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Re: Hello from a former prosecutor

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 6:03 pm
by sthudium
Well, at least the OP didn't come here touting how he is a technician or a coder… Nothing trips my trigger like a technician or coder bragging that they know more than, and seethe with resentment towards, the engineers that are placed over them.

Re: Hello from a former prosecutor

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 8:30 pm
by goose eye
Wv you order a outfit with a number on it.
Identified himself. Ain't no entrapment.

This is a full contact sport.

Could be the best person since Noah but that
is your call your security . Everybody gotta do there on
risk assessment.

I ain't never made no likker an ain't gonna in the future


So I'm Tole

Re: Hello from a former prosecutor

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 8:47 pm
by lampshade
"What difference does it make?" All vocations have good and bad members -- that is the human condition.

Sheesh, I'd hoped that whenever someone enters our hallowed halls, that their day job is left behind and they are only evaluated by their ability to contribute to our common avocation and disciple those that follow in their footsteps.

Re: Hello from a former prosecutor

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 11:06 pm
by MitchyBourbon
Well said lampshade.

Re: Hello from a former prosecutor

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 6:53 am
by dakotasnake
in my state the governors brother was instumental in getting state laws changed to allow legal, licenced distilarys here. he now operates one and im sure he had a little practice b4 he jumped in it. we need those people here that have ways and means.

Re: Hello from a former prosecutor

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 8:44 am
by OlympicMtDoo
The OP has already made a pretty good contribution, this is a pretty damn entertaining thread to read. :thumbup:

Re: Hello from a former prosecutor

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 3:17 pm
by swampdog 2
PROSECUTOR welcome to HDF , plenty of good info here ,ENJOY

Re: Hello from a former prosecutor

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 5:08 pm
by woodshed
What's your setup? Any ideas to start with? A tried and true?
The right people will be able to respond best if we have more info.
Everyone here has something positive to add. Just not for every topic.

Re: Hello from a former prosecutor

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 6:13 pm
by rad14701
Six pages deep in posts and the OP has only made four of them... :think:

Re: Hello from a former prosecutor

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 6:37 pm
by KillerOKane
Ill take a lawyer & prosecutors over a tellamarketer, swift kick to the nuts!
It takes all kinds to make this golf ball go round. What is your first order of business? Do you have a set up yet?? Sounds like a traditional pot still route by your asperations, where are you at in the line up?


Re: Hello from a former prosecutor

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 12:41 am
by stillin
I used to be a sheriffs deputy ain't been one for about 20 years but I used to be. Flame me if u want I dont care. Now I'm a engineer. I would tell yall what all I know but its so much info im afraid it would crash the site!

Re: Hello from a former prosecutor

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 5:54 pm
by mipuz
Haha. If I had anything else interesting to add about myself, I would have. But that was about it.

I have a stainless steel ebay still with a copper shotgun condenser. I ran a brown sugar wash, getting around 70% out of it. Really fruity and wonderful. Cut it to 40%, added some pumpkin pie spice, almond essence, vanilla essence and molasses, ran it through a coffee filter and took it to a party. One lady said she wanted to be the head of PR for when we open a rum factory! (Dare to dream.) It ended up being about a liter and, by halfway through the party, it was empty.

I was one happy camper! Plus, I tried some Bulleit Bourbon and Maker's Mark. Compared to the Bulleit, my rum was surprisingly smooth, without really any harshness or bite to speak of. The Maker's Mark was pretty good, so I'd be happy to make something that good in the near future. But both of those bottles were still half full while the rum was long gone.

So far, so good! Got some UJSMs with various grains going next. Keeping fingers crossed that it gets even better from here.

Re: Hello from a former prosecutor

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 9:08 pm
by KillerOKane
Hey hey,
I have some curious questions, what strain / type of yeast ( Man Name) did you use on your rum??
You mentioned a stainless rig, are you referring to a pot or reflux used in the manner of simple distillation(pot mode)?
I personally do not add commercial essences to my rum, those means are quicker in a pinch (party/gathering). I use a mash consisting of blackstrap molasses and cane sugar. A simple bread yeast works wonderful (full recipe if your inclined is available). Never add Carmel covering or essences if you can. Your rum oils and post distillation steps (traditional) will make an awsome end result. The carmelisation if sugars provide the initial color and sweetness if desired. Some rums are aged on previously used oak. I use virgin heavey toasted oak myself in a small volume (two table spoons per gallon). It's all about the desired end result and time frame before enjoyment.

Have a great one and hit me back.

Re: Hello from a former prosecutor

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 11:42 am
by RandyMarshCT
Hey mipuz, welcome to the forum. Some of the people here can be rough (as you've seen) but there are a lot of good people with lots of knowledge that can help you a lot. I learned a lot here from (probably over 100) hours of reading. I waited a long time to join because I was intimidated by the way a lot of newer people are treated, and later because I purchased a still from someone who ruffled a lot of feathers here (because he stole his design) but don't let those things discourage you. Yeah, a lot of the guys with lots of experience seem to talk down to you, but it's probably because they've answered the same questions a million times. What I'm getting at is: read as much as possible and don't be afraid to ask questions, but most importantly, don't get discouraged when people rip on you or treat you like a newb. There's a lot to learn from these cranky old bastards. I'm glad to see you've switched over from the dark side and hopefully your contacts and/or experience can help us all with the goal of legalizing this awesome hobby! From one newb to another...

Re: Hello from a former prosecutor

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 11:47 am
by Prairiepiss
cranky old bastards
Hey I resemble that statement. :mrgreen:

Re: Hello from a former prosecutor

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 12:32 pm
by wv_cooker
Never be afraid of these cranky old bastards they were new once too want to read their first posts just search them by name you will see lol.

Re: Hello from a former prosecutor

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 8:45 pm
by Truckinbutch
wv_cooker wrote:Never be afraid of these cranky old bastards they were new once too want to read their first posts just search them by name you will see lol.
LMAO :oops: You make a very good point :thumbup:

Re: Hello from a former prosecutor

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 10:55 am
by lampshade
wv_cooker wrote:Never be afraid of these cranky old bastards they were new once too want to read their first posts just search them by name you will see lol.
Just like to add that many (not all) of those cranky old bastards have been 'stillin for decades, long before this site was started. Their knowledge allowed this site to startup successfully. We owe those guys for the knowledge that we now take for granted. I would encourage everyone to think about helping Bushman collect that knowledge in tutorials for the "New Distillers Reading Lounge."