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Re: What'd ya'll make today?

Posted: Wed May 22, 2019 2:07 pm
by NZChris
Honest_Liberty wrote:My cousin introduced me to pechuga and it reminded me of this.
I am considering making some Mezcal de Pechuga with it.

Re: What'd ya'll make today?

Posted: Mon May 27, 2019 11:33 pm
by NZChris
NZChris wrote:
Honest_Liberty wrote:My cousin introduced me to pechuga and it reminded me of this.
I am considering making some Mezcal de Pechuga with it.
I've done that now and and everyone who has tried it liked it.

Re: What'd ya'll make today?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 6:58 am
by Honest_Liberty
So I ran the cob +mesquite smoked 2 row single run yesterday. Collected down to 15% but I am sick as Killary is evil with a sinus/upper respiratory thing. Can't go near my wife or newborn. Can't smell or taste the jars but my cousin says only jars 6 through 9 (out of 20) smelled clean. 5 he said had the banana, 11 wet dog.

1 liter at about I'm guessing 60% from a five gallon batch? It has ten pounds of dextrose, and four inches of cob, 1lb mesquite 2 row.

I put half gallon of backset into big ol pot, added a quart jar of home smoked cob (first attempt) with what i pulled off to strain from this batch, 10 lbs sugar and 3 lbs honey. I'm interested to see what comes of this

Re: What'd ya'll make today?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 7:14 am
by Durhommer
Ec 1118 and gypsum FINALLY arrived today got some mangos green apples and blueberries I figured id peel and smash the apple and mangos add a quart corn syrup a pound honey and water to make 5 gallon wash of it .....imma clean up some of my cracked corn and mill it down and start an ag batch tonight between JIMBO UNCLE JESSE NCHOOCH I think imma ready to go that more chance with this cracked corn if it gives the same infection as it has on my last 2 uj variants even after a good sort to pick the bull out of it I'm setting that shit out for the birds!! Anyone think it would be better to buy whole kernel cleaned feed corn over cracked I mean around my neck o the woods I paid 7 for the cracked its 10 for the whole. wwyd? Almost tempted to go back to cornmeal that's what I started on that's what I grind to anyway ...

Re: What'd ya'll make today?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 11:20 am
by Honest_Liberty
I've had great success so far with purchasing cracked corn from Murdoch's, running it through my mill twice, then through my grain grinder attachment on the Kitchen Aide. Bring water near boil, add corn, high temp alpha, toss into cooler overnight, add rye and gluco at about 150, and pitching it on day three. It's pulling consistent at 1.065 SG with about 2lbs corn per gallon. Not super efficient but super simple.

I press the grains through my mop wringer and run it dirty. Seems to be working just fine for me that way, with tap water

Re: What'd ya'll make today?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 11:22 am
by Honest_Liberty
I should add, I'm also extremely lazy. I should be talking more care with prep, but I've got a newborn and I work irrigation 55+ hours a week, so, my time is limited and I prefer just being a fly by pants guy. Although I'm sure more diligence would make an even better drop, but everyone tells me i should be making this to sell, so it's pretty good. They can't believe how smooth it is even at 45%. Everything I make, super smooth

Re: What'd ya'll make today?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 11:43 am
by Durhommer
Good info nice down n dirty to the point !! I like that. Call me anal but my'clean' cracked corn from Orchelins isn't so effin clean! full of cob bits and weird dirty bits and every time I used it I thought to myself eww I'm actually gonna drink this maybe I ought to pick that crumb out...ahh eff it and ran with it so this time ill sift the corn before working it in hopes of better results don't get me wrong I'm making a passable likker my 2nd runs are at 80% purity.I'm coming into a process I have equipment I need my ingredients to play nice with each other! Ur using tap?! I gotta check my tap ph cuz if I can get away with it better believe I will! Do u let yer water sit a night before use? I work long hours too and I'm rather lazy with my free time as well.I get compliments on my drop too from buddies/family around the burn pit so that just makes me wanna strive for excellence I guess.I do think I'm ready to get off the sugar so wish me luck here we go!( in an hour when my shift is over)

Re: What'd ya'll make today?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 1:32 pm
by Down_Home52
Stripping another 5 gallon batch of blue agave wash. Second batch. I have a gallon of low wines from first run that I collected down to 40 proof. Going to run this batch, pour off 1/2 wash left in the still and add both gallons of product back in for a spirit run. First batch came over my pot still starting at 120 proof. Doing all this while sipping my first glass of 20% peated scotch that just cane out of new 10l oak cask. Went in at 130 proof. Came out at 124 proof. Proofed it down to 90 with spring water and poured over spring water ice. Dayam!!!! I have had a lot of expensive Islays in my day. I have them covered.

Re: What'd ya'll make today?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 4:32 pm
by Durhommer
Down home I like yer signature.....I wouldn't know what to do with that much!!

