HD novella
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- rnw349
- Bootlegger
- Posts: 109
- Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:22 pm
Re: HD novella
FS woke after a terrible fitful nights sleep. "I swear I smelled that old devil. That acrid breath of his" he was wishing for a drink. Wished he had that bottle from the old man. Some ol scratch. Best damn shine he'd ever had. But he didn't want to see him again.
Best get my shit together and head out. Been on the Devils trail too long. I'm going to Chicago to make good. Put my skills to good use and cut the head off the snake, maybe put an end to the troubles that have been visited on these people here in this town. Maybe a different time or different circumstances I would have liked to settle in a place like this. If I can, and am successful maybe I might come back and find a quiet spot by a creek, build a cabin and finish out, probly alone. Wonder if mamma still has paps recipe? I'd like to resurrect his shine, it was a good drop, easy on the tongue and warm in the belly.
Oh well, no matter it's a long time gone. I know what I need to do and how to do it. I just gotta get there. Better catch a train, it's my fastest route.
Best get my shit together and head out. Been on the Devils trail too long. I'm going to Chicago to make good. Put my skills to good use and cut the head off the snake, maybe put an end to the troubles that have been visited on these people here in this town. Maybe a different time or different circumstances I would have liked to settle in a place like this. If I can, and am successful maybe I might come back and find a quiet spot by a creek, build a cabin and finish out, probly alone. Wonder if mamma still has paps recipe? I'd like to resurrect his shine, it was a good drop, easy on the tongue and warm in the belly.
Oh well, no matter it's a long time gone. I know what I need to do and how to do it. I just gotta get there. Better catch a train, it's my fastest route.
- goinbroke2
- Distiller
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- Location: In the garage, either stilling or working on a dragster
Re: HD novella
"Room 114, here it is" GB said as he stepped through the door. "Corene!" She was laying there with tubes in her, all bandaged up, pillows fluffed up all around her. "You must be GB you son of a bitch" Jimbo said as he sprang from his chair. "Hold on here" GB said taking a step back and bringing his hands up in front of him. "who are you and what's your problem mister?" "The doc pulled a 30 cal out of me GB" Corene whispered. GB was dumbfounded, "so because I got a 30.06, then I must of shot you??" Corene just laid there looking at him. "THERE ARE NO OTHER F%^&ING 30.06's IN THE WHOLE COUNTY BUT MINE??" A nurse ran in hushing everybody admonishing GB and reminding all that we were in a hospital not a saloon. "Do you know where I was? I was in room 101 getting sewed up cause a couple of guys opened up on me too, and guess what, THEY had that same damn list with us on it too. The only thing is, their list didn't have you and Sara scratched out! So if they didn't do it and it was the day after that they shot me up, there's somebody putting money on our heads, horserace or no. And amidst all this, your first thought is I must of killed Sara and tried to kill you because it was a 30cal that did it. That hurts Corene, it really does. GB turned to leave then said over his shoulder "I hope you heal up quickly Corene, goodbye" and was gone. He stomped down the hall, Damn that woman, what the hell is in her head that would make her think I would shoot her for crying out loud, he thought. He opened the door and put one foot out the door and froze. Somethings wrong, there was silence and nobody was on the street. He pulled his foot back in and pulled the door closed. Running to a room he suprised an old man as he ran through the room to the window. Peering out he could see nothing. "Boy this don't feel good at all" he said to himself. He ran to a room on the opposite side of the building and peered out, nothing. Up to the second floor at the back of the hospital he found a small window and peered out...nothing..either this was a dead town all of a sudden or it was about to hit the fan. GB crawled out the window and crept along the roof, he was unarmed cause the sheriff took everything but he just wanted to have a little look-see. He made his way to the front of the hospital and peered over the rooftop. Something was going on up the street but he couldn't see exactly what. There was a car parked sideways but that was it. After about 5 minutes of nothing GB retreated to the window and crawled back in. Now what he thought, don't like the idea of going outside without a weapon. GB left by way of a back door and ran through the alley towards the sheriffs office.
"Well there he is" the sheriff said as GB came through the door. "Come to pick up all your paraphenalia did ya?" "Uh, yeah" GB answered. "You shouldn't be needing them now though, we just did a huge bust, lotsa weapons, money...and you're gonna like this..a list of names and the person who was making the lists". The sheriff sat there with his feet up on the desk, smiling like a cheshire cat. "Seems like the mob was using this place as a hunting grounds, most of the guys on the list that are scratched off weren't from here either. Seems the mob enticed these guys..and you, I'd imagine...to come here to be slaughtered. Almost got away with it too, got all the people here for a horserace, let the criminals and lowlifes know there were people here to be fleeced and then when the people on the list were picked off one by one, it would appear to be just another random murder in a "wild west town". When I ran the tent city out, it foiled their plans as the town started to calm down. Only, the ones getting paid to get rid of the people on the list weren't too bright, they didn't realise that without the cover of a "tent-city-where-everything-goes", people getting killed would be viewed for what they were, murder.
GB waited "So, you think all the shooting and killing is over?"
"Damn straight I do" the sheriff beamed
"I hope your right sheriff" GB said as he moved over to the weapons lock up. Who the heck did he get then I wonder GB thought to himself.....
"Well there he is" the sheriff said as GB came through the door. "Come to pick up all your paraphenalia did ya?" "Uh, yeah" GB answered. "You shouldn't be needing them now though, we just did a huge bust, lotsa weapons, money...and you're gonna like this..a list of names and the person who was making the lists". The sheriff sat there with his feet up on the desk, smiling like a cheshire cat. "Seems like the mob was using this place as a hunting grounds, most of the guys on the list that are scratched off weren't from here either. Seems the mob enticed these guys..and you, I'd imagine...to come here to be slaughtered. Almost got away with it too, got all the people here for a horserace, let the criminals and lowlifes know there were people here to be fleeced and then when the people on the list were picked off one by one, it would appear to be just another random murder in a "wild west town". When I ran the tent city out, it foiled their plans as the town started to calm down. Only, the ones getting paid to get rid of the people on the list weren't too bright, they didn't realise that without the cover of a "tent-city-where-everything-goes", people getting killed would be viewed for what they were, murder.
GB waited "So, you think all the shooting and killing is over?"
"Damn straight I do" the sheriff beamed
"I hope your right sheriff" GB said as he moved over to the weapons lock up. Who the heck did he get then I wonder GB thought to himself.....
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
- corene1
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Re: HD novella
A Corene lay there listening to GB rant about his being the only .30-06 in the county. Jimbo moved quickly between GB and the bed just in case he tried something. After he stomped out Jimbo turned and asked if she was OK. Yes I am fine, but that is just so typical of GB . Pushing his way in and raising a ruckus to cover anything that may be incriminating. You know he had dealings with the mob in Florida a long time ago. I wanted to ask if he would be willing to give up a couple of his rounds so they could be compared to the ones that they pulled from me to either confirm or deny the fact. Not too many people have access to mil spec match grade boat tail bullets. Guilty or innocent you best keep an eye on him, he is always up to something , and a lot of times it is no good.
- goinbroke2
- Distiller
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- Joined: Mon Mar 24, 2008 6:55 pm
- Location: In the garage, either stilling or working on a dragster
Re: HD novella
"It would be several hundred dollars mister and if you want all the holes hammered and filled with lead, that'll be more." GB scratched his head, "dang it, I can't seem to get ahead around here." Just then the bell over the door tinkled as Jimbo stepped in. "and what do you suppose I'm planning now, some way to run Corene over?" Jimbo narrowed his eyes "if your so damn innocent, how about giving me a couple of your mil spec rounds you use for comparison?" There was a silence and then GB broke into laughter, Mil spec rounds? BWAHAHA, what the hell are you talking about? They're Canadian tire specials, made by CIL outa Montreal Quebec." GB stepped past Jimbo and out the door. He fired up the truck and engaged the pto then lifted the flatdeck with a couple of healthy revs. When it was high enough he grabbed ma bell and chambered a round. "Here ya go, one that was in the chamber" ejecting it onto the ground "here's another" ejecting another live round onto the dirt road. He put the rifle away and grabbed a box of rounds, showing Jimbo "See here? Canadian Tire like I said. Lemme tell ya a little story." GB sat on the edge of the seat with feet out the door on the ground. "Back in '37 before WW2 all the Commonwealth nations were building up their arsenals and munition depots, guess where it was coming from? The second largest munitions factory in the world just north of Montreal. When Canada went to war, the factories had already been going at war levels for two years. From 39 to 42 when the States finally joined in, Canada was supplying over 80% of all allies munitions. The States got a bunch of munitions factories going for the war but within 3 years the war was over and they shuttered the munitions factories. The regular munitions factories the States had were still in business of course, but nothing like Canada. Commonwealth countries as well as a lot of the allies during the war kept getting ammo from Canada to restock after the war instead of going with the States because they had been with them for 8-10 years or longer at that point so why change suppliers. To this day, the same ammo CIL builds for militarys around the world are the same rounds they sell to the public in Canada. It's only been 10 years since the end of WW2 and only 3 since Korea ended, you want "mil spec" rounds, THEY'RE EVERYWHERE" GB laughed. "Take those rounds and you match them up to whatever you want, I'll guan-fricken-tee you one thing, they won't match what was pulled out of Sara or Corene.
