HD novella

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Re: HD novella

Post by corene1 »

Jimbo had come up the hill to help Corene get back down it. Hey girl you need some help? Na Jimbo , I appreciate it though . I think I will just sit up here for awhile and keep an eye on things. OK but I have to get back down the hill quick things are happening fast right now. I bet they are she replied but that wire haired guy is still somewhere and FSsaid he was mob so keep your eye out for him. I know I am. Besides you know I don't mingle well at gatherings, I just don't fit in. The women folk are uncomfortable with me and the men folk think I am one of them. It makes their wives a bit pissed to see them joking around with another woman so I will just keep clear and cover you guys. I really need to think about things also. In the last couple of months I have killed 4 men, I know they deserved it but it is weighing on my mind a bit, and there is still the funny money and those snoopy Feds somewhere out there.. Go get em. I will see you soon.
Corene slid back down into her hide and started glassing the area. She saw men and women laughing and dancing together she saw kids playing , Families having a picnics and sharing good times, the band was still going strong but figured they would take a break soon. She was happy for them but at the same time a bit jealous too. She had no one. No family , no one to help her when she got old. No one to keep her company at night, no one to share life with. She was pretty much alone except for her S3 friends and they all had wives and families too. She did have someone for a short while, but she was dead now, buried in the meadow overlooking the cabin up in the Skodies, and there was someone out there that had done it. Taken her friend so quickly and brutally. She could still she the scenario plain as day and feel Sarah's body go instantly limp and fall to the ground. She shook her head to clear it and settled back in to overlooking the grounds around the track. From her high spot she heard shots in the distance and was praying she would not lose any more friends.
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Re: HD novella

Post by rnw349 »

When FS saw them in his rear view mirror he slammed the car in park, as he did so he opened his door, and baled out. He could hear the tranny still clicking as he rolled to the ditch. He heard Enrico screaming at him. He made cover and was clear. He heard the brush crashing as Carmen was running away. He thought to himself poor bastard didn't stand a chance. Carmen had never been off the streets of Chicago. Then everything went silent. FS knew the locals was out for blood and he didn't want to give any wrong impressions. He kept his hands clear and waited for their approach. He had delivered Enrico to them. Hopefully he would get out of this alive. Regardless though, he thought to himself, sheriff Rager knew, and Corene knew, that money was for her no matter where it came from.
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Re: HD novella

Post by Bigbob »

A shootout between locals and some Chicago mobsters ended with the mobsters losing at least two men. Your editor is proud to announce that he was at the scene during the shootout. This was purely self defense as the mobsters where threatening people during the race. They where asked to leave and reluctantly did so. A couple of carloads of locals escorted towards the city limits. Near the limit line the mobsters decided to shoot first. As everybody in Pagosa Springs knows, we have a very large combat trained population here. It could not have been anymore one sided. One spray of automatic fire from the mobsters resulted in a hail of well aimed shots from the locals. Two men have been recovered from the area. Both unidentified at this time. One and possibly two are still missing. This editor will not incriminate himself but wants to say good riddance to rubbish. To be where the cordite plugs up your nose was wonderfull and fearful all at the same time. Oh! To feel dangerous again!
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

Truckinbutch wrote:Tex was looking over the whole area with a tactical eye and then glancing back at the car .
"Bigbob , you want to make any cash bets on who first nails that stupid child if he gets back out of that car wearing a long coat on a hot day ?"
>Bigbob just grinned at Tex ..... "Long stretch between being the bully on your own block and being a warrior , ain't there ."
>Tex nodded ,"I don't think this child is going to manage the learning curve , somehow ."
The women were having their gathering/cat fight while this discussion transpired at another table .
>Brock had been doing some tracking of his own . Corene was the focus of his interest beyond the duties of the day . He was so silent that she didn't even sense his approach until he crawled up beside her in her hide . Being startled made her grumpy . "WHATTHFUCKYOUDOINHERE ,BOY?" she hissed .
"Come courtin ,"said Brock with his famous grin , "Been lookin for a gal that will walk beside a man rather than try to lead or follow . You appear to be that kind of gal . We're facin up to a scrap right now . It will finish as the chips fall . Given we survive this , would you be upset if I came acalling again ? "
>The answer Corene might have made was interrupted by two separate DOD , DOD, DOD bursts of BAR fire from Bigbob and Tex when that stupid assed Kenny stepped out of the car wearing a trench coat and starting to lift a drum fed Thompson to horizontal .
>Well , they'd been told . Strings of trench coat lining flew off Kenny's coat like feathers off a turkey . Bigbob and Tex commenced to arguing about who had shot the tighter burst group . Enrico's car backed out of the area and left .
>Corene regained her focus as they both saw that the situation was well in hand down in the flatlands . "You come acourtin , Mr Brock, you bring a ham of meat and I'll fix us a meal . Find us a drink or three , as well ."
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Re: HD novella

Post by Jimbo »

Enrico punched the gas and was the sole survivor as he tore off. The lads hung back to play this out cat and mouse like. Needed to have some sport in it afterall, stupid asses arent making it much of a challenge so far for street wise thugs. Pretty unimpressed so far Tex, says Butch. How about you? 'Ya, these dumbshits got more balls than brains thats for sure.'

FS came out of the woods with his hands up to make sure they knew he wasnt intendin no harm. He walked up to the car and Butch said, that was a nice dive you did out the movin car. I was tempted to take the movin shot just for sport. FS said, I wouldnt have blamed ya, but thanks for not taking it.

Tex and Butch looked at each other and said should we head out after Enrico now, or let him get a few miles on us? Ah screw it, lets let him stew in his own piss for a while, he aint goin anywhere. lets head back to the party.

