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Re: Geo-tagging - PLEASE READ

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:07 pm
by mancrypt
I am new but not new to distilling, if your going to distill this is a nice post to help you along to not getting drilled. The problem today is that they are in legislation at this moment to allow law enforcement to look at all that happens on the net in the USA with no warrent. This legislation is target so the FBI and the FCC can look and monitor any US connection, though they can at that point issue a search order to a local agency and allow them to monitor the same internet user on a local level. This is most likely going to pass as it is what big brother wants, you monitor the masses and know when to wipe our butts. All digital cameras and phones encrypt data into photos to identify it to a device. So just be careful all!

Also beyond the picassa crap, it does not matter there, the law is an open book to any web based data provider transmitting to the USA, they give the data that is on their servers to them or they block service. we are all ass out there, google will sacrifice the 1 for the many billions in information they have on us all.

Re: Geo-tagging - PLEASE READ

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 5:22 pm
by J88 removes all of the exif data and is a great image hosting site. I use it for everything.

Re: Geo-tagging - PLEASE READ

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 2:47 pm
by drunkmore
spiritus vini wrote:It would be pretty neat if we could spoof the location. Make 'em look somewhere in Alaska or somewhere in a jungles! I would take a great pleasure of misleading the 'watching eye' to go look for me or my still in a world's cloaks. :twisted:
FDA agent in court requesting a warrant "your honor, please give us a warrant to search and seize the still... er... you have in your basement. oh and while your at it can you give me one for the mayors house and the chief of polices house too. Oh and as a personal favor, your honor, you might like to get your daughter to remove the meth lab before we get there."
It would be interesting wouldnt it. :clap:

Re: Geo-tagging - PLEASE READ

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 12:49 pm
by S-Cackalacky
This is a fairly old thread, but just read through it and want to say thanks to YHB for all the good info and a big thanks to Husker for all the work he did to make this a non-issue and ease a lot of concern.

This all makes me wonder if the recent phone metadata scandal is just the tip of the iceburg. You have to know that with publicly available technology like google earth, big brother probably has even more sophisticated capability to watch you and your family sitting down to dinner and watch your movements in real time. I wonder if it will come to the point of being able to see and record the movement of every living thing on earth. Orwellian prophecy coming to fruition - what a wonderful thought.

Weird thing is - I really don't feel like a paranoid kook having written that.

Just sayin',

Re: Geo-tagging - PLEASE READ

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 12:59 pm
by Black Eye
well shit Google Maps / Earth used to be owned by the military before it was declassified when it was obsolete. Think of what they have now. Hell, they have software that can pick your face out of a crowd, I'm sure they can smell it when you fart in your own house. Question is how can they possibly provide the resources to track each and every one of us.

I'm just going to keep on like I've been keepin on.

Re: Geo-tagging - PLEASE READ

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 4:23 pm
by S-Cackalacky
Black Eye wrote:well shit Google Maps / Earth used to be owned by the military before it was declassified when it was obsolete. Think of what they have now. Hell, they have software that can pick your face out of a crowd, I'm sure they can smell it when you fart in your own house. Question is how can they possibly provide the resources to track each and every one of us.

I'm just going to keep on like I've been keepin on.
Yep, can probably analyze the farts too and tell you what you had for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Kinda makes you want to take off all your clothes and run around neked don't it. Hell, got nothin' to hide anymore. May as well just lay it all out there, so to speak.

Just sayin',

Re: Geo-tagging - PLEASE READ

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 5:13 pm
by Black Eye
Well my neighbors don't have that technology, why subject them to my pastey white ass walking around the yard. I'll keep up wit my operations.

Funny thing is if you check google maps you can see my neighbors pot plants on his deck, or so he says.

Re: Geo-tagging - PLEASE READ

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 10:24 am
by Husker

I cleaned up geotagged items again recently, after being informed of some images online, carrying a users full name, and home address.

I am bumping this so people think a little AND so they check their phone, and turn off this trail of bread crumbs before posting. Yes, I do clean things up from time to time, but it is a manual process. I do not think I can (or want) script it to run automatically. It currently has to be run as root on the server itself, it is run OUTSIDE of phpbb. So if I forget for a while (like months), images can sit there a long time.

We do try to clean these up, from time to time to help keep identities more hidden. BUT it really is up to the user (YOU) themselves, to initially upload pictures that are clean and free of this problem.

(NOTE to self). I will see if I can modify the php to do this whenever a picture is uploaded. But right now I do not have much time, job is getting in the way of that.

