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Re: NChooch's Carolina Bourbon
Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 5:40 am
by Ridgerunnr
Pitched yesterday morning and in 15 minutes it was a bubblin non stop in the air lock.
Very slow today but the aroma of barley is delicious lol
Re: NChooch's Carolina Bourbon
Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 8:40 am
by Ridgerunnr
Ended up with about 4 1/2 gallons to run after straining thru paint after bag.
Run started weak compared to say UJSSM . That usually starts at 140 this started at 90 and quickly dropped off
Started w pint collections after first went
1-90 2-80 3-80.4-80. 5-60 6-60 ..5,6,7 went tails collection
Less sugars causing lower start %???? Thoughts to boost ?
Re: NChooch's Carolina Bourbon
Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 8:51 am
by Ridgerunnr
Got to thinkn..maybe issue was 2 row vs 6 row. 7# of corn n 5# of 2 row barley....
Re: NChooch's Carolina Bourbon
Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 8:51 am
by rad14701
Ridgerunnr wrote:Less sugars causing lower start %???? Thoughts to boost ?
Yes, but be happy with what you got because boosting with sugar will reduce the flavor... All grains work better at lower potential %ABV...
Re: NChooch's Carolina Bourbon
Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 9:03 am
by Ridgerunnr
Well what I got sure tastes good so don't wanna change that. .Will just try for more total mash liquids to increase overall yield. Airing out now and will oak tomorrow
Re: NChooch's Carolina Bourbon
Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 2:00 pm
by Jimbo
OK so Im going backwards to the norm, AG brewer that never made a sugar wash, aside from bumping the gravity in a raspberry wine, but IM gonna try one. Primarily because I hate dumping 25 lbs of grain into the garden after doing an AG run without getting everything I can out of it. And, I figure if it turns out less than great, I can redistill it a few times and use it for my Genever neutral I need.
So, this weekend Im running a bourbon, 25 lbs (17/5/3 lbs of corn/wheatmalt/6row) in 12 gallons wash. After I squeeze the liquid off I plan to cook up 15 lbs sugar in 12 more gallons water, cool it and add to the 25 lbs of grain/yeast blob. Anything else I should add?? Or just let er rip?
Re: NChooch's Carolina Bourbon
Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 4:19 pm
by Halfbaked
Jimbo, Now this is going to be epic. I was betting you would not of even let your wife bring sugar in the house. I am glad you are open to new ideas. Gotta let us know what your thoughts are when done.
Re: NChooch's Carolina Bourbon
Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 5:10 pm
by jholmz
jimdo64 wrote:OK so Im going backwards to the norm, AG brewer that never made a sugar wash, aside from bumping the gravity in a raspberry wine, but IM gonna try one. Primarily because I hate dumping 25 lbs of grain into the garden after doing an AG run without getting everything I can out of it. And, I figure if it turns out less than great, I can redistill it a few times and use it for my Genever neutral I need.
So, this weekend Im running a bourbon, 25 lbs (17/5/3 lbs of corn/wheatmalt/6row) in 12 gallons wash. After I squeeze the liquid off I plan to cook up 15 lbs sugar in 12 more gallons water, cool it and add to the 25 lbs of grain/yeast blob. Anything else I should add?? Or just let er rip?
id probably add some tomato paste maybe some epsom salt like the BW recipe the corn would just be for flavor
Re: NChooch's Carolina Bourbon
Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 6:27 pm
by Jimbo
OK Friends, Im sorry but I gotta call some BS on all the bitching and carrying on about squeezing the wash out from the grains after fermenting on the grains. It is NOT that big a pain in the balls as some make out. Not to say siphoning and running some more sparge water to get the last of the groceries out for your next mash start isint perfectly valid, of course it is, thats how the distillers do it. But if youre not runnign a next mash immediately it doesnt do you any good.
I just squeezed 10.5 gallons from a 12 gallon mash of 25 lbs grains Bourbon recipe (17/5/3 lbs corn/wheat/6 row) in
15 minutes. I used an elastic top grain bag and got busy with some firm squeezing. It was done before I started to think it was a pain in the ass. In under 30 minutes I sterilized 3 buckets, squeezed this out, washed and resterilized the barrel and all the crap I used. This is with a slight hangover from staying out till 2AM watching Stanley Clarke play last night, and then drinking in the neighbors driveway for the past 3 hours. If you like progressive jazz rock, Stanley will blow your mind. Saw him the first time in 1976 at the Masonic Temple in Detroit, and have seen hom at leat 8-10 more times across the country since. Awesome bass player." onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow
Edit: Baked, epic HAHAH youre funny. I dunno about epic but Ill let you know how it goes. Ive got a 6 gallon pail full of what was once 25 lbs of bourbon grains. Tomorrow Ill heat up 15 lbs sugar in 12 gallons to invert it, and let it rip back on here after it cools down to yeast temps. Cheers!