Giving Jimbo a bit of a sideways look he said "you know, we didn't hit it off so well and while Corene thinks I'm a piece of shit for her own reasons, I'm glad you got her back, remember, there is a list out there with her name on it and I don't care what the sheriff said, I think the shootin ain't done yet. Take care of her." Jimbo was quiet for a second "you know, we didn't hit it off so well, maybe if you weren't a piece of shit we coulda got on better" That got a snicker out of GB "Yeah well this piece of shit ain't the piece of shit your looking for so good day to you sir" With that GB swung his legs in the truck and fired it up and backed out of the parking spot as he lowered the flatbed back down. Jimbo stood watching GB as he pulled away, rolling the rounds in his fingers.
He was almost to his house when GB spotted movement upstairs. He pulled his 45 and laid against the wall. Reaching over he opened the door and pushed it open, hiding back behind the wall. "GB is that you?" "Janitor?" GB yelled back "Yeah I'm upstairs, I'll be down in a minute. GB holstered the 45, closed the door with a bang and grabbed the railroad spikes that were driven into the corner post of the house, they were there to look like evestrough supports but GB put them there for a reason. He quickly scaled the spikes and silently was on the low roof in front of the upstairs windows. 45 back out he crept along and peered in the window. Janitor was laying on the bed with his boots off finishing a smoke. "HEY" GB yelled. Janitor jumped straight up dropping his cig into the bandana tied around his neck "Holy hell GB" he screamed leaning over forward and frantically swatting at his bandana. "No smoking in my house" GB said through the open window. "shit, shit, shit" finally the butt fell out and hit the floor. Janitor looked up at GB, his face a mask of anger "I found an ashtray downstairs, who the hell doesn't smoke in their house?" Janitor threw the ashtray and butt at GB who stepped out of the way and watched the ashtray bounce twice off the roof then disappear over the side. "I brought the money, I'm ready for another load of liquor." GB was still grinning as he crawled in the window. "well, it just so happens that there's another load ready to go from what I hear"
Giving Jimbo a bit of a sideways look he said "you know, we didn't hit it off so well and while Corene thinks I'm a piece of shit for her own reasons, I'm glad you got her back, remember, there is a list out there with her name on it and I don't care what the sheriff said, I think the shootin ain't done yet. Take care of her." Jimbo was quiet for a second "you know, we didn't hit it off so well, maybe if you weren't a piece of shit we coulda got on better" That got a snicker out of GB "Yeah well this piece of shit ain't the piece of shit your looking for so good day to you sir" With that GB swung his legs in the truck and fired it up and backed out of the parking spot as he lowered the flatbed back down. Jimbo stood watching GB as he pulled away, rolling the rounds in his fingers.
He was almost to his house when GB spotted movement upstairs. He pulled his 45 and laid against the wall. Reaching over he opened the door and pushed it open, hiding back behind the wall. "GB is that you?" "Janitor?" GB yelled back "Yeah I'm upstairs, I'll be down in a minute. GB holstered the 45, closed the door with a bang and grabbed the railroad spikes that were driven into the corner post of the house, they were there to look like evestrough supports but GB put them there for a reason. He quickly scaled the spikes and silently was on the low roof in front of the upstairs windows. 45 back out he crept along and peered in the window. Janitor was laying on the bed with his boots off finishing a smoke. "HEY" GB yelled. Janitor jumped straight up dropping his cig into the bandana tied around his neck "Holy hell GB" he screamed leaning over forward and frantically swatting at his bandana. "No smoking in my house" GB said through the open window. "shit, shit, shit" finally the butt fell out and hit the floor. Janitor looked up at GB, his face a mask of anger "I found an ashtray downstairs, who the hell doesn't smoke in their house?" Janitor threw the ashtray and butt at GB who stepped out of the way and watched the ashtray bounce twice off the roof then disappear over the side. "I brought the money, I'm ready for another load of liquor." GB was still grinning as he crawled in the window. "well, it just so happens that there's another load ready to go from what I hear"
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
- Truckinbutch
- Angel's Share
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- Joined: Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:49 pm
Re: HD novella
>Well , I did survive all that jungle crawling with Evans Carlson .
"Well , did you nail the cheerleader when you came back ?"
"Humpfh !" Rager snorted though his nose ,"Time I got back she was knocked up for her second kid by some REMF and had had porked up so much that even he didn't want to hit it any more . Welcome home ,Soldier , thank you for your service . Now Get Off My Lawn !
So , there you got it ; the story of my life . I'm serving a community here to protect the good people that elected me . The laws of the State and Federal Governments are secondary to the preservation of our community . Any help you fellers can give to the community is going to be viewed as just that if it is given any scrutiny at all . I've got a good force of deputies to deal with local community issues . They are totally out of their element here trying to combat the organised crime element that has moved in here to declare war on us . You fellas are the only hope we got ; if you choose to help ."
>"We can start right now with that understanding . We got to send a wire to Nawlens to see what crew can be recruited on short notice . 7 days from now we will have a team to back you and your deputies . For now , we will start thinning the herd ."
>Rager shook our hands and we headed for the street .
>"I'm hungry ,"I said , and turned toward Jimbo's .
> The barbeque was packed but the waitress , recognizing us , found us a booth and took our order .
>Sittin there , I looked around and took stock . We usually ate at the table in the big conference room
>I mentioned that to the waitress and she replied that it was already occupied ............ I looked at Jimbo ; afterall , it was his place . And he just shrugged . He knew nothing of this .
"Well , did you nail the cheerleader when you came back ?"
"Humpfh !" Rager snorted though his nose ,"Time I got back she was knocked up for her second kid by some REMF and had had porked up so much that even he didn't want to hit it any more . Welcome home ,Soldier , thank you for your service . Now Get Off My Lawn !
So , there you got it ; the story of my life . I'm serving a community here to protect the good people that elected me . The laws of the State and Federal Governments are secondary to the preservation of our community . Any help you fellers can give to the community is going to be viewed as just that if it is given any scrutiny at all . I've got a good force of deputies to deal with local community issues . They are totally out of their element here trying to combat the organised crime element that has moved in here to declare war on us . You fellas are the only hope we got ; if you choose to help ."
>"We can start right now with that understanding . We got to send a wire to Nawlens to see what crew can be recruited on short notice . 7 days from now we will have a team to back you and your deputies . For now , we will start thinning the herd ."
>Rager shook our hands and we headed for the street .
>"I'm hungry ,"I said , and turned toward Jimbo's .
> The barbeque was packed but the waitress , recognizing us , found us a booth and took our order .
>Sittin there , I looked around and took stock . We usually ate at the table in the big conference room
>I mentioned that to the waitress and she replied that it was already occupied ............ I looked at Jimbo ; afterall , it was his place . And he just shrugged . He knew nothing of this .
If you ain't the lead dog in the team , the scenery never changes . Ga Flatwoods made my avatar and I want to thank him for that .
Don't drink water , fish fornicate in it .
Don't drink water , fish fornicate in it .
