HD novella
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- corene1
- HD Distilling Goddess
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- Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:05 pm
- Location: The western Valley
Re: HD novella
Doc Meaders was looking at his new patient and checking every single wound talking to her the whole time. TB you all did a fine job of keeping this girl alive I will do everything I can to keep her safe and get her healed up. He turned back to Corene as she lay there talking to her like she was a close friend at a party. Well young lady these folks really did a great job on you, good to have friends like that , you know they are few and far between. We are going to look you over real good and take some x-rays then get you into surgery and clean up some of those bone fragments from that bullet. I don't see an exit wound so it must still be in there. Doc Meaders knew from all his years of doctoring that the bullet could fill in missing parts of the story. Yes ma'am you are real lucky , let's get her to xray then directly to the OR .
In less than 30 minuets the Doc was cleaning and cutting the dead and ruined flesh from the wound but was amazed that the bullet hadn't done as much damage as he expected . just a simple fracture through the pelvis plus a few chips from the pelvic bone had to be extracted . He then tracked the wound channel to her upper thigh. Bullets do the strangest things when they hit bone the nurse just smiled she was used to his constant talking no matter what the situation. GOT IT! as he pulled the bullet from her upper thigh. He pulled it out and looked at it closely and was silent for a moment. Been a long time since I seen one of these. Looked to be a .30 caliber boat tail of full metal jacket design. Who ever shot this lady was definitely not at close range as the bullet was not deformed too badly. I need to get this to the sheriff ASAP that is for sure . He finished cleaning and stitching the wound and was satisfied that it was a good job. He looked at the nurse and smiled she will be good as new in a month or so.
In less than 30 minuets the Doc was cleaning and cutting the dead and ruined flesh from the wound but was amazed that the bullet hadn't done as much damage as he expected . just a simple fracture through the pelvis plus a few chips from the pelvic bone had to be extracted . He then tracked the wound channel to her upper thigh. Bullets do the strangest things when they hit bone the nurse just smiled she was used to his constant talking no matter what the situation. GOT IT! as he pulled the bullet from her upper thigh. He pulled it out and looked at it closely and was silent for a moment. Been a long time since I seen one of these. Looked to be a .30 caliber boat tail of full metal jacket design. Who ever shot this lady was definitely not at close range as the bullet was not deformed too badly. I need to get this to the sheriff ASAP that is for sure . He finished cleaning and stitching the wound and was satisfied that it was a good job. He looked at the nurse and smiled she will be good as new in a month or so.
- rnw349
- Bootlegger
- Posts: 109
- Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:22 pm
Re: HD novella
Fully silenced was back at the camp pondering about the man who hired him to shoot that pretty little red head. He didn't know the story behind that man from the Georgia flat woods, just that he was willing to pay good money for that little red head to go away.
It's a shame he thought, things could have been different. Maybe I'll go pay that man a visit. First time in my life I've even given killing a second thought. He realized while looking through the scope that he couldn't kill her, but he was paid for a job and aimed low and just to the right knowing she would survive.
Now, a trip down to Georgia.
It's a shame he thought, things could have been different. Maybe I'll go pay that man a visit. First time in my life I've even given killing a second thought. He realized while looking through the scope that he couldn't kill her, but he was paid for a job and aimed low and just to the right knowing she would survive.
Now, a trip down to Georgia.
- Truckinbutch
- Angel's Share
- Posts: 8107
- Joined: Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:49 pm
Re: HD novella
The four of us walked into the Sheriff's Station . Deputy Gabler was on duty and was expecting us . He motioned us to follow him and walked down the hall and knocked on the Sheriff's office door . There was a muttered response and he ushered us on in .
"I don't want to be disturbed ," Rager told the deputy . When the door clicked shut he motioned us to seats close in front of his desk . Then he slid a desk drawer open and produced an unlabeled quart bottle and five glasses ."To set the tone of this conversation ," he explained and began pouring .
> Drinks in hand we sipped and stared at him and he stared a searching gaze at us . Finally , he opened the ball ,
"You folks have always had my back . Election time and when I was a bit undermanned during troublesome times before .Can any of you explain to me what in the hell is going on now ? I'm overwhelmed and undermanned to deal with what is happening in our small county , not to mention our professional inadequacies . Are you still with me and can you all help me sort through this ?"
> The folks on my side of the desk looked to me to be the spokesman .
(And ,right now , I'm too damned sleepy to write more . To be continued later ......)
"I don't want to be disturbed ," Rager told the deputy . When the door clicked shut he motioned us to seats close in front of his desk . Then he slid a desk drawer open and produced an unlabeled quart bottle and five glasses ."To set the tone of this conversation ," he explained and began pouring .
> Drinks in hand we sipped and stared at him and he stared a searching gaze at us . Finally , he opened the ball ,
"You folks have always had my back . Election time and when I was a bit undermanned during troublesome times before .Can any of you explain to me what in the hell is going on now ? I'm overwhelmed and undermanned to deal with what is happening in our small county , not to mention our professional inadequacies . Are you still with me and can you all help me sort through this ?"
> The folks on my side of the desk looked to me to be the spokesman .
(And ,right now , I'm too damned sleepy to write more . To be continued later ......)
If you ain't the lead dog in the team , the scenery never changes . Ga Flatwoods made my avatar and I want to thank him for that .
Don't drink water , fish fornicate in it .
Don't drink water , fish fornicate in it .
- goinbroke2
- Distiller
- Posts: 2447
- Joined: Mon Mar 24, 2008 6:55 pm
- Location: In the garage, either stilling or working on a dragster
Re: HD novella
As he hung up the phone he looked around, there was certainly less people than before and they looked a little better off. Walking outside he took a closer look at the town. “Looks like the town has a hangover” he said as he shook his head. It wasn’t just the garbage and stuff, but the one door tore off the saloon, swinging aimlessly in the breeze, the broken windows in a couple of the shops and the barber pole hanging by one end, dangling, ready to fall. A short drive around town revealed that the tent city was gone and there were people cleaning up the mess there. GB Pulled into the parking spot in front of the hotel, time for a wee dram he thought.
Once his eyes were accustomed to the light, GB walked in and sat at the bar ordering two shots of whiskey. Looking around by way of the mirror behind the bar he noted the clientele had certainly picked up a notch. Suits had replaced worn wool shirts and grubby work pants. Shoes had replaced boots. Whenever this race runs, there’s gonna be some big stakes I’m guessing, GB thought to himself. “Hi, my names BritishBartender but you can call me Brit, who ya lookin fer” asked the bartender. GB grinned “that obvious is it? Nobody in particular, just noticing the change in people since the sheriff threw the shit-disturbers out.” “And none too soon let me tell you” the Brit added “swept up more broken bottles and washed down more bloody floors than I care to remember in these last few weeks. Here about that girl that was shot in the woods? It was in the paper” GB downed his second and asked for two more “no, haven’t read the paper much since I got here, heard about that girl they found in the tent city a few nights ago though, that was a pretty shitty situation. How come you have a jersey accent if you’re name is BritishBartender?” Just then loud laughing broke across the room, enough for both the bartender and GB to look in that direction. Several men and a couple ladies sat at two tables that were pushed together and littered with glasses and beer pitchers. “Who’s the guy with the red suspenders” GB asked. The bartender replied “they call him Shed, he makes a fine drop.” GB perked up “makes a drop does he? Any volume?” Brit stopped short as if he’d spoken out of line “oh I dunno, he makes a good drop is all I know.” GB downed another two, “who supplies this place?” “Umm, ahh, you’d have to talk to the owner about that” “And where is he? ” GB asked as he picked up shots 5 and 6 “He’s over there with them, sitting with the two girls. His name is Husker.” Brit replied. Not wanting to bust in where he might not be wanted GB would wait until he had some samples and had an idea how much he needed to sell it for before he approached him. This would be a good outlet for the shine too thought GB. Maybe I should check out that roadhouse over by Muckalee creek, that looks like another potential customer. Damn he thought, I need to get the sheriff or the mayor or somebody paid off and in a hurry too, lots of money to be made here. He jumped off the barstool and almost missed the floor, stumbling a little more than he expected. “You ok mister?” Brit asked. Laughing at himself GB waved and walked out the door, 6 shots in as many minutes or so gave a happy buzz to the morning....
Once his eyes were accustomed to the light, GB walked in and sat at the bar ordering two shots of whiskey. Looking around by way of the mirror behind the bar he noted the clientele had certainly picked up a notch. Suits had replaced worn wool shirts and grubby work pants. Shoes had replaced boots. Whenever this race runs, there’s gonna be some big stakes I’m guessing, GB thought to himself. “Hi, my names BritishBartender but you can call me Brit, who ya lookin fer” asked the bartender. GB grinned “that obvious is it? Nobody in particular, just noticing the change in people since the sheriff threw the shit-disturbers out.” “And none too soon let me tell you” the Brit added “swept up more broken bottles and washed down more bloody floors than I care to remember in these last few weeks. Here about that girl that was shot in the woods? It was in the paper” GB downed his second and asked for two more “no, haven’t read the paper much since I got here, heard about that girl they found in the tent city a few nights ago though, that was a pretty shitty situation. How come you have a jersey accent if you’re name is BritishBartender?” Just then loud laughing broke across the room, enough for both the bartender and GB to look in that direction. Several men and a couple ladies sat at two tables that were pushed together and littered with glasses and beer pitchers. “Who’s the guy with the red suspenders” GB asked. The bartender replied “they call him Shed, he makes a fine drop.” GB perked up “makes a drop does he? Any volume?” Brit stopped short as if he’d spoken out of line “oh I dunno, he makes a good drop is all I know.” GB downed another two, “who supplies this place?” “Umm, ahh, you’d have to talk to the owner about that” “And where is he? ” GB asked as he picked up shots 5 and 6 “He’s over there with them, sitting with the two girls. His name is Husker.” Brit replied. Not wanting to bust in where he might not be wanted GB would wait until he had some samples and had an idea how much he needed to sell it for before he approached him. This would be a good outlet for the shine too thought GB. Maybe I should check out that roadhouse over by Muckalee creek, that looks like another potential customer. Damn he thought, I need to get the sheriff or the mayor or somebody paid off and in a hurry too, lots of money to be made here. He jumped off the barstool and almost missed the floor, stumbling a little more than he expected. “You ok mister?” Brit asked. Laughing at himself GB waved and walked out the door, 6 shots in as many minutes or so gave a happy buzz to the morning....
