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Re: My Gin Journey

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2021 11:08 pm
by artooks
Hi Everyone,

My bombay clone has been resting for two weeks, three weeks to go, but since it has been 2 weeks I wanted to try it, almost about a month ago I purchased myself a cream whipper, especially to make tonic water, but since purchasing it I have been playing with different cocktails and different ways to make gin tonic, I am using Jeffrey Morgenthaler's Tonic Recipe this is the 2014 version which is an updated one to the previous one that he made in 2008 you can find the recipe in the link below ... -and-tonic

I really like homemade tonic water, it really gives a new dimension and makes me hate the commercial tonics, they now feel like water compare to this tonic recipe.

well what I do now is I mix the tonic syrup the gin, water and 2-3 ice cubes I give them a shake in the cream whipper, then I charge it with 1 CO2 canister and it really shines, must say that now this is the best gin&tonics that I experienced the good part is that both gin and tonic are homemade and that is alone good satisfaction point. after charging with one canister I give it a good shake in order for the CO2 to dissolve in the mix for best carbonation the cream whipper should be kept in the freezer and by adding 2-3 ice cubes and shaking all the mix is become quite cold so after I finish shaking I leave it for 2-3 minutes to settle that you need to let the co2 out by pressing the handle but ıt should be done slowly otherwise it foams up. you can see the end result in the pictures.

Re: My Gin Journey

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2021 11:11 pm
by artooks
But after using my cream whipper toy to make some different cocktails I quickly end up with the co2 canisters so since I am also making beer I have a Sodastream canister to carbonate I find a way to attach it to my cream whipper but it is still in the post once it arrives I won't be using the canisters anymore.

Re: My Gin Journey

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2021 11:19 am
by artooks
One of my favorite cocktails is made with gin is "Gimlet" I am enjoying a few of them tonight wamted to share the recipe.
Here is the recipe

Richmond Gimlet

2 oz Tanqueray No. 10 gin
¾ oz/22.5 ml fresh lime juice
¾ oz/22.5 ml simple syrup
1 large sprig mint

Combine ingredients in a cocktail shaker.
Shake with ice cubes until cold.
Fine-strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
Serve without garnish.

Re: My Gin Journey

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2021 2:15 am
by artooks
Hi Everyone,

Regarding the last Bombay like gin that I made, It has been 3 weeks, and since I had a touching problem, and have been trying the new gin, the empty side of the bottle shows some oily like droplets on the bottle, after 3 weeks it is way floral, I really like my gin juniper forward but this one when I smell it, I feel like I am smelling a parfume which is not bad but I do not feel %100 that I am drinking a gin, so I started to think about the ingredients, maybe the pistachios were the reason of this oily outcome, I do not know but I am leaning towards to more simple recipes, I think in that sense the OEG is the best one, or maybe gin with no more that 4-5 ingredients is the best, what do you all think, by looking at the last recipe that I made can you please comment on what was the reason of this floral smell and taste ? What would be a simple gin in your opinion, how many and which ingredients.

Re: My Gin Journey

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 2:17 am
by Wozza
artooks wrote: Tue Jan 05, 2021 4:13 am Hi Everyone,

For 1 litre of %43 Neutral.

* 18 grams of juniper berries
* 9 grams of coriander seeds
* 0.18 grams of dried orange peel
* 0.18 grams of Cardamom
* 1.8 grams of Angelica Root
* 1.8 grams of St. John’s Wort

Total Herbs per litre: 30.96 grams.
OEG quotes 12g of juniper and 3g of coriander. I use between 10 and 15g of juniper and around 4g of coriander. It looks like you're using a lot more than the original recipe. But...I notice from your piccies that the juniper and coriander are left whole when you macerate them. I make sure all the berries are slightly crushed and I grind the coriander. Not to a powder as I would making a curry, but they ain't anywhere near whole seeds when I'm done.

The point being is that I would imagine that the neutral would extract a lot more flavour if they are not left whole. They certainly smell much stronger after bruising/crushing. Maybe you could use less getting some work done with a pestle and mortar.

Odin also quotes one tangerine per litre (which I can never find on sale anywhere, so I've been using a combo of oranges, lemons, grapefruit and tangelos - whatever is handy at the time). And if we say a lemon is about the same size as a tangerine, then the weight of the peel is around 12g. Which is 60x more than the weight of dried orange peel in your recipe. Is the dried peel much more intense? I may try drying some out for my next batch.

