe. Just be patient. 🍻
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Re: SBB's All Molasses Rum Recipe

Post by JustinNZ »

G’day. SBB, do you ever age a batch of your rum on used ex-bourbon dominoes, eg, from a UJSSM? I know you don’t like charred oak in your rums, generally speaking, but I’ve got a batch of All Molasses (thanks again) to distil tomorrow and I’m thinking about aging on some used-once in UJSSM, US Oak dominoes. Should I just chuck them in wet, and in addition to my usual 10g med toasted oak per Litre or just leave out the toasted oak all together and see what happens? I’ll do a side by side for comparison purposes, regardless.
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Re: SBB's All Molasses Rum Recipe

Post by Saltbush Bill »

Your call Justin, try it if you want and report back. It all comes down to personal preference in the end.
My preference is med toast American Oak.
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Re: SBB's All Molasses Rum Recipe

Post by Bradster68 »

I've been making this recipe for almost a year now. I've done heavy Char medium char and now my fifth dunder is on no Char, just White Oak.
Personally I don't think you'll be disappointed either way.
Play around see what you like best,that's what the rest of us did 🍻
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Re: SBB's All Molasses Rum Recipe

Post by Saltbush Bill »

Glad your liking the results Bradster :thumbup:
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