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
- rnw349
- Bootlegger
- Posts: 109
- Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:22 pm
Re: HD novella
Once he arrived in Georgia (fully silenced) made some inquiries into the whereabouts of the man who hired him. He was a tad confused about this situation he found himself in. Not quite sure these folks and him was talking bout the same shifty individual that had hired him for the (job). He eased out of town and slipped into the woods, easily as he was a woodsman from since his ol pap used to take him hunting when he was just knee hi, those were the day's. He continued on making no noise. Slipped up on a doe and her fawn, as he stood there from behind the tree watching them nibble on acorns and picking at the shoots of green grass that grows in the forest where there's a bit of light he saw some movement out the corner of his eye. Seems he weren't the only human in the woods. The man had his overalls on and spit a chaw of tobacco on the damp leaves. Not a care in the world. As he come around the corner silenced made his presence know. Damn you startled me son, old man said. Silenced made small talk and introduced himself said he was watching the deer. Old man took a liking to him right off. After a bit of conversation silenced knew this to the man who he wasn't looking for but was the man town folk said was Ga Flatwoods. He wasn't the shifty bastard who had hired him to shoot the red head. Now he was on a bit of a different mission, in this line of work he wasn't surprised by whoever it was that hired him given a false name and pretense to get the dirty work done. That's why he only accepts cash payment before hand.
- ga flatwoods
- Master of Distillation
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- Location: SE GA Flatwoods
Re: HD novella
Now I'll tell you what rnw349 (aka fully silenced), ya come to this town looking for a fight then you picked the wrong one this time! The Flatwoods has a way of handling cut throats and child molesters in a way that tends to cause them to never be seen or sought after again. Good thing for Fully Silenced that Ga Flatwoods is in Pagosa or Muckalee or the Scodies, or right behind Fully Silenced at this moment laying in wait.rnw349 wrote:Fully silenced was back at the camp pondering about the man who hired him to shoot that pretty little red head. He didn't know the story behind that man from the Georgia flat woods, just that he was willing to pay good money for that little red head to go away.
It's a shame he thought, things could have been different. Maybe I'll go pay that man a visit. First time in my life I've even given killing a second thought. He realized while looking through the scope that he couldn't kill her, but he was paid for a job and aimed low and just to the right knowing she would survive.
Now, a trip down to Georgia.
The hardest item to add to a bottle of shine is patience!
I am still kicking.
Ga Flatwoods
I am still kicking.
Ga Flatwoods
- goinbroke2
- Distiller
- Posts: 2447
- Joined: Mon Mar 24, 2008 6:55 pm
- Location: In the garage, either stilling or working on a dragster
Re: HD novella
GB stepped into the bright sunlight and stopped short, waiting for his eyes to focus. Locating his truck he ambled over humming a tuneless song and climbed in. As he was getting near Muckalee creek he saw a saloon on the other side of the river, "that ain't in Muckalee creek, but that'll do too" he said to himself. He jumped out of the truck and watched the ferry coming in somewhat concerned of the ability of it to stay afloat. It was an old paddle boat that had been converted to ferry duty when it was no longer reliable to travel up and down the San Juan carrying supplies. "Well, you can carry a couple cars and all them people" GB mused "I guess you can take us then" referring to his truck and him. The slapping of the water slowed as the paddles slowed and then reversed, slowing the barge as it neared the dock..which didn't look too safe either GB thought...

Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
- Truckinbutch
- Angel's Share
- Posts: 8107
- Joined: Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:49 pm
Re: HD novella
"Sheriff ," I started ," we still have your back and will continue to do so come next election , if we all live that long . Some dark times have settled on our community . We only have a small part of the story and I'm willing to share the recent events we have been party to if you will fill in the gaps from the town side . We've ben pretty much out of the loop here ." I went on to explain about Corene taking the borry of my mule one afternoon and having it show up in my barn yard two mornings later fully laden with her gear . Back tracking the mule into the Skodies to find what we did in Sara's valley . The burying of Sara and the arduous trip bringing Corene out of the mountains to the hospital . I felt no obligation to share what had transpired prior to that with a sworn peace officer . He gave me the condensed version of what had been going on in the town . Little more than we could have gleaned from Bigbob's newspaper . Finishing his story , he gave me a level hard look ................. We understood each other . He wasn't giving up a bit moe than he had to , any more than we were ...........
> Sheriff Rager was silent for a bit and then he said ,"I'd like to deputize you three men . I need your help ."
> "No , sir . We hold our hands up for you and give you our solem word and then we are honor bound to play by your rules . You got our word to help you , but our rules may be a bit different ."
> He nodded ,"I expected that . I hope you all will not put me in a position of having to choose between the law and the four of you ."
> "We'll do our best . We would like to go now . There's chores to be done and we want to go back and check on that girl ."
> He nodded his ok .
> Outside the Sheriff's office we divided responsibilities . The other three were heading to our homes , together for safety , to do needed chores . I was to go back to the hospital and spell Jimbo guarding Corene .
> Sheriff Rager was silent for a bit and then he said ,"I'd like to deputize you three men . I need your help ."
> "No , sir . We hold our hands up for you and give you our solem word and then we are honor bound to play by your rules . You got our word to help you , but our rules may be a bit different ."
> He nodded ,"I expected that . I hope you all will not put me in a position of having to choose between the law and the four of you ."
> "We'll do our best . We would like to go now . There's chores to be done and we want to go back and check on that girl ."
> He nodded his ok .
> Outside the Sheriff's office we divided responsibilities . The other three were heading to our homes , together for safety , to do needed chores . I was to go back to the hospital and spell Jimbo guarding Corene .
If you ain't the lead dog in the team , the scenery never changes . Ga Flatwoods made my avatar and I want to thank him for that .
Don't drink water , fish fornicate in it .
Don't drink water , fish fornicate in it .
- Truckinbutch
- Angel's Share
- Posts: 8107
- Joined: Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:49 pm
Re: HD novella
Jimbo was sittin in the room , strumming his guitar softly and singing soothing songs when I got there . "No change ,"he whispered softly to my question ,"reating good and her vitals are stable ." And he went back to picking and singing softly . When Jimbo fell asleep late in the night I draped a blanket about him and resumed my seat beside Corene . Nurses came in to check on her from time to time .
> It was near morning when she began stirring . I was standing over her when her eyes opened and she reached up to touch my chek .
"Butch ,"she whispered timidly ,"Are we in Heaven or Hell?"
I smiled at her ,"Make what you will of it , Gal , we are still among the living ."
> It was near morning when she began stirring . I was standing over her when her eyes opened and she reached up to touch my chek .
"Butch ,"she whispered timidly ,"Are we in Heaven or Hell?"
I smiled at her ,"Make what you will of it , Gal , we are still among the living ."
If you ain't the lead dog in the team , the scenery never changes . Ga Flatwoods made my avatar and I want to thank him for that .
Don't drink water , fish fornicate in it .
Don't drink water , fish fornicate in it .
- ga flatwoods
- Master of Distillation
- Posts: 3192
- Joined: Tue Feb 19, 2013 6:40 pm
- Location: SE GA Flatwoods
Re: HD novella
Flatwoods didnt go home as agreed. He had to know the rest of the story and it started in the Muckalee Creek bottom with them poor Bondurant boys. He struck out of town like a walker hound on huntl not yelping until he struck trail. Different elements at work here. Close shoot out at the still site and sniper at Sarah's. The secrets lay in the dirt like chalk on a blackboard needing to be read before an eraser came along.
The hardest item to add to a bottle of shine is patience!
I am still kicking.
Ga Flatwoods
I am still kicking.
Ga Flatwoods
- Jimbo
- retired
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- Joined: Wed Oct 10, 2012 1:19 pm
- Location: Down the road a piece.
Re: HD novella
It was 3:30AM when the sound of a door hinge slowly creeking woke Jimbo who was asleep in the arm chair next to Corene's bed. The room was dark, and he could not see any movement, but the door was across the room obstructed by the bathroom door which was open slightly. Without moving he surveyed the situation carefully.... guitar in lap covering his jacket which was zipped and covering his 45, 'that's gonna be a tricky pull' he thought to himself'. Blanket over him and the guitar, 'hmmmm who put this on me, that was nice'. He strained to see through the darkness across the room, and there it was, a dark shadow moving very slowly. Jimbo's heart switched to double speed as the adrenaline flowed. He immediately started planning scenarios as the shadow slowly took on more form. Jimbo held rock still as the shadow moved toward him and the bed. The person was about 6 foot tall with his face obscured with some kind of cloth. The person stopped about 3 feet away from JImbo, between Jimbo and the bed, and surveyed Jimbo up and down slowly, then turned slowly toward the bed. Jimbo watched the person reach into his coat pocket and pull out something small and cylindrical that looked like it could be a syringe. When the faint light from bedside equipment reflected off the needle, many things became instantly clear, this person was not a friend coming in to check on Corene, this person intended to do harm, and there may only be seconds left to put a plan together and act. The person bent over Corene slowly and Jimbo reacted, knowing time was up, and plan or not it was time to move.
Jimbo leapt off the chair in one instantaneous explosion of movement. Left hand on the neck of the guitar near the headstock which swung around as Jimbo's feet hit the ground. The person spun around pulling a gun out of his jacket. Jimbo, thinking quickly continued the momentum of the guitar and spun 360 degrees swinging the guitar full circle and crashing it with an explosion of splintering wood into the persons head. The person flew to the ground, but still conscious caught himself with one arm, and raised his other arm with gun in hand toward Jimbo. Jimbo instantly punted the gun out of the guys hand hearing hand bones crack as the gun flew across the room. As Jimbo reached in his jacket to pull his .45 the person leapt to his feet and made for the door. Jimbo pulled the slide back to chamber a round and pointed it toward the figure who by that time was around the corner and gone.
Holy shit, he thought to himself, that was a close one. Jimbo checked Corene who woke in the ruckus. She was fine but having been sedated was struggling to form words. Jimbo put his hand on her forehead, brushed her hair back softly and reassured her that everything was ok. 'Shhhhh, everythings ok Corene this is Jimbo, go back to sleep sweetheart'
Jimbo picked up the room phone and called Butch who within minutes had gathered the boys and come to the room. Jimbo explained everything and then summarized the facts and evidence they had to work with. 6 foot man with a broken hand and serious damage to his face and head. Shoots a Taurus 380 automatic that they gathered from under the table across the room. And wears Motorcycle boots with a big silver ring on the side stitched into the leather.
Jimbo leapt off the chair in one instantaneous explosion of movement. Left hand on the neck of the guitar near the headstock which swung around as Jimbo's feet hit the ground. The person spun around pulling a gun out of his jacket. Jimbo, thinking quickly continued the momentum of the guitar and spun 360 degrees swinging the guitar full circle and crashing it with an explosion of splintering wood into the persons head. The person flew to the ground, but still conscious caught himself with one arm, and raised his other arm with gun in hand toward Jimbo. Jimbo instantly punted the gun out of the guys hand hearing hand bones crack as the gun flew across the room. As Jimbo reached in his jacket to pull his .45 the person leapt to his feet and made for the door. Jimbo pulled the slide back to chamber a round and pointed it toward the figure who by that time was around the corner and gone.
