HD novella

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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

corene1 wrote:
jb-texshine wrote:Thanks for the lead in...corene,quit peeking round corners.
You might want to be careful whacking a hornets nest that is already primed and pissed. Remember your brother started this and these aren't hawgs you are hunting . These are hunter killers and they shoot back.
And we win ......... You kill one of ours and we will destroy 10 of yours . Quid Pro Quo .
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Re: HD novella

Post by goinbroke2 »

As the train pulled into the station Enrico and his guys stepped to the front to get off, leaving two behind. Carmen was a "moneyman", he delivered money, picked up big sums of money, he was a trusted insider. About 5'10 and 240lb's his specialty was packing wads of money all over himself in little pockets so he just looked a few pounds heavier. Kenny was his muscle, not for his size because he was barely taller than Carmen, but for his quick draw and quick action when required.
When Enrico moved to the front of the train, they moved to the back of the car. Getting out while talking with a woman with two screaming kids it appeared as if he was the husband and Kenny was travelling with the family. Carmens job was to put the money he was carrying ($20,000) on the horse indicated by Enrico. He just had to get to the race, find the one taking bets and be ready to collect the huge windfall when the race was over.
They had played out various forms of this game through numerous towns. GB always set everything up then they moved in for the kill. This town would be no different, he had no reason to suspect otherwise. "Looks like we're heading for "seven pines" Carmen said. "How quaint" Kenny said rolling his eyes. He stepped around a present a horse left in the street. "That is disgusting, I can't wait to get back to the city and away from these hillbilly degenerates" Carmen shot him a look "keep it down Kenny, smile and don't act like a city snob"

They milled around and grabbed some food, smiling whenever someone looked their way. "dirty, inbred..." "KENNY" Carmen snapped at him, "stop it, not much longer now and we'll get word from Enrico and place our bet, now stop the constant bitching before somebody hears you"
"Huh" Kenny shot back "if any of these neandrethalls heard me they probably couldn't process what I was saying if I used more than two sylable words" with that he laughed at his own joke then ambled off to get another free drink....
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

7 Pines Ranch had taken on a carnival atmosphere . The crowd continued to gather as the race drew near . Families set out picnic spreads or loaded plates from Jimbo's . Groups of men converged and passed bottles back and forth .
>Boss Trumball , 7 Pines foreman , had gotten his ranch hands to organize a greased pig chase and a greased pole climb for the youngsters . Much to the chagrin of the mothers that were going to have to clean those kids up at the end of the day .
>The band was in full swing and several couples were in front of the band stand dancing .
>A car approaching from the distance caught my eye . As it got closer I identified it as a 1932 Packard Delux 8 limousine with Lousiana tags on the front . Looked like the telegram I had sent to a seedy waterfront bar in New Orleans might be paying off . When the car parked and the occupants dismounted I saw that it had paid off in spades !
>Brock and Flatwoods saw them at the same time I did and we all began heading that way with grins on our faces . I caught the Sheriff's eye and hooked my head for him to join us and he ambled over toward us .
General Fred Funston's nephew Chet had been behind the wheel . First time I met him he had been a grunt in 'Black Jack' Pershing's horse cavalry . Tampico Rocca stepped around from the passenger side and , wonder of all wonders , Tex O'Reilly unfolded himself from the back seat . That old rascal had to be in his 70's . Still looked warrior fit and scrap ready . It had been a long time for all of us since Mexico and Morocco and other battlegrounds long since gone back to their natural state . We would have a lot of catching up to do if we got through the current troubles .
>We introduced the Sheriff around and gave them his bonafides as having fought with Evans Carlson . Then we got down to what we were facing and what we had to do with . Tactics was the next item of business . We agreed that we needed to try to avoid a confrontation here if possible . Too many women and kids and other uninvolved folks . We needed to meet them on ground of our own choosing .
If you ain't the lead dog in the team , the scenery never changes . Ga Flatwoods made my avatar and I want to thank him for that .
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

Everything looked to be in order to insure a peaceful day . And then that Goddamned Pogo went and fucked it all up ! Him or the ranch hands or I guess all of them ......... The ranch hands hadn't greased up a 15 pound feeder pig to turn loose for the kids to catch . The sonsabitches had greased a 50 pound shoat and then turned it loose in the fairground area where it had free running room with a pack of kids in hot pursuit . And that fucking Pogo , just being a kid growing older and not the least bit smart , joined right in on the headlong chase . He was in the lead when the pig finished tearing through all the picnickers and ducked under the bandstand . The 50 pound shoat only had to blow through some cloth bunting . Pogo 's left shoulder hit a corner post at the same time his head smacked into a bandstand crossmember . Shoat blew out the other side with the kids still in hot pursuit . Pogo was sprawled there with a broken collar bone and a minor concussion ................ Definitely not a jockey for the upcoming race . All odds and entries changed in an instant .
Jimbo's fingers were getting friction burns trying to keep up with all the revisions . Jaye and I huddled in quick conference . "We started planning for this race as a 5 mile point to point over at Black Water Station . Now we are confined to a 1 mile flat track on level turf . Pogo and Churchill are out of it now . We know that the Tennessee Stud and the Ap horse can smoke Bondurant's Highland Bay . Let's bet us even on the win for the Stud and take offered odds on the AP to place . I'll ride the AP . Steppin Woman wouldn't come close on a 1 mile track on flat ground . "
>Made sense to me and I agreed . Jimbo was quickly gaining composure . He posted 1 to 1 for my Tennessee Stud for the win . Place was a 4 to 1 favorite on the Bondurant Bay . Show was what ever an individual cared to bet on for one to one .
>(Getting too sleepy to keep going tonight . Just wanted to mention that General Fredrick Funston was a real person as was his nephew Chester who was a bar buddy and good friend of mine for nearly 40 years . He married a distant cousin of mine during War 2 and got sent down from West Point for that reason . Uncle Fred's legacy landed him a berth in Wild Bill Donovan's newly formed OSS that later morphed into the CIA . He toured 33 countries in his career and retired back here in WV for a good long life .)
If you ain't the lead dog in the team , the scenery never changes . Ga Flatwoods made my avatar and I want to thank him for that .
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Re: HD novella