- ga flatwoods
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- Location: SE GA Flatwoods
Re: HD novella
Flats had barely gotten out of town on his way to the Muckalee before he noticed all of the traffic given to the ground as of late. Horses, vehicles, wagons, and foot tracks littered the landscape. Some of it was older, some newer, and some fresh. He figured that those were the ones to be found again at the end of the trail he now rode. As he rode along, he mind wandered and he found himself thinking of wars past and events not so distantly gone, all inspired by the scattered and rag tag signs strewn upon the earth. He thought of the similarities here as to Shermans march to the sea. Not all of his army was in the column. Those on his flanks were murderous raping thieving arsonist bastards that had no morals or human dignity. Many of the ones not picked off by locals lived short lives after the conflict. They had no direct route to follow and just went wherever in the general direction of southeast. They rode as gangs of four or more as they "patroled" and left wanton destruction and anarchy in their wake. Later years would find these "soldiers" out west, in Mexico, back in the large towns of the northeast not being the pillars of society or in the mob or bars drinking their lives away or prison, but for certain all went to Hell as award for the devilish acts delivered to man and beast while "on campaign". The though of this made Flatwoods blood pressure rise and in his mind he had to turn to another chapter for his own good. Next he reflected upon his run across Europe. It was by God's own grace he made it off the beach. As predicted in Revelations, the water of the sea was red with blood and men lay dead body to body in all sorts of disarray and condition, but mostly dead! It was a tough go of it to the northeast. During the endeavor the once beautiful landscapes, forests, farms, and pastures told of the tale tale story of battles past. Graves were to be found everywhere along the way as was military equipment and paraphernalia. New craters, old craters, new dead lying about, and the routine appearance of a charred or broken body from campaigns past. Flatwoods had gone to boot camp with a crazy somabitch that he had pacted with to help keep each other alive. Now by the end of the war, it had been a harder job than he ever imagined to hold the agreement and many were the times Flatwoods figured each of them had met their deserved end. That crazy somabitch had to always take point cause he liked to odds better with Flats at his back. By the end of the war Flatwoods got to go home alive and Audy went on to be a movie star and highly decorated. Flatwoods, never cared for limelight and though given the chance on many occasions to hobknob with Mr. Murphy, he eventually lost contact with him in exchange for his desire to drift into obscurity.
Flatwoods could smell the Muckalee long before he ever got there. The smell of the willow will cary a long way on the right wind. Once at the site of the Bondurant slayings it did not take long at all to see that the place had been stomped into oblivion. The bodies had been removed and carried off by mule down creek in a direction most direct to Bondurantville. Luckily, just ouside the camp, Flatwoods was able to find the trail of the ones that left out the back and snuck away from the possee. By dark he had found a cave where they had held up for a while. He would stay here tonight and cipher on all of this and get an early start again in the morning. The pieces were beginning to come together in his mind.
Flatwoods could smell the Muckalee long before he ever got there. The smell of the willow will cary a long way on the right wind. Once at the site of the Bondurant slayings it did not take long at all to see that the place had been stomped into oblivion. The bodies had been removed and carried off by mule down creek in a direction most direct to Bondurantville. Luckily, just ouside the camp, Flatwoods was able to find the trail of the ones that left out the back and snuck away from the possee. By dark he had found a cave where they had held up for a while. He would stay here tonight and cipher on all of this and get an early start again in the morning. The pieces were beginning to come together in his mind.
The hardest item to add to a bottle of shine is patience!
I am still kicking.
Ga Flatwoods
I am still kicking.
Ga Flatwoods
- rnw349
- Bootlegger
- Posts: 109
- Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:22 pm
Re: HD novella
FS quietly packed his kit and struck out for the train station. As he eased along he thought about what he needed to do and just how he was going to do it. He decided that he had better slip into Chicago and not make a fuss just be the chameleon that he was. Once there he would have to get in close to Enrico. That was not going to be as easy as it seemed. Enrico was surrounded by body guards and other mob groupies. He recalled Enrico liked the cards, fancied himself as hand at it too. That might be away to get in close. It was going to be dangerous and probably a one way trip for him, but FS needed to do something to help clear his conscience. He couldn't help but keep thinking of that gal back in Pagosa. When I get to Chicago, hopefully I make it out alive but just in case, I'm sending some money back to Pagosa. I got a bit in hand and can help with that gals doctor bills.
This isn't much but I know you probably could use it. I sent it to the hospital in care of you knowing you would get it there for sure. I hope you make a full recovery and that you can have piece in your life. I'm sorry for your troubles and wish you well.
Ps, I'm the no good S.O.B. That was hired to kill you. Couldn't do it. Headed to kill Enrico now.
There that does it, one more loose end wrapped up, that money will surely all but pay for her hospital bill. Damn near my whole life savings $100,000. Left me just enough to get in the game. Now to get a nice suit, and some shoes, haircut and shave.
Well that's it I'm tapped out, maybe "Old Scratch" will come visit me in the game. Maybe even help me to escort some of those rat bastards to the other side. I could sure use a bit of his shine, help calm my nerves.
This isn't much but I know you probably could use it. I sent it to the hospital in care of you knowing you would get it there for sure. I hope you make a full recovery and that you can have piece in your life. I'm sorry for your troubles and wish you well.
Ps, I'm the no good S.O.B. That was hired to kill you. Couldn't do it. Headed to kill Enrico now.
There that does it, one more loose end wrapped up, that money will surely all but pay for her hospital bill. Damn near my whole life savings $100,000. Left me just enough to get in the game. Now to get a nice suit, and some shoes, haircut and shave.
Well that's it I'm tapped out, maybe "Old Scratch" will come visit me in the game. Maybe even help me to escort some of those rat bastards to the other side. I could sure use a bit of his shine, help calm my nerves.
- goinbroke2
- Distiller
- Posts: 2447
- Joined: Mon Mar 24, 2008 6:55 pm
- Location: In the garage, either stilling or working on a dragster
Re: HD novella
The load was in the warehouse already on pallets and ready to go when GB and Janitor backed the truck in. "holy heck GB, this poor old truck looks worse every time I see it! You got the winda's blowed out and enough holes to call it a colander".
GB scowled, yeah them sumbitches shot it up pretty good, but the ol' girl pulled me through though, with nary a whimper either" he said with effection patting the roof. He was quiet for a minute then said "I'll let you borry her if you'll take good care of her, you need a truck to haul shine to here and from here to the train" Clay was looking at GB's eyes and asked "and why won't you be needing her?" GB scratched his head "I gotta git home, it's been too long and Mama's only gonna wait so long then she'll come after me and then there'll be real hell to pay!" he said with a little laugh "I'll jump on the train and get home that way, take care of business that needs tendin' then I'll be back when I can" Clay was scratching the dirt floor with his toe "you're gonna miss the big race" he said matter-of-factly. "Yeah, well, I'm not convinced there was ever a race in the first place, I'm thinking the whole thing was a ruse to get a bunch of us down here to be killed by the mob or whoever anyway. Sides, if there's a race, you can place a bet for me" GB said with a wink "Anyway, lets get this loaded up and get out of here"
"Operator, gimme Saskatoon 85319 please, yes I'll hold" After a minute or two the operator came back on saying nobody answered the phone. "All right, thanks, actually, operator can you try Saskatoon 8675309 ? I know a girl named Jenny who always answers" a minute or two later the call went through "Jenny?, GB here, can you tell one of the boys in the shop there to pick me up at the train station the day after tomorrow around noon? Uh huh, she is? Of course, thanks." Turned out Mama was at the garage so when GB called and talked to the receptionist (his fancy name for his sister in laws "job") Jenny put her on. The call went on for about 15 minutes and finally he had to convince her he'd see her in two days so spending all this money on a long distance call was silly. When she hung up he was still smiling thinking of what they were talking about when the operator cut in "Sir, did you want to place another call?" "Um, what? Oh, ah, no, but thanks anyway" and he hung up.
After they unloaded at the train station Janitor told them to "follow me" and he went to the cargo holding area. There was a crate there 2ft by 4ft by about 8ft long with his name on it. After signing the paperwork they loaded it onto the truck. Janitor told them it was to "help in the security of our new mutual business" GB and Clay looked at each other. "Don't open it until you get back to the warehouse" Janitor whispered to Clay "it's a dozen tommy guns with drum mags, rounds, everything. "From Enrico?" GB asked "Naw, way higher in the food chain than little Enrico, the top wants to ensure our little business survives........."
GB scowled, yeah them sumbitches shot it up pretty good, but the ol' girl pulled me through though, with nary a whimper either" he said with effection patting the roof. He was quiet for a minute then said "I'll let you borry her if you'll take good care of her, you need a truck to haul shine to here and from here to the train" Clay was looking at GB's eyes and asked "and why won't you be needing her?" GB scratched his head "I gotta git home, it's been too long and Mama's only gonna wait so long then she'll come after me and then there'll be real hell to pay!" he said with a little laugh "I'll jump on the train and get home that way, take care of business that needs tendin' then I'll be back when I can" Clay was scratching the dirt floor with his toe "you're gonna miss the big race" he said matter-of-factly. "Yeah, well, I'm not convinced there was ever a race in the first place, I'm thinking the whole thing was a ruse to get a bunch of us down here to be killed by the mob or whoever anyway. Sides, if there's a race, you can place a bet for me" GB said with a wink "Anyway, lets get this loaded up and get out of here"
"Operator, gimme Saskatoon 85319 please, yes I'll hold" After a minute or two the operator came back on saying nobody answered the phone. "All right, thanks, actually, operator can you try Saskatoon 8675309 ? I know a girl named Jenny who always answers" a minute or two later the call went through "Jenny?, GB here, can you tell one of the boys in the shop there to pick me up at the train station the day after tomorrow around noon? Uh huh, she is? Of course, thanks." Turned out Mama was at the garage so when GB called and talked to the receptionist (his fancy name for his sister in laws "job") Jenny put her on. The call went on for about 15 minutes and finally he had to convince her he'd see her in two days so spending all this money on a long distance call was silly. When she hung up he was still smiling thinking of what they were talking about when the operator cut in "Sir, did you want to place another call?" "Um, what? Oh, ah, no, but thanks anyway" and he hung up.