Holy shit, he thought to himself, that was a close one. Jimbo checked Corene who woke in the ruckus. She was fine but having been sedated was struggling to form words. Jimbo put his hand on her forehead, brushed her hair back softly and reassured her that everything was ok. 'Shhhhh, everythings ok Corene this is Jimbo, go back to sleep sweetheart'
Jimbo picked up the room phone and called Butch who within minutes had gathered the boys and come to the room. Jimbo explained everything and then summarized the facts and evidence they had to work with. 6 foot man with a broken hand and serious damage to his face and head. Shoots a Taurus 380 automatic that they gathered from under the table across the room. And wears Motorcycle boots with a big silver ring on the side stitched into the leather.
In theory there's no difference between theory and practice. But in practice there is.
My Bourbon and Single Malt recipes. Apple Stuff and Electric Conversion
My Bourbon and Single Malt recipes. Apple Stuff and Electric Conversion
- goinbroke2
- Distiller
- Posts: 2447
- Joined: Mon Mar 24, 2008 6:55 pm
- Location: In the garage, either stilling or working on a dragster
Re: HD novella
GB hand was killing him and he lost his .380......HA! just kidding guys....
He pulled off the barge, thankful it didn't sink, and rolled up to the little saloon. GB noticed there weren't many tire tracks but lots of horse tracks. He put one step on the wooden veranda when he heard the yelling from inside, a man came flying out, landing in a heap at his feet. "and don't come back again, damn salesman are all the same" he heard over the groans of the man laying at his feet. "I wouldn't take that off him mister, go in and give him a piece of your mind" GB whispered to him. After getting no response he stepped over him and walked through the doors, stopping to size up the place. The shithole looked the same on the inside as it did on the outside, and that wasn't much. "Hog Eye Saloon" eh? must be named after the pigs who work in here he thought;

It appeared after a couple drinks that they didn't take kindly to strangers and there was no use even talking about likker sales. GB finished his drink and left the fine establishment with the idea of getting a local like, say, Clay to talk sales.
Oh well, time to keep going he thought and jumped in the truck to head for Muckalee creek...

He pulled off the barge, thankful it didn't sink, and rolled up to the little saloon. GB noticed there weren't many tire tracks but lots of horse tracks. He put one step on the wooden veranda when he heard the yelling from inside, a man came flying out, landing in a heap at his feet. "and don't come back again, damn salesman are all the same" he heard over the groans of the man laying at his feet. "I wouldn't take that off him mister, go in and give him a piece of your mind" GB whispered to him. After getting no response he stepped over him and walked through the doors, stopping to size up the place. The shithole looked the same on the inside as it did on the outside, and that wasn't much. "Hog Eye Saloon" eh? must be named after the pigs who work in here he thought;

It appeared after a couple drinks that they didn't take kindly to strangers and there was no use even talking about likker sales. GB finished his drink and left the fine establishment with the idea of getting a local like, say, Clay to talk sales.
Oh well, time to keep going he thought and jumped in the truck to head for Muckalee creek...
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
- goinbroke2
- Distiller
- Posts: 2447
- Joined: Mon Mar 24, 2008 6:55 pm
- Location: In the garage, either stilling or working on a dragster
Re: HD novella
Muckalee creek had one hotel and two saloons, but size made up for the small numbers. The hotel was probably what would be considered average, but both saloons were on the large side able to seat at least a hundred people each. Considering the towns population was around three hundred, give or take, liquor sales were a big part of the local economy. GB had struck out at the hotel and one of the saloons, but the second smaller one was interested in untaxed whisky he could make bigger profits on. GB had a big smile as he was driving back to Snowball road to talk to Clay.
The windshield exploded and his face felt like it was on fire, instinct kicked in and he floored it, laying over on the passenger seat and looking just over the dash. Through eyes blurred by blood GB made out a man with a rifle standing in the treeline. He twisted the wheel back and forth sending up a huge cloud of dust as well as making the truck zig-zag to ruin any further shots. The passenger door window exploded but he could no longer hear anything over the roar of the exhaust. Once around the corner GB took a quick peek out the back window before laying down again. He was about a quarter mile from the turn when he let the truck drift to the right and with his foot off the gas slowly let it coast to a stop just off the road. He lifted the flatbed and pulled out “ma bell” and the shotgun with “carl” on the butt. He wiped what blood out of his eyes he could then looked through the scope confirming nothing was coming yet. Crouching GB ran across the road behind a rock outcropping and climbed to the top. He had the shotgun laying beside him and the bipod open on the rifle. It wasn’t long before two men on horses came galloping up the road. The slowed as they got close to the truck, one staying back and stepping off the road to his left. The second pulled a pistol and nudged the horse forward, walking on the edge of the road up to the back of the truck. GB couldn’t see the second guy clearly, there was too many branches and he couldn’t move for fear of being heard or seen. He waited as the rider got closer to the truck. As the rider dismounted he kept the horse between him and the truck and pointed his pistol from under the horses neck. He stopped again to listen for any sign that GB was still alive when the second rider stepped ahead about a foot and shouted “hurry up before..” That foot the horse moved forward was just enough as GB squeezed the trigger. The sight picture was huge at 250ft, GB had aimed at his left eye. He heard the strange pop and the smack and he spun around, pistol pointing back down the road looking for a target. GB quickly acquired the new target pulled the bolt back. The sound of that bolt movement was louder than a freight train at midnight. The first rider was now square on to the rock outcropping GB was on and as he looked up he squeezed off two rounds. Unfazed GB slid the bolt forward and fired, hitting him in the right shoulder. The rider spun around and landed face down as the horse whinnied and backed up. Slinging the rifle GB grabbed the shotgun and ran back down to the road. He kicked the pistol away from him and with the barrel stuck in his back GB used one hand to pat him down. Satisfied GB rolled him over. He was out like a light but still alive. The bullet was a through and though. GB put the shotgun and rifle in the truck then tore the guys shirt open. Pink frothy blood oozed out of the hole. “Looks like your hurtin now don’t it” GB said to him. He threw him on the back off the truck and ripped the guys shirt off using it to tie around him to put pressure on the wound to slow the bleeding. The pink froth meant air which meant the guy would be slowly suffocating due to a collapsed lung soon but GB didn’t have anything to make a flutter valve. He kept the wound side down to help drainage but the guy was either going to suffocate or bleed out unless GB could get him to a doctor. He turned the truck around and pulled up to the other horse, standing there beside the headless rider. GB grabbed him and used his body to wedge the wounded rider in tighter. Leaving the horses he pulled away, headed for the doctor.
As he hit the town he held the horn button down, going around people, horses and cars. Pulling up to the hospital he jumped out and slung the guy over his shoulder. The office quickly emptied as a screaming guy covered in blood carried in another covered in blood. Kicking the door open he dropped the guy on a table. “He’s got a sucking chest wound, give him some blood and”…he trailed off as he realised the nurse was already grabbing stuff from drawers and two others came in. They went to work on him and one nurse backed GB out and into another room. “You ok honey?” she asked. The adreneline was ebbing and GB staggered and plopped down in a chair. “My face and neck are on fire”
He woke to another voice, “can you tell me anything about your friend you brought in or the one in your truck?” Opening one eye he saw the sheriff. “Friend? They ain’t my friends, they shot the shit out of me and my truck”
A womans voice called "GB" but he was already asleep again....
The windshield exploded and his face felt like it was on fire, instinct kicked in and he floored it, laying over on the passenger seat and looking just over the dash. Through eyes blurred by blood GB made out a man with a rifle standing in the treeline. He twisted the wheel back and forth sending up a huge cloud of dust as well as making the truck zig-zag to ruin any further shots. The passenger door window exploded but he could no longer hear anything over the roar of the exhaust. Once around the corner GB took a quick peek out the back window before laying down again. He was about a quarter mile from the turn when he let the truck drift to the right and with his foot off the gas slowly let it coast to a stop just off the road. He lifted the flatbed and pulled out “ma bell” and the shotgun with “carl” on the butt. He wiped what blood out of his eyes he could then looked through the scope confirming nothing was coming yet. Crouching GB ran across the road behind a rock outcropping and climbed to the top. He had the shotgun laying beside him and the bipod open on the rifle. It wasn’t long before two men on horses came galloping up the road. The slowed as they got close to the truck, one staying back and stepping off the road to his left. The second pulled a pistol and nudged the horse forward, walking on the edge of the road up to the back of the truck. GB couldn’t see the second guy clearly, there was too many branches and he couldn’t move for fear of being heard or seen. He waited as the rider got closer to the truck. As the rider dismounted he kept the horse between him and the truck and pointed his pistol from under the horses neck. He stopped again to listen for any sign that GB was still alive when the second rider stepped ahead about a foot and shouted “hurry up before..” That foot the horse moved forward was just enough as GB squeezed the trigger. The sight picture was huge at 250ft, GB had aimed at his left eye. He heard the strange pop and the smack and he spun around, pistol pointing back down the road looking for a target. GB quickly acquired the new target pulled the bolt back. The sound of that bolt movement was louder than a freight train at midnight. The first rider was now square on to the rock outcropping GB was on and as he looked up he squeezed off two rounds. Unfazed GB slid the bolt forward and fired, hitting him in the right shoulder. The rider spun around and landed face down as the horse whinnied and backed up. Slinging the rifle GB grabbed the shotgun and ran back down to the road. He kicked the pistol away from him and with the barrel stuck in his back GB used one hand to pat him down. Satisfied GB rolled him over. He was out like a light but still alive. The bullet was a through and though. GB put the shotgun and rifle in the truck then tore the guys shirt open. Pink frothy blood oozed out of the hole. “Looks like your hurtin now don’t it” GB said to him. He threw him on the back off the truck and ripped the guys shirt off using it to tie around him to put pressure on the wound to slow the bleeding. The pink froth meant air which meant the guy would be slowly suffocating due to a collapsed lung soon but GB didn’t have anything to make a flutter valve. He kept the wound side down to help drainage but the guy was either going to suffocate or bleed out unless GB could get him to a doctor. He turned the truck around and pulled up to the other horse, standing there beside the headless rider. GB grabbed him and used his body to wedge the wounded rider in tighter. Leaving the horses he pulled away, headed for the doctor.