Post by jb-texshine »

On second thought... ry never made due to the fact that he didn't pay me the 150$he owed me today.... mods delete everything exce flat woods kills me. Tha prick....
I think he got lost somewhere around Amarillo tx , ran off a cliff into the Palo duro canyon and died , to be eaten by coyotes and become dog excretement...my dogs lived to eat him to keep from starving....
Sorry to have interrupted.
JB. :oops: :oops: :oops:
My bad.
Remember not to blow yourself up,you only get to forget once!

Deo Vendice

Never eat Mexican food north or east of Dallas tx!
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

Mods ain't deleted nuthin to this point . That will be left to the editors when they sift this thing enough to make a coherent story from it . And Flatwoods ain't no prick . He just did what any of the rest of us would have done . You came at him and he kilt ya . Simple as that .
(Head scratch )? Rekin that might be considered 'suicide by redneck'?
If you ain't the lead dog in the team , the scenery never changes . Ga Flatwoods made my avatar and I want to thank him for that .
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Re: HD novella

Post by jb-texshine »

Truckinbutch wrote:Mods ain't deleted nuthin to this point . That will be left to the editors when they sift this thing enough to make a coherent story from it . And Flatwoods ain't no prick . He just did what any of the rest of us would have done . You came at him and he kilt ya . Simple as that .
(Head scratch )? Rekin that might be considered 'suicide by redneck'?
Side note: I own ALL Louis L'Amour novels All Zane grey novels and every Clive cussler novel.(2bookshelves) plus various other not to various other authors and would buy a copy in hard cover at 30$ if all co authors agreed to donate ALL profits to home distillers. Special edition title :HD novella: book stand title: TBD?????
Remember not to blow yourself up,you only get to forget once!

Deo Vendice

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Re: HD novella

Post by ga flatwoods »

Jb-texshine got what was coming to him. A cowardly act to waylay someone in a horse stall anyway. Besides who has any respect for a texan carrying a toothpick! I suppose if you live in the north east corner they are closer to Arkansas and less Texan than most others. Only problem I have with ya Irish Sioux and Scot Cherokee family coming down is it is mighty hypocritical for a revenge killing on behalf of a paid murderer. The family knows what the family does for daily meals, therefore they knew he killed people for money. As part of that lifestyle it would only be a matter of time before he was to be killed and for that there is no prideful reason for vengence. But "Cry havoc, and release the dogs of War!" I am sure in all their travels that they S3 of Pagosa have had the opportunity to kill hyenas, jackyls, coyotes, and wolves in the past therefore a few shiteaters shouldn't be a problem nor their master.

I thought it very kindly to kill you off in so quick a manner upon your request, within two hours time, only to be called a prick!
The hardest item to add to a bottle of shine is patience!
I am still kicking.
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Re: HD novella

Post by corene1 »

Dang it! I was kinda wantin to see how that Leopard Appy and pit bull crosses would handle going from flatland hawg huntin to mountainous man huntin in the Skodies. You need to have a mountain horse with some walker hounds or maybe some bluetick hounds.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VsiqOwhD_0" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow , good cold trackers and these hill folk would have taken good care of them after they took you out. I think most of them have lived the lifestyle and are pretty darned tough in the way of the woods. Or maybe you would have seen the error of your ways and joined in to help drive out those city mobsters that used your brother for a tool.
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Re: HD novella

Post by goinbroke2 »

After stuffing his face Kenny was strutting around pulling his jacket tight which pronounced the bulge of his pistol. Back in the city nobody carried a gun so a little bit of flexing and a little intimidation, he could get or go where he wanted. "Kenny, these locals all carry guns too, settle down. You won't intimidate anyone here, just stay by my side damn you" Kenny look at Carmen "these local hayseeds might carry an old revolver to shoot snakes and vermin, but they know better than to step in my way." Carmen shook his head and kept walking.