After they unloaded at the train station Janitor told them to "follow me" and he went to the cargo holding area. There was a crate there 2ft by 4ft by about 8ft long with his name on it. After signing the paperwork they loaded it onto the truck. Janitor told them it was to "help in the security of our new mutual business" GB and Clay looked at each other. "Don't open it until you get back to the warehouse" Janitor whispered to Clay "it's a dozen tommy guns with drum mags, rounds, everything. "From Enrico?" GB asked "Naw, way higher in the food chain than little Enrico, the top wants to ensure our little business survives........."
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
- Truckinbutch
- Angel's Share
- Posts: 8107
- Joined: Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:49 pm
Re: HD novella
The barbeque was packed but the waitress , recognizing us , found us a booth and took our order .
>Sittin there , I looked around and took stock . We usually ate at the table in the big conference room
>I mentioned that to the waitress and she replied that it was already occupied ............ I looked at Jimbo ; afterall , it was his place . And he just shrugged , he knew nothing of this , either . Between the the recent events I had been party to and the conversation with Sheriff Rager , I was already out of sorts ; to put it in a blatently understated way . I had had enough . I got out of my seat and walked back to the conference room ..............
>There , at the head of the table was GB . All rocked back in his chair tilted on two legs , bragging to a motley crew of toothless , bibbed overalled bottom scum , and oiled haired pimps and gamblers , about how he had this whole place by the tail on a down hill drag .
>Like I said , I was already in a foul mood . When I walked in there and listened to that bullshit I just totally lost patience . I walked up and with no 'By Your Leave' or other preamble shucked my 1911 and shot that sumbitch right in the middle between his cocksucker and his eyebrows .
Then I turned to the rest of the table and told them ,"Seating here is by invitation only .Ain't none of you Sumbitches been invited and if you presume to sit here again uninvited you will get the same welcome as that guy did . Now get the fuck out of here !"
>Sittin there , I looked around and took stock . We usually ate at the table in the big conference room
>I mentioned that to the waitress and she replied that it was already occupied ............ I looked at Jimbo ; afterall , it was his place . And he just shrugged , he knew nothing of this , either . Between the the recent events I had been party to and the conversation with Sheriff Rager , I was already out of sorts ; to put it in a blatently understated way . I had had enough . I got out of my seat and walked back to the conference room ..............
>There , at the head of the table was GB . All rocked back in his chair tilted on two legs , bragging to a motley crew of toothless , bibbed overalled bottom scum , and oiled haired pimps and gamblers , about how he had this whole place by the tail on a down hill drag .
>Like I said , I was already in a foul mood . When I walked in there and listened to that bullshit I just totally lost patience . I walked up and with no 'By Your Leave' or other preamble shucked my 1911 and shot that sumbitch right in the middle between his cocksucker and his eyebrows .
Then I turned to the rest of the table and told them ,"Seating here is by invitation only .Ain't none of you Sumbitches been invited and if you presume to sit here again uninvited you will get the same welcome as that guy did . Now get the fuck out of here !"
If you ain't the lead dog in the team , the scenery never changes . Ga Flatwoods made my avatar and I want to thank him for that .
Don't drink water , fish fornicate in it .
Don't drink water , fish fornicate in it .
- Jimbo
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- Location: Down the road a piece.
Re: HD novella
Jimbo thought to himself, "ya, saw that comin, but damn it, did he really have to splash his brains all over my restaurant!!"
Butch was never a patient sort. But now he was also a wanted sort. Jimbo thought 'Without being obvious on aiding and abetting, we gotta get Butch outta here and tucked away before the sheriff shows up'. Jimbo scrawled an address on a piece of receipt paper, wrapped a key in it, walked over to Butch, who was standing there proud as a Chesire cat admiring his work, said, "asshole that's gonna be a sonofabitch to clean up", handed him the paper discretely and told him to get the fuck out of here. It was the address to a hunting lodge in the Bridger Mountains of Montana that Jimbo owned. Nobody knew about the lodge because, well, Jimbo just never wanted to tell anybody about it. There's something peaceful about a place not a damn soul knows about, less 1 now. Butch will be safe tucked away 8 hours drive north for the time being.
Butch was never a patient sort. But now he was also a wanted sort. Jimbo thought 'Without being obvious on aiding and abetting, we gotta get Butch outta here and tucked away before the sheriff shows up'. Jimbo scrawled an address on a piece of receipt paper, wrapped a key in it, walked over to Butch, who was standing there proud as a Chesire cat admiring his work, said, "asshole that's gonna be a sonofabitch to clean up", handed him the paper discretely and told him to get the fuck out of here. It was the address to a hunting lodge in the Bridger Mountains of Montana that Jimbo owned. Nobody knew about the lodge because, well, Jimbo just never wanted to tell anybody about it. There's something peaceful about a place not a damn soul knows about, less 1 now. Butch will be safe tucked away 8 hours drive north for the time being.
In theory there's no difference between theory and practice. But in practice there is.
My Bourbon and Single Malt recipes. Apple Stuff and Electric Conversion
My Bourbon and Single Malt recipes. Apple Stuff and Electric Conversion
- goinbroke2
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- Location: In the garage, either stilling or working on a dragster
Re: HD novella
The train pulled into Pueblo like normal then sat there hissing steam. A flurry of activity and men wearing FBI jackets were suddenly everywhere. Spotting Janitor one of them asked where GB was. "sleepin in there why?" The agent brushed past him and rushed through the door. "Corporal, there's been a rapid developement I don't think you're aware of, it's bad" GB swung his boots down from the bed "It's GB damn it now what are you talking about?" "Back in Pagosa Springs, the target stepped in it all right, he walked into a crowded room and shot officer Dunfry in the face!" GB frowned "how is he, did he make it, Hell, where was his backup?" "Corporal Armstrong was in the bathroom at the time of the incident, this TB guy yelled GB before he shot him so it was clear you were in danger like you said and no he didn't make it." GB held his head in his hands "Are we dumping this load here or going on to Colorado Springs like normal?" "It's going on to Colorado Springs to be dumped like the rest, there's a plane waiting for you though and the Inspector is waiting for you."
As the plane taxi'd they all started going over the way forward. Inspector Halihan from "K" Division in Alberta started "I don't know if he was drunk, stupid, pissed at you personally or found out you were on to him but regardless he's killed an RCMP officer which is way beyond the horse thieving and human trafficking charges and other crap we have on him. The FBI already gave us full endemnity to carry out our plan with FBI oversight" GB humphed "Lot of good that does when oversite is in the bathroom" Spinning towards GB, Halihan was quick to fire right back "and that's enough out of you, bad enough there's been bloodshed all over that damn town, which includes you!" He was quiet for a moment "Here's the plan, we have to scrap the whole "moonshine to the city" charade, it's no longer required and neither is Janitor, we'll get the FBI to get the warrants and search his property as well as those other places you said. Once he's in custody we'll see if extridition back to Canada is on the table or if the FBI wants to charge him with the stuff he's done in the US. This whole thing should of been wrapped up as soon as we found him in that little shithole town six months ago, damn it!"
They flew in silence for a bit and then someone in back asked "he was single wasn't he?" "Yeah...he looked a bit like me..I thought he'd fool the townfolk but TB? He must of been drunk is all I can think..."
The word spread through the FBI offices that a RCMP officer was gunned down in cold blood in Colorado, all available resources were put into play. The suspect had moved in and out of the US with contraband property several times and had gone off the radar. The RCMP had found him in Colorado and had undercover agents working to bring him in once they found his various hiding spots, the situation deteriorated and now a RCMP officer was dead.
