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Re: Hard to watch

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 3:40 pm
by MichiganCornhusker
Kareltje wrote:The point in your story is: these men were focused on other things than the taste of their whisky and beer. ... I think it is the fate of everybody who makes something with craftmanship: most people are not able to really notice it.
Do you really appreciate the masoning of your house? The removal of your garbage? The growing of your food?
So many beautiful things can slip by every day because we simply are not paying attention. I'll take this as a challenge to remember to watch my life closer rather than the clock. (although there are many who would say I don't do a great job with the clock either...)

One think I have noticed is that over the last couple years since beginning my distilling adventure my ability to taste spirits has developed dramatically.
Before, anything I tried to taste neat was mostly fire and burning, and then maybe some vague idea of grain.
Now I can sip pretty much anything and not be distracted by any burn and start to focus on the character of the drink, noticing flavors that I have come to recognize and look for new tastes.

Almost any time I have a drink now, beer or spirits, when I take my first sips, I tend to try to focus on those flavors, trying to catalogue them for future reference and comparison.
Then I usually just move on to drinking and talking.

Re: Hard to watch

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 4:10 pm
by thecroweater
It boils down to the satisfaction of someone enjoying it no point caring how or why they enjoyed it as everyone's taste and senses are different. If the majority that taste your product say its good be a little proud, if you think its good be even more so, you have impresses the most important critic. :thumbup:

Re: Hard to watch

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 5:14 pm
by Mudflats
I believe it take more than that, I believe it takes schooling to teach these youngsters exactly what this potion is, and how long it took to create, to make, the hours of grain harvesting, cleaning, mashing/cooking/stirring , and cooling and yeast, and watching...........and lautering, and distilling, then ageing..........
This stuff does not just fall out of the sky, and I fully understand the physical pain when some numb nuts comes along & just want s nothing more than to get bombed, like it is the entire object of "the game"........the get bombed outta his mind, fall down the hill, piss hisself, breaks his glasses..need I go on ?
I hate drunks...............