And hey, whatever you're using it seems like your really happy with the result. Which is all that matters.

Re: My Gin Journey

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 3:03 am
by artooks
Hi Everyone,

After playing with my relatives lab grade still, I finally realized that this type of still is not suitable for my needs since it has a Friedrichs condenser and more like a reflux still, but I like the idea, since after making my neutral with my still I could distill 1 liter of gin with this still and try many different recipes, so I got my self a simple 2 lt flask with a distillation head and a Liebig condenser, I have been playing with it for the last few days and today I decided to make OEG with this but this time I did a few things differently, I am going to macerate @ %60 ABV without crushing coriander and juniper berries, for 24 hrs, and tomorrow I will dilute to 43% ABV and distill.


1000 ml %43 ABV
12 gram Juniper
3 gram Coriander
3.3 gram tangerine peel, with the pit removed with a knife.

So today I diluted my neutral to 717 ml @ %60 ABV and tomorrow I will add 283 ml water to bring it down to 43 ABV and the total volume will be 1000 ml @ 43% ABV and I will receive 400 ml @ 80% ABV hopefully and when I dilute this to 45%ABV it will leave me with 711 ml basically a bottle gin, so this way I will be able to make many different recipes and fine tune along the way, in the still there is a part above the boiler which is called " splash head " I will put the peels there in order to vapor infuse only the peels, hopefully it will be good lets see.


Re: My Gin Journey

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 2:17 am
by artooks
Hi Everyone,

This morning I setup my glass still in a few minutes added 283 ml water on top of the boiler and bring the volume to 1000 ml and the abv dropped from %60 to %43 I take out the tangerine and put it in the splash head which you can see in the pictures, so the Juniper and coriander will be in the boiler and the tangerine will be in the splash head so that the hot alcohol vapor will pass and extract the flavor, I started the heater halfway so that the heating will be slow and gradual after 32 minutes the boiling started take out the first 10 ml and collected the rest until 400 ml, I then checked the ABV it showed %84 ABV, it is a little bit on the high side, in order to lower the output ABV the initial boiler charge should be lower so next time I will take this into account, I know this because in my trial distillations with only 30%ABV the output was around 75% ABV, which will also make it less drier, so in order to fill my 700 ml bottle I had to opt for %48 ABV which I did and immediately tried it o it is awesome, this recipe is very foolproof, but I must say I only used half of the tangerine peels, at the moment it has a very nice tangerine smell which will blend in the coming weeks, I will try it in two weeks time, but I am very happy with the outcome.


Re: My Gin Journey

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 2:21 am
by artooks

Re: My Gin Journey

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 12:25 pm
by artooks
Well after finishing the 1 liter gin run under 2 hrs from start to finish, that was not enough for me so I stil had some TFFV so this time I wanted to try vapor infusion with my mini glass still, as you will remember last time I put the tangerine peel in the "splash head" so this time I decided to put everything in there supported by a small SS mesh to keep everything from falling to the boiler, well I must say this was my first attempt in vapor infusion and I know that this was the the most ideal way to do it, because I thought the vapor could condensate along the way just under the botanicals and drip back to the boiler, well it happened sort of my alcohol turned yellow then brownish :) the last thing under the splash head was lemon peel, so here is the new recipe.

Mixed Dry Gin

1) Juniper berries: 18 Grams
2) Coriander seeds: 7 Grams
3) Angelica root: 1.8 Grams
4) Cassia Bark: 1.8 Grams
5) Liquorice: 1.8 Grams
6) Lemon peel: 1 Grams

Total Botanicals per litre: 31.4 Gr / lt

I slightly smashed the juniper berries and coriander with mortar and pestle than put everything in the splash head, since last time my output was around %84 ABV I wanted to lower my initial charge so I did it @ 35%ABV, when I looked at the splash head I see all the botanicals almost covering the space, so I was thinking if this could create a blockage I anxiously waited for the alcohol to boil, since I opted for 35% ABV my initial volume was slightly higher 1229 ml @ 35 %ABV. I started the heating mantle halfway and it took 39 minutes to come to boil and I see that the hot alcohol vapor start to get through from the botanicals and it started to show some moisture on the surface, but it was ok, again I took out 10 mls abd collected the rest till 400 ml and it was very straightforward, I quite enjoyed watching it. After the run completed I check the final ABV and saw that it was the same ABV %84 like last run, even I started at a lower charge the output ABV did not change it could be that maybe the botanicals created a blockage and increased the output ABV, I gave it a quick taste it was lighter compared to the ones I macerated for 24 hrs and boiled everything in the boiler. I was amazed to see still how much taste has been transferred even with vapor infusion, so you could still smell it but when you taste it, it disappears very quickly.