As the plane taxi'd they all started going over the way forward. Inspector Halihan from "K" Division in Alberta started "I don't know if he was drunk, stupid, pissed at you personally or found out you were on to him but regardless he's killed an RCMP officer which is way beyond the horse thieving and human trafficking charges and other crap we have on him. The FBI already gave us full endemnity to carry out our plan with FBI oversight" GB humphed "Lot of good that does when oversite is in the bathroom" Spinning towards GB, Halihan was quick to fire right back "and that's enough out of you, bad enough there's been bloodshed all over that damn town, which includes you!" He was quiet for a moment "Here's the plan, we have to scrap the whole "moonshine to the city" charade, it's no longer required and neither is Janitor, we'll get the FBI to get the warrants and search his property as well as those other places you said. Once he's in custody we'll see if extridition back to Canada is on the table or if the FBI wants to charge him with the stuff he's done in the US. This whole thing should of been wrapped up as soon as we found him in that little shithole town six months ago, damn it!"
They flew in silence for a bit and then someone in back asked "he was single wasn't he?" "Yeah...he looked a bit like me..I thought he'd fool the townfolk but TB? He must of been drunk is all I can think..."
The word spread through the FBI offices that a RCMP officer was gunned down in cold blood in Colorado, all available resources were put into play. The suspect had moved in and out of the US with contraband property several times and had gone off the radar. The RCMP had found him in Colorado and had undercover agents working to bring him in once they found his various hiding spots, the situation deteriorated and now a RCMP officer was dead.
Last edited by goinbroke2 on Mon Mar 23, 2015 10:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
- Jimbo
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- Joined: Wed Oct 10, 2012 1:19 pm
- Location: Down the road a piece.
Re: HD novella

In theory there's no difference between theory and practice. But in practice there is.
My Bourbon and Single Malt recipes. Apple Stuff and Electric Conversion
My Bourbon and Single Malt recipes. Apple Stuff and Electric Conversion
- goinbroke2
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- Joined: Mon Mar 24, 2008 6:55 pm
- Location: In the garage, either stilling or working on a dragster
Re: HD novella
The plane landed and unloaded it's contents of people and equipment. Corporal Johnston went to the sheriffs office with the Inspector while others secured the area and set up a staging point. Sheriff Rager was informed of not only the joint RCMP/FBI operation that was going on but also the Deputy on the take as well as the Mayor's complicity in illegal activities. Johnston (AKA GB) disclosed a journal of the events leading up to this point. A list of names was supplied of who to be rounded up including an Albertan Native from the Brocket reserve who went missing after last being seen in contact with a "Tiberius Brule" AKA "TB".
A constable rushed in to report to the Inspector that the FBI had been stopping all vehicles they met on their way to Pagosa Springs. A person matching the description of "TB" was apprehended moments ago.
Johnston stepped into Corene's room. "Evening Ma'am" he said Corene looked at him and then did a double take when she spotted the badge hanging around his neck and the man in the FBI jacket behind him. "Corene, I lied to you, I'm not GB, that was something we picked up on your background check. I needed to get close to you as you seemed to be close to TB. "Wh, what are you talking about GB?" "It's actually Constable Johnston Ma'am, there is no "mama" back home or kids or garage, that was all part of my undercover while after TB. Speaking of which, mind if I ask you some questions about TB?"
"There is no "mob in chicago buying liquor" the Inspector was telling the Mayor, the liquor was being bought and taken to Colorado Springs and dumped, it was all part of a combined sting. The FBI added that (along with the funding) to be more proactive and to be able to claim part of the glory." The American Government seems to love going after moonshiners. Anyway, that's not our concern, horse thieving and more importantly human trafficking is what we're after. But yes, you are in it deep with the FBI and they'll be here shortly to take over from me.
"It's no use Sheriff" the deputy said looking at the girl behind the glass named "Jaye", "she won't talk" "Yeah, I seen stuff like that in Europe in WW2, people grow attached to their captors and begin believing they need them, sad but eventually she should come around. Keep working on her" The deputy shook his head "she just keeps saying "mister is good to me"...
A constable rushed in to report to the Inspector that the FBI had been stopping all vehicles they met on their way to Pagosa Springs. A person matching the description of "TB" was apprehended moments ago.
Johnston stepped into Corene's room. "Evening Ma'am" he said Corene looked at him and then did a double take when she spotted the badge hanging around his neck and the man in the FBI jacket behind him. "Corene, I lied to you, I'm not GB, that was something we picked up on your background check. I needed to get close to you as you seemed to be close to TB. "Wh, what are you talking about GB?" "It's actually Constable Johnston Ma'am, there is no "mama" back home or kids or garage, that was all part of my undercover while after TB. Speaking of which, mind if I ask you some questions about TB?"
"There is no "mob in chicago buying liquor" the Inspector was telling the Mayor, the liquor was being bought and taken to Colorado Springs and dumped, it was all part of a combined sting. The FBI added that (along with the funding) to be more proactive and to be able to claim part of the glory." The American Government seems to love going after moonshiners. Anyway, that's not our concern, horse thieving and more importantly human trafficking is what we're after. But yes, you are in it deep with the FBI and they'll be here shortly to take over from me.
"It's no use Sheriff" the deputy said looking at the girl behind the glass named "Jaye", "she won't talk" "Yeah, I seen stuff like that in Europe in WW2, people grow attached to their captors and begin believing they need them, sad but eventually she should come around. Keep working on her" The deputy shook his head "she just keeps saying "mister is good to me"...
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
- Jimbo
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- Joined: Wed Oct 10, 2012 1:19 pm
- Location: Down the road a piece.
Re: HD novella
GB got shot in the face, and the bastard was too stuborn to die. He was laying in bed 2 doors down from Corene completely stone batshit delerious, babbling on about dumpin shine in Colorado springs, Tiberious someone or other from Alberta, Armstrong, FBI, airplanes and all sorts of entertaining shit. JImbo stood over his bed and laughed a bit to himself wondering if he should be takin notes.
In theory there's no difference between theory and practice. But in practice there is.
My Bourbon and Single Malt recipes. Apple Stuff and Electric Conversion
My Bourbon and Single Malt recipes. Apple Stuff and Electric Conversion
- goinbroke2
- Distiller
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- Joined: Mon Mar 24, 2008 6:55 pm
- Location: In the garage, either stilling or working on a dragster
Re: HD novella
GB wasn't "shot in the face" he was shot "between his cocksucker and eyebrows" a little more personal don't ya think?
Good cover for him though.
Good cover for him though.

Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
- Jimbo
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- Joined: Wed Oct 10, 2012 1:19 pm
- Location: Down the road a piece.
Re: HD novella
That Tiberious is an ornery sort isint he. Jimbo has all sorts of jars of hand crafted stuffs up in his hunting cabin, bourbons, whiskies, infusions with the local Montana huckleberries an dplenty other quarts of stuff agin up nicely over many years. With TB sittin around bored shitless and tappin in to all that hooch he's liable to come outta there as charming as a wolverine with his pecker caught in a beaver trap.
In theory there's no difference between theory and practice. But in practice there is.
My Bourbon and Single Malt recipes. Apple Stuff and Electric Conversion
My Bourbon and Single Malt recipes. Apple Stuff and Electric Conversion
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- Location: the f-f-fu frozen north
Re: HD novella
AWESOME SAVE, you musta play net in the pros.

AWESOME SAVE, you musta play net in the pros.
I finally quit drinking for good.
now i drink for evil.
now i drink for evil.
- corene1
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- Location: The western Valley
Re: HD novella
Jimbo was in Corene's room filling her in on the new goings on in town about GB being shot and TB on the run. Great , is all she could come up with now he is 2 rooms down from me. Good reason for me to heal up quicker and get out of here. She was excited when she told him about her first real walk around the hospital. Only going to have to use the crutches for awhile and they are going to release me in a couple of days. Did TB tell you about that new still sight I saw before I got shot? I hope he checked it out Those boys are setting up a big operation and it isn't funded by anyone around here. You know GB has a lot of business sense and has set up moonshine operations for the mob in many different cities. This new setup has his name written all over it. He builds them up using locals then the mob moves in and cleans out the locals and takes over the operation and the small towns they set up in. He ran into some big trouble with them down in Florida many years ago and things got all shot to hell and a lot of people died. Carbon copy of what is going on here. You know Jimbo , when I first got here 20 plus years ago I didn't have a penny to my pocket and TB gave me that cabin to fix up. This has been a very good town to live in and I don't think anyone has left it in the years I have been here. I can't remember how long TB and his wife have worked the land at his place 30 plus years for sure and in all that time the farthest he has ever wandered is up to the Skodies to hunt . Anything that has been said against him we all know is a big fat lie. He never leaves his farm. He loves this town with a passion and is going to defend it with every breath he has. You need to get the boys together and catch them men that was with GB at your diner and put some pressure on them and find out who is funding them. I bet they squeal on GB in less than an hour. Shut them down now or this is going to get real bad in a hurry. You set them local boys straight and send them home to their families cause when the mob moves in they will bury them in the hills somewhere. Besides TB and a couple of others are working with the sheriff to help bring out this scum that is moving in. The sheriffs backup deputies will be here soon to help out. Maybe my next walk will be down to GB's room and listen to some of that babble that is pouring out of him, Might get a laugh out of it.