Re: What'd ya'll make today?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 5:13 pm
by Down_Home52
Call friends......Got that spirit run of blue agave started. First quart was 155 proof and smooth......

Re: What'd ya'll make today?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 6:38 pm
by Durhommer
I got two gallons to pull before I get a spirit run again

Re: What'd ya'll make today?

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2019 10:42 am
by Honest_Liberty
1 gallon of feignts added to 4 gallons of cob gumballhead, plus 2lbs smoked cob on my grill.

Ran it last night, sitting in jars, waiting to taste and smell tonight after work

Re: What'd ya'll make today?

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 5:31 am
by Durhommer
Ok so something went too right last night....I got my 4 gallon pulled for my next spirit run once I got close to shutting her down I used my new bop an boiled 3 gallon good water an threw 7.7lbs crushed corn in my biab and let it soak.I crushed 24 oz. 2 row and rye and set it aside.I poured a gallon backset in on it for total 4 pot held mash temp!! I threw in my malt with an added Amylase powder kick stirred and rested. I crushed oyster shell in a sock just in case my conversion wasn't gave me a 1.055 on just grain!! I was super happy with that! Straining was a pita I still don't have that 75 dollar mop bucket! I see how now it could help !.anyway I still threw sugar on it too much I guess cos my sg is 1.132!! I gave nutrients magnesium calcium dap citric acid that ph sock went in !! As soon as I pitched my dady bakers blend and sealed this shit took off on me its foaming out the airlock!!! It'll prolly go so far and ill have to hit it with ec1118 to finish dry but maybe not I know its a super high sg my calc says 18 %

Re: What'd ya'll make today?

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 11:13 am
by OtisT
Durhommer wrote:.... its a super high sg my calc says 18 %
Just my opinion, but it’s not too late to thin that ferment down to a respectable SG/potential ABV. Thin it with water to double the volume and you will be right where you want to be for a grain ferment. Otis

Re: What'd ya'll make today?

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 12:09 pm
by Durhommer
That's been running thru my mind all day thin it down that's two strips sitting there but I'm out of fermenters cos this 16 gallon of wposw is STILL GOING.I swear that recipe is my curse!! The first 4 gallon I put up on 6/1/19 is just now in range I'm wondering if my temp was too low on it the a.c. has been kicking so 8 moved them to the garage. I've got this spirit run to do before the 4th if I dont want to be at the store!! Hell it'll just be white dog! As I don't want to do the nuclear aging. My brother in law is coming in town he's been asking to try something maybe ill take a quart to the party...

Re: What'd ya'll make today?

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 1:28 pm
by Sunshineer
Just finished running my Pineapple Smash from the load of free pineapples I received from my friend. All I can say is wow my daughter named this right. I have a gallon for my friend and enough for the next 30 years. It was a lot of free pineapples

Re: What'd ya'll make today?

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 7:58 pm
by Honest_Liberty
Ran an 8 month oaked solera feignts combo with gumbalhead. Wow. Wow!
Impressive. Loads more hearts than expected. so delicious

Re: What'd ya'll make today?

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 11:26 pm
by NZChris
Sunshineer wrote:Just finished running my Pineapple Smash from the load of free pineapples I received from my friend. All I can say is wow my daughter named this right. I have a gallon for my friend and enough for the next 30 years. It was a lot of free pineapples
Does it taste like pineapple? I know of people who have gone broke trying to make a marketable pineapple liquor and plenty who have failed at hobby scale, so if you have put nice pineapple flavor in a bottle, you have my respect.

Re: What'd ya'll make today?

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 6:05 pm
by Durhommer
Ok so spirit run almost done I do what I like to call c.b.r. sugarhead. Its feed store corn malt 2 row and malt rye mashed as all grain to an sg of maybe 1050 then I give it a sugar kicker to chase points so far I have my head cut at a liter a gallon of center cut and working the tails out now second fifth of tails almost done my gallon came off at 81% or 162 proof which didn't drop cos that's what the head liter is. I haven't been pulling a pint off my strips for sipping like normal so maybe that's why I'm yielding good. I started with 4 gallon 90 proof low wines had to add water just to run it ! My little homemade pot is kicking ass today I feel.much thanks to Otis still stirrin mars nzchris and the rest of you likker nerds out there like me! If not for places like this forum id still be bumbling around like a complete dipshit

Re: What'd ya'll make today?

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2019 6:43 am
by dieselduo
Mashed in and just started the boil on a brown ale

Re: What'd ya'll make today?

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2019 8:26 am
by fizzix
Just squeezed the sh!t out of 6-gallons of rye.
E-Z peezy with my trusty wringer mop bucket.

Re: What'd ya'll make today?

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2019 9:22 am
by Expat
My day is going to be similar to yours Fizzix.