Enrico drove down San Juan road till he hit 151 then took a left and drove out to Chimney Rock to hide, regroup and wait for his back up to arrive. Little did he know backup was not coming, only a pissed off son of the top boss, and he wasnt coming to help Enrico, thats for damn sure.
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Re: HD novella

Post by goinbroke2 »

He drove the car into the trees not caring that he tore off the mirrors and scratched the paint. Enrico jumped out and popped the trunk. Grabbing the three tommy guns and the other 6 drums he scrambled through the woods. "fuckers want me do they...well lets see about that" Up and over broken trees and small boulders he was heading for a little hole in the cliff. The sign hanging by one end said "Chimney Rock Copper mine". There was an old mining cart just inside in the dark and trying to move it he found one wheel seized. He beat on it with a rock until he realised that it was just locked. Stepping on the lever released the wheel and it pushed suprisingly easy. Rolling it to just inside the mouth but still in the shadows he locked the wheel again. Grabbing one of the guns he pulled the trigger mech out and removed the sear and trigger, with nothing to stop the bolt, as soon as it started firing it would continue until the drum was empty. He then then propped the gun up with rocks and pulled his shoelace out. He tied the shoelace to the cocking handle and put the other end under the wheel, Slowly he pulled the handle back and then locked the wheel in place. Now, if he unlocked the wheel, the cart would roll and the gun would unload its drum.

Running farther back into the tunnel he looked and found the sliver of light he was looking for, an air shaft. GB had told him all about various places to hide weapons and likker and anything else during one of his reports and this mine seemed the best one right now. It was a tight fit but he wedged himself into it pushing one gun ahead and pulling one gun behind him. 18ft of tight tunnel and he was on top of the hill looking out over the entrance. He left one gun there with a spare drum and covered them in grass. After watching for a while and sure nobody had followed him here yet he climbed out and belly crawled to a rock outcropping about 10ft from the hole. There were three large rocks and when he crawled up the back of the middle one he could look out through a crevase and cover the whole left flank of the tunnel. Leaving the third gun and a spare drum there he crawled back to the hole.

He looked around in the mine, what else could he do he thought. he grabbed a piece of timber and placed it on the wheel...too big..he grabbed a smaller piece and it set right on top of the lock but wasn't heavy enough to push it down then grabbed the other piece of timber and gently placed it on the last three feet of the smaller timber. PERFECT! Now, if he dropped a big rock down the hole, it would hit the timber pushing it and the smaller one down unlocking the wheel...and setting off the gun...in theory. Well it would have to do he thought. Back on top of the hole he found a large rock that he could roll down the hole in the appropriate time and placed it beside the hole.

Looking around he saw there was no way to climb the cliff behind him, but that meant nobody could see him or attack from the rear either. To the right the rock dropped off so nobody could come up that way either, but he couldn't excape that way if he needed to though. So, to the left was the three rocks and then a gap to a heavy tree line. Definately a way to go if things went bad he thought. he heard something in the distance.. a car... moving fast by the sounds of it. He waited then smiled when he heard the gravel roar as whoever was driving locked the wheels up. Well, he thought, they found my trail into the woods. It was twenty minutes before he saw movement in the treeline across from the entrance. He could make out two, spread apart and weapons up. He still couldn't hear a sound as they moved but he saw glimpses between trees. A movement to the right caught his eye, somebody with a rifle and scope, somebod...FUCK!! Enrico almost screamed, FS!! He felt the blood starting to boil, walk out here you rotten prick, you rotten double crossing prick, you rotten d..FS stopped in the treeline and was looking around with the scope. Shit he thought, I don't think he can see me hidden but I ain't taking a chance. He barely moved his foot, pushing the rock into the hole just as FS started to swing the scope. There was a crash and silence as all three in the treeline hit the ground. Then the tommygun opened up chewing leaves and branches and creating a general chaos. FS was pinned down but the one on the far left got up and started running to the flank. Enrico aimed and squeezed the trigger. Tommy guns aren't that accurate at 300ft through trees but he followed the figure and it seemed to spin and drop. He he spun back towards FS when dirt blew in his face. Whoever was in the middle was behind a tree and shooting quite accurately, must have a scope too the bastard Enrico thought. The little rock pile he was behind wasn't much but he tucked farther down and pointing the gun in the general direction held the trigger down. The gun below was making a hell of a racket, it must of fell out of the cart because bullets were richocheting everywhere now. He kept spraying the treeline back and forth and when the gun below got quiet he knew he must be close to being out as well. Holding the spare drum in one hand he coiled ready to go.

The gun stopped and there was a deafening silence. "Enrico" somebody called out. "Fuck you" Enrico called back. He changed the drum and burnt his hand on the side of the receiver. "FUCK" he yelled again. He moved back and to the left and quickly peered over the rock. He was just pulling his head back down when bits of rocks flew over his head, throwing dirt in his hair. He waited, thinking.."Enrico" someone else called out, they were taunting him. Peering out beside the rocks he could see the one that fell on the left hadn't got up. He squeezed a long burst in that direction again, just because. He took a stick and pushed his jacket to the right as far as he could then lifted it up a bit above the rocks. Bam,bam two rounds went into it. Knowing it would take a second to cock the rifles he was off like a sprinter for the big rock outcropping. Bapapapap. Dirt flew around him and he dove behind the rocks. What the fuck was that? That sounded heavy and slow, what do them hillbillies have now? He looked through the crevase and could make out FS straight across from him laying behind a burm. With his extra elevation on top of the rocks he could see right down onto him. "Here you fucker" he whispered as he aimed the gun. Shooting bursts of 4 to control his aim he laughed as he did the count; son-of-a-bitch, son-of-a-bitch, son-of-a-bitch. He saw FS twitch and then roll to his right. Enrico followed him firing four round burst as he did. He knew he hit him, just didn't know how bad. But that first round got him in the back and that had to cause damage. With FS out of his view, he swapped drums and pulled back down the rock. The only way they can flank me is to the left, so he laid flat and peeked around the corner. Something moved 30ft away so he dumped a hundred rounds or so in that direction. When it was quiet he called out "how ya like them little green apples there hillbilly?" Nothing moved. He waited for a minute but there was no way he was going to get flanked so taking what was left of the ammo he gave one short burst around the right side of the rocks then ran hard out the left side and into the woods. Bapapapap, bapapapapap, bapapapapap. The rounds were all around him and he felt stinging in his side, he zigged and zagged as he ran through the woods. He was making a large circle to the right, farther down the valley to find his next spot to stand if he couldn't get back to the car. He knew he hit FS and the one on the left dropped so he must of done something there. Who knows, at this point he was at a full out run.
Fuck them he thought, theres maybe two left at best? HA! We'll see what happens when half of fucking Chicago shows up!