- corene1
- HD Distilling Goddess
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- Location: The western Valley
Re: HD novella
Sherriff Rager , Jimbo and the other boys went in search of the fellas that were with GB when he got shot, figures they would head back to the still to get there belongings and head home if they had any sense. Corene had given Jimbo a good sense of where it was located. Sure enough in a couple of hours they were peering down on the still sight and those fellas were packing things up quick. Rager worked slowly down the ridge while Jimbo and the others worked around behind them to flank them and to cover Sherriff Rager. Didn't take long to get into position as those would be shiners weren't really up on how to protect a still sight. Rager moved in and shouted to them , Get on your face boys or it is a quick trip to hell for you. They were flat on there bellies without hesitation. Jimbo came in from the other side while the others held back just in case. Sherriff Rager stuck his pistol square in the back of Clays head, What you fellas doing here? You know moonshining is a Federal offense and you are all going to go to jail for a good long time, Hope your wife and kids can make it on there own, or maybe you can tell us what is going on here. This still is way too big for a local setup. Who you supplying to? Who gave you the money for all this equipment? You fill us in and we might forget what we seen here. If not , well , I hope you like stripes. Poor old Clay never had nothing and figured it wasn't worth losing his farm and family for some else to make a bunch of money so he sang like a blue jay. Well sheriff. if you let me stand up I will tell you everything. The fella that hired us calls himself GB and promised us a lot of money to make shine for him to ship to Chicago. That man was a real drinker though , always tipping the bottle. When he was sober he didn't give us much to go on but when he was slobbering drunk he would talk about the mob and how he was setting them up in business . heard him mumble a name a couple of times , Enrico was the name but I don't know who he is but he is the money behind all this. Said he done this a few times and we would make a bunch of money. I remember say once that some girl named Corene knew of his background and needed to be eliminated, said Enrico had a good hit man that could do the job so he could keep clean. Rager looked at him square in the eyes and said, He ever tell you what happened to them locals once the mob moved in? Now you boys get on out of here and be thankful you are still alive. As Clay and the others left all they heard was burn it down boys!
- S-Cackalacky
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- Location: Virginia, USA
Re: HD novella
I think I need to go commiserate with someone a little more in touch with reality. POOOGOOO!!
Every new member should read this before doing anything else:
- Truckinbutch
- Angel's Share
- Posts: 8107
- Joined: Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:49 pm
Re: HD novella
I tucked the note I just read and the key Jimbo had wrapped around it in my pocket . Good plan C if A or B didn't pan out . The only witnesses had been sequestered in the conference room . They were already gone like smoke from a dry fire . The general public had only heard what sounded like a shot and saw a crowd stampede from the conference room . So much for evidence ...........................
>I shook Jimbo's hand and wrapped a long arm around his shoulders in a brotherly hug of solidarity . "Ain't no witnesses what ain't ran . Let Rager and his coroner crew clean up the mess . You got no right to tamper with evidence and I would make sure they leave none behind ." I smiled ; and when the logic of it all dawned on Jimbo , he smiled , too and nodded in affirmation .
>"That alternative you offered just shines (No pun intended) if I need it . For now i'm going to stick around here in the shadows and help where I'm needed . Few days from now there's gonna be 4,5, mebbie 6 fellers get off a train coming through . They gonna need food and lodging until me , Brock , or Flatwoods can hook up with them . We told Rager we would help him clean up this mess and we will . No need to tell what the right hand is doing to the left hand ." Jimbo understood and nodded his hand in assent . I handed him a folded wad of bills to cover expenses for a short time . "Contact Jaye if that comes up short . I need to slide on out of here for now . Wouldn't hurt to get BigBob down here to take some pictures . I'm sure he would like some front page news to help sell his paper ."
>With that , I casually slipped out the back door and made my way to the stable . My horse was well rested and prime for making some tracks .
>I shook Jimbo's hand and wrapped a long arm around his shoulders in a brotherly hug of solidarity . "Ain't no witnesses what ain't ran . Let Rager and his coroner crew clean up the mess . You got no right to tamper with evidence and I would make sure they leave none behind ." I smiled ; and when the logic of it all dawned on Jimbo , he smiled , too and nodded in affirmation .
>"That alternative you offered just shines (No pun intended) if I need it . For now i'm going to stick around here in the shadows and help where I'm needed . Few days from now there's gonna be 4,5, mebbie 6 fellers get off a train coming through . They gonna need food and lodging until me , Brock , or Flatwoods can hook up with them . We told Rager we would help him clean up this mess and we will . No need to tell what the right hand is doing to the left hand ." Jimbo understood and nodded his hand in assent . I handed him a folded wad of bills to cover expenses for a short time . "Contact Jaye if that comes up short . I need to slide on out of here for now . Wouldn't hurt to get BigBob down here to take some pictures . I'm sure he would like some front page news to help sell his paper ."
>With that , I casually slipped out the back door and made my way to the stable . My horse was well rested and prime for making some tracks .
If you ain't the lead dog in the team , the scenery never changes . Ga Flatwoods made my avatar and I want to thank him for that .
Don't drink water , fish fornicate in it .
Don't drink water , fish fornicate in it .
- Bigbob
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- Joined: Sun Jun 22, 2014 2:57 pm
- Location: SE Oklahoma
Re: HD novella
Another shooting in town!!! When will violence stop?? Local Sherrif helpless
Another shooting in a local BBQ has left another man in serious condition... Another in countless shootings,when will it end?
Calls for gun control and crack downs on local stills!
Another shooting in town!!! When will violence stop?? Local Sherrif helpless
Another shooting in a local BBQ has left another man in serious condition... Another in countless shootings,when will it end?
Calls for gun control and crack downs on local stills!
If you wear underwear then it's a dress!
http://homedistiller.org/forum/viewtopi ... 15&t=62150 How I run a small still
http://homedistiller.org/forum/viewtopi ... 15&t=62150 How I run a small still
- Truckinbutch
- Angel's Share
- Posts: 8107
- Joined: Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:49 pm
Re: HD novella
When I got home it was late night . The house was buttoned up tight with no light showing . Just like I expected . heard the dogs raising hell , too . Would have been concerned if I hadn't . I held a direct line to the barn to be as visible as I could be in pale moonlight . I heard the door creak and the dogs came out to greet me . When i stepped down from the saddle they was all over me with howdy licks and sniffin their own scent newspaper from the trail left on my clothes . "Missus , you as glad to see me as the dogs are ?"I asked in a low voice . "Enough so to serve you a cup of coffee and a bite to eat after you get your horse tended to if you are in the mind for it ," she replied in a low voice . "Is it safe to strike a light while I'm doing that ?" "I believe so . I think so . I think we got a few hours before the boogers start coming up my back trail . Best put youself up a plate , too . I think we'e looking at a short night and a long few days ahead of us ."
>She went back inside and me and the horse and dogs headed for the barn .
>She went back inside and me and the horse and dogs headed for the barn .
If you ain't the lead dog in the team , the scenery never changes . Ga Flatwoods made my avatar and I want to thank him for that .
Don't drink water , fish fornicate in it .
Don't drink water , fish fornicate in it .
- ga flatwoods
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- Location: SE GA Flatwoods
Re: HD novella
From the cave it didnt take Flatwoods long to realize that the ones he was following were headed to Corenes cabin. They knew where it was undoubtedly as they made a bee line for it. So, they had been there he surmised but before or after the girls were shot was the question. As he rode along, he analyzed the shot angles from what he had drawn from the ramblings of a near death victim. Through the though process of the scene analys, Flatwoods came to realize the fact that there were two shooters. What bothered him though is that either could have made both shots easily. Why one kill and another miss? Or, was it a miss? Were the two working together or no? And, Corene made it to the cabin, so why not a follw-up to clean up? Also, just when had all this happened in the sequence of Corene being found? Flatwoods had always done some of his best ciphering alone on horseback. The scenarios played over and over as he rode along.