Re: Geo-tagging - PLEASE READ

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 10:35 am
by Prairiepiss
Husker could you add a warning to the image upload section? So when they go to upload a pic its there?

I know it would probably be like any other warning. And not pay attention to it. But it mite catch some?

Re: Geo-tagging - PLEASE READ

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 11:07 am
by Husker
I think the better solution is to simply detect a pic when up loaded (phpbb already does that), and it creates the thumbnail also. I will see if I can simply make a call out when writing the file, to actually call the program I use to strip this. Thus, all files would be auto-stripped AT the time they uploaded.

One other side effect, is this program can do some 'safe' compression of the graphics images, so it might be a very good overall improvement. I just have to get some time to put into it.

Re: Geo-tagging - PLEASE READ

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 11:57 am
by Halfbaked
This isn't no joke. I found the pics and told husker. I could see this persons house. If he would have been pissin outside, well Im glad he wasn't. Honestly it is a really easy screw up to make.

Re: Geo-tagging - PLEASE READ

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 7:10 pm
by Bob Loblaw
I strip ALL the properties from any picture I post - but if there is any IP address logging, I am not sure how much it matters

Re: Geo-tagging - PLEASE READ

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 4:16 pm
by BigSwede
Being a new guy here, this thread was a good read, and I was very happy to hear that the forum works at cleaning pictures up, but ultimately, the responsibility lies with the poster, not the forum.

Privacy is a never-ending battle, and sadly, We the People, are probably losing.

If there is any good news, it is that there are probably 10 MJ grow forums for every home distiller forum. There are explosives forums, forums for every imaginable bad thing out there. There are bigger fish to fry. Like exploitation of children.

But that does not mean it's OK to be stupid. I appreciate the basic mantra of "don't talk, don't sell."

Re: Geo-tagging - PLEASE READ

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 8:43 am
by Coug95man2
Technology is an ever evolving thing, and as the newest message of any technology on here is 2 years old, I'd wager many here have updated their phones. Realize with every generation of phone, the privacy settings are different. Everyone should be googling "privacy" and their style of phone, with each new "upgrade". Albeit most of these settings do have to do with Advertising, it's still YOUR privacy. And realize, as innocuous as "advertising" sounds, that's the excuse for the geotagging photo's. That way business's get free advertising. So this is very much a "buyer beware" thing.

Example: My wife was fairly shaken when Siri (iPhone 6s) started to tell her directions to her favorite coffee shop without instigating anything from Siri. Phone was sitting there, in the car, and Siri started stating things like, "Take the next left to go to such-and-such Starbucks". Scared the crap out of her… Why? Not just because the phone started talking without being asked something. But because Siri was right. That was exactly where she was going.

I know this thread has been hashed pretty well and the forum has done it's due diligence on it's side, but it's been several years and people might need a friendly reminder to check ALL of their privacy settings. Because there is more than one button to find, now-a-days.

Re: Geo-tagging - PLEASE READ

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 9:33 am
by KYMountainMan
This is one of the reasons I only use an Android device, and Turn OFF everything that isn't absolutely necessary to operate my phone. Also, there are "Background" settings you can use to turn off tracking and ensure that your phone isn't transmitting data when you don't want it to.

One piece of advice .... NEVER NEVER NEVER and I repeat ... .NEVER leave Wifi 'ON' at all times!

Too many people use technology as a convenience, and there is always a way to invade your privacy through convenience. :wink:

Re: Geo-tagging - PLEASE READ

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 5:35 pm
by reckless kelly
Hey Husker?
Ever get around to the tag stripper script?

Re: Geo-tagging - PLEASE READ

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 8:32 pm
by hotmaildotcom1
I just read this thread now and was surprised to say the least. Friggin NSA stuff I tell ya.

I'm a pretty techy guy and didn't even know you could do this without a special camera. Turns out almost everyone's phone is bugged up with this junk. I found some software online that might have already been mentioned in the thread but I didn't see it as of this point. It's like the many mentioned already but it allows for the geotags to be stripped from the user's whole PC at once if you wish. It's called Geotag security" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow.

Anyways doesn't solve the problem but helps to deal with the after effects. Sorry to sound like a product peddler.

Re: Geo-tagging - PLEASE READ

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2017 8:22 am
by ATV
Laws concerning stilling..

I am aware that in some places distilling spirits is against the law and cause for paranoia / precautions. I personally live in Canada. From what ive researched, there is no law in Canada preventing you to make your own spirit, falls under the same law as the beer, wine making for personal.