He didn't hear the other cars pulling up.
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
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Re: HD novella

Post by Jimbo »

Stupid bastard thinks he's in Chicago at close range with that tommy gun. Jimbo looked at woods and chuckled, 'Them 45's are useless as tits on a bull out here' he said. Woods grinned and wiped the lens of his Leopold 6-25X50mm tactical sniper scope mounted on his M1. 'This is gonna be more fun that huntin wild boars' he said to Jimbo.

Turns out FS was grazed, but Butch wasnt hit at all. Just dropped to let the buzzy aimless flight of the 45's pass by. Damn inaccurate but it only takes 1 of them sumsbitches to piss ya off he thought to himself., As he lay prone he put the rifle scope up to have a look around.

Meanwhile, Benny just stepped off the train back at the station. He walked into town and saw the BBQ, 'damn that looks good he thought to himself, Im famished'. It was pretty quiet, 'man these towns out here aint nuthin like the city' he thought. Darlene in the Q brought him a plate of brisket and a tall pour of Jimbo's 'house special'. "WHOOO EEEE" he said when he took a deep draw off the glass, 'we aint got nuthin like this back up in the city' he let out to Darlene, mostly just a rye from across the river from Detroit in WIndsor what got a sting like a hornet or some bullshit shine I wont even drink' he laughed. "Jimbo makes that hisself, grows the grain too back up on his ranch". 'Jimbo happen to fight in the war?' Benny asked. 'Oh ya, 101st, got a Medal of Valor in the Ardennes". 'Hot damn, guess Im in the right place" he thought to himself. Benny never much cared for the mob life, which was quite a predicament considering his father was top boss of the city. Benny had a knack for finding business opportunitys, mostly legit ones, preferred the challenge of a legit opportunity over fleecing some hard working shop owner for extortion money. He hated that crap so focused his time on bringing money in legit methods, and as long as it was flowing Tony didnt much care how. The legit businesses were great ways to launder money too so it all worked out.

"Jimbo around?" "No, he left with a bunch of his friends, said something about a fuss up at Chimney Rock." 'shit' Benny thought, I bet that dumbass Enrico is at the center of that. 'After this mess is cleaned up I need to talk to Jimbo about bringin some good likker into town' he thought. The gears were always turnin in Bennys head.
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Re: HD novella

Post by rnw349 »

FS made it back to the truck, he had been grazed but nothing serious. The other boys was planning their next approach. FS said if yall will allow me the honors of going after him I will find him and set his soul free. I got my reasons and I would like redemption.
They decided that the locals would set up a perimeter and maintain the line. If Enrico came out they were going to kill him on sight. FS agreed and struck out casting for sign of Enrico.
When FS made it back to the mine he was as stealthy as a ghost in the fog. He moved only after great deal of observation. Slipping from tree to tree. It was coming on dusk and in the woods it was dark.

Enrico was in a panic, he had never been in the woods at night. Fuck he thought. What the fuck, I'm out of ammo, I don't know where I am, it's dark, fuck me runnin. He thought that he had better move and get more distance. He went about 20 yards and dropped his right leg into a sink hole beside creek. He yelled out fuck again and then was quiet. Trying to get out of the hole without making more noise.
FS heard the crash and then Enrico scream. He was closing in on him, only about 75 yards between them. FS had taken the scope off his rifle and was using it to glass towards Enrico. The woods were thick, the briars were impossible and the vines hung from the trees. He could pick out spots through the brush about the size of a bucket. There, he glimpsed Enrico still wearing his white shirt, and black suit pants. He could see him fumbling around trying to recover. FS thought to himself, it won't be long now.
Enrico stood up feeling his way forward trying not to fall again, he had already lost his coat to the briars, he had cuts from the brush and brambles. He was utterly miserable, and mad and exhausted. He found a big tree and crawled under it to spend the night.
FS had made up some distance and spotted Enrico trying to hide under a cedar tree. FS stopped and stood behind a tree watching and waiting for Enrico to fade out. That creek ran behind the cedar and was babbling away as the water flowed over a small beaver dam. FS eased into the creek and in what seemed an eternity was standing behind Enrico who was curled up shaking under the tree in a fitful sleep. FS drew his knife and slid his arm around Enrico's neck and placed his blade under Enrico's jaw so he could feel the cut. Enrico lost control of his bodily functions. FS pulled Enrico out from under the tree and mounted his back, he tucked his feet between Enrico's legs and stretched him out, then he choked him out. FS then tied Enrico up to a tree. FS pulled a can light from his back pack and lit it, he then started building a wooden pyre beside the creek where the grass was green and boggy.
Enrico woke up only to realize his nightmare was just beginning. He snapped at FS, the fuck you think your doing you bastard? Just wait till tony gets down hear. He's gonna gut you like a fish. FS turned to Enrico and said Tony don't care about you. You have been sloppy with business he's not coming for you. Besides your nowhere. At that FS picked up a willow sapling he had cut, he started shaping it into a circle. What the fuck you doing with that snapped Enrico. FS looked at him and its a dream catcher, I will use it as proof that I killed you. Enrico turned white, wait you don't have to do that. I can pay you, he was pleading for his life.
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Re: HD novella