"everything is in place, the boys are spread out around the course" Enrico started "I haven't picked the winner yet, there's a black horse with a splash of white on it's ass that might look good in the winners circle, either that or the all black one..I'll find out the odds and I'll tell you what to bet on" With that Enrico walked away, heading for the one taking bets. Carmen was looking around when he noticed a few of the guys watching him and Kenny. "Don't get excited Kenny, but I think some guys are getting interested in me" Kenny took a step forward and strutted around a bit, hands on his hips, thin cigerello dangling from his lips. He pointedly stared at each guy who one by one looked away. "yeah, that's what I thought hayseed" Kenny said as he walked back to Carmen. Enrico came back to them and leaned into Carmen "twenty on the black horse to win". Carmen looked at him "boss won't that be a little suspicious? I mean dropping twenty grand on a long shot?" "Just do as I say Carmen, do as I say" Carmen stepped back "yeah sure boss, whatever you say, I'm just thinking it.." Enrico spun "Then DON'T think" Carmen nodded yes and stepped back again. "C'mon, let's go bet" Kenny said and started walking over with Carmen in tow. As he reached the crowd milling around he roughly shoved his way between people "step aside, gonna make a real bet people, step aside" The few that did turn and start to protest were met with Kenny pulling his coat back enough for them to see the butt of the pistol.
Bet made, they walked over by the stands that were put up for the event. "I gotta sit Kenny, I'm sweating like a pig, damn flies, all I can smell is horseshit..." Kenny laughed "told ya, this shithole is for these hillbilly's, not us educated city people." They walked around behind the stands so Carmen could sit in the shade. Flopping down he noticed they were followed. "I got 'em" Kenny said. "What do you want hayseed"? He asked the old man with a mean looking disposition. "You boys not from around here?" Flat asked "No shit dumbass, we're from Chica.." Carmen kicked him in the leg. "um, yeah, we're not from around here, what's it to you old man?" "Just wanted to welcome you to our little town" Flat said as he slowly backed away, never breaking eye contact. "Son of a bitch Kenny, I told you some of these people were out and out evil, keep your mouth shut" "pfft" Kenny shot back "he's an old man, I'd plug him before he had a chance to spit out that tobbaco he was chewing. Screw him, he don't scare me none..."welcome to our town", he mimicked, "screw him!"
Carmen laid back in the grass under the stands, "phew, I can't wait to get back to the city" "What are you looking at lady" Kenny barked at the woman looking between the seats of the stands "turn around and mind your own business" She quickly jumped up "well, I never..." and started to make her way across the stands to the far side. "Well maybe you should" Kenny called after her laughing....
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
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Re: HD novella

Post by corene1 »

As she lay there watching Brock and that stranger she could tell there was no imminent danger but he was definitely a target to keep track of so she moved back on Flatwoods and was following him around. He had confronted a couple of fancy pants city folk and it was obvious he didn't care for the presence much . She noted them as targets also ranged the area and put it I her memory. Good thing about having this race at a track was it made it easier to keep track of things. She had already spotted and marked a couple of strangers that were moving into positions on the opposite hillside , the were absolutely up to no good. Once they settled in she would range them also. This was going to be quite a day at the races. She knew they were there to take out the competitors that were on the list that TB had shown her. She had a hard time believing they would just shoot a rider mid course though. Seemed to her that would nullify all bets unless the winning heavy better was going to take the money by force. She knew that when things went down it was going to be fast and furious . Typical fire fight, a minuet or less. Right now she sure wished she had a spotter with her, an extra set of eyes would be wonderful about now.
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Re: HD novella

Post by corene1 »

FS was kicking himself for letting his mind lose track of things and missing his chance for a good shot on Enrico. He knew he had to reposition and do it quick with out being seen. He got back in his car and drove quick as he could to just outside 7 Pines racetrack and started skirting the outside of the trck along the hills . He noticed a big rock outcropping that overlooked the track and knew this would be a good position to shoot from. As Corene lay there watching the surroundings she noticed a figure about 150 yards down and to the right of her position. Who the hell is that? she swung the rifle slowly in that direction and there he was big as a he could be, FS in her crosshairs. What the hell is he doing here. Last he told me he was going to kill Enrico. Then it hit her , those fancy pants are Enrico's cover men and that means he must be down there somewhere, Things are getting very clear now. FS kept moving from right to left and coming up a bit higher, he was obviously in a hurry and not paying as much attention as he should. He reminded her of hunting bucks during the rut. He had one thing on his mind and was being careless with his movements. She knew them other fellas on the other side of the hill could spot him and he was a marked target. As he stopped he was maybe 25 yards below and to the right of her hide. She had to make a decision if those fellas was watching him they might see her and they would surely see the report of her rifle if she shot first. She had to do it. She spoke out . Dont' look back just move back to the right and down get back behind that outcropping then get you shit together and sneak in over here. FS froze for a second then with out hesitation started moving down and away from Corene's hide. She knew this was a risk but he had already had the chance to kill her but didn't. About 15 minuets later she heard him slipping in behind her. Your'e getting close slow down and face crawl over here , I don't want my position screwed up. It took a few more minuets and FS slid into Corene's hide. You are being damn foolish boy! You're supposed to be a professional now act like one. He started to explain but she quickly shut him up. Get you're rifle set now scan the area. See wire head down there milling around. he is 300 yards. see fancy pants over there he is 425 yards. Damn he said those are Enrico's boys. Now scan the hill on the other side of the race track. There are a couple of unknowns set up over there and I guarantee you they were watching you move into position on you're sloppy first try. I was just wishing for another set of eyes and you showed up . Don't know who sent you , could be God or could be the Devil. But you are here now and this is going to be fast ugly work. She looked to her right and saw the .300 win mag. That the rifle you shot me with? FS tightened a bit , yes mam, it is. Well I hope it shoots straight today.
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Re: HD novella

Post by Jimbo »

Jimbo pulled in and parked as close to the action as he could as he had M1's, BAR and crates of ammo in the truck bed under cover. He took a hike around the grounds and let the guys know what he had and where, and was brought up to speed on the goings on. When he learned where Corene was he took a hike up to talk to her via the backside of the hill.