Re: My Gin Journey

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 7:18 pm
by howie
looks like you're having fun, it's good to actually see what's going on.
assuming that the leibig water comes in from the bottom end, you could turn the leibig so the cooling water exits upwards and should fill that void.

i have trouble with the first 10ml.
i collect in small quantities to begin with but i can't taste that first 'fores'.
i am beginning to suspect the small puddles of condensate that collects on the joins at the start and end of the leibig.
they are about 10mls worth.
next time i'm going to try and test/taste these puddles.

did you find that the vapour condenses in the splash head around the botanicals, then drips down, until the condensate reboils in the splashhead?
i tried a similar setup, but eventually ended up throwing everything in the boiling flask.
then i broke my 'splash head' :roll:

i'm thinking of buying a heating mantle, do they respond quickly to control input changes?

Re: My Gin Journey

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 8:48 pm
by artooks
howie wrote: Sun Mar 28, 2021 7:18 pm looks like you're having fun, it's good to actually see what's going on.
assuming that the leibig water comes in from the bottom end, you could turn the leibig so the cooling water exits upwards and should fill that void.

i have trouble with the first 10ml.
i collect in small quantities to begin with but i can't taste that first 'fores'.
i am beginning to suspect the small puddles of condensate that collects on the joins at the start and end of the leibig.
they are about 10mls worth.
next time i'm going to try and test/taste these puddles.

did you find that the vapour condenses in the splash head around the botanicals, then drips down, until the condensate reboils in the splashhead?
i tried a similar setup, but eventually ended up throwing everything in the boiling flask.
then i broke my 'splash head' :roll:

i'm thinking of buying a heating mantle, do they respond quickly to control input changes?
Hi Howie,

I will try to play with the orientation of the condenser next time to fill the void, but up until now it has not created any problem, so before moving on to the gin run, I did some trial test to see how the flask heats up and how precise the heating mantle, well I have found out that if I go full power on the mantle then even if I lower it really takes some time to settle, but during that time frame, you see some puking as it boils very harshly, so the trick is to start slow around halfway, that really helped me and enabled me to have a consistency on the drops that I receive. So if you start slow you would not have any problems collecting the first 10 ml, to be honest I use a measuring jigger to collect the first 10 ml I opt somewhere between 1/4 oz - 1/2 oz :)

Well with the botanicals in the splash head It did not condensate like you mention only a few drops, just some light passive condensation, you have to be very careful how to handle these glass still, it really needs some attention otherwise there is a risk of breaking, I take this very seriously and do everything with cautious.

The heating mantle is very precise but as I said before attempting a gin run, do it with 30-40%ABV alcohol to see how your heating mantle behaves.

Re: My Gin Journey

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 4:42 am
by MtRainier
That splash head is nice. I have some glassware from pelletlabs that I use to do 1L batches, but it doesn't include that piece. It would be fun to try. I'll look around for one.

Re: My Gin Journey

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 8:51 am
by artooks

I have a question, regardless of the boiler charge My output abv was the same, I tried 43 ABV and 35 ABV the both yield the same 84 ABV output, I want somewhere between 70-80 as Odin sughested, what do you think what can be done to achieve that ?

Re: My Gin Journey

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 11:17 am
by NZChris
Run longer, making more flavoursome gin, but with a greater chance of it being cloudy when proofed.

Re: My Gin Journey

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 12:48 pm
by artooks
NZChris wrote: Mon Mar 29, 2021 11:17 am Run longer, making more flavoursome gin, but with a greater chance of it being cloudy when proofed.
Thanks NZChris, I remember reading your post about collecting 440 ml instead of 400 ml so if you run longer you will also get a more nutty like flavor I guess.

Re: My Gin Journey

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 1:01 pm
by NZChris
If you've got nuts in it I suppose. :D

I use less citrus than OEG as that lets me run further to capture more of the late flavors.