All of a sudden, something caught his eye. There in the ground, the tracks he had been following took a sudden shift and a dash for cover was evident. He was near the cabin now. In fact, he was damned near to where he had speculated one of the shots to have come from. The ground story read that they stayed there for a while, maybe an hour or so, before going foreward. The were more stealthy in their approach to the meadow than they had been since leaving the cave. Had they heard the shot? Possibly. At this point Flatwoods deviated off of the tracking and began a sweep for the shooter's nest. He didnt have to go far before he found horse tracks headed away from the cabin and the general location he had imagined he would find something. Now he dismounted for a closer examination . The Bondurant killers had been within 200 yards of the sniper. Probably they heard him leave on the horse. The horse had been teathered for a while at the end of the tracks. The person here was well trained in the work. There was little to read from what was left but the Indian training filled in the blanks for Flats. This person was patient and purposeful, here for one reason. There was no campout only a stakeout. Nothing left at the scene other than tracks. A professional thought Flatwoods, but why? From this view point, it was clear that this was Corene's shooter. The other shotcame from off to the right. Backtracking, Flatwoods was able to determine that after the shot, the #1 shooter did not react with the #2. The horse tracks distinctly showed that the shooter was headed back to town. It wasnt far before the second shooter's post was found. This one was not as stealthy as the first and left more to read. Smoker, hand rolled. Drinker, white dog bottled and capped. Odd cap from the old water bottling company that used to be in town! The profile stance showed an impatient shooter, tall and lanky. His boots were odd as well. Cowboyish but with a squared toe and heavy wear to the outside rear heel of each. Flatwoods recognized this as if looking into a feflection and seeing it played out first hand. Upon finding the brass and smelling of the powder residue, he flinced as the shot was made during the replay and Sarah fell to her death. He knew he should hsve killed Janitor when he had the chance to recognizing that he was a vindictive piece of shit! So there. His tracks headed on a route that would ramble around the cabin one quater way before trailing off toward town. No, the two shooters were not connected. The Bondurant murders were not with either of these two and proceeded to the cabin only after they thought the coast was clear. They were calculated and direct in their approach. They had something on their mind and their mind on something!
The yard of the cabin was full of track. Sarah' s sweeping was not in vain. Having not been as objective as he should have been when last here with Corene. It didnt take long to read the ins and outs of the cabin sign. The Bondurant killers had come in and left out the back. TB, Flatwoods previous and MrsTB had come in and left as he knew. It wasnt until a little beyond the cabin that Flatwoods recognized a new set of tracks behind the Bondurant killers. They were being followed by the newcomer.
It was near late afternoon when Flatwoods spotted the buzzards circling. They were in the general direction he was headed. It was off the beaten path but one directed back to town. These murders were not woods savy but smart nonetheless. Didnt take long for the buzzards to hone Flats in on what they were after. Fortunately he had arrived before they settled in good to clean the place up. He immediately recognized Hazel, even with half of her head gone. The other was one of her cronies. They had been shot execution style. Hazel's hand grasped a wad of money and her arm was extended from her body as if offering Flatwoods all of it. The other guy was scrambling to get away when he was shot. A big pistol. Nothing else disturbed. A big bag of money lay beside Hazel's dead body. Counterfeit it was. Flats took a couple bills to show and left behind the Bondurant murders murderer. As he left their body for the buzzards, he called down upon them "Clean their bones boys, I just hope they dont make you sick!" Karma in action he though as Flatwoods headed off behind their killer.
All of a sudden, something caught his eye. There in the ground, the tracks he had been following took a sudden shift and a dash for cover was evident. He was near the cabin now. In fact, he was damned near to where he had speculated one of the shots to have come from. The ground story read that they stayed there for a while, maybe an hour or so, before going foreward. The were more stealthy in their approach to the meadow than they had been since leaving the cave. Had they heard the shot? Possibly. At this point Flatwoods deviated off of the tracking and began a sweep for the shooter's nest. He didnt have to go far before he found horse tracks headed away from the cabin and the general location he had imagined he would find something. Now he dismounted for a closer examination . The Bondurant killers had been within 200 yards of the sniper. Probably they heard him leave on the horse. The horse had been teathered for a while at the end of the tracks. The person here was well trained in the work. There was little to read from what was left but the Indian training filled in the blanks for Flats. This person was patient and purposeful, here for one reason. There was no campout only a stakeout. Nothing left at the scene other than tracks. A professional thought Flatwoods, but why? From this view point, it was clear that this was Corene's shooter. The other shotcame from off to the right. Backtracking, Flatwoods was able to determine that after the shot, the #1 shooter did not react with the #2. The horse tracks distinctly showed that the shooter was headed back to town. It wasnt far before the second shooter's post was found. This one was not as stealthy as the first and left more to read. Smoker, hand rolled. Drinker, white dog bottled and capped. Odd cap from the old water bottling company that used to be in town! The profile stance showed an impatient shooter, tall and lanky. His boots were odd as well. Cowboyish but with a squared toe and heavy wear to the outside rear heel of each. Flatwoods recognized this as if looking into a feflection and seeing it played out first hand. Upon finding the brass and smelling of the powder residue, he flinced as the shot was made during the replay and Sarah fell to her death. He knew he should hsve killed Janitor when he had the chance to recognizing that he was a vindictive piece of shit! So there. His tracks headed on a route that would ramble around the cabin one quater way before trailing off toward town. No, the two shooters were not connected. The Bondurant murders were not with either of these two and proceeded to the cabin only after they thought the coast was clear. They were calculated and direct in their approach. They had something on their mind and their mind on something!
The yard of the cabin was full of track. Sarah' s sweeping was not in vain. Having not been as objective as he should have been when last here with Corene. It didnt take long to read the ins and outs of the cabin sign. The Bondurant killers had come in and left out the back. TB, Flatwoods previous and MrsTB had come in and left as he knew. It wasnt until a little beyond the cabin that Flatwoods recognized a new set of tracks behind the Bondurant killers. They were being followed by the newcomer.
It was near late afternoon when Flatwoods spotted the buzzards circling. They were in the general direction he was headed. It was off the beaten path but one directed back to town. These murders were not woods savy but smart nonetheless. Didnt take long for the buzzards to hone Flats in on what they were after. Fortunately he had arrived before they settled in good to clean the place up. He immediately recognized Hazel, even with half of her head gone. The other was one of her cronies. They had been shot execution style. Hazel's hand grasped a wad of money and her arm was extended from her body as if offering Flatwoods all of it. The other guy was scrambling to get away when he was shot. A big pistol. Nothing else disturbed. A big bag of money lay beside Hazel's dead body. Counterfeit it was. Flats took a couple bills to show and left behind the Bondurant murders murderer. As he left their body for the buzzards, he called down upon them "Clean their bones boys, I just hope they dont make you sick!" Karma in action he though as Flatwoods headed off behind their killer.
The hardest item to add to a bottle of shine is patience!
I am still kicking.
Ga Flatwoods
I am still kicking.
Ga Flatwoods
- goinbroke2
- Distiller
- Posts: 2447
- Joined: Mon Mar 24, 2008 6:55 pm
- Location: In the garage, either stilling or working on a dragster
Re: HD novella
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
- Truckinbutch
- Angel's Share
- Posts: 8107
- Joined: Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:49 pm
Re: HD novella
Sheriff Rager requested some 'in chambers ' conference time with Judge Rad . It was a bit early in the morning for it but , considering the circumstances , Judge Rad placed an unmarked bottle and two glasses between the two of them on his desk . Rager settled back in his chair with a drink and began sharing the events of the past day with the Judge . Some of this Rad had heard from other sources . He wasn't an idiot , by far .
Rager filled in the potholes with what he knew to give them a smooth road to follow .
>When Rager finished his narrative Judge Rad summoned his Bailiff . "Round up the Coroner and 6 folks off the jury pool . We need to convene a Coroner's Jury to determine how to proceed with this latest killing . Bring in Prosecuting Attorney SoMo , too . His determination will be the final say on whether this is a done deal or gets bigger . His assistant , Mr Piss , could be an asset as well . We will convene at 1:30 pm for a hearing . Given the facts presented in chambers , I expect a swift resolution to this case ."
Rager filled in the potholes with what he knew to give them a smooth road to follow .
>When Rager finished his narrative Judge Rad summoned his Bailiff . "Round up the Coroner and 6 folks off the jury pool . We need to convene a Coroner's Jury to determine how to proceed with this latest killing . Bring in Prosecuting Attorney SoMo , too . His determination will be the final say on whether this is a done deal or gets bigger . His assistant , Mr Piss , could be an asset as well . We will convene at 1:30 pm for a hearing . Given the facts presented in chambers , I expect a swift resolution to this case ."
If you ain't the lead dog in the team , the scenery never changes . Ga Flatwoods made my avatar and I want to thank him for that .
Don't drink water , fish fornicate in it .
Don't drink water , fish fornicate in it .