Post by rnw349 »

FS asked Enrico if he knew where he was from. Enrico said no. FS said when I was kid my parents were killed in a accident, and my Pap and Mam raised me. We lived in a small cabin up the ridge road. We had some Cheyenne neighbors lived a couple hollars over. One that Cheyenne girl was out working in her garden, when those Quade boys came a callin. They was all lickerd up mean as a snake. There was 3 of them boys from 14-18. They caught that poor girl out in the garden, they took their turns at her, and beat her till she died. Me and Pap was home feeding, when Mr Walking wolf stumbled in the yard he was carrying his daughter. Pap and ran to him and Pap took the girl and I help Mr Walking wolf up. Pap knew the girl was dead but he tried, Mam came running with rags and a bucket of water. There was nothing we could do. Pap burried that girl. Later on he left and went to casting for sign of what happened. He found one of the boys knife in the garden, it was engraved said luscious Quaid.
Pap went to their house and found them passed out on the porch. He took a rope and tied it around a leg of each boy, he dropped that rope around the ball of his truck and drug them boys to the woods. They was still alive but not by much. Pap then built a pyre for them boys, built it big so they could all three fit on top. He told them boys if they died well they might get to heaven. He strung that rope over a tree and with his truck he pulled them boys up over that pyre. He lit it and as the flames grew taller them boys begged for their lives. Pap cut the rope and they dropped into the flames, their bodies were so broke from being drug they couldn't escape the fire.
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Re: HD novella

Post by rnw349 »

I'll finish this tomorrow
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Re: HD novella

Post by goinbroke2 »

Enrico circled around and came upon a road. He laid in the edge of the treeline and checked his ammo, couple hundred or so left he thought. The car was only going 25-30mph when Enrico sprang from the woods and opened up barely 20ft from the car. He emptied the drum into the windshield and drivers door then sprayed it in the drivers window. The car rolled to a stop, the old man and his wife dead before they knew what hit them. 'SHIT" Enrico said as he realised it wasn't the guys chasing him. He pulled the guy out and dropped him on the road then crawled into the bloody car. Looking over at the dead woman, he pulled her door handle and pushed her out. He put the last drum on the gun, stuck the car in gear and floored it throwing rocks and dirt on the dead bodies as he pulled away. Without a windshield in the drivers side of the 38 ford he propped the gun up so he could shoot if somebody tried to stop him. He needed ammo and he needed to hold out until help got here from Chicago. Not knowing the area except for what GB told him he was pretty much limited to where he could plan on hiding. He knew where the still site was, but there was no protection or defensable position there. He knew kinda where this Morrison guy lived at the end of Snowball road, he could maybe go there...he'd have hostages too if things went sour...or sour-er he though grimly. Maybe the factory..thoughts were going through his head. Three or four gravel throwing turns later he saw "Snowball road" and he jammed on the brakes. Grinding the transmission into reverse he backed up and then jammed it into first and spun the wheel.

He recognised the spot immediately, low delapitated houses and buildings, kids running around barely clothed and dirty looking. Dust flew past the car after he slid to a stop in front of the house. Not seeing anybody he floored it again and swung the car around behind the house to hide it from the road. (of course since these were the last houses before the end of the road...only people to see the car would be people coming to this house) As he jumped out of the car he saw Clay and the missus sitting on the back porch looking out over the meadow, having a drink.

"I'm the one they call ENRICO" he bellowed bracing the tommygun on his hip, barrel pointed to the sky. "Well good for you mister" she said. His nostrels flared and he he took several deep breath's "Looks like Enrico done cut hisself maw" Clay said nodding towards the blood on his side. "yup, do look that way donit?" she answered. "Maybe Enrico would like to be patched up a mite pa" Clay looked at her and adjusting the corncob pipe in his mouth said "uh huh" Still nobody moved. "Pa, is Enrico's car all full of blood there?" "Uh huh" he answered "You think Enrico bled all that blood hisself Ma?"
"Fuck no, Pa" and she pulled the trigger.

The blast from the short barrelled shotgun laying on her lap under the blanket caught Enrico completely by suprise. She aimed low on purpose and it took the legs completely out from under him. As he landed on his face in the mud he heard "I think ya scuffed him ma" She walked over and stepped on the tommygun as Clay grabbed some binder twine. "Hog tie 'em good pa" Clay looked at her and smiled "I will ma, they call him Enrico after all"

>>>>>Guys I gotta bow out here. I'm going for surgery tomorrow morning and from what I hear I'll be out/off for a couple weeks. Maybe I'll drag my ass out of bed when I can and be back here in a bit but i don't want to hold up the story. Carry on without me and if he's still in one piece, I'll pick him back up, if not maybe somebody else will show up from Chicago..or Philly...or... That damn GB had friends and operations running all over. :ewink: <<<<<
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
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Re: HD novella

Post by goinbroke2 »

Shit...I was typing the same time rnw349 was....well pick a storyline or maybe Enrico got away somehow since my story comes after? Anyway, see ya.
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
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Re: HD novella

Post by rnw349 »

Good luck on the surgery GB, hope all goes well.
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Re: HD novella

Post by rnw349 »

Well heck, I'm going to finish my line, if it doesn't work out you can delete it or fix it.

Enrico was visibly shaking from fear, his arms ached from being tied around the tree. He didn't want to hear anymore of this story, he didn't want to be burned alive.

FS said, only time I ever seen Pap cry, except when Mam passed. To this day I don't know if he was crying for the girl, or the boys or what he did to them.