Edit 2: Any discussion of progressive rock bass players wouldnt be right without mentioning Jaco Pastorius" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow Was lucky to see him in the 70's also before he died in a fuckin bar fight. Tragic.
Re: NChooch's Carolina Bourbon
Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 11:08 am
by magnetic_tarantula
I really like using the bags and then squeezing, I didn't think it was a pain in the ass(probably the only exercise I get anyways). I put in 25 gallons of water for my mash and ended up with around 23+ gallons of liquid after squeezing. I probably could get more if I had tried harder. I don't ferment on the grain and I found this much easier to clean up/handle. I am going to try next time around exclusively using bags for all 50pounds of grain like 3-4 lbs/bag to make squeezing/yield even easier. Maybe eventually I will use them to ferment on the grain, though I can only imagine the gooey yeasty grain filled sacks on the bottom......doesn't sound like fun to me cleaning them up.
Re: NChooch's Carolina Bourbon
Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 6:37 am
by Jimbo
halfbaked wrote:Jimbo, ... I am glad you are open to new ideas.
Hi Baked, experiment is goin nuts. I melted 16 lbs sugar in 2 gallons backset and 10 gallons water. Then poured it over the 25 lbs spent grain along with a gallon of sludge that settled in the bottom of the squeezings overnight from the original bourbon. Its churning and bubbling like mad and smellin fine. Cant wait to get some of this on oak and see how it tastes. Maybe distill it 3 times like an Irish just to clean it up a little more?
Re: NChooch's Carolina Bourbon
Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 10:18 pm
by Jimbo
I took the next step on this bourbon sugar head mentioned in the posts just below. But instead of jabbering on about it here in Hooch's AG bourbon thread I took that discussion here ... 11&t=39367
Re: NChooch's Carolina Bourbon
Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 7:39 pm
by fruitbat
Hello everyone always thanks for all the info big help
Well just trying my first all grain (been running UJSSM mostly and a couple of just sugar)
One of my UJSSM is with a turbo and after 7 runs still not so good so now just gona strip it and after 4 or so gals see if a spirit run will clean it up if not that is all the time ill have for the stuff unless for a cleaning run also run an Ujssm with lavin ec1118 very drinkable it is on the 5 th run.
So started with 7 lbs of cracked corn boiled 90 minutes
Transferred to cooler at 155 degrees and added 3 lbs of malted barley (maybe I have a sh%tty cooler but the temp only held for the first 1.5 hours after that it was below the 135 mark so at 2 hrs did a iodine test and it was not purple the color was the same as the mash I put in the cup so I let it ride I did put 4 tabs of crushed beano in the cooler don’t know if that helped the conversion so now I am gone a pich a pkg of lavin 1118 to see how it goes
I guess I am looking for an answer on what to do when the mash drops below 135 deg f should I bring up some mash and stir it back in to the mash or did I do the right thing to just check the iodine for starch
I just love me some bourbon and looking forward to making some that is excellent
Ps I’ve red up to the 16 th page of the recipe
Re: NChooch's Carolina Bourbon
Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 11:09 pm
by noobshine
if it passed the iodine test it sounds like you got conversion. no need to heat it back up. enzymes work at 135 and below too, just slower. i'd rather mash too cold than too hot. if you ferment on the grain conversion can sometimes continue throughout your ferment as well at a much slower rate
Re: NChooch's Carolina Bourbon
Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 7:02 am
by Antaean
Using the method NcHooch first posted...after you rack off the beer from the first fermintation, can you use some of the backset add sugar and place back on the yeast, corn, and barley bed like in the second fermentaion in UJSSMM?
Re: NChooch's Carolina Bourbon
Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 10:42 am
by noobshine
Re: NChooch's Carolina Bourbon
Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 11:58 am
by Antaean
EXCELLENT treads noobshine !! Thank you for the response
Re: NChooch's Carolina Bourbon
Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 11:32 pm
by chrisc69
will this recipe work with 2 row as i can get 2 row real cheap but 6 row i have to pay 5x the amount
Re: NChooch's Carolina Bourbon
Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 4:20 am
by Fastill
chrisc69 wrote:will this recipe work with 2 row as i can get 2 row real cheap but 6 row i have to pay 5x the amount
Yes, Just make sure the diastatic power is high enough to convert all your grains that you are mashing.