As he hit the town he held the horn button down, going around people, horses and cars. Pulling up to the hospital he jumped out and slung the guy over his shoulder. The office quickly emptied as a screaming guy covered in blood carried in another covered in blood. Kicking the door open he dropped the guy on a table. “He’s got a sucking chest wound, give him some blood and”…he trailed off as he realised the nurse was already grabbing stuff from drawers and two others came in. They went to work on him and one nurse backed GB out and into another room. “You ok honey?” she asked. The adreneline was ebbing and GB staggered and plopped down in a chair. “My face and neck are on fire”
He woke to another voice, “can you tell me anything about your friend you brought in or the one in your truck?” Opening one eye he saw the sheriff. “Friend? They ain’t my friends, they shot the shit out of me and my truck”
A womans voice called "GB" but he was already asleep again....
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
- goinbroke2
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- Joined: Mon Mar 24, 2008 6:55 pm
- Location: In the garage, either stilling or working on a dragster
Re: HD novella
His eyes fluttered open and he glanced around the room. GB's face was tight like a mask and when he tried to move his cheeks in a smile, his face wouldn't respond. Trying to lift his hand to check his face, he realised he was cuffed to the bed rail. "NURSE" GB called, "Hello, anybody there?" A young woman walked in smiling. "felling better? You had a good sleep" Walking around the end of the bed she seemed oblivious to the fact he was cuffed to the bed. "Where's the sheriff?" He asked. "He'll be back before long, don't worry."
The deputy counted 11 bullet holes in the truck, two broken windows and blood everywhere. He was trying to piece together what must of happened but some of it just didn't figure. There was two guys alledgedly shooting at him but the bullet holes entered from all four sides.Maybe he turned around in the gunfight? The driver had a rifle, shotgun, a pistol and a couple of sleeve guns as well as knives, who or what the hell was he? There was talk of the mafia being in town so it only figured that this guy was a hitman or something to do with the mafia maybe? The nurse came out of the room. "He's awake sheriff" "It's deputy, Ma-am" he replied then walked back in.
GB told the story and added a little exageration or two to ensure it was viewed as a legal kill. He was only in town to pay the back taxes owing on his property. The deputy went on for what seemed like hours then GB said "enough, I'm tired and I need to go to sleep. GB pumped the deputy for a little info as well then drifted off to another deep sleep.
"It's a list of names but I don't know if it means anything or not" the Deputy admitted. "is it a hit list Sheriff?" the little blonde nurse offered from behind him" The sheriff turned as did the deputy "excuse me?" "Is it, you know, a hit list maybe?"
"Fits what I was thinking" the sheriff said turning and walking back into GB's room. "Wake him up, I got questions now"....
The deputy counted 11 bullet holes in the truck, two broken windows and blood everywhere. He was trying to piece together what must of happened but some of it just didn't figure. There was two guys alledgedly shooting at him but the bullet holes entered from all four sides.Maybe he turned around in the gunfight? The driver had a rifle, shotgun, a pistol and a couple of sleeve guns as well as knives, who or what the hell was he? There was talk of the mafia being in town so it only figured that this guy was a hitman or something to do with the mafia maybe? The nurse came out of the room. "He's awake sheriff" "It's deputy, Ma-am" he replied then walked back in.
GB told the story and added a little exageration or two to ensure it was viewed as a legal kill. He was only in town to pay the back taxes owing on his property. The deputy went on for what seemed like hours then GB said "enough, I'm tired and I need to go to sleep. GB pumped the deputy for a little info as well then drifted off to another deep sleep.
"It's a list of names but I don't know if it means anything or not" the Deputy admitted. "is it a hit list Sheriff?" the little blonde nurse offered from behind him" The sheriff turned as did the deputy "excuse me?" "Is it, you know, a hit list maybe?"
"Fits what I was thinking" the sheriff said turning and walking back into GB's room. "Wake him up, I got questions now"....
Last edited by goinbroke2 on Mon Mar 16, 2015 5:34 am, edited 3 times in total.
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
- goinbroke2
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- Posts: 2447
- Joined: Mon Mar 24, 2008 6:55 pm
- Location: In the garage, either stilling or working on a dragster
Re: HD novella
"I gotta list of names here mister, and it appears you've been killing people for payment. I'll talk to Judge Rad but it's a pretty damaging case against you." GB narrowed his eyes," can I see this list Sheriff?" The sheriff held it up so GB could read it. "Well, it looks like only the top 5 have a problem then cause once I killed number 6 it would be hard to kill the rest." The sheriff gave a quizical look then looked at the list "what are you talking about?" "You better ask your deputy who he got the list from cause it wasn't in my pocket, I'm on the list!"
The sheriff was taken back "um..stay here" he said absentmindedly then he grabbed the deputy and they stepped back out of the room.
"no problem sheriff, I can stay a little bit longer I suppose, just cause you asked nice." GB called after him.
"Even if you are in the right, I wouldn't push the sheriff if I was you." The nurse said in a whisper "he's a good man and a good sheriff, give him the respect he's due."
Holy crap GB thought, I made a little joke lady, get over it.
Smiling he answered "yeah I guess you're right."
GB got to thinking, that list was a different one than the one we pulled from the hidy hole in Sara's cabin. That means there's a bounty on the heads of whoever is on that list.
The sheriff walked back in and before he could say anything GB asked "Sheriff, is there another list anywhere, one with horse names on it?" "No", he answered "just this one list was found in the pocket of the guy you shot in the head. What's the second list?" "I think it's tied to the horse race, but I'm not sure why I would be on the list as I only have a few bucks to bet and I don't even have a horse. The names that are scratched, Ledbetter and a couple others, they must of been killed by these two I'm guessing."
"I don't think so actually" the sheriff replied "they have names marked off of who was killed but if they were the ones doing it, there would be more names crossed off."
That hit GB like a slap in the face "WHAT?? who else on the list is dead but not marked off?" GB asked not wanting an answer.
The sheriff looked at the list "well, this pendleton guy was found behind the hotel, somebody got him with a knife, Sara was found dead in her cabin, umm th." "STOP" GB shouted, "Sara..Sara who, what cabin, where.." "A feller named TB and Brock and a woman named Jaye brought Corene in more dead than alive." "WHAT!" GB interupted again "Corene, is she alright?"
"She's fine, she's fine, she's in another room here convelesin', anyway, TB, Jaye and Brock brought Corene in and told of the story of finding Sara. You know Corene and Sara do ya? They vouche for you?"
GB's mind was reeling, Sara's dead, Corene is in the hospital more dead than alive..what the heck was going on up there? Damn who could even find the place..I wonder if someone followed my tracks..GB started blaming himself and thinking of woulda/coulda/shoulda scenario's. The sheriff noticed GB went quiet and had wet eyes "I'll leave you alone to your thoughts son, I'll be back. Turning to the deputy he said low "Let's go talk to Corene again, I think we'll find our answers to this guy more from her than him. Maybe talk to Brock and TB as well."
The sheriff was taken back "um..stay here" he said absentmindedly then he grabbed the deputy and they stepped back out of the room.
"no problem sheriff, I can stay a little bit longer I suppose, just cause you asked nice." GB called after him.
"Even if you are in the right, I wouldn't push the sheriff if I was you." The nurse said in a whisper "he's a good man and a good sheriff, give him the respect he's due."
Holy crap GB thought, I made a little joke lady, get over it.
Smiling he answered "yeah I guess you're right."
GB got to thinking, that list was a different one than the one we pulled from the hidy hole in Sara's cabin. That means there's a bounty on the heads of whoever is on that list.
The sheriff walked back in and before he could say anything GB asked "Sheriff, is there another list anywhere, one with horse names on it?" "No", he answered "just this one list was found in the pocket of the guy you shot in the head. What's the second list?" "I think it's tied to the horse race, but I'm not sure why I would be on the list as I only have a few bucks to bet and I don't even have a horse. The names that are scratched, Ledbetter and a couple others, they must of been killed by these two I'm guessing."
"I don't think so actually" the sheriff replied "they have names marked off of who was killed but if they were the ones doing it, there would be more names crossed off."
That hit GB like a slap in the face "WHAT?? who else on the list is dead but not marked off?" GB asked not wanting an answer.
The sheriff looked at the list "well, this pendleton guy was found behind the hotel, somebody got him with a knife, Sara was found dead in her cabin, umm th." "STOP" GB shouted, "Sara..Sara who, what cabin, where.." "A feller named TB and Brock and a woman named Jaye brought Corene in more dead than alive." "WHAT!" GB interupted again "Corene, is she alright?"
"She's fine, she's fine, she's in another room here convelesin', anyway, TB, Jaye and Brock brought Corene in and told of the story of finding Sara. You know Corene and Sara do ya? They vouche for you?"
GB's mind was reeling, Sara's dead, Corene is in the hospital more dead than alive..what the heck was going on up there? Damn who could even find the place..I wonder if someone followed my tracks..GB started blaming himself and thinking of woulda/coulda/shoulda scenario's. The sheriff noticed GB went quiet and had wet eyes "I'll leave you alone to your thoughts son, I'll be back. Turning to the deputy he said low "Let's go talk to Corene again, I think we'll find our answers to this guy more from her than him. Maybe talk to Brock and TB as well."
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
- rnw349
- Bootlegger
- Posts: 109
- Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:22 pm
Re: HD novella
Ok hears the deal I jumped into this thing half cocked. [SMILING FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH] then decided I needed to read read and read some more. Now Ga I had to wiggle my way out with you cause you're a dangerous man. Didn't want to tip over the apple cart. So now I'm going to do some further pondering on this character fully silenced. Much to do, much to do. I'll check back in a bit. Thanks
- rnw349
- Bootlegger
- Posts: 109
- Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:22 pm
Re: HD novella
Fully silenced rolled into Pagosa, he noticed the town was in quite a disarray. Things had been going on here but what was all the fuss about? He stopped in at the local saloon the hogs eye. Once inside and his eyes adjusted to the dim light he made his way to the bar. Barkeep, how bout a round here, whiskey make it white if you got it. Barkeep gives him a shot of some white dog. Now you're talking, and he sips it slow. That's some old country shine. Ah that's nice. Warms your belly and gets your blood flowing. After some small talk with the keeper he asked what's been going on around here, and learns of all the trouble that's been brewing in town, and how some locals brought in a woman shot up, and the sheriff was on the war path and .... Wait tell me more of this gal is she doing alright? Barkeep tells him how she was all but dead, when her friends found her. She's tough though and they got her to town and she's healing up and still in the hospital.
FS ordered another round and eased back on the barstool to think about all this new information. He was the type of guy who could blend in wherever he was. He was glad to hear that the girl was going to be ok.