Tonight I'm racking and squeezing my HBB, starting my strip runs on Sunday :D

Just finished my sac run on my rebuilt 3" Bok. Ran more than a years worth of saved Fores. Run it out at azeo and it makes a really good cleaning solution.

Re: What'd ya'll make today?

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2019 10:37 am
by Twisted Brick
Just finished transferring 10 gal of HBB low wines into the spirit keg for running. Will squeeze/strip final batch of just-finished AG corn/wheat ferment for vodka tomorrow.

Re: What'd ya'll make today?

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2019 3:37 pm
by MtRainier
Today I mashed in a higher gravity, high malt bourbon attempt.

20g of water
11 pounds of bloody butcher corn
16 pounds of restaurant supply fine cornmeal
9 pounds of rye
14 pounds of malted barley

That's 50 pounds of grain in 20 gallons of water, so 2.25lb per gallon. I had intended to do only 45lbs, but I did the math wrong, lol. I was trying to use up some partial bags.

I put the rye and corn in for heatup with 15 gallons of water and stopped at 115F and added sebflo-tl and high temp alpha-amylase and held for an hour. Then went up to 190F and held for an hour for the alpha to do it's work while the corn and rye gelatinized. Then added another 5 gallons and cooled to 130F, adjusted pH with citric acid and added gluco enzyme and malted barley and held that for 90 minutes.

Cooled to 85F and pitched 30 grams of yeast. Starting gravity was 1.065, but I'm not sure really because with the rye in there the hydrometer seems to lie.

My mashtun/fermenter/stripper is quoted at 26 gallons total. With the water and grain in there I'm probably at like 23 gallons of volume, so I hope I don't clog my blowoff hose. I was trying to see how large of a batch I could really do, and this is about it.

Re: What'd ya'll make today?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2019 12:57 pm
by Durhommer
Wineos is racked ready to strip tomorrow

Re: What'd ya'll make today?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2019 2:57 pm
by Sunshineer
It has just a hint of pineapple taste to it now I have it in glass until I decide if I'm going to put it on oak for awhile I don't use a thumper guess I'm just going to have to build one to see if I can carry over more flavor just keep a very close eye on your ph. I just tried to make a very good wine an ran that. The pineapples I started with were very ripe. Took three of us a week to mash them all in.

Re: What'd ya'll make today?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2019 3:07 pm
by Expat
Finished up an all feints run today on my rebuilt 3" bok. First proper spirit run, and the performance isn't bad, probably still needs a bit more packing density (copper mesh) for max efficiency.

Yielded 3 very clean gallons at azeo and 2 very nasty quart bottles of glass cleaner. :lol:

Ground up the required corn and malts for my next batch of HBB.

Re: What'd ya'll make today?

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2019 10:27 am
by fizzix
Starting another rye and saw at the grain shop today the darkest roasted barley I ever laid eyes on.
I'm a sucker for novelty.

Warminster Deep-Roasted 2-Row~~ 610°Lovibond. Out of the bin it tastes like a rich grainy coffee.
Roasted Barley.jpg
Let's see what kind of contribution it makes to rye.

Re: What'd ya'll make today?

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2019 10:37 am
by Durhommer
Durhommer wrote:Ok so something went too right last night....I got my 4 gallon pulled for my next spirit run once I got close to shutting her down I used my new bop an boiled 3 gallon good water an threw 7.7lbs crushed corn in my biab and let it soak.I crushed 24 oz. 2 row and rye and set it aside.I poured a gallon backset in on it for total 4 pot held mash temp!! I threw in my malt with an added Amylase powder kick stirred and rested. I crushed oyster shell in a sock just in case my conversion wasn't gave me a 1.055 on just grain!! I was super happy with that! Straining was a pita I still don't have that 75 dollar mop bucket! I see how now it could help !.anyway I still threw sugar on it too much I guess cos my sg is 1.132!! I gave nutrients magnesium calcium dap citric acid that ph sock went in !! As soon as I pitched my dady bakers blend and sealed this shit took off on me its foaming out the airlock!!! It'll prolly go so far and ill have to hit it with ec1118 to finish dry but maybe not I know its a super high sg my calc says 18 %
So I cracked this run open and its at 1040 I put a sachet of ec1118 on it maybe an hour ago its bubblin as it sits now its 12% I'm trying to get it dry!

Re: What'd ya'll make today?

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2019 3:01 pm
by Sunshineer
Started my day by racking my blueberry mash for the first time then a friend brought over 6 cases of yams on corn syrup each case has 12 two pound cans each 40 oz can has 5 oz of sugar. Plus I plan on using beano to break down the starch and see what a 20 gallon run will produce in my reflux column. My friends that know what I do are always looking for anything I can ferment. Makes for some pretty funny phone calls.