I did not have any problems with the cloudy beer clogging anything up. I kept the bucket stirred with a paint stirrer every few minutes, which kept all the flour and yeast in suspension well enough. The flour made it through both heat exchangers and down through the marbles with no issues. The only problem I noticed was the scorching at the element.
The element I had originally used was a very short 1500w model:
I was measuring a pretty steady ~1350W in actual practice. Given that it’s only about 7” long, that works out to roughly 100W/inch. The replacement is a 1650w folded element:
If the actual power is lower than nominal in the same proportion as the other one, then it should be pretty close to 1500W actual, and I guesstimate that it had about half the W/inch.
Those band heaters could work, but I’d use at least 4 to get 1500W, and I would be somewhat concerned about the small pipe diameter. I suspect that my use if 1.5” triclamp components in the bottom 2” or so contributed to the failure, as stuff had less room to move around.
One idea I’ve considered is bending the straight or folded element into an L shape and inserting it into a tee, so that there is no dead spot at the bottom for anything to collect. I’d have the effluent flow out through an elbow at the bottom.
In practice, I am leaning toward the opinion that in this small a diameter it is likely just simpler to assume that anything which feeds into the system is going to be relatively free of solids. I’m sure it can be done, but I feel like the benefit isn’t