He kept mulling over the shifty bastard that hired him.now he was on a mission to find him. What he couldn't figure out was why he had been hired in the 1st place and what that girl had to do with any of this. Now who shot that other girl. Wasn't him. He shot just about the time he heard the report of the rifle on the ridge to his right. Must've been about 2 seconds between shots. After his shot he slipped away as always and put distance between him and the scene. This guy that hired me was not from around here, he was shifty and had money. Probly not honest money either. Seems he mentioned a motel and some other business around a creek. What was it mucka something. Hey barkeep you gotta map?
Muckaluckee creek. Bingo.
Hey barkeep know of motel down to muckaluckee creek? Sure Mr, the notell motel. Who owns that place? A shifty fella with greasy hair and smile bout yay tall? Yep that's him Mr Marcel Ledbetter. I need to get in touch with him, owes me something. What's the best way to get there. Barkeep kinda stammered something and said he's dead. Dead??? What do you mean he's dead. Car fire. Rumor has it that the mob did it. Damn it you don't say. The mob. Probably served him right. Barkeep how bout another round of that smooth shine you got. Thank you sir, you're a gentleman and a scholar. Bout time for me to go.
FS ordered another round and eased back on the barstool to think about all this new information. He was the type of guy who could blend in wherever he was. He was glad to hear that the girl was going to be ok.
He kept mulling over the shifty bastard that hired him.now he was on a mission to find him. What he couldn't figure out was why he had been hired in the 1st place and what that girl had to do with any of this. Now who shot that other girl. Wasn't him. He shot just about the time he heard the report of the rifle on the ridge to his right. Must've been about 2 seconds between shots. After his shot he slipped away as always and put distance between him and the scene. This guy that hired me was not from around here, he was shifty and had money. Probly not honest money either. Seems he mentioned a motel and some other business around a creek. What was it mucka something. Hey barkeep you gotta map?
Muckaluckee creek. Bingo.
Hey barkeep know of motel down to muckaluckee creek? Sure Mr, the notell motel. Who owns that place? A shifty fella with greasy hair and smile bout yay tall? Yep that's him Mr Marcel Ledbetter. I need to get in touch with him, owes me something. What's the best way to get there. Barkeep kinda stammered something and said he's dead. Dead??? What do you mean he's dead. Car fire. Rumor has it that the mob did it. Damn it you don't say. The mob. Probably served him right. Barkeep how bout another round of that smooth shine you got. Thank you sir, you're a gentleman and a scholar. Bout time for me to go.
- goinbroke2
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- Joined: Mon Mar 24, 2008 6:55 pm
- Location: In the garage, either stilling or working on a dragster
Re: HD novella
GB woke to someone taking the hancuff's off. "What's going on" he asked the deputy. "My name is deputy Mason and this here is the Mayor of Pagosa Springs..." "AH, never mind the mayor bit, just call me Uncle Jessie, everybody does" The mayor said cutting off the deputy. "I was talking to a mutual friend Clay Morrison and his lovey wife Nadine, they say your interested in running a "business" here." GB looked at them "ok." The mayor laughed "HA, your suspicious, good, that'll help around here." There was a pregnant silence then the Mayor said "all we got to do is talk about "business fee's" if you see where I'm going with this, oh and Clay mentioned" the mayor said getting up to leave, "that there's another trainload ready to go...ahead of schedule." With a wink the mayor walked out the door. "Take care of yourself and heal up quick like, ya hear?"
"Huh" GB said "and like that, I'm in business here..."
Bored, he leafed through the two books in the room and closed his eyes as the sheriff walked in. "Mayor believes your story, I see somebody pulled your cuffs off." Was he just stating facts GB thought or do I detect a bit of anger in the tone? "It's all true sheriff, just as I told it" GB answered. "Where did you say your place was?" he asked. "I didn't say sheriff" GB responded "but it's out south of the Springs. "and how many acres you got?" GB paused for a second "what's the trouble sheriff, did I not pay enough taxes or something? I paid what they told me was owed".
"Never mind" the sheriff said "are ya stayin?"
"well, for a bit I suppose, but I have a home north of here that I gotta get back to sometime"
The sheriff was quiet for a bit then turned and walked out "glad your doin better."
The doctor walked in "well we stitched up the lacerations from the glass and the bullet crease so" "Bullet crease?" GB asked "what bullet crease?" The doctor continued "you had a 2" laceration from a bullet on your left cheek and you lost the earlobe. "what?" GB said reaching up to feel the bandage with his left hand, now that it was no longer cuffed. "damn, this left ear is getting all the pounding" "aaaand" the doctor continued "you're ok to leave now as all your vitals are looking well."
"I can leave? Hot damn!" GB shouted jumping out of the bed. "slow down mister, you still have to keep the bandage on your head for the next 4-6 days and keep your face washed clean with soap and water. All the little cuts and contusions will be gone in a few days." "Thanks Doc" GB said as he ran down the hall. He stopped short then turned back, where is Corene?" he asked...
"Huh" GB said "and like that, I'm in business here..."
Bored, he leafed through the two books in the room and closed his eyes as the sheriff walked in. "Mayor believes your story, I see somebody pulled your cuffs off." Was he just stating facts GB thought or do I detect a bit of anger in the tone? "It's all true sheriff, just as I told it" GB answered. "Where did you say your place was?" he asked. "I didn't say sheriff" GB responded "but it's out south of the Springs. "and how many acres you got?" GB paused for a second "what's the trouble sheriff, did I not pay enough taxes or something? I paid what they told me was owed".
"Never mind" the sheriff said "are ya stayin?"
"well, for a bit I suppose, but I have a home north of here that I gotta get back to sometime"
The sheriff was quiet for a bit then turned and walked out "glad your doin better."
The doctor walked in "well we stitched up the lacerations from the glass and the bullet crease so" "Bullet crease?" GB asked "what bullet crease?" The doctor continued "you had a 2" laceration from a bullet on your left cheek and you lost the earlobe. "what?" GB said reaching up to feel the bandage with his left hand, now that it was no longer cuffed. "damn, this left ear is getting all the pounding" "aaaand" the doctor continued "you're ok to leave now as all your vitals are looking well."
"I can leave? Hot damn!" GB shouted jumping out of the bed. "slow down mister, you still have to keep the bandage on your head for the next 4-6 days and keep your face washed clean with soap and water. All the little cuts and contusions will be gone in a few days." "Thanks Doc" GB said as he ran down the hall. He stopped short then turned back, where is Corene?" he asked...
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
- ga flatwoods
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Re: HD novella
"anyone ever tell you that you talk too much barkeep?" asked the old man from the corner table. "Why you in such a hurry to be running off so soon son when the best white dog in the county is right here? Muckalee can wait! Come over here and have a drink with me!" The old mans face looked ancient but rigid and weathered, scorched from the sun and wind for many a year. His face was long and skinny with a sharp nose, high forehead, sharp pointed ears, narrow beady eyes, and a big bushy set of eyebrows that all but joined one another.
Fully Silenced knew the old man was directing his attention to him with his invite. Funny thing is that he never recognized that he was there the whole time he had been in the bar. he must be slipping as he always had his own back and this guy didn't even give a nerve on his back a twinge that he was being watched. It was as if the old man had been a spider on the wall or a shadow intermingled amidst all the others along with the dust. He damn sure didn't like the fact that this had gotten over on him and was more than ready to go but for some unknown reason, Fully Silenced could not bring himself to walk out the door without sitting as suggested. "You shouldn't talk to strangers in that manner ole man, especially around here! Some wouldn't be taking as kindly to it as me. Could end up dead easy enough. You here what I am saying?"
The old man never looked at FS in the eyes as he walked over to his table and began pulling up a chair. BY the time the chair was pulled, the old man handed FS a full double shot glass of the white. It was not the stuff he had just been given at the bar. FS took the drink and started to shoot it, that is, right up to the second it hit his lips, then he took a second effort and smelt of it, stuck his finger in and felt of it, and smelt his finger of the dried white, then finally after a concerted effort drank it in slow as if drinking the last drop of water in the middle of an endless desert. it was the finest drink of anything he had ever had in his life. Before the shot glass hit the table, he could have sworn that he had glimpses of all the good and bad he had ever done after taking a drink, but it was only a millisecond and he dismissed it and sat down before the old man. "What the hell is that?" he asked the old man. "It is not what I just was given, that's for damn sure!" The old man finally broke into a grin and allowed "It is a cooking of my own making, not shared but with a certain few. For sure if anyone ever gets some, then they deserve it. You can get it anytime you just have to know how to ask. I named it after me and the grain I use to make it. I call it 'Old Scratch'". The name struck FS as an odd but seemingly familiar one, maybe from long ago, but familiar nonetheless. "Yep, good stuff. Almost good as some a friend of mine makes." FS was not to be outdone hence the unfounded bragging. The old man just grinned. "So why you share this with me if only those certain few you share it with? You don't know me, or anything about me old man, I aint from around these parts." The old man just grinned and began rolling a cigarette with one hand while putting away the tobacco with another and licked the wrapper while pouring another drink at the same time. It was almost too much for FS to take in at the same time. He caught himself staring at his actions when the old man spoke again as he was lighting his smoke. "Oh, I know who you are boy. No you aren't from around here, you are not from anywhere are you boy? You been running all your life. You try to make out to folks that you are a good, or bad, man depending on where you are and who is around you. You are a chameleon. Changing as you go along and trying to merge into your surroundings. You have done a good job of running. Problem with you boy is that no matter when you end up, you always find yourself there. that self is not camouflaged from me, or you, is it? We both know it is black! But that is alright, some of the best I ever had was black!" Fully Silenced was spellbound to say the least. This man saw through him better than he did himself. He so wanted to punch him in the face but at the same time he wanted to run, yet all the while he wanted to know more about the man and the words he spoke. What type of fellow is this? He just spoke in public of a perverse act as if bragging! "You don't know me Old Man! The words are falling from your mouth as shit from a bulls ass! I have a good mind to..." and before he could clear the seat, the old man had him snatched up by the collar and was breathing into his face as he stared deep into his eyes. His breath was hot and rancid. He was only held for a second before the old man slammed him back into the chair. It was in that second though that Fully Silenced had fallen into the stare of the old man and gazed upon a depth with no bottom, as if gazing into the heavens on a starless night. What just happened scared him. He drank the second shot poured for him from the old mans stash.
"You are so predictable boy! I saw that coming before you ever sat down. But you are what you are. Better than many not as good as some. You have been doing the good work for a long time now. In fact too long. The game wearies of your seat at the table. And now, I do too! Now you have drank my spirit and disrespected me as well. Now get up and get your ass out of my face while you still can. I grow weary of your games boy!"