Re: My Gin Journey

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 3:29 pm
by howie
mine comes off at 74-77 abv with just the leibig and the 5l flask.
i just have a very slow rolling boil.

when i add the vigreux column it comes off at 82-85 abv.

through the main still, it came off at 91abv (in pot mode with gin basket attached)
i think maybe there was some passive reflux going on with the gin basket?

maybe the splash head is creating some reflux.
before i broke mine, it was acting like a mini bubbler plate.

after about 360ml, i collect in 20mls up to about 460-480ml, and add what i like.
nearly all my gins louch when i dilute them, most of them clear up a bit with time.

Re: My Gin Journey

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 9:53 am
by artooks
Hi Everyone,

I would like to comment on my second recipe, in which I was trying to create a Bombay like gin, well apart from 2 botanicals and the distilling technique, which I put everything in boiler, it was a similar approach, but the outcome was not the same the taste is very intense and profound, I like the taste and smell but not much its intensity, so I was thinking about the gin extracts that people are doing, so I thought to myself what if I dilute this gin with alcohol at the same strength, so I started very small first 60 ml of the gin and I started to dilute it with 10 ml - 20 - 30 and @ 40ml suddenly everything has changed and there was my bombay that I always wanted to achieve not that it is a great gin but this is what I was drinking and liking before entering the hobby anyway this got me thinking, I myself like to do everything in the boiler, it is easy to make and you get a big bold taste if that is what you are looking for, well with vapor infusion you get less taste a lighter gin, so if you do everything in the boiler then dilute it with the same strength and achieve a similar light gin what is the point of vapor infusion, well with some botanicals like peels fruit yes but you do not need a Carter head for that some scrubber and put your peels and fruits on top of it and it is done, so it feels that it is nothing more than a marketing hype the big gin producers make to create the illusion that they are doing something extraordinary :)) I am quite happy with the outcome now, now I have another question :)

So as I said now my formula is to add 3 parts of boiler infused gin to 2 parts of alcohol at the same strength so now I know this next time without doing this if I decrease the amount of the botanicals can I still achieve the same outcome, so what I mean is now I have 60 ml of my gin and 40 ml alcohol total ise 100 ml so If I go back and divide all the botanicals by 5 and multiply by 3 would I achieve a similar result :)

Re: My Gin Journey

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 12:31 pm
by NZChris
I run my Bombays using a Carter head, but run a lot slower than with everything in the boiler, aiming for around six hours. I don't think there is much difference in intensity and both methods usually louche at 45% without being diluted with extra neutral.

And yes, I have noticed that mine start to taste a lot more like commercial gins when cut with a lot of neutral.

Re: My Gin Journey

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 2:25 pm
by artooks
After tasting other commercial gins, I come to the conclusion that most of the commercials gins are like a vodka with a slight hint of gin herbs, but since one could achieve vapor infused gin like taste by diluting boiler infused gin with the same alcohol strength, than I want to ask what is the point of vapor infusion ?

Re: My Gin Journey

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 3:59 pm
by Saltbush Bill
There isnt a point unless you want a light tasting gin..... maceration and into the boiler wins hands down if you want a bold tasty gin imo.

Re: My Gin Journey

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 4:10 pm
by NZChris
If you are getting botanical components dripping down into your boiler where they are mixed and all boiled together, you might not notice as much difference as you would if that couldn't occur. That can't happen with the Carter Head that is used for making Bombay Sapphire. The only thing in their boiler is the neutral.

Re: My Gin Journey

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 5:15 pm
by artooks
NZChris wrote: Tue Mar 30, 2021 4:10 pm If you are getting botanical components dripping down into your boiler where they are mixed and all boiled together, you might not notice as much difference as you would if that couldn't occur. That can't happen with the Carter Head that is used for making Bombay Sapphire. The only thing in their boiler is the neutral.
Yes you are right NZChris in order to make proper vapor infusion there has to be an offset where the basket is placed otherwise It will drip and go in the wrong direction also the "splash head" will drip at the top like a bubbler so this is not the right way I know please see the video from my vapor infusion run you can see the drippage and as a result of that the pure alcohol color has changed to amber.

And this was at the beginning of the run please see the color of the alcohol here and how it changed in the previous video.

Re: My Gin Journey

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 2:47 pm
by artooks
My splash head in my glass still usually bubbles and pours water droplets on my botanicals, this part of my still was not %100 suitable for the job so I was searching for a standard bubble glass for 500ml with both sides %100 open this is called "Chromatography Reservoir Flask" which I did not have any clue about it, anyway a friend of mine works in a laboratory, called him and tried to explain him what I was looking for, he said that I cannot find it here but he has one that he no longer needed so he gave it to me I cleaned it up thoroughly. And once I distill my two batches of Shady's Sugar Shine I will be ready for more experimentation, this time I will use our local red Junipers to see how they will turn out.