Enrico asked if he was going to kill him on the pyre. No, FS said you'll be dead before then. At that FS tied off the willow sapling and then hung it from a stob on an oak tree. He took his wet stone out of his bag and sharpened his knife. He stepped behind Enrico and said prepare yourself. At that he bent down and proceeded to cut Enrico's trigger finger off. Enrico was screaming at the top of his lungs. FS stood in front of him and skinned the finger removing the middle bone he tied it to the dream catcher and let it hang. Enrico passed out. FS took a can of cold creek water and splashed Enrico with it, waking him up.

The boys on the road heard a scream, but couldn't tell who it was.

FS now stooped in front of Enrico and grabbed his hair, he cut about a 1/2 dollar sized piece of scalp off, Enrico once again lost all bodily function. FS tied it to the dream catcher. He then removed Enrico's left ear, doing the same adding it to the dream catcher. Enrico was going into shock and wasn't lucid anymore. FS splashed him again with water. Wake up you bastard, there is such a thing as redemptive suffering. FS barely recognized his own voice as his rage was coming out onto Enrico. FS then cut the shirt off of Enrico and began to peel the skin from his chest, exposing the rib cage. Enrico was all but dead now. FS removed Enrico's heart. He wrapped it in Enrico's own shirt.

As he washed his knife and hands in the creek FS smelled that acrid smell. He looked around and saw the old man Scratch watching him. Old man said that was some damn fine work there boy. Damn fine work, then he took a pull off a bottle that magically appeared in his hand. He handed the bottle to FS and said have a shot boy. FS took the bottle and asked how long the old man had been there. Scratch said long enough boy, long enough. Watch you plan on doing now? You gonna live with yourself after that? FS stood and dried his knife on his shirt and wiped his hands on his pants, I don't know old man. I'm not much fit for people. Specially these good folks. If they'd have me I'd settle here, somewhere. Old man laughed and he gave an evil grin, said boy, I got work for you to do but it ain't here. If you ever want just look around, ask and I'll be there. With that Enrico was flung onto the pyre and started burning. FS heard the old man laugh.
FS tossed the heart into the flame and said be free Enrico.

As day broke FS made sure the fire was out, it had burned so hot want nothing much left. He then made his way to the road, to wait for a local to come by and pick him up. He was exhausted, but he felt free for the 1st time in many years. He was now out. He kept that dream catcher, it's out in the dark corner of the shop. It was a reminder that he never wanted to go back.
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Re: HD novella

Post by corene1 »

I vote for the RNW version , no innocent locals get killed off for no reason .
And it looks like TB is trying to play matchmaker for me , and has already got me in the kitchen cooking dinner. Maybe he needs to be making me dinner for me, besides I am a loner by nature, got a bum hip and my girlfriend just got killed a few weeks ago. :wave:
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Re: HD novella

Post by Jimbo »

Enrico, Carmen and Kenny are taken care of and buried or burned out of existence. Only person left to deal with is the wiry guy at the race. 'I wonder if Corene took care of him' Jimbo thought. I guess we'll find out soon enough. When he is purged from the planet we'll be free of the mob here in Pagosa. And we can get on with life.

Jimbo, the boys and Corene came back to town and hit up the Q for some chow. When they walked in Jimbo saw Benny sittin there eating some brisket talking to Darlene. Jimbo immediately had mixed emotions, knowing Benny's background and line of work, but also fairly sure Benny had no bad intentions considering what took place int eh war. He walked over and reached out his hand and Benny stood up and gave him a hug instead. Before saying anything else Benny apologized for all the grief in town and promised to help make it right. Jimbo started feeling better about his visit right away.

Jimbo said to Benny, 'come make your peace with the good people of this town' and invited him to come sit at the table with the boys and Corene. They didnt waste a second to let Benny know his crime ridden family have made things miserable for everyone in town as they glared at him and gave Jimbo a look like 'what the hell man' for bringing him over to the table. Benny didnt seem like a mobster at all. He was soft spoken and intelligent. He had an appreciation for life that likely stemmed from his near certain brush with death in the war. Benny was visibly upset that the mob had anything to do with causing so much pain in Pagosa. After a while, as Bennys intentions in Pagosa became more clear, the discussion loosened up and they had long conversation about many things, the war, moonshine, the situation in town lately.
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Re: HD novella

Post by corene1 »

I am still wandering what to do with old wire head since you guys ran off chasin Enrico. There was supposed to be a horse race, and I don't even know who won, or who was even entered. I think we should have had the horse race before we killed Enrico and his goons. I think old wire head musta got scared and RUNN OFT maybe Benny will know where he Is at and let you guys handle him.
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Re: HD novella

Post by ga flatwoods »