(Out of town typing on my phone so keeping it short)
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

corene1 wrote:Dang it! I was kinda wantin to see how that Leopard Appy and pit bull crosses would handle going from flatland hawg huntin to mountainous man huntin in the Skodies. You need to have a mountain horse with some walker hounds or maybe some bluetick hounds.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VsiqOwhD_0" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow , good cold trackers and these hill folk would have taken good care of them after they took you out. I think most of them have lived the lifestyle and are pretty darned tough in the way of the woods. Or maybe you would have seen the error of your ways and joined in to help drive out those city mobsters that used your brother for a tool.
Hoo , Boy ! Corene , you and GB have opened the path for a great new direction here . What say we bluff Enrico out of dickin around with the race and force him into calling for more goombah's To come after us in the Skodies after the race is run and Enrico gets his ass kicked on the betting .
>Lookit : we got me , Brock , and Flatwoods that have run to the sound of the guns since we were in our early teens . Sheriff Rager was one of Evans Carlson's Raiders and we got that unholy trio of old mercs that came running when the bugle called . I ain't asked them what they brought to the fray . I'm willing to bet that Tex , being the specialist he is , has at least a 1919 Browning air cooled lmg in the back of that Packard .
I know for sure that me and Brock have one and Emil Holmdahl , head huntin bastard that he is , schooled us well in it's use and deployment . Tampico Rocca taught Flatwoods how to handle an 81 mike mike Stokes when they were battling the Rif's on behalf of the Spanish Foreign Legion fighting in Morocco . He brought one home with him and kept it . Jimbo was a top hand with a BAR at the Battle Of The Bulge in ww2 . Me and Brock can step them around pretty handy , too . All of us can use them Garrands in a handy manner ,too .
>Uncle Chet Funston Is the best , most weaseliyassed disinformation officer I have ever met . He is also one of the best EOD techs I have ever met . We have brigade level fighting strength at our disposal if our tactics allow us to use that .
>A race track bloodbath of innocents would be counterproductive to our cause .
>What do you all think ?
If you ain't the lead dog in the team , the scenery never changes . Ga Flatwoods made my avatar and I want to thank him for that .
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Re: HD novella

Post by Jimbo »

>+1 let's gear the fight away from the families.

Pogo went and numbskulled himself and can't race. The race is bust. Family fun times was rollin and the townsfolk are dancing and forgetting. Jimbo walked over to butch and said let's draw these pricks outta here. They don't know FS 's conscience is gettin him, they think he's still on their side. He's up by Corene, let's have him tell Enrico the locals are lookin for this event as an opportunity to head up and steal that large scale stillin operation. Lock stock and barrels.
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Re: HD novella

Post by corene1 »

Truckinbutch wrote:
corene1 wrote:Dang it! I was kinda wantin to see how that Leopard Appy and pit bull crosses would handle going from flatland hawg huntin to mountainous man huntin in the Skodies. You need to have a mountain horse with some walker hounds or maybe some bluetick hounds.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VsiqOwhD_0" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow , good cold trackers and these hill folk would have taken good care of them after they took you out. I think most of them have lived the lifestyle and are pretty darned tough in the way of the woods. Or maybe you would have seen the error of your ways and joined in to help drive out those city mobsters that used your brother for a tool.
Hoo , Boy ! Corene , you and GB have opened the path for a great new direction here . What say we bluff Enrico out of dickin around with the race and force him into calling for more goombah's To come after us in the Skodies after the race is run and Enrico gets his ass kicked on the betting .
>Lookit : we got me , Brock , and Flatwoods that have run to the sound of the guns since we were in our early teens . Sheriff Rager was one of Evans Carlson's Raiders and we got that unholy trio of old mercs that came running when the bugle called . I ain't asked them what they brought to the fray . I'm willing to bet that Tex , being the specialist he is , has at least a 1919 Browning air cooled lmg in the back of that Packard .
I know for sure that me and Brock have one and Emil Holmdahl , head huntin bastard that he is , schooled us well in it's use and deployment . Tampico Rocca taught Flatwoods how to handle an 81 mike mike Stokes when they were battling the Rif's on behalf of the Spanish Foreign Legion fighting in Morocco . He brought one home with him and kept it . Jimbo was a top hand with a BAR at the Battle Of The Bulge in ww2 . Me and Brock can step them around pretty handy , too . All of us can use them Garrands in a handy manner ,too .
>Uncle Chet Funston Is the best , most weaseliyassed disinformation officer I have ever met . He is also one of the best EOD techs I have ever met . We have brigade level fighting strength at our disposal if our tactics allow us to use that .
>A race track bloodbath of innocents would be counterproductive to our cause .
>What do you all think ?
Well Me and my new helper have 5 of them spotted . only ones I see as a big problem that may have to go is those 2 shooters up on the hill that are looking to adjust the race to Enricos liking But with Jimbo coming up the hill to talk to me I can give him a location on them. They can't do a thing until the race starts. I bet you guys can sneak in and take them out while FS and I keep you covered from our hide. That would ensure Enrico losing money and the towns folk having a fun day at the races. You have enough manpower to make sure his enforcers don't do anything stupid either. You may have trouble with the big arrogant one though.
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Re: HD novella

Post by Jimbo »

Jimbo ran back up to Corene and FS and explained to FS how the hell he was gonna earn some redemption. At 2:45 FS was gonna tell Enrico we're out to steal his rig. Right then we'll be amassed and ready together at our trucks and will tear off in a haste. Enrico will see 12 of us leaving quickly as FS is dumping the story. No question he'll grab his thugs and head out in hot pursuit.
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Re: HD novella

Post by corene1 »