Unconsciously, Fully Silenced got up and backed away from the table and out the door, mouth half gapped open as he went. Once outside, he backed off the porch and fell into the street having missed the step down from the porch. A woman and child walking by could not help but laugh out loud at him. Fully Silenced had been shamed by an old man and woman and child. He flew red and drew his pistol and stormed back into the saloon intent on killing the old man. Everyone turned to look as he stormed in, looked at him as if he were crazy. There was no one at the table where the old man had been. He started yelling at the barkeep and others, waving his gun wildly. "Where is that old man that was just sitting there?" he demanded. "He was just there!" "Aint nobody been there mister! Not in a long time has anybody sat at that table, exceptin you! Now put that gun away and be on your way fore I let both these barrels go on you at once!" The barkeep kept a hog leg sawed off 12 guage behind the bar just for such occurrences. Fully Silenced stood there bewildered at what had just transpired. Again, he backed out of the bar this time making sure not to miss the last step. He holstered the pistol, found his horse and headed to Muckalee Creek.
Fully Silenced knew the old man was directing his attention to him with his invite. Funny thing is that he never recognized that he was there the whole time he had been in the bar. he must be slipping as he always had his own back and this guy didn't even give a nerve on his back a twinge that he was being watched. It was as if the old man had been a spider on the wall or a shadow intermingled amidst all the others along with the dust. He damn sure didn't like the fact that this had gotten over on him and was more than ready to go but for some unknown reason, Fully Silenced could not bring himself to walk out the door without sitting as suggested. "You shouldn't talk to strangers in that manner ole man, especially around here! Some wouldn't be taking as kindly to it as me. Could end up dead easy enough. You here what I am saying?"
The old man never looked at FS in the eyes as he walked over to his table and began pulling up a chair. BY the time the chair was pulled, the old man handed FS a full double shot glass of the white. It was not the stuff he had just been given at the bar. FS took the drink and started to shoot it, that is, right up to the second it hit his lips, then he took a second effort and smelt of it, stuck his finger in and felt of it, and smelt his finger of the dried white, then finally after a concerted effort drank it in slow as if drinking the last drop of water in the middle of an endless desert. it was the finest drink of anything he had ever had in his life. Before the shot glass hit the table, he could have sworn that he had glimpses of all the good and bad he had ever done after taking a drink, but it was only a millisecond and he dismissed it and sat down before the old man. "What the hell is that?" he asked the old man. "It is not what I just was given, that's for damn sure!" The old man finally broke into a grin and allowed "It is a cooking of my own making, not shared but with a certain few. For sure if anyone ever gets some, then they deserve it. You can get it anytime you just have to know how to ask. I named it after me and the grain I use to make it. I call it 'Old Scratch'". The name struck FS as an odd but seemingly familiar one, maybe from long ago, but familiar nonetheless. "Yep, good stuff. Almost good as some a friend of mine makes." FS was not to be outdone hence the unfounded bragging. The old man just grinned. "So why you share this with me if only those certain few you share it with? You don't know me, or anything about me old man, I aint from around these parts." The old man just grinned and began rolling a cigarette with one hand while putting away the tobacco with another and licked the wrapper while pouring another drink at the same time. It was almost too much for FS to take in at the same time. He caught himself staring at his actions when the old man spoke again as he was lighting his smoke. "Oh, I know who you are boy. No you aren't from around here, you are not from anywhere are you boy? You been running all your life. You try to make out to folks that you are a good, or bad, man depending on where you are and who is around you. You are a chameleon. Changing as you go along and trying to merge into your surroundings. You have done a good job of running. Problem with you boy is that no matter when you end up, you always find yourself there. that self is not camouflaged from me, or you, is it? We both know it is black! But that is alright, some of the best I ever had was black!" Fully Silenced was spellbound to say the least. This man saw through him better than he did himself. He so wanted to punch him in the face but at the same time he wanted to run, yet all the while he wanted to know more about the man and the words he spoke. What type of fellow is this? He just spoke in public of a perverse act as if bragging! "You don't know me Old Man! The words are falling from your mouth as shit from a bulls ass! I have a good mind to..." and before he could clear the seat, the old man had him snatched up by the collar and was breathing into his face as he stared deep into his eyes. His breath was hot and rancid. He was only held for a second before the old man slammed him back into the chair. It was in that second though that Fully Silenced had fallen into the stare of the old man and gazed upon a depth with no bottom, as if gazing into the heavens on a starless night. What just happened scared him. He drank the second shot poured for him from the old mans stash.
"You are so predictable boy! I saw that coming before you ever sat down. But you are what you are. Better than many not as good as some. You have been doing the good work for a long time now. In fact too long. The game wearies of your seat at the table. And now, I do too! Now you have drank my spirit and disrespected me as well. Now get up and get your ass out of my face while you still can. I grow weary of your games boy!"
Unconsciously, Fully Silenced got up and backed away from the table and out the door, mouth half gapped open as he went. Once outside, he backed off the porch and fell into the street having missed the step down from the porch. A woman and child walking by could not help but laugh out loud at him. Fully Silenced had been shamed by an old man and woman and child. He flew red and drew his pistol and stormed back into the saloon intent on killing the old man. Everyone turned to look as he stormed in, looked at him as if he were crazy. There was no one at the table where the old man had been. He started yelling at the barkeep and others, waving his gun wildly. "Where is that old man that was just sitting there?" he demanded. "He was just there!" "Aint nobody been there mister! Not in a long time has anybody sat at that table, exceptin you! Now put that gun away and be on your way fore I let both these barrels go on you at once!" The barkeep kept a hog leg sawed off 12 guage behind the bar just for such occurrences. Fully Silenced stood there bewildered at what had just transpired. Again, he backed out of the bar this time making sure not to miss the last step. He holstered the pistol, found his horse and headed to Muckalee Creek.
The hardest item to add to a bottle of shine is patience!
I am still kicking.
Ga Flatwoods
I am still kicking.
Ga Flatwoods
- rnw349
- Bootlegger
- Posts: 109
- Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:22 pm
Re: HD novella
As he was riding he was trying to shake the grip that ole man had on him. Something about him was strange and familiar at the same time. Had he known him before in his past? He thought for a while. Couldn't shake him off. FS was not a man to be easily scared, but he had never seen anything so dark as when he was forced to look deep inside that mans eyes. Was the whole thing a dream? Maybe a vision? I don't know but that ol man knew me as well as I knew myself. Maybe it was warning to me. What was it he said? The game is growing weary of me. I know I'm tired of the game. I'm tired of the faces haunting me at night. Tired of the sweaty palms, and always looking over my shoulder. I want to just live like a normal human being. I don't like killing anymore. Maybe it's time I hung up my gun. Maybe I can slip off this road I've been on and make a change, for the good. I'm just tired all around.
- Site Mod
- Posts: 7427
- Joined: Mon Feb 17, 2014 10:04 am
- Location: the f-f-fu frozen north
Re: HD novella
Wooteck felt his welcome waning at the Pagosa Distillery. Stevens' had been a gracious host letting him crash on the pallets in the warehouse, but it was time to hit the bricks.
Eck extended his hand to Stevens, " I appreciate your hospitality, but I've got some business back in the city that can't wait no longer." His mind wandered immediately to Coleen. She had been on his mind steadily since Jed had gone up into the mountains a few days ago. Just the fleeting thought of her quickened his pulse and he could feel the heat in his thighs.
Stevens returned his handshake. "Well I certainly appreciate your help too around here the last few days. Extra set of hands got me caught up on a lot of chores that were lagging."
Eck had been trying to work her out of his mind and had been a whirlwind around the distillery, cleaning and stacking everything that had looked out of sorts.
"That wife of your's Mr. Stevens, she's a real gem. All that food she kept on bringing in, well i think i gained a few pounds!" Eck smiled and patted his belly.
Stevens reached into his pockets and pulled out a wad of bills. "I gotta pay you for your time. You got more done here in a few days than the last guy i hired on did in a month!"
Wooteck extended his hand and placed it on Stevens' forearm. "No need my friend. It was a labour of love. I gotta get moving though, or i'm going to miss the train." he turned for the door.
"Well hang on a sec. I got something for you." Stevens disappeared into the office and came back with a bottle. "This is the finest whiskey ever made, part of the founder's reserve. Me and gramps put this to wood over twenty years ago, the year he passed. I want you to enjoy this." He said passing the bottle with a solemn nod.
Wooteck recieved the treasure with both hands, staring reverendly at the bottle. "I don't know what to say." he spoke softly.
"Say you will enjoy this with your lady, and your people when you marry her." Stevens said with a smile.
"Thank you, I will." Eck replied and hugged him firmly. "That transparent huh?" and they both laughed.
Eck extended his hand to Stevens, " I appreciate your hospitality, but I've got some business back in the city that can't wait no longer." His mind wandered immediately to Coleen. She had been on his mind steadily since Jed had gone up into the mountains a few days ago. Just the fleeting thought of her quickened his pulse and he could feel the heat in his thighs.
Stevens returned his handshake. "Well I certainly appreciate your help too around here the last few days. Extra set of hands got me caught up on a lot of chores that were lagging."
Eck had been trying to work her out of his mind and had been a whirlwind around the distillery, cleaning and stacking everything that had looked out of sorts.
"That wife of your's Mr. Stevens, she's a real gem. All that food she kept on bringing in, well i think i gained a few pounds!" Eck smiled and patted his belly.
Stevens reached into his pockets and pulled out a wad of bills. "I gotta pay you for your time. You got more done here in a few days than the last guy i hired on did in a month!"
Wooteck extended his hand and placed it on Stevens' forearm. "No need my friend. It was a labour of love. I gotta get moving though, or i'm going to miss the train." he turned for the door.
"Well hang on a sec. I got something for you." Stevens disappeared into the office and came back with a bottle. "This is the finest whiskey ever made, part of the founder's reserve. Me and gramps put this to wood over twenty years ago, the year he passed. I want you to enjoy this." He said passing the bottle with a solemn nod.
Wooteck recieved the treasure with both hands, staring reverendly at the bottle. "I don't know what to say." he spoke softly.
"Say you will enjoy this with your lady, and your people when you marry her." Stevens said with a smile.
"Thank you, I will." Eck replied and hugged him firmly. "That transparent huh?" and they both laughed.
Last edited by HDNB on Wed Mar 18, 2015 6:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I finally quit drinking for good.
now i drink for evil.
now i drink for evil.
- Site Mod
- Posts: 7427
- Joined: Mon Feb 17, 2014 10:04 am
- Location: the f-f-fu frozen north
Re: HD novella
Jed was picking his way down the path when he realized how close to the train tracks he was. He looked a his watch, a quarter to eleven.