Re: My Gin Journey

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 7:12 pm
by Eskymo2
Hey guys,not sure this is the right place to ask, but here goes:
I've always stuck with my 95% neutrals,made on a 2.5" bok. Now, just so i can try Odin's Gin, I'm knocking up a simple potstill. 10lt boiler, 2" short riser with a 45 degree down condenser. My quandary is, do i put a 2000w element or 1500w element in? I haven't put any form of regulating valve in, so it’s simply up the spout and out the slanted condenser.
Any input much appreciated, and hope I'm not hijacking your theme here artooks! I love what you've done,and will hopefully follow suit.

Re: My Gin Journey

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 9:16 pm
by artooks
Eskymo2 wrote: Wed Apr 07, 2021 7:12 pm Hey guys,not sure this is the right place to ask, but here goes:
I've always stuck with my 95% neutrals,made on a 2.5" bok. Now, just so i can try Odin's Gin, I'm knocking up a simple potstill. 10lt boiler, 2" short riser with a 45 degree down condenser. My quandary is, do i put a 2000w element or 1500w element in? I haven't put any form of regulating valve in, so it’s simply up the spout and out the slanted condenser.
Any input much appreciated, and hope I'm not hijacking your theme here artooks! I love what you've done,and will hopefully follow suit.

Eskymo, this is a thread under Gin section, so it would be better off if you could share it in the " Related Electric Accessories "

But in order for you to decide the heating element size along with the capacity of your boiler there is calculator in the main site: ... d14701.htm

There is a calculator called "Heating Time To Temp" after entering your input it will tell you how many minutes you need for the liquid in your boiler to come to a boil and create vapors so you start from there but for example I have a small 3 Gallon boiler equivalent to 11.3 lt and my hotplate is 1000 Watts which is more than enough so for a 10 lt you do not need a 1500 W element, but if you already have it please use it with a power controller that way you will be able to control it precisely.

Re: My Gin Journey

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 9:44 pm
by Eskymo2
Thanks artooks,I'll follow thru on that. Thanks for your patience!

Re: My Gin Journey

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 12:25 pm
by artooks
Hi Everyone,

After receiving the "Chromatography Reservoir Flask" I cleaned it throughly and I decided to do a sacrificial run again, maybe that was not really necessary, but since this part has been used in the lab I thought it would be better to do it. Anyway, there was also another problem that I had with my condenser hose outlet, this part can be screwed to the condenser it is a part which consists of two parts the barbed hose and the screw part, but unfortunately one of them was faulty and stripped while I was screw it in place, I called the company they told me that they do not have it in stock, so I checked elsewhere with no luck so I decided why not make one with my 3d printer :) while I was planning to do it, I decided to make it one part which was a better approach, anyway the hardest part was to create a custom thread for it but somehow I managed to do it, it took 50 minutes to do 1 part so 2 hrs for two of them. and I throw away an o ring and voila it works very nicely without any leak whatsoever :) to be honest I made many parts for my distilling stuff in 3d hangers hooks temp holders etc. I am getting ready for vapor infusion with this new part, I hope it will be better than a splash head, of course since there is no offset it will contaminate the liquid in the boiler but not much to do about it.


Re: My Gin Journey

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 12:54 pm
by tiramisu
Love the laboratory glass for producing gin in small batches.

I have been thinking forward to making a London dry gin and how to do small runs to get the flavour to my liking and this gives a plenty of opportunity for trying different things.

Re: My Gin Journey

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 1:48 pm
by artooks
tiramisu wrote: Thu Apr 08, 2021 12:54 pm Love the laboratory glass for producing gin in small batches.

I have been thinking forward to making a London dry gin and how to do small runs to get the flavour to my liking and this gives a plenty of opportunity for trying different things.

Tiramisu, to be honest this has been great now for example I am making 2 times 30 lt (8 Gal) batches in my big still I will get 3,600 ml @ 95 so this means 7953 ml @ 43 so I can do like 8 different gin recipes with this, I usually do 1 liter @ 43 and receive 400 ml @ 84 when I dilute it to 45 it gives me 750 ml 1 bottle which is great I am mainly going to use this still for experimentation and also I could so small batches of Raki which is an anise based Turkish spirit.