Jimbo wrote:Jimbo ran back up to Corene and FS and explained to FS how the hell he was gonna earn some redemption. At 2:45 FS was gonna tell Enrico we're out to steal his rig. Right then we'll be amassed and ready together at our trucks and will tear off in a haste. Enrico will see 12 of us leaving quickly as FS is dumping the story. No question he'll grab his thugs and head out in hot pursuit.
Don't forget to get a few guys to take out those shooters on the hill . If you don't I am going to have to lay them down so they won't shoot any riders or horses. And I can't run so you guys will have all the fun. That is ok with me though. I may be thinking about redemption and saving my soul after all this killing. Maybe become a NUN of something. :lolno:
By the way , did I mention I have made some really good Rum and it goes really well with pink lemonaide. :angel:
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Re: HD novella

Post by Jimbo »

Nah, ace shot you are C we need you at the ambush. Tell you what, at 2:15 in 25 minutes I'll have pogo ride around the track on that beautiful black horse of his, Churchill, and get the crowd riled firing a revolver in the air. Sheriff Rager will then get on the microphone and welcome everyone to his town event. When pogo starts firing, I ll put 4 rounds in his gun, you take out those 2 on the hill, for 6 shots total, no one will be the wiser. I'll be back here at your side spottin them 2, then help get you down to the trucks by 2:45. Off Jimbo went, runnin back down the hill again.
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Re: HD novella

Post by corene1 »

Sounds good to me, That big rock pile in front and to the right of me should deflect the report of the rifle. I have them ranged at 425 and 400yards. I will shoot center mass just to make sure. She made the adjustments to the rifle , I am zero at 350 yards, 4 clicks up should put me at 425. She checked the wind . Very light cross wind two clicks left. spin drift shouldn't be a problem at this range. OK she was loaded and ready. 1 in the chamber and 3 in the magazine. Let the games begin.
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

Jimbo wrote:Jimbo pulled in and parked as close to the action as he could as he had M1's, BAR and crates of ammo in the truck bed under cover. He took a hike around the grounds and let the guys know what he had and where, and was brought up to speed on the goings on. When he learned where Corene was he took a hike up to talk to her via the backside of the hill.

(Out of town typing on my phone so keeping it short)
I saw Jimbo pull in and decided to grab the bull by the horns . With a quick conversation we agreed on a plan and , since he had spotted her , he took off to catch Corene up to the minute . Rest of us weaponed up with them fresh , new Garands . There are no old bold soldiers . Tex O'Reilley picked up a BAR and 4 clips . Except I didn't pick up a rifle . I was the point man . I had to set the tune .
>Enrico , Kenny , and Carmen had circled their wagons at Jimbo's BBQ tent where bets were being placed . I walked up empty handed except for a few greenbacks in my left hand . I threw them into Kenny's face as I shucked my 15 inch Tinker Made Bowie with my right hand and placed it up , sharp side to hide , against his neck . Same time , I stepped behind him while keeping that knife in place .
"Boy , "i growled in his ear ,"I'm gonna shuck you of that piddlin little pistol in your cute shoulder holster before some real man here decides to shove it up your ass . Enrico ! Look close around you ! Real close ! And see if you can't pick out 8 of the 10 rifle barrels looking at you and Carmen right now ."
>Enrico counted 4 and that was enough to convince him . I could see his shoulders slump .
Then , I piled insult onto injury .
"We will honor the bets you have placed here today for how they fall . The one thing you didn't count on is the fact that the race will be run in an honest fashion . You win , you collect . You lose , you already paid to play and we appreciate the business ."
>And then I broke nasty and provocative . I perp walked Kenny straight up to Enrico and before he could do shit about it , I flicked that Damascus blade backhand and slit a stripe down Enrico's right cheek from ear to chin .
"You Mediterranian Irish bastard ," I snarled at him , "I don't care if you call yourself a Wop or a Dago .Ethiopia ruled your country for 300 years and you ain't nothin but a Nigger turned inside out ! Go home and get some real men and come back to visit ."
>Enrico fumed to the point that he was going to stroke out before he decided to regain control and declare vendetta . Mebbie lettin some of that blood out of his cheek kept him from building enough pressure to stroke out .
EDIT HERE : Some of the language used in the last paragraph was definitely politicly incorrect and inflamatory on today's market . The narrative was contemporary to the time line and can be deleted if found offensive .
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Re: HD novella

Post by corene1 »

Being good on his word at 2:15 sharp Jimbo got little Pogo up on Churchill and handed him a pistol. Gee Mr. Jimbo I ain't never shot a pistol nice like this one. Well Pogo you get this done and you can have it for your very own. Wow! Thanks Mr.Jimbo and with that he took of in a nice little canter. Sheriff Rager was whooping it up and the crowd was getting louder and louder. Then she heard the first pop from the pistol she had the guy at 425 clean and steady. Pop went the second round from the pistol. Corene started applying pressure to the trigger, pop went the third round and split second later she felt the break in the trigger . Boom went he fourth round. and the round impacted exactly where aimed. Everything was in slow motion now. She felt the smoothness of the jeweled action as she slid the next round into the chamber. felt that solid bolt lockup , was on the second guy just as pogo fired his last round. she held 2 inches lower for this guy since he was just a touch closer. She knew it wouldn't matter but that is just the way she was. then again that crisp feeling as the trigger broke again, Boom. 2 down. Pogo came riding back up to Jimbo with a huge smile on his face. Gee MR. Jimbo that was real fun but I only felt it go bang 4 times. No Pogo it went 6 times you were probably just to excited to know it. Here look, Jimbo opened up the cylinder and sure enough there were 6 spent cases in the revolver. Jimbo was sure glad he put 2 spent cases in the cylinder. Simple as Pogo was he was also very observant. The crowd was roaring now , whooping and hollering. Patting Pogo on the back , He felt really special and Jimbo just smiled. No one had a clue what had just went down Pogo was the man of the hour even if for just a short time. Not a single person noticed them city slickers getting escorted out of the race track , the music was playing people were singing and dancing. A great time was being had by the local folk. Jimbo arrived 10 minuets later to help Corene down the hill.
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Re: HD novella