The night was well lit, with a full moon the horse could see like it was daytime, so he just gave the mare have her head and urged her on. He was surprised how clear his mind was. He had been in the position of pulling the trigger before and it had weighed heavily on his conscience, but this time it was different. Ending the two murderers had eased his mind, and a calm confidence had befallen him. He had simply turned his back and rode away, not even wasting time to cover the bodies with branches.
Erasing them, for what they had done to her, had removed some of the guilt he had gnawing at him after he had left Corene all those weeks ago to pursue justice. His heart still panged with guilt for leaving her without saying goodbye and now the loss of her was still too fresh for him to even get a grip on.
He was single minded in ending this now. He saw what the quest for a few dollars had done to so many people and he was sickened by it.
"Look out Chicago" he muttered under his breath and hawed off the main path, south towards the tracks.
The night was well lit, with a full moon the horse could see like it was daytime, so he just gave the mare have her head and urged her on. He was surprised how clear his mind was. He had been in the position of pulling the trigger before and it had weighed heavily on his conscience, but this time it was different. Ending the two murderers had eased his mind, and a calm confidence had befallen him. He had simply turned his back and rode away, not even wasting time to cover the bodies with branches.
Erasing them, for what they had done to her, had removed some of the guilt he had gnawing at him after he had left Corene all those weeks ago to pursue justice. His heart still panged with guilt for leaving her without saying goodbye and now the loss of her was still too fresh for him to even get a grip on.
He was single minded in ending this now. He saw what the quest for a few dollars had done to so many people and he was sickened by it.
"Look out Chicago" he muttered under his breath and hawed off the main path, south towards the tracks.
Last edited by HDNB on Wed Mar 18, 2015 6:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I finally quit drinking for good.
now i drink for evil.
now i drink for evil.
- Site Mod
- Posts: 7427
- Joined: Mon Feb 17, 2014 10:04 am
- Location: the f-f-fu frozen north
Re: HD novella
Eck made the train station in plenty of time. The train was already in station and all was quiet. They had a sale on a sleeping berths, so he had ordered one up for himself so he could get some rest.
The equipment was new and stainless steel sides of the passenger cars shone brightly in the moonlight. He mounted the big train throught the bifold doors and warm of the cabin and the yellow lights was oddly comforting.
He eyed the craftsmanship of the wood work and felt the smooth shining surface of the brass handrail as he made his way down the narrow hallway, deciding to take in the bar car for a night cap.
He was seated and enjoying a nice Van Winkle when the train pulled out at precisely midnight. He glanced down at his watch and smiled at the accuracy of his timepiece and the train's promptness.
Jed could see the train at the bottom of the pass, making it's way up the hill. He had made good time and the mare had had a bit of a rest. He removed the saddle and unbridled her, putting the leather works up in the bottom boughs of a big conifer. It pained him to leave leather outside like that but it would have to do. Unclipping the reins, he made a loose lasso and slipped it back on around her muzzle.
As the train neared, Jed grabbed a handful of mane and swung up bareback. The old mare gave a grunt as he swung her head around and steered her with his legs. The train came into view, moving at a fast jog, Jed urged the old girl into a nice extended lope to meet the train as it closed on his position.
Wooteck closed his eyes and let his head loll back as he enjoyed the wheated bourbon. He was dreaming of Coleen and behind his closed eyes he imagined the curve of her back, slim waist and the voluptuous plump lips, the ones he so longed to take with his own.
He tipped back to reality and another sip of bourbon. Looking out the window, he was startled to see a man riding up hard beside the train.
A bit of fury started to rise in him, thinking that the train was about to be robbed by a band of hooligans. Eck looked hard at the rider and blinked. "Jed?" he asked the window.
He knocked over his drink as he jumped up from the table and raced for the back of the car. Throwing open the wide door he Yelled at the rapidly approaching rider "JED!" and grabbed the handrail firmly and reached out the door.
The train was moving faster than Jed had expected and the hill was a it too steep for the old girl to hold a lope. He spurred her on to a canter just as he heard his name. He glanced over his shoulder briefly and held the horse on a straight path. He was closing rapidly on a signal post, with no room to squeeze by on the train side and bush on the outside of the post, it was now or never.
Wooteck yelled again "JED!" and motioned toward the signal post. Jed glanced back to see Eck's flailing arm and gave him a
look. He reached out gripping the hand grab on the outside of the train and Eck grabbed onto the back of his shirt, hauling him into the platform just as the old girl slammed on the brakes to avoid the post.
The horse disappeared from under Jed and his left foot clipped a tin marker hanging off the side of the post. Both him and Eck landed in a heap on the stairwell and Jed said with a smile "Fancy meeting you here?!"
Eck dusted himself off and extended a hand to Jed, pulling him up the stairwell. "I think you owe me a Van Winkle. Maybe two."
The equipment was new and stainless steel sides of the passenger cars shone brightly in the moonlight. He mounted the big train throught the bifold doors and warm of the cabin and the yellow lights was oddly comforting.
He eyed the craftsmanship of the wood work and felt the smooth shining surface of the brass handrail as he made his way down the narrow hallway, deciding to take in the bar car for a night cap.
He was seated and enjoying a nice Van Winkle when the train pulled out at precisely midnight. He glanced down at his watch and smiled at the accuracy of his timepiece and the train's promptness.
Jed could see the train at the bottom of the pass, making it's way up the hill. He had made good time and the mare had had a bit of a rest. He removed the saddle and unbridled her, putting the leather works up in the bottom boughs of a big conifer. It pained him to leave leather outside like that but it would have to do. Unclipping the reins, he made a loose lasso and slipped it back on around her muzzle.
As the train neared, Jed grabbed a handful of mane and swung up bareback. The old mare gave a grunt as he swung her head around and steered her with his legs. The train came into view, moving at a fast jog, Jed urged the old girl into a nice extended lope to meet the train as it closed on his position.
Wooteck closed his eyes and let his head loll back as he enjoyed the wheated bourbon. He was dreaming of Coleen and behind his closed eyes he imagined the curve of her back, slim waist and the voluptuous plump lips, the ones he so longed to take with his own.
He tipped back to reality and another sip of bourbon. Looking out the window, he was startled to see a man riding up hard beside the train.
A bit of fury started to rise in him, thinking that the train was about to be robbed by a band of hooligans. Eck looked hard at the rider and blinked. "Jed?" he asked the window.
He knocked over his drink as he jumped up from the table and raced for the back of the car. Throwing open the wide door he Yelled at the rapidly approaching rider "JED!" and grabbed the handrail firmly and reached out the door.
The train was moving faster than Jed had expected and the hill was a it too steep for the old girl to hold a lope. He spurred her on to a canter just as he heard his name. He glanced over his shoulder briefly and held the horse on a straight path. He was closing rapidly on a signal post, with no room to squeeze by on the train side and bush on the outside of the post, it was now or never.
Wooteck yelled again "JED!" and motioned toward the signal post. Jed glanced back to see Eck's flailing arm and gave him a

The horse disappeared from under Jed and his left foot clipped a tin marker hanging off the side of the post. Both him and Eck landed in a heap on the stairwell and Jed said with a smile "Fancy meeting you here?!"
Eck dusted himself off and extended a hand to Jed, pulling him up the stairwell. "I think you owe me a Van Winkle. Maybe two."
I finally quit drinking for good.
now i drink for evil.
now i drink for evil.
- rnw349
- Bootlegger
- Posts: 109
- Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:22 pm
Re: HD novella
Fully Silenced sat there in the dark contemplating his life and it's twists and turns. As he watched the flames dance on his camp fire he recalled his days back in the war. Some of the boys had hard time with it, oh they could shoot well enough, except when they were in front of another man. They froze, lot of those boys were killed with empty rifles in their hands and bullets on the ground beside them. Like every time they heard a shot they bolted their gun and never fired a round. Not me, growing up on the farm I knew what that gun was for. Killed many a hog, and calves. Weren't many deer in that country back then, but they were starting to return. Most were killed out during the depression. I managed to get a buck ever now and again to help finish making ends meet. I knew how to shoot, and where to aim.
What was that??? The leaves kind of blew up, and dust was stirred. Not even a breeze tonight. Almost thought I saw that ol man. Can't be.
When I got home from the war things weren't the same. Couldn't hold a steady job. Couldn't talk to family. Couldn't sleep. Thought I was losing my mind. I was better off alone. One night I was drifting along, stopped in a bar and had a drop, heard an ol boy talking about needing a job done. Wish now I had never spoke up. That job turned into a life of killing for an outfit in Chicago. Never could stand that Enrico bastard anyway. I'm done with this game, that ol man was right, "the game has grown weary of me".
I'd like to see that old man again. Have another drop. Might even tell him thanks for setting me straight. On second thought I might not live through the next time we meet. Funny, never really thought about livin before. Seems like now I want too.
What was that??? The leaves kind of blew up, and dust was stirred. Not even a breeze tonight. Almost thought I saw that ol man. Can't be.
When I got home from the war things weren't the same. Couldn't hold a steady job. Couldn't talk to family. Couldn't sleep. Thought I was losing my mind. I was better off alone. One night I was drifting along, stopped in a bar and had a drop, heard an ol boy talking about needing a job done. Wish now I had never spoke up. That job turned into a life of killing for an outfit in Chicago. Never could stand that Enrico bastard anyway. I'm done with this game, that ol man was right, "the game has grown weary of me".
I'd like to see that old man again. Have another drop. Might even tell him thanks for setting me straight. On second thought I might not live through the next time we meet. Funny, never really thought about livin before. Seems like now I want too.
- Truckinbutch
- Angel's Share
- Posts: 8107
- Joined: Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:49 pm
Re: HD novella
Butch ,"she whispered timidly ,"Are we in Heaven or Hell,?"" Make what you want of it , Gal . You are still among the living . Sara is gone and I need to know what you remember . You have been shot and so was she .Give me what you got , gal ."
> "We were crossing he yard to the cabin . Sara dropped right after I heard the bullet strike and 2 seconds later I heard the boom of the rifle . I grabbed he and drug he through he doo into the cabin and then , something slammed me down low in the back and , then , everything went into dreamworld ."
I nodded in understanding . A solid bullet hit will do that .
"I got these shadow visions after that ,"she said ."A man and a woman coming through the door and walking over us and then leaving .Jed standing over me crying ...............Butch ! I don't know what is truth and what is fantasy "
"We will sort it out , Corene . You just get yourself well enough to help visit justice upon the sinners .
> "We were crossing he yard to the cabin . Sara dropped right after I heard the bullet strike and 2 seconds later I heard the boom of the rifle . I grabbed he and drug he through he doo into the cabin and then , something slammed me down low in the back and , then , everything went into dreamworld ."