- corene1
- HD Distilling Goddess
- Posts: 3045
- Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:05 pm
- Location: The western Valley
Re: HD novella
Corene had just finished her evening walk and was enjoying her new freedom. No more tubes and she could go to the bathroom by herself now. The Doc was going to release her tomorrow although she would have to use her crutches for a good while longer. She had just sat down when Jimbo and sheriff Rager came into the room. Well Maam , Jimbo and I with a few others found that still you were talking about them other fellas were there too. Sure want to thank you for the tip but we don't think you are out of the woods right yet. Them fellas said that Ol GB had a friend from Chicago set up the hit on you and he is still on the loose so I want you to keep an eye open at all times. Jimbo here brought you a side arm I want you to keep with you at all times. Jimbo piped in, I hear you are getting out of here tomorrow , Where are you going to stay ? I don't know , probably go back to my cabin . Maybe I can find someone to stay there with me for awhile till this mess slows down. Might put up a room for rent sign, but I am not real sure yet. You know I really thought I saw Jed in the doorway before I blacked out and now I find out it was GB that wanted me out of the way, and TB is on the run too. This is some big mess we have here Jimbo. When you get some time why don't you come by the cabin I have something that might help you fellas out a bit. Be my pleasure he said . I'll have the wife cook up some dinner for you and we will come to see how you are doing . You know Jimbo , I spent a lot of years living alone and enjoyed it, Now for the first time in my life I am scared to be by myself. Don't worry , we will find someone to stay with you even if we have to take shifts. I ned to go now , I have to go close the restaurant down but I will see you tomorrow. Rager and Jimbo had only been gone an hour or so and Corene was getting ready to try and sleep for a bit, hospitals are a noisy place when you are alone at night. She heard a light tapping on the door to her room and a quiet May I come in. Corene was sitting and had her hand on the pistol with a pillow on top of her hand and then answered Yes , come in. Sorry to bother you mam but I heard you was doing OK and I wanted to see for myself. Folks call me FS I guess cause I a quiet sort. I came here to make this right for you and to clear my conscious as well. I know you have all the right to hate me and wouldn't blame you for wanting to kill me here and now but please hear me out . Corene was confused about what was going on . She wasn't afraid of this man he seemed gentle enough. I'm listening she said. Well mam I am the one Enrico hired to kill you! The pistol came out in a flash and she had it pointed straight at his head, You son of a bitch I should kill you where you stand for killing Sarah . She had the slack taken out of the trigger and was ready to finish the job when he said . Mam I didn't shoot her someone else did. I just couldn't do it. Corene eased up only the tiniest bit. You got 1 minuet till I pull the trigger. Mam I was sent by my boss Enrico tas a favor to a friend of his that needed a job done . When I got to my hide overlooking the cabin I knew I couldn't kill an innocent woman. I heard a gun shoot and saw the other woman fall and you was hauling her in so I shot low and right to drop you but not a kill shot, in hopes the other person would back off,when they left I left. I have a an envelope of money here to help you pay for your expeses and I was going to send it to you by mail with a note but my conscience told me I should do this face to face. If you don't kill me now I am going back to Chicago to kill the man that sent me. He carefully tossed the envelope in her lap. I will be saying my goodbyes to you now and turned to walk away. Not knowing what to do she said stop right there and turn around. As he did she lowered the gun. The man that hired you to kill me was shot in the face a couple days ago by my friend TB. Some say he is alive some say he is dead, either way my friend is in a lot of trouble. If you would stay and tell this story to the sheriff it would go a long way towards helping my friend out, Helping keep TB safe and alive would mean more to me than any money you could ever give me. Enrico will get his in due time I promise. If you are telling the truth I can't blame you for Sarah but if you are lying god help you.
- Master of Distillation
- Posts: 3036
- Joined: Thu Feb 12, 2015 12:03 am
- Location: Texan living in Missouri
Re: HD novella
Hey guys ...I am enjoying this novella immensely. Hate to interrupt it with this post which can due deleted anytime a mod sees fit ....just wanted to say I would love to be immortalized at HD.org by being killed off in the novella . Make it bad bloody and in a knife Fight.
Ready set kill me
Ready set kill me
Remember not to blow yourself up,you only get to forget once!
Deo Vendice
Never eat Mexican food north or east of Dallas tx!
Deo Vendice
Never eat Mexican food north or east of Dallas tx!
- ga flatwoods
- Master of Distillation
- Posts: 3192
- Joined: Tue Feb 19, 2013 6:40 pm
- Location: SE GA Flatwoods
Re: HD novella
It was late evening when Flatwoods made it back to town after tracing the hoof prints like a fish on a line backy to the town livery stable. The horse he had been following would be easy to tell as one of the shoes on the left rear had a piece missing. First order of business was to find the horse, find out who had been on it, and then to find Janitor. Flatwoods entered the livery and went about the stall to stall search to find the horse he had followed so distinctly. It was pretty dark inside the livery and Flatwoods only needed to feel each shoeing to know if he had his horse. As he reached for his fourth shoe, he heard a noise only seconds before he was knocked to the ground. Someone had been in that stall, no wonder the horse was spooky! It only took a second for reflexes to kick in and the fight was on. Of first order, when he fell, Flatwoods hand landed in a pile of horse shit which he immediately grabbed a handful of and shoved into the face of the gutless bastard who had attacked him in such manner. Seems he hit the mark well as the assualtant went to spitting and sputtering, cursing obscenities, calling Flatwoods by name! Flats responded with an "Eat shit and die!". The man had an Arkansas Toothpick palmed blade down toward his elbow. Flatwoods then kicked the bastard from off him and in seconds both were in the main corridor of the livery sizing each other up. Now it had been a minute since he had been in a good fight, and this ine although suckered into and no started off so good, would suffice for a much needed fix. Flatwods made conversation as he stepped in and out, side to side, against the man by admiring his blade and apologizing for having to kill him with a good knife. The Bowie Flatwoods carried was old and ragged looking in metal and handle, much like an old hickry frrom Jimbos Bbq would be. The young guy laughed at Flats. Said "They told me you was a tough old bird, but you aint so tough. You are just that, an old man whose time has come! When you getto hell, tell them it was jb-texshine who sent you there! They can add you to my list!" With that being said, Flatwoods spoke "Son, it has been a long hard ride and I dont quite feel up to killing you here today but be that as it may, tell them yourself!" The fight was over in an instant. If it was one thing Flatwoods knew it was hand to hand combat tactics. The blade turned down indicated some training on Jb-texshine part as well. To Flatwoods surprise, he came in punching. The right jab with the knife caught Flats across the lower rib right side, but barely. With his left arm, Flatwoods reached across his body and come up with Jb's right arm and toothpick breaking his shoulder upward and his arm out of the fight . The bowie was ready to deal the blow. Just as Flatwoods was about to severe his femoral artery he stopped and caught the guy with an uppercut instead that knocked him to the dirt. Jb got up, cursed Flatwoods again. "Go on boy, live another day!" Flatwoods told him. JB had fallen into more horse shit face first and was enraged. "Go to Hell Old Man!" and charged wildly flailing the toothpick wildly in his left hand. Fluidly, Flatwoods drew the old Colt 45 and placed one round into JB -texshine's chest! The jolt knocked him backwards and flat of his back, not killing him instantly. Flatwoods grabbed him up and asked who had hired him. His shitty disposition followed him to his death as his eyes faded out without saying a word. Young Jb-texshine died for no good reason that day other than someone else's selfish motivation. The note found in his pocket was quickly hidden away before a crowd gathered. Flatwoods sat on a whiskey barrel, pulled out a whiskey bittle, rolled a smoke and waited for the crowd to arrive.
The hardest item to add to a bottle of shine is patience!
I am still kicking.
Ga Flatwoods
I am still kicking.
Ga Flatwoods
- Truckinbutch
- Angel's Share
- Posts: 8107
- Joined: Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:49 pm
Re: HD novella
The hastily convened Coroner's Jury ween't polled like a regular civil jury . They were just presented the facts made available by Sheriff Rager and a couple of customers from Jimbo's . Sheriff Rager also had some ancedotal information on the deceased individual . His ties to organized crime and the illicit liquor trade . Other rumors .
>Whatever ........ The jury was out for 49 minutes to return with a verdict : This GB feller had met his death due to his own malfeasance of conduct while engaging in criminal activities with person or persons unknown . No true bills had enough supporting evidence to be presented to a Grand Jury .
>Whatever ........ The jury was out for 49 minutes to return with a verdict : This GB feller had met his death due to his own malfeasance of conduct while engaging in criminal activities with person or persons unknown . No true bills had enough supporting evidence to be presented to a Grand Jury .
If you ain't the lead dog in the team , the scenery never changes . Ga Flatwoods made my avatar and I want to thank him for that .
Don't drink water , fish fornicate in it .
Don't drink water , fish fornicate in it .