Post by goinbroke2 »

"YOU rotten fucking piece of shit I'm gonna poke your eyes out with my barrel and blow your fucken head off and shit down your neck you hayseed motherfucking cocksucking bastard scumbag" Kenny was thinking to himself as this grizzled old bastard got the drop on him. He wanted to say something smartassed but it only came out as a wheeze. He couldn't believe one of these hayseeds (and an old one at that) would have the audacity to pull a knife on him. FUCK he was going to pay he thought. When Enrico got cut he felt the blood draining out of him because he knew he would be held responsible. At least Carmen didn't get cut or anything and the money was where it was supposed to be..really, it wasn't even his job to cover enrico, just Carmen, so really, he did his job like he was supposed to. Not his fault this idiot fucked with the wrong guy. Cut him..damn he thought, I've seen Enrico shoot a guy stone dead for laughing at a joke he took wrong. Oh this whole fucking town will reap the wrath of Enrico's crew. Hell, I can see Enrico going back and bringing half of Chicago into this hellhole to extract revenge. You just keep acting like you got the upper hand for now old man, your is coming, damn right yours is coming.
Kenny never said a word but the glare on his face told the story. Carmen was holding his breath following along as they were escorted out. Carmen wasn't involved in this side of it, in fact he specifically made sure he was no where around the bloody side of things. He got a bad scare several years ago carrying $15,000 when he was jumped and when it was done his only injury was a cut forehead where he was pistol whipped, but being a head wound, all the blood made him think he was decapitated and he bleated like a dying sheep because of it. A total of 9 people died that day, 3 on their side and the rest from the gang that tried to doublecross them. Later that night 36 people were gunned down including wives and children when Enrico got his revenge. The valentines day massacre was nothing compared to this, only this never made the paper and nobody was the wiser. Kenny swore he would only carry money with good protection after that and Kenny was assigned to him.

Enrico, Carmen and Kenny sat in their car. Nobody said a word, both were waiting for Enrico to cut the silence so they wouldn't be on the receiving end of his anger. The old bastard took Kenny's pistol damn him, he'd get that back soon enough, he'd pry it out of the old bastards dead hands no doubt. He reached forward and tapped Carmen on the shoulder "gimme the pistol in the glove" Kenny realised his mistake too late. As Carmen leaned forward and opened the glove box Enrico grabbed the wheel to spin himself around "WHY, DO YOU WANT TO GIVE MORE GUNS TO AN OLD MAN KENNY? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU HERE FOR? WHAT DO I PAY YOU FOR? YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE WATCHING FOR ALL SIGNS OF DANGER YOU STUPID FUCK! I COULD OF BEEN KILLED AND YOU WOULDN'T OF BEEN ABLE TO DO A FUCKING THING!" "Gee boss he.." was all Kenny got out "SHUT UP! NO EXCUSES! YOU FUCKED UP AND IT ALMOST COST ME MY LIFE, YOU BETTER PRAY IT DOESN'T COST YOU YOURS!" With that Enrico spun back around and fumed as he looked out the windshield. "umm,here ya go Kenny" Carmen whispered passing the pistol over his shoulder. Kenny grabbed it and slunk back into the seat. "Instead of that little pop gun, get in the back and get a thompson, take your jacket off and put on the trenchcoat and hide it under that, AND BE FUCKING DISCRETE DUMBASS...don't want to tip our hand again to these locals." Enrico said.
"Fucking hayseeds" Kenny mumbled as he pulled off his jacket then got out. Opening the trunk he wrapped the tommygun in the trench coat then looking around to see if anybody was watching, lifted it up and closed the trunk. Once in the backseat he put the long coat on and tucked the tommy gun under it. "Pretty hot out boss, don't you think a trench coat might.." "SHUT UP, AND DO AS I SAY" Enrico growled back.
They sat there looking out the windshield waiting for the race to start....
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

Bigbob and Tex , seated at a table renewing their old acquaintance on various battlefields where they had both served as soldiers as well as reporters . They both watched Kenny sneak a Thompson out of the trunk and climb back in the car .
"Boy sure is a slow learner , ain't he , Tex ."
Tex nodded his head in affirmation .
(Bigbob , You got any pictures of you in some seedy bar in Morocco or on some foreign battlefield ?)
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Re: HD novella

Post by Bigbob »


Ladies and Gentleman, I very rarely talk about my personal life, but I want to let everyone know of a living legend visiting our town. Eugene 'Tex' OReilly a top ranked officer and my esteemed friend has made an appearance in our town. I worked overseas with Tex in many minor and major skirmages. Some you may have heard of, Morroco, Chad, Rohdesia. Many that are forgotten. Thru them all Major OReilly was top notch. A classic warrior in every sense. I know he hates the limelight but he needs the recongnition. Major O Reilly.... I salute you sir!!
Major Eugene 'Tex' OReilly
Major Eugene 'Tex' OReilly
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

Tex was looking over the whole area with a tactical eye and then glancing back at the car .
"Bigbob , you want to make any cash bets on who first nails that stupid child if he gets back out of that car wearing a long coat on a hot day ?"
>Bigbob just grinned at Tex ..... "Long stretch between being the bully on your own block and being a warrior , ain't there ."
>Tex nodded ,"I don't think this child is going to manage the learning curve , somehow ."
If you ain't the lead dog in the team , the scenery never changes . Ga Flatwoods made my avatar and I want to thank him for that .
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