I nodded in understanding . A solid bullet hit will do that .
"I got these shadow visions after that ,"she said ."A man and a woman coming through the door and walking over us and then leaving .Jed standing over me crying ...............Butch ! I don't know what is truth and what is fantasy "
"We will sort it out , Corene . You just get yourself well enough to help visit justice upon the sinners .
If you ain't the lead dog in the team , the scenery never changes . Ga Flatwoods made my avatar and I want to thank him for that .
Don't drink water , fish fornicate in it .
Don't drink water , fish fornicate in it .
- Truckinbutch
- Angel's Share
- Posts: 8107
- Joined: Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:49 pm
Re: HD novella
Drinks in hand we sipped and stared at him and he stared a searching gaze at us . Finally , he opened the ball ,
"You folks have always had my back . Election time and when I was a bit undermanned during troublesome times before .Can any of you explain to me what in the hell is going on now ? I'm overwhelmed and undermanned to deal with what is happening in our small county , not to mention our professional inadequacies . Are you still with me and can you all help me sort through this ?"
> The folks on my side of the desk looked to me to be the spokesman .
>" We still got your back . How much of ours are you willing to cover ? Me , Brock , and Flatwoods got in this war bidness at a young age . About 14 , give or take , down to Mexico and followed the excitement to foreign lands after that . We settled here years ago in what looked like a peaceful community that we could support and grow old in . We intend to preserve that . We need to know where you stand and a bit more about you to know what path we will take ."
>"Sheriff Bob Rager's gaze swept us all in a resigned 'I told myself so' look . "I was a farm boy in the southern end of the county . Football jock and first in line to fuck the lead cheerleader at the Christmas ball at the local high school in December ,1941 . On December 7 the Japanese attacked pearl harbor . By December 10th I was able to talk my parents into signing off for me joining Uncle Sam's Misguided Children . A bit shy of a year later I was a full fledged Lance Corporal . Still waiting for the delivery of my free dress blues the recruiter had promised me would be waiting for me when I got to Parris Island .
That's when Evans Carlson approached me to join his Raider outfit .
"I asked him if I was going to win some medals if I worked for him that would give me a better chance of fucking that cheerleader I had such a hardon for ."
"Boy ,"he told me , "If she won't give it up now , you better forget it . You probably won't survive to come back and hit it .
>Well , I did survive all that jungle crawling with Evans Carlson .
"You folks have always had my back . Election time and when I was a bit undermanned during troublesome times before .Can any of you explain to me what in the hell is going on now ? I'm overwhelmed and undermanned to deal with what is happening in our small county , not to mention our professional inadequacies . Are you still with me and can you all help me sort through this ?"
> The folks on my side of the desk looked to me to be the spokesman .
>" We still got your back . How much of ours are you willing to cover ? Me , Brock , and Flatwoods got in this war bidness at a young age . About 14 , give or take , down to Mexico and followed the excitement to foreign lands after that . We settled here years ago in what looked like a peaceful community that we could support and grow old in . We intend to preserve that . We need to know where you stand and a bit more about you to know what path we will take ."
>"Sheriff Bob Rager's gaze swept us all in a resigned 'I told myself so' look . "I was a farm boy in the southern end of the county . Football jock and first in line to fuck the lead cheerleader at the Christmas ball at the local high school in December ,1941 . On December 7 the Japanese attacked pearl harbor . By December 10th I was able to talk my parents into signing off for me joining Uncle Sam's Misguided Children . A bit shy of a year later I was a full fledged Lance Corporal . Still waiting for the delivery of my free dress blues the recruiter had promised me would be waiting for me when I got to Parris Island .
That's when Evans Carlson approached me to join his Raider outfit .
"I asked him if I was going to win some medals if I worked for him that would give me a better chance of fucking that cheerleader I had such a hardon for ."
"Boy ,"he told me , "If she won't give it up now , you better forget it . You probably won't survive to come back and hit it .
>Well , I did survive all that jungle crawling with Evans Carlson .
If you ain't the lead dog in the team , the scenery never changes . Ga Flatwoods made my avatar and I want to thank him for that .
Don't drink water , fish fornicate in it .
Don't drink water , fish fornicate in it .
- ga flatwoods
- Master of Distillation
- Posts: 3192
- Joined: Tue Feb 19, 2013 6:40 pm
- Location: SE GA Flatwoods
Re: HD novella
"Flatwoods knows who shot those girls."- Paul Harvey.
The hardest item to add to a bottle of shine is patience!
I am still kicking.
Ga Flatwoods
I am still kicking.
Ga Flatwoods
- corene1
- HD Distilling Goddess
- Posts: 3045
- Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:05 pm
- Location: The western Valley
Re: HD novella
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nb2-6Lq15LU" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow
As she lay in the hospital bed , eyes closed but aware of what was going on around her she heard Jimbo playing some old Irish tunes on his guitar. He knew she loved this type of music. The tunes brought back the memories, happy memories of Sarah and the cabin warm days in the forest and time spent being with someone special. She was gone now and Corene felt hollow inside. As she lay there tears started to trickle down her face as the memories kept flooding through her. Why, she thought , Sarah was an innocent bystander to all this mess and she was the one to pay the ultimate price. Jimbo saw the tears and walked over and began to gently rub her forehead and brush her hair to the side of her face. How you doing girl , she opened her eyes and saw him looking down at her. I'm OK, a little sore but fine. Sarah is dead because I got careless, I went to town and got some of my things and was heading back to the cabin. I didn't check my trail , I didn't move slow and backtrack to see if I was being followed , I did nothing and acted like things were normal around her. I told TB of a big still I saw being built but never thought about the fact it could be some outsiders setting up , never even thought about them following me . I was too preoccupied with my own life and finally getting to share it with someone. What is happening to this town Jimbo , people have gone crazy shooting and killing like it is an everyday thing with no remorse. I talked to the Doc and TB about the bullet they took out of me, .30 caliber match grade round , that is some serious stuff there. I know GB shoots that type of bullet and from what I have heard he is raising hell all over the area. It had to be someone from that still sight wanting to keep me quiet . You need to get ahold of the fellas and check it out real careful and see who is building it and who is funding it. From the size of it , I am thinking it is for selling big quantities to out of town buyers, Probably those Chicago mobs guys that have been coming around. Those Bondurant boys are not going to take any of this lying down either, They are as vengeful as they come , you and I both know that. You watch your back real close Jimbo, and tell the rest to do the same, I don't want to lose anymore friends
As she lay in the hospital bed , eyes closed but aware of what was going on around her she heard Jimbo playing some old Irish tunes on his guitar. He knew she loved this type of music. The tunes brought back the memories, happy memories of Sarah and the cabin warm days in the forest and time spent being with someone special. She was gone now and Corene felt hollow inside. As she lay there tears started to trickle down her face as the memories kept flooding through her. Why, she thought , Sarah was an innocent bystander to all this mess and she was the one to pay the ultimate price. Jimbo saw the tears and walked over and began to gently rub her forehead and brush her hair to the side of her face. How you doing girl , she opened her eyes and saw him looking down at her. I'm OK, a little sore but fine. Sarah is dead because I got careless, I went to town and got some of my things and was heading back to the cabin. I didn't check my trail , I didn't move slow and backtrack to see if I was being followed , I did nothing and acted like things were normal around her. I told TB of a big still I saw being built but never thought about the fact it could be some outsiders setting up , never even thought about them following me . I was too preoccupied with my own life and finally getting to share it with someone. What is happening to this town Jimbo , people have gone crazy shooting and killing like it is an everyday thing with no remorse. I talked to the Doc and TB about the bullet they took out of me, .30 caliber match grade round , that is some serious stuff there. I know GB shoots that type of bullet and from what I have heard he is raising hell all over the area. It had to be someone from that still sight wanting to keep me quiet . You need to get ahold of the fellas and check it out real careful and see who is building it and who is funding it. From the size of it , I am thinking it is for selling big quantities to out of town buyers, Probably those Chicago mobs guys that have been coming around. Those Bondurant boys are not going to take any of this lying down either, They are as vengeful as they come , you and I both know that. You watch your back real close Jimbo, and tell the rest to do the same, I don't want to lose anymore friends
- Jimbo
- retired
- Posts: 8423
- Joined: Wed Oct 10, 2012 1:19 pm
- Location: Down the road a piece.
Re: HD novella
Jimbo bent down and kissed her cheek. She felt the honesty and sincerity in his warm lips, a slow kiss that didnt waver just because her cheek was wet with salty tears. "We're gonna find these guys Corene" Jimbo said with conviction. "And we're gonna put this town right. This shit has gotten out of hand and everything we love about Pagosa is at stake." If its GB, he's gonna find a painful fate he'll regret in the last slow agonizing painful hours before he leaves this planet for hell" Jimbo could feel his blood heating up and took a breath to reign it in. Focusing on keeping Corene calm he said, " Corene, you're gonna be fine. Sara is in a happy place now, she went fast, no pain. It's time for you to focus on the here and now. Youre among the living Corene, and there's plenty people here who love you and care about you." Corene closed her eyes and smiled, having just heard those very words from another close friend. "Lets make Pagosa right." JImbo said, "We'll find that still, and arrange it so no one see's them folk around again. The Bondurant boys might just have to disappear. And if the mob's behind this, no worries, I have connections with serious influence who can get them to back down and find a new corner of the wilderness with one phone call." Corene looked Jimbo square in the eyes and saw that he said that with total seriousness. It surprised her a little, and made her wonder what his full story really was. "Don't worry about a thing Corene, the wind is gonna change here in Pagosa".
Jimbo sat down and picked up a Mandolin that was behind his chair and played a slow Irish tune called 'The South Winds' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdmt8WOE6g4" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow Corene closed her eyes and felt in her heart that everything was going to be fine.
Jimbo sat down and picked up a Mandolin that was behind his chair and played a slow Irish tune called 'The South Winds' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdmt8WOE6g4" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow Corene closed her eyes and felt in her heart that everything was going to be fine.
In theory there's no difference between theory and practice. But in practice there is.
My Bourbon and Single Malt recipes. Apple Stuff and Electric Conversion
My Bourbon and Single Malt recipes. Apple Stuff and Electric Conversion
- ga flatwoods
- Master of Distillation
- Posts: 3192
- Joined: Tue Feb 19, 2013 6:40 pm
- Location: SE GA Flatwoods
Re: HD novella
"Sometimes revenge is a choice you gotta make, cant get revenge and keep a spotless reputation!"
The hardest item to add to a bottle of shine is patience!
I am still kicking.
Ga Flatwoods
I am still kicking.
Ga Flatwoods