Re: NChooch's Carolina Bourbon
Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 6:25 pm
by Hoodwinkd
This recipe is remarkable. This is my first time running it. I just tasted the hearts and it tastes like sweet corn on the cob. It is unbelievably smooth. Thanks!
Re: NChooch's Carolina Bourbon
Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 4:08 am
by guittarmaster
I just made a double batch of this yesterday. 14lbs corn, 6lbs 6-row, and added 2lbs rye for a little something something.
I split the boiling-the-corn step in half on the stove. i adding 7# to boiling water and poured it into a large cooler to steep and stirred every10-15 min. After an hour it was super thick almost like polenta. Then it was transferred to the Mash tun, and mashed until the iodine test passed, and sparged. I fly sparged 9 gallons, then my sparge stuck. I added three gallons of water, mixed, and sparged. I ended collecting 11.5 gallons at ph 6.5. I boiled until my final volume was 10.5 gallon. SG 1.048.
How does that sound, about right? It's my first time with an all grain bourbon!
<holy crab there were a ton of errors in that. Last i post before 8am!
Re: NChooch's Carolina Bourbon
Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 10:13 pm
by Hoodwinkd
guittarmaster wrote:I just made a double batch of this yesterday. 14lbs corn, 6lbs 6-row, and added 2lbs rye for a little something something.
I split the boiling-the-corn step in half on the stove. i adding 7# to boiling water and poured it into a large cooler to steep and stirred every10-15 min. After an hour it was super thick almost like polenta. Then it was transferred to the Mash tun, and mashed until the iodine test passed, and sparged. I fly sparged 9 gallons, then my sparge stuck. I added three gallons of water, mixed, and sparged. I ended collecting 11.5 gallons at ph 6.5. I boiled until my final volume was 10.5 gallon. SG 1.048.
How does that sound, about right? It's my first time with an all grain bourbon!
<holy crab there were a ton of errors in that. Last i post before 8am!
Splitting the batch of corn is a good idea, if you have a limited capacity pot as I do. I ended up getting another pot so I can boil two half batches in parallel next time. I was surprised at the amount of water cracked corn soaks up. I fermented on the grain rather than sparging. Recycled the leftover grain for a sugar wash.
Re: NChooch's Carolina Bourbon
Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 9:45 pm
by ilas-2
I tried some of the best whiskey brands like when I got its online details. Wild Turkey and Jim Beam is best to try as it gives the unique alcoholic taste.
Re: NChooch's Carolina Bourbon
Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 8:24 am
by Skeena
Dumb question...when you ferment this you place a lid on with an air lock or just cover with screen during the process? Thanks
Re: NChooch's Carolina Bourbon
Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 8:47 am
by frunobulax
It's always better to ferment with a lid to help prevent infections.
Re: NChooch's Carolina Bourbon
Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 10:58 am
by Skeena
Re: NChooch's Carolina Bourbon
Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 9:49 am
by hwy419
Cooked up this recipe yesterday. Quadrupled (16gal water/ 28lb corn / 12lb 6-row American barley malt) and ended up with about 27-28 gallons of mash at SG of 1.057 (6%). Haven't decided on my yeast yet. Aside from typical bread yeast, I have some "whiskey pure", and also some liquid "bourbon" yeast. Just don't know what I'm gonna do yet. Open for suggestions...
Re: NChooch's Carolina Bourbon
Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 10:07 am
by Jimbo
Nice mash hwy! Im partial to a good beer yeast. But that Bourbon yeast would be my choice from that list.
Re: NChooch's Carolina Bourbon
Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 11:08 am
by hwy419
Jimbo wrote:Nice mash hwy! Im partial to a good beer yeast. But that Bourbon yeast would be my choice from that list.
Ended up going with the bread yeast. When I went to the fridge to retrieve the liquid yeast, it wasn't there. It was at that time I realized I had left it in my backpack a few days prior. Tried to get it started, but it wouldn't budge. Shucks. So decided to use the "whiskey pure" and searched the house for hours and couldn't find it. I suspect Mrs. Hwy threw it away on accident.
Anyway. Bread yeast is doing it's job. Very well I might add. Nice 3-4" cap of grain on the top. House smells great. Will update after the run before aging.
Re: NChooch's Carolina Bourbon
Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 12:58 pm
by TonsOfFun
Howdy y'all,
I am going to attempt my first AG Mash. I have successfully ran about 40 gens of UJSSM. I would like to mash using the backset soak and the 3 rest approach. My question is since this will be my first run with an AG can use 2 gal of water for the initial soak since I don't have any backset? Could I possible use 2 gallons of backset from my UJSSM, or will I need to do a boil method first and use the backset from the first mash for my second ferment?