5 women had their own table . Butch , Flatwoods , Bigbob , Sheriff Rager , and Jimbo 's ladies were taking in the day as it developed .None of them seemed upset at this point . Just calm situational awareness .Corene was still on post on the ridge .
"Funny , ain't it ,"Mrs Flatwoods lead off ," We take up with these men that traipse all over the world ; yet being the kind of men they are , we are never concerned about them straying . They always come home to us ."
"Ain't hard to understand ," said Jimbo's wife . "They expect to honor the same commitment we made to them . They are honorable men and deserve the respect we have given them ."
"How about that Brock feller ?,"Rager's wife asked . "He seems to have a roving eye ."
"Indeed he does ," answered Bigbob's lady , "Fact remains that , single as he is , you never catch him trying to cast his line into another friend's private fishin hole ."
"Appears that he don't have many friends in the community ,"snorted Rager's wife .
"How so ?"Jaye asked .
"WELL ! He's been running around this town like a jackrabbit . Goin from hole to hole ! "
"Has he been in your hole ?" Jaye asked in a very benighn tone .
"!!! OF COURSE NOT !!" huffed Rager's wife to cover her embarrasment .
"HUMMM ,"mused Jaye , "Guess either he is friends with your husband or thinks that you have an ugly ass (MEOW !)"
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Re: HD novella

Post by rnw349 »

Damn it, I can't believe that. I've heard of people being delusional before but damn. I screwed this up but good. I think old man scratch is messing with my head, I absolutely saw that car crash, but then it drove on by. I have to get to 7 pines and fast.

There's a spot, up by the rocks, I hate being late to the game. I must hurry, I gotta be in place before this kicks off. Gotta find Enrico and his goons. ( in his haste to get into position FS was a bit lax in his climb and wasn't as careful as normal)....whoa, what was that. Listening carefully frozen in his tracks FS heard a woman's voice "don't look back, just move back and to the right and down back behind that outcropping and get your shit together and get over-here. " Damn it that's twice today you've screwed up. So after composing himself FS went into stealth mode and eased himself down and then back around to Corene. As he got into position FS tried to explain but Corene wasn't having any of it. She filled him in on the locations and yardage of the targets. FS was grinning from ear to ear as he watched Corene talk, then in a terse voice Corene said what the hell is wrong with you boy, get your head in the game and help us out or I will kill you myself. FS was surprised to find that she was a shooter too, with as much grit as any man he had been in a hide with. He was fully admiring her ackley improved .270. When she barked at him. All he said was damn fine gun mam. Thinking to himself now this is one that was worthy of riding the trail with.

Ok back on the game, she was right about the targets that was there. Wire head as she called him was Bones, Fancy pants was Kenny. FS wasn't surprised to hear of the 2 shooters on the hill. One would certainly be Swag.

While scoping out the other targets one of the locals Jimbo snuck in on us. He said they had a plan, wanted me to tell Enrico that they was going to take over the stills that GB set up. All this they wanted at 2:45.

Back at my car I put my suit on and locked up my rifle. Had my 45 on my waist, and a 38 on my left ankle inside. If I need that it's a bad day. 2 extra magazines on my left hip. Now I need to find Enrico and get this ball rolling.

FS appeared out of nowhere as he was good at that, "what the hell are you doing in the car" he asked Enrico. As Enrico turned FS saw the cut on his face, then saw Kenny in the back with a sullen look on his face and wearing a trench coat. Well you boys fit in around here bout like turd in a punch bowl. Enrico snapped back where the fuck have you been. I needed you earlier. Son of a bitch these locals don't know who they are fucking with. When I get done here this place will burn to the ground. Did you get the bitch that GB told us about? The one that knows him and could make trouble for us here. FS felt the heat rising in him as heard Enrico talking, he had never liked this line of work but the money was good, and for a man with his particular set of skills it wasn't hard to find work in the big cities, where these types of people thrived on the innocent. FS had enough to get out and make a life somewhere else. Maybe even here. If not he still had taking a liking to the folks and didn't want to see harm brought to them.
Yeah I shot her. I've been watching and listening to people around town. They are planning on taking your shine operation over. And running off your boys. Rumor has it they are using this race as an opportunity. They're heading out in few.
How do know all this? Barked Enrico. FS just smiled and said I'm a chameleon. People will tell you what you want or need to know if you just listen. Just then they heard shots as a horse went by with young man riding and shooting. 6 rounds, FS shifted the toothpick in his mouth. He heard the difference in the last 2 shots but the others couldn't tell.
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Re: HD novella

Post by goinbroke2 »

"Kenny, you come with me. Carmen, you and FS stay in the car, we'll be right back" Enrico stepped out and as Kenny opened the door Enrico frowned "get that fucking trenchcoat off, you not hear what FS said?" "Just leave it" he barked referring to the confused look Kenny gave him when he motioned to the tommy gun. They walked towards the main building, dodging women and yardapes running wild, "fuck off kid" Enrico barked at a kid that ran into him while looking back at his persurer. A woman put her hands over the kids ears and she stared at him as she led him away. "I need a phone" he barked in the screen window. The man running an icecream machine thumbed over towards the back door. He grabbed the phone while Kenny did his best to act like a pro security guard, glancing around and giving everybody the stinkeye, but looked more like a school yard bully.
"It's me, got a situation, yeah, yeah, well I don't care, get every single.." he looked around and spoke a bit softer "get every fucking person that can walk and get them here as fast as you can..yes of course, everything we got...just do it, I'm gonna show this town who Enrico is and they won't forget it..two days, I know, make it in one, leave as soon as you can...we'll be alright for now but if I lose 20 big because these fuckers get in my way..well, you can imagine what I'll do...I've got 4 of them with drums..damn right they haven't seen anything like these, these retards use their squirrel guns to plink away and act tough, but we'll see what they do when there's more lead flying than a fucking a-bomb...yeah, whatever, you get what I'm saying, I'll hose these bastards down real good...all right, see you as soon as possible..yeah...all right" and he hung up.