It was not over for Flatwoods as it was for everyone else. He knew something they didnt and he had nit mentioned to anyone else. Things had just gotten so busy and the opportunity had not arisen as he had hoped it would so that all things could be settled st te same time. He had found out after being attacked in the livery stable by jb-texshine that it was GB who had been on the horse with the piece missing from the shoe. GB had been taken care of. So, that only left one. He was pretty sure that he now knew where to look. Flatwoods wasn't going to be part of having dinner with the mob, Jimbo's friend or not, fine veteran, or not. That being said he slipped out after excusing himself and headed for the feed and seed. Told the attendant he had need of a syringe to give his farm animals some vaccines. Syringe in hand, Flatwoods headed out of town. Wasn't long before he came to an old lane that peeled off the sidemof the road and went to an old abandoned two story house. As suspected, there was evidence of a lot of comings and goings as of late. A small dim light burnt in the upper rear window of the house. Sure enough, the foot tracks proved to tell Flatwoods that the same person was here whom he had seen tracks of at the firing position that took out Sarah. Yep, the bastard was here, Flatwoods could smell him. Now the wait and observe time.
it didnt take long before Flatwoods distinctly heard snoring, heavy snoring at that. After taking off his boots, Flatwoods drew forth a pair of moccasins and slipped on. They made his ascent up the stairs a quite one, not even a floor squeak. After he reached near top top the stairs, Flatwoods bent down to peer under the door to see what was to be seen. All that was visible was two pairs of boots. One a long narrow set of cowboy boots with a sharp point and another a pair of black boots with a ring on the ankle with attached leather straps built into the ring and soles of the boot. This was the man, those were indeed the boots he had been following. As silently as a death angel, Flatwoods opened the door and peered in upon the man laying on the mattress. The mans hand and forearm were bandaged and appeared to be splinted. Was this the guy who also tried to get to Corene in the hospital? Everything in his gut told him it was. The sleeper had a pistol closemat hand but it had been under his pillow and was hanging out in such a manner that Flatwoods simply picked it up without incident and pocketed it. Flatwods picked the small lantern and looked into the guy's face long and hard. An ugly bastard he was and one who evidently rarely took the time to wash his face it it had numerous large hardened blackheads scattered about his face and neck. Had Flatwoods had such develop, his wife would have dove on it like an eagle catching up a fish from the lake and mashed holly hell from him in an effort to cleanse the filth by way of pain from his body. Oh well, this fellow would never come to know anyone that intimately beyond tonight. Of particular interest to Flatwoods was the condition of the mans sclap. He had a large wound still oozing fluids from a cut. Flatwoods had done quite a number on Janitor47 the first time and now it was time to finish the job.
Flatwoods had brought in his best cattle lasoing rope. In a matter of five seconds, Janitor47 was tied hands and feet behind his back. His hand was hurting again as Flatwoods took no special care to avoid reinjury of the limb. He was dazed and confused, cursing and swearing to kill his captor. Flatwoods spoke up "I doubt that Janitor. In fact , I would say your killing days are over! I am here to see about that! Why did you shoot Sarah you bastard? She never did no harm to you! I should have left you in the shithouse pit!"
"Screw you old man! That bitch had it coming just like the rest of you do! You thought you were a bad ass for jumping me and humiliating me and my friends by stripping us naked in front them two whores! I should've shot both of them with one shot rather than waste an extra bullet. Someone else shot that other bitch before I could!" As soon as the words come out of his mouth, Flatwoods hit him with an iron fist right in the mouth knocking out the remaining teeth he had up front. Again Janitor47 cursed Flatwoods for all he was worth. Flatwoods let him rant until he grew tired of it and grapped his lame hand in a crushing grip. It took a minute but Janitor finally shut up.
Flatwoods rolled him around and propped him up after placing a sock in his mouth. Janitor glared at himwith fire in his eyes that burnt from his soul. Flatwoods pulled up an old chair, leaned forward and pulled his tobacco from his pocket. He slowly and carefully rolled two smokes. Janitor thought back to one he had been given by Flatwoods before. He would not be so lucky this time. As Flatwoods rolled the smokes he spoke. " You know boy, I figured right off that I would have to kill you. But, that was early on. Now that I know you for who you are, I have changed my mind about that." Janitor appeared to look relieved. "Oh dont thank me yet boy! But, no, I wont be killin ya today. Ya like to drink now dont ya boy?" Flatwoods pulled out a bottle of Muckalee Creek Water and took a big tug and then blew the residual smell into Janitor's face. "Now that is some good whiskey!"Flats said as he inhaled and then blew smoke onto him as well. "Well you aint getting none of that. No sir, I have some special stuff for you, yea I do! I been toting this around for years just waiting on the right reasons to partake of it. Quite honestly Janitor, I cant think of a single person I had rather share it with than you!" Grabbing Janitor by the hair of the head and pulling it backwards, mouth up, Flatwoods soaked the sock slowly and intentionally. Janitor went to jagging and struggling for air. "Close your mouth and suck the sock dry boy, or drown in it!" He did as instructed, and eight more times, until half the quart was gone. Flatwoods propped him back up and sat back down, lighting the second smoke. "Feeling the effects yet boy?" Janitor only stared. Flats reached around and grabbed his arm again. Janitor was feeling the effects as he didn't struggle near as much now. "Yep, you are feeling it! In fact you are going to get used to that feeling!" Flatwoods reached into his bibbed overalls and produced the syringe and began rolling it in between his fingers looking at it in the light. "Do you know what you been drinking tonight boy? It is a special brew of my own making. I call it Tazmanian Devil Whiskey. This here is a jar of heads off of it. I carry it as fuel for a small stove or starting fires. It is 192 proof. Every bottle of it even cut to 90 proof has caused those who drank of it to get crazy as hell and go to fighting like nothin you aint never seen and that's why I call it Tasmanian Devil Whiskey! Now just imagine it at 192 proof-crazy isn't the word!" With that said, Flatwoods dipped the syringe into the Taz Whiskey and drew a full vile. By this time Janitor was practicalky comotose and didnt put up a struggle. Flatwoods administered the whole syring into Janitors arm as if a junkie shooting heroine. At this point, Flatwoods loosened the ropes on Janitor and drug him out of the house and into the yard. He cut open his shirt, removed the arm bandages, and shredded his pants up to the mid thigh. He then placed Janitor against the base of a tree. Flatwoods stooped down and looked Janitor in the eyes. He was no longer the demonic persona he had been only a few moments earlier. "You hurt my friends, you hurt others, and now you have hurt yourself by your own doings. You are not going to die, not today, and not by my hands. You see, that whiskey has a special ingredient called blowfish. It is a trick I learned in the Caribbean. Very shortly, you will loose the ability of conscience thought. I have turned you into one of the walking dead. Yes, Janitor, you will soon be a zombie to wander aimlessly about the rest of your days! Now, you have a wonderful life my friend, see you in hell from on high!"
With that Flatwoods rode off leaving Janitor47 to his own recognizance. It would not take long for Janitor47 to began his death sentence on earth.