There are laws on amount can store, giving to minors, or selling but nothing in regards to making it for your own personal consumption. As far as im aware, you can give up to 1,500 liters per year away as samples.

Anyone shed more light on this topic for me.

Re: Geo-tagging - PLEASE READ

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 4:16 pm
by hpby98 ... -using-php" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow

Some php script ideas others have come up with for this exact scenario

Should be run once the photo uploads, or even as it’s uploading.

Re: Geo-tagging - PLEASE READ

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 11:09 pm
by frost021
ATV wrote:Laws concerning stilling..

I am aware that in some places distilling spirits is against the law and cause for paranoia / precautions. I personally live in Canada. From what ive researched, there is no law in Canada preventing you to make your own spirit, falls under the same law as the beer, wine making for personal.

There are laws on amount can store, giving to minors, or selling but nothing in regards to making it for your own personal consumption. As far as im aware, you can give up to 1,500 liters per year away as samples.

Anyone shed more light on this topic for me.
ATV Not sure where your from in Canada:
but the Laws Haven't changed that much :( ...Mind you they are a changing :) and so fast that most can't keep up hoping its a good thing :D
But there was a law that you couldn't even own a still Here in Canada and it wasn't that long ago As Dad Lost a few of them and one was about 15 years ago RIP Dad...
Much of the changes are because because of the Good folks that are on here at HD!!! and other sites Teaching the proper Ways of Distilling ...
I think I know where you got that Info from but I THINK it may have to DO with Going Legal ...As Spirits and the Laws are Different then Beer and Wine...AND EVERY PROVINCE HAS THEIR OWN TWISTS AS THERE IS COMPLICATIONS TAKING WINE OR BEER TO DIFFERENT PROVINCES :shock:

Re: Geo-tagging - PLEASE READ

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 11:32 am
by Reverend Newer
Just cuz yer paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you.

Always loved that saying, seemed fitting here.

EXIF data has been a known issue on other "questionable" online hobby forums for quite some time. There are cases of that data being used in prosecutions so be safe.

Re: Geo-tagging - PLEASE READ

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 3:49 pm
by Alchemist75
I'd so love to post a few pics but my only camera is my cellphone and I don't trust it one bit. Until such time as I can figure out how to post without geo tags the best I can give is descriptions. I'm quite paranoid.

Re: Geo-tagging - PLEASE READ

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 4:43 pm
by jonnys_spirit
It would be best if we could specify the geo tag coordinates. Like this.

38.889931, -77.009003

Can that php script change all the photo’s on HD exif data to this? Copy into google maps.

Eff da MF man

Re: Geo-tagging - PLEASE READ

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 11:28 pm
by hpby98
When you upload to it strips the geo data

Just a heads up

Re: Geo-tagging - PLEASE READ

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 11:56 pm
by rubelstrudel
And If you should want to put a little effort into spoofing the exif data: ... ta_editors" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow

Re: Geo-tagging - PLEASE READ

Posted: Tue May 14, 2019 8:27 pm
by Sunshineer
Large Sarge wrote:YHB, North York Moors National Park? Might have fat fingered it though. Did it while walking.
If you drink and drive don't forget your car

Re: Geo-tagging - PLEASE READ

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2020 2:21 pm
by Biff Henderson
Reverend Newer - that's a great saying.

Happened to catch this thread while searching for something else. Directions to turn OFF geotagging for an iPhone:

1. Go to Settings
2. Go to Privacy
3. Go to Location Services
4. Go to Camera - select Never

As a matter of this for ever-damn thing you got on that phone.

Re: Geo-tagging - PLEASE READ

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2020 3:49 am
by Reaverman
I agree with this post, but I think we have to also realise (especially the UK). A lot of coppers struggle using social media tools, let alone metadata in pics. There have been recent legal cases where people have been imprisoned based on social media comments. But the coppers have missed the glaringly obvious manipulated information that they were using.

Again, I agree with the post. Just don't law enforcement as being the sharpest tool in the box!

Re: Geo-tagging - PLEASE READ

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2020 11:03 am
by Desvio
Reaverman wrote: Mon Dec 28, 2020 3:49 am Just don't law enforcement as being the sharpest tool in the box!
Seriously my friend, go about your day thinking they are smarter than you, even if the latter is true. You don't want to become the next feather in some LEO's cap.

Re: Geo-tagging - PLEASE READ

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2020 12:45 pm
by cob
This thread is why I stopped posting pictures here.

It is also why my phone has been purged.