He stepped back down into the sunlight and flexed his shoulders "good day to make some money...or else" he added. "yeah, boss, we're gonna show them right?" Enrico looked over at Kenny, "shaddup willya" and walked back towards the car.

"All right boys" Enrico started "we gotta find out just what the hell is going on, Carmen, you're in the back seat with me, FS you drive and kenny you keep that tommy gun warm" As they pulled out Enrico told FS which way to go and to not speed or look suspicious in any way. Just turning onto Snowball road Enrico looked over his shoulder and saw the car following. "FS, how long's that car been following?" Enrico barked. FS had seen the two cars full of guys following them from almost the minute they left seven pines but kept quiet "Dunno Enrico, I think that car just caught up, I was driving pretty slow". Enrico told FS to pull over and get ready, if anything happened everybody is to open up on the car. A bead of sweat ran down FS's temple as he was debating just start shooting in the car but he knew he'd be dead with Enrico behind him. He left it in gear, one foot on the gas and one on the brake...and waited... The car got closer and pulled to the far side of the road as it idled past. Everyones eyes locked. Enrico didn't see that old bastard that cut him, but these guys looked about the same in attitude and disposition. As the car pulled away they sat for a minute when FS spotted the second car which barely came around the corner behind them, then quickly reverse out of sight. "Well, should we go?" FS asked "Yeah, just keep an eye out for them bastards" Enrico answered. They had drove about 2 miles up Snowball road when they saw the car turned sideways on the road. "Hold on boys, I smell a trap, stop the car" As the car came to a halt Kenny jumped out and unloaded a 20 round burst at the car which was still 300ft up the road. "Stop wasting bullets you fucking idiot" Enrico yelled just as Kenny's head exploded. Carmen saw this and screamed like a little girl "YOU KILLED KENNY, YOU BASTARD!" He started to struggle with the door handle but Enrico yelled at him "Stay in the car, FS get us the fuck out of here!" FS was watching the car roll up behind them when he jammed it in reverse and started backing up. When the car turned sideways blocking him he hit the brakes, dove out and ran/rolled into the ditch. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING YOU FUCKING COWARD!" Enrico called after FS. Carmen got his door open and stumbled out of the car and ran to the ditch. He heard the bullets ricocheting all around him as he huffed and puffed and ran for his life. Sounding like a bullmoose in heat, Carmen crashed through the underbrush. As he was unfamiliar with the woods or anything remotely non-city as well as being in full-on flight mode he ran hard as he could for as long as he could. He ran down an embankment and learned what every non-city kid learns early in life, you don't run down hill. His legs went faster and his arms started to windmill, he was beyond control and tilting over forward adding to his momentum. About 30ft down the embankment he passed the limit of his chubby little legs and out of shape lungs. As he cartwheeled he kept moaning "noooooooo" which only stopped when he stuffed his head into the base of a hardwood.

He blinked his eyes, it was dark! He was laying on his stomach with his feet farther up the hill and it was hard to breath. Every breath seemed to wheeze and rattle deep in his chest. He noticed his right eye was out of focus "that's strange" he thought. He swung he feet down and....his feet didn't move...he tried again and his feet wouldn't respond. he tried to push up with his hands but they too were unresponsive. He started to panic and yell help, but nobody was there to hear him. He was only half a mile from the road but he was down a 60ft bank in dense trees and brush. Even if Kenny had ears, or a head to attach the ears to for that matter, he wouldn't of been able to hear him from that distance. He alternated blubbering and shrieking, unmoving. Something else city folks like Carmen didn't know was that the things that hunt in the woods, in the dark, for meat...can sense fear and wounded prey, but screeching made it so much easier for the pack to find him.
He heard the deep growl and he felt ice in his belly. His yelling just held off the first wolf until the rest showed up. He felt himself move but couldn't tell why, soon he heard the snarling and felt the tugging and pushing. It was only when one bit his ear that he felt pain. He screamed again as they pulled him over on his back, and then he saw them in the light of the moon with blood covered faces, HIS blood! He tucked his chin in as much as he could and watched with horror as they tore the rest of his pants off and started ripping more flesh away. He couldn't even scream and he was too shocked. As one grabbed his intestine and backed up spilling them out onto the ground like links of a sausage the darkness came over his eyes and he was gone.
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
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Re: HD novella

Post by Jimbo »

When word got around Chicago that Enrico called in backup 2 things happened. Tony 'The Tuna' Accardo told everyone to stand down, 'That dumbfuck isint coming home, carry on and forget the call' he said, and word was relayed to all the capo's in minutes. Second, Benny heard what's going on and couldn't believe it. When he talked to his father about it there was a kind of mutual understanding without many words. Benny was hopping a train to go sort shit out to help pay back the guy that literally saved his life. As he walked out his father said, if that fuckin idiot Enrico is still walking when you get there put a fuckin bullet in his head'.
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