LWTCS wrote: ↑Thu Feb 10, 2022 4:34 pm
You could use a part of the wasted energy to preheat the wash. But this won't help much, because it needs much less energy to heat the wash to its boiling point than to vaporize it.
Help much?
Mate, 10% wash will make vapor at about 190 F (88C).
If you can recover enough heat to get beer injection temps to 172F (for example) from some ambient room temp at any given location, that's not nothing. That is a huge contribution to reduce the temp split (delta t).
We're talking about a savings of (help me out here stevea) 100,000 btu/h on a system that can produce 4 barrels of finished product per shift ( for example ).
The "delta-T " is NOT energy, and not proportional to energy when you change phase from liquid to gas.
Pre-heating wash helps, but it's not huge. It's a small fraction of the still energy I used to be more tolerant of "English"/US units, but this quickly gets insanely difficult. No offense - but I'm posting in something like SI units not boiler-horsepower per firkin of wash.
To see how much energy distillation requires we need to consider the reflux ratio.
Also the MINIMUM reflux ratio acts an a lower bound.
Lets examine a (partially constructed) McCabe-Thiele diagram for a 10% ABV wash, and azeotropic distillate.
The x-axis is the liquid MOL-FRACTION, the -axis is the vapor MOL-FRACTION (mf).
The blue line is the VLE curve; the vapor mf at equilibrium w/ the liquid mf.
For example the blue line has a point around [0.1, 0.43]. This means if the liquid on a plate of 0.1mf (about 27%ABV) then the vapor above is ~ 0.43mf (about 73% ABV).
The red 45 degree line represents x = y, but also has relevance to the FULL REFLUX condition.
A 10% wash has ~3.2% EtOH molecules, and 96.8% water molecules. So the MOL FRACTION is 0.032mf.
btw a mol of H2O is ~18 grams and 18ml
A ml of EtOH is about 46 gram and 57ml
Azeotrope is ~0.895 mf
We won't worry about the'bottoms' (waste ABV).
The Yellow q-line is very important for understanding McCabe-Thiele and also for understanding reflux requirements.
The q-line is drawn from the wash mol fraction on the diagonal (0.03, 0.03) in this case) at a slpe of (q/(q-1))
q is the quality and is defined as:
q = (energy to convert 1 mol of feed to saturated vapor at dew point) / (molar heat of vaporization)
Specific heat of water is ~75.3 J/mol.K [it takes 75 Joule to rais ethe temp of a mol of water 1 degree C(or K).
Specific heat of EtOH is ~118.4 J/mol.K
Molar heat of vaporization of H2O is ~40650 J/mol
Molar heat of vaporization of EtOH is ~38560 J/mol. (**note McCabe-Thiele assumes the molar heat of vap is about the same))
If you do the linear linear approximation ...
Specific heat of 10%ABV wash ~76.7 J/mol.K, and Molar heat o' vap of wash is 40583.
Wash values are so close to the H2O values that the difference doesn't matter!
The 'q' for liquid-phase 10%ABV wash is basically (energy to heat it to boiling + energy to vaporize ) / (energy to vaporize)
where the energy to vaporize a mol is 40583 Joule.
*IF* we need to heat the wash from ambient by 80C, energy to heat 1 mol by 80C is 80*76.7 = 6136 J, so
q = (6136+40583)/40583 = 1.15, and the slope (q/(q-1)) is about 7.5.
The example shows if we heat the wash to ~12C below the boiling point, so the yellow line tilts to the right. It would ilt a little more if we had ambient wash. If we got the wash fully to the boiling point the yellow line would be vertical.
To calculate the MINIMUM number of theoretical plates, we'd assume that we have complete reflux; *ALL the vapor is condensed and sent back down - there is no product. In that case the "operating line" (a line that represents the reflux amount) is drawn through the distillate point [0.895, 0.895] at a
slope equal to the fraction of the vapor that is refluxed. At complete reflux, the slope is 1 (100% is refluxed) and to the full-reflux operating line coincide with the red diagonal. Then we must stair-step off the number of plates to reach from the 'bottoms" level (not show but perhaps x = 0.0016 or 0.5% ABV loss) up to the distillate level x= 0.895 *between* the operating line(s) and the VLE curve. Minimum plates isn't actually very interesting since there is no product at full reflux, and it uses energy.
So consider if we reduce the reflux and take some product, aka distillate off (yeah). This creates a new operating line for the rectification section, and another for the stripping section. The brown line shows an operating line where 81% of vapor is refluxed and 19% is taken off as product. The slope is 0.81. We should draw another stripper operating line from intersection of the operating line and q-line to the bottoms point {from [0.035, 0.19] to [0.0016, 0.0016] }. Now when we stair-step off the plates between these new operating lines and the blue VLE line, we will get a LOT more plates. **NOTE, whenever we reduce reflux, we get more product per unit energy, BUT it requires in more plates to get the same product.
Sadly. even with an infinite number of plates substantial reflux is required. The Green line is the MINIMUM REFLUX line, at ~0.74 slope. It intersects the Q-line at the VLE curve, so we'd need to step off an infinite number of plates to make it work. This means that even if we had a vast number of plates, we'd still need to reflux 74+% of vapor.
The 81% of vapor refluxed comes from a recommended reduction in reflux for practical still design.
The energy implications are this. Nearly all the energy is involved in vaporization at the base of a still or condensation at the top. Heating the wash from ambient is a relatively small matter. To make azeotrope requires refluxing a minimum 74+% of vapor, and practically 80+% of vapor. For every mol of product collected ~4 mols must be refluxed, thus costing energy.
1 liter of azeotrope is about 19 mols, and each mol costs about 40000 J to vaporize or condense.
1 l azeo => 760 kJ = 210 W hr.
But for every liter collected another (0.81 / 0.19 = ) ~4.26 l must be refluxed, so the energy for 1l of azeo product is ! 210 W hr * 5.26 = 1110 W-hr/1l azeo.
We *might* get 1l of azeo from ~9.5 liters of 10%ABV wash = 2.5 gal.
So the energy cost is, once again, 1110 W / 2.5 gal wash =
444 W-hr per gallon of wash.
Several comments:
a) The trade offs between reflux, more plates and energy is a tricky one, that is difficult to grasp intuitively. The thing to understand is that for a a given feed, feed-quality, and target product concentration, a majority of the energy is baked into the process.
b) Pre-heating the feed, and even heating to a partial vapor state are really good and positive ways to use waste-heat. They only modestly improve the column operation parameters. Using cold feed in the vapor condenser HX *seems* like a best-use for small scale.
c) I know many here are interested in fuel or neutral beverage production, but I have to say that whisk[e]y, at ~0.35mf vapor using the left one-third of the VLE curve admits simper stills and much lower energy costs.
d) Note that "reflux ratio" (RR) is defined as the ratio of reflux return to distillate taken off a product (L/D). Full reflux is infinite RR. But this term is awkward. The slope of the operating line is L/(L+D) (reflux to ttoal condensate) and this seems more intuitive to me.
e) Steam injection as a form of heating introduces a dilution, an therefore somewhat more costly separation. The energy calculations are complex.
f) Very substantial amounts of energy can be saved by using a heat-pump that cools the (77.5C) vapor while heating the ~100C bottom reboiler. Such hardware is likely impractical at small scale.