http://401ak47.com/zombie-walks/zombiew ... ie-cowboy/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow

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Re: HD novella

Post by Jimbo »

Janitor47 roiled and railed in the dirt for the rest of the night like a rabid rat in the sewers of Chicago. He had not control of bodily function nor presence of thought, physical encumbrance reflected no semblance of humanity. At morning light he strained against the faint yellow beams of sunrise distant. As the light grew brighter his body revolted and twisted in agonizing contortion as his torment drove him to find the nearest deep crevasse under overturned ceder, root mass shielding from southern exposure. It was as if he couldn't dig deep enough to escape the hell cast upon him, finger nails lost in the snarl of burl, blood and dirt caked finger nubs digging frantically, mind gone, incoherent babbling spilling from his frothing bloody lips.
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Re: HD novella

Post by corene1 »

Corene was laying in her hide trying to keep an eye on everything going on, she saw the boys all leave and figured things were well in hand and knew this would be the last hours for the mob in Pagosa Springs. That wire haired fella FS said was mob was nowhere to be seen, but she would keep an eye out for him. Then the trumpeter played the call to the starting line loud and clear. They all cantered up to the gate decked in their racing colors a few had the tiniest little racing saddles while others had small standard saddles. Then there was Pogo, still grinning from ear to ear from his pistol shooting parade lap. Barefoot with a pair of jeans and a plaid shirt riding not much more than a saddle pad. No one gave him much thought though. I hope Jimbo was right telling me to bet on him , He has really good odds at 50to1 . she had put 40 dollars on him to win which was all she could afford to lose should something happen and right then it looked to her like her money was gone for sure. The bell rang and off they went, Pogo wasn't really used to real racing so he got off to a really bad start eating dirt from all the other horses. She really didn't know who owned what horse but a big ol bay was out front by a good bit at the half way point and Pogo was still in the back . She kept glassing the area but could see nothing out of the ordinary. She noticed Pogo leaning forward like he was talking to Churchill and suddenly that horse took to life and started to stretch out his gate . Faster and faster that horse was in full gallop now and starting to pass the other horses , his nostrils were flared and Pogo was hanging on for dear life, his shoulder was hurting from his crash earlier in the day but he didn't care , there was no way he was letting Mr Jimbo down. As they rounded the last turn Churchill and the bay were neck and neck. That bay was lathered hard and was running out of gas quick and Churchill looked like he was just playing with him. She swore she saw Churchill glance over at the bay and give him a look as to say nice race but I gotta go and with that seemed to find another gear. The crowd was going wild yelling and screaming for Pogo and Churchill. As they crossed the line they were fully 3 lengths ahead of the bay. For the second time in one day the crowd was all around Pogo clapping and yelling to him . Great job Pogo. He smiled a smile that few could ever forget. This was his day to remember. The Track made a fortune that day as there were only a few bets on Churchill and Pogo by a few of the locals which also got a really nice payout . Well I think this day is wrapped up and I need to start getting down the hill . She still had no idea of what was going on with the boys and the mob , but would soon find out.
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Re: HD novella

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Local wins among champion racers!
A local that everyone knows, Pogo won the horse race yesterday on his mount Churchill. A huge surprise to everyone except for a few savy betters. Pogo started dead last but over took the favorite in the last leg winning by several lengths. Odds makers are not saying what was the winners odds, but a few lucky locals are now sitting pretty!
Winner Pogo
Winner Pogo
The winning horse Churchill
The winning horse Churchill
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Re: HD novella

Post by S-Cackalacky »

S-Cack sat with his head in his hands. Visits to the bench had become few and far between. He had been sitting there for quite some time and was about to pack it up and head for home. Then, he heard the laughing and playful jabber of younguns. They were about to walk past the front of the store going toward the low holler just beyond where the highly butt polished liar's bench sat. There were about six of them. S-Cack recognized a few, but not all. They all carried BB guns slung over their shoulders by a piece of hemp cord. As they passed, a little girl that S-Cack knew very well yelled out to him, “Hey mister Cack. Why you look so sad?”. He replied, “Hey thar Lil-Sarah. Jus' bored I reckon. How's your folks?”. The little girl stopped and the other younguns dutifully stopped along with her and waited patiently. It was obvious that she garnered much respect from the other younguns. In a respectful tone she replied to the old man, “Daddy's home fixing supper and Mama went hikin' up to the skodies.”. “Gone to visit your namesake I reckon?” “Yep, Mama said Mr. Jimbo had a nice grave stone cut for Miss Sarah and she wanted to go up and have a look at it. We don't spec to see her back for a couple days. She gonna do some huntin' while she thar and bring home some meat.”

“So, where you younguns goin' with all them fancy firearms?” One little boy spoke up enthusiastically, “We gonna play S3 and the mob down in the holler.”. They all shuffled their feet and nodded in agreement. The old man sat straight up and said, “Well ya'll need to be careful and don't be shootin' each other with BB's.”. “Oh, we ain't got no money for no BB's.”, Lil-Sarah blurted out. The old man reached into his overall bib pocket and pulled out a wad of bills and handed Lil-Sarah a five. “Ya'll go on in the store and git yeselves some BB's and a candy stick.”. They all turned into a mass of energy, patting the old man on the sholder and oggling the five dollar bill. “Wait, wait, just hold on for a minute. When you get done in thar, I saw some empty vegetable cans out back of the store. Ya'll can gather some up and go down in the holler and do some target practice. I know you all heard the story about the S3 and the mob. You never know when good marksmanship will come into play. One day you'll be growed up and it'll be up to you to protect you and yorn. Go on now, git!

With that, they all clammered for the door. S-Cack feebly rose from the bench and aimlessly shuffled on toward home.
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Re: HD novella

Post by Bigbob »

A THANK YOU.........
The town of Pagosa Springs would like to thank a large group known as S3 for saving the town. Without this group all would have been loss.
First Sheriff Rager
First Sheriff Rager
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Ga flatwoods
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Re: HD novella

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Without you the town would not have survived...Thank You All!!!
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Re: HD novella

Post by rnw349 »

When the gang returned to town with FS after a long night in the woods, they went to Jimbos to set, have a drink and eat. Sheriff Rager met FS outside and gave him a ticket from the track to claim his winnings. The good sheriff had placed a couple of bets with FS's money that he had given to Corene. He had placed money for both Corene and FS. When pogo won they were both well off. FS had enough to make a new start, whether here in Pogosa or wherever he wanted. Corene was now set for life, she shouldn't have to toil or scratch out a livin anymore.

When FS entered into jimbo's he saw Benny. He knew Benny was mob and his heart sunk. He figured Benny was there for him, to either kill him or to take him back to Chicago to Tony. FS had never dealt with Benny before and didn't know much about him. He had always heard Benny was on the up and up, but why would Benny be hear? Would Benny recognize me? I never knew of Benny to be a killer, or any type of enforcer for Tony. Dang it, I was free, I had taken my freedom back, I thought for good. Now I've got a stake, to start over with, I want out, don't want no more killing. Don't want to go back to Chicago. I'd like to start again, new here. For the first time in his life FS felt like running, but he walked to Benny and stuck out his hand shook Benny's hand. He thought to himself there ain't no future in running, if he wants me he's got me. I'm done either way, I've got to have some relief.
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Re: HD novella

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Benny looked at FS for a moment, hand not lifting from the table to meet FS's. "Damn good thing they sent the wrong man out here to take care of this" he said to FS. "Whats your story, why are you here?" FS put his hand down. "Sit down!" Benny said in a stern voice, "tell me what youre angling. If you think youre gonna somehow take advantage of these folks I have bad news for you..." FS interupted Benny, "THats, thats, not my intention at all Benny. Im tired of that life, I want out, I want to stay here. If youre here to end me for that lets get it over with, I cant run anymore. This here mountain town is a beautiful place to live, and if its not far enough, well then there probably is no place farther so just do it, just end this...." "Shut up FS!!, Jesus H Christ already. Im not here to shoot you. FS, you living happily ever after out here was not part of the plan. Tuna is pissed as hell at you for botching this up and your ass is tagged now if you ever show up back in town. Your saving grace is he doesnt even know youre still alive, and he's not sending another crew out here, so wont know unless I tell him. And I dont plan to. "He's not sending another crew???" FS was really surprised to hear that. "Why?" "There's a lot you dont know FS. Jimbo saved my hide in the war. My father gave him his number years ago after the war for a favor if Jimbo ever needed anything. A thank you. Jimbo called it in when this fine town erupted in violence and he learned it was mob based. Tony told JImbo he couldnt do much from across the country on short notice, but if Enrico disappeared, there would be no retribution from Chicago. Thats a pretty big favor if you know my father. He lost a crew and is forgetting it. Paid. Done. Its over. Except Wires, who's still here hiding somewhere, probably shitting his pants behind a rock somewhere after seeing how these capable mountain folks took care of Enrico, Carmen and Kenny. These are no soft suburbanites out here. As youve seen. I came out to make sure it went well when I learned it was Jimbo, but there was no need ,these folk are badass. Truth be told, I like it here too. Im gonna hang out for a bit myself here. Make sure Wires doesnt surface and cause problems, or any of Enrico's punks dont come looking for him against Tonys orders. I suspect after all the shit tho, the towns folk arent going to warm up to us any time soon. We need to do everything we can to assure them of our intentions. Over and above. We can start by dropping a big envelope in the basket at Church Sunday" FS said, "Rager gave me a ticket for some serious winnings on Pogo. Ill do what I can with that money to help mend this town from the damage Chicago caused"
Last edited by Jimbo on Sun Apr 05, 2015 5:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: HD novella

Post by S-Cackalacky »

Sorry about taggin' an end to it. Didn't realize ya'll weren't done wrappin' things up.

In case anybody is wonderin' about Lil-Sarah, She was out there with Corene while she was bein' all commando and savin' the world from ne'er-do-wells. She was unawares herself til Butch pointed out she was gettin' a little paunch.

Somebody's gonna have a real fun job editing this thing. I'm sure the word count in its raw form must add up to near five hundred printed pages.
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Re: HD novella

Post by Bigbob »

That was a great ending Cack. But I think everyone has got the writing bug! :P
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Re: HD novella

Post by S-Cackalacky »

Bigbob wrote:That was a great ending Cack. But I think everyone has got the writing bug! :P
Thanks, but it need not hold up as an ending. Would be good to see several different ones to choose from. This story's been all over the place with a lot of dead ends and conflicting story lines. But, I think there's a good story to be pulled out of it by someone with some decent editing skills. Would be nice to see it published some way or other with any sales proceeds going to the site. One of those online publishers might be a good way to get it out there. Most of them you can order printed copies - would be an awesome keepsake for the writers and an awesome read for anyone else.

Everyone involved has done a great job. When it's all wrapped up, maybe we can all gather at the bench and chew on it for a while. Maybe even brainstorm the next one. Hell, Flatwood's already got the impetus for a zombie Apocalypse story line goin' - Janitor zombie and the redneck monsters. Maybe he could trick the monkey into drinkin' some of that blow fish juice. Look out Pagosa Springs - your troubles only just begun.
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Re: HD novella

Post by corene1 »

This story is far from ending. We still have Jed and the funny money connection to deal with and to tie into this chapter. Remember him and his corhorts were here trying to set up a money laundering for the FBI's counterfeit money . An he killed hazel his boss who was directing it. We just got clear of the mob influence that is all. Plus Benny is thinking of hitting up Jimbo to supply shine to the Chicago family . Maybe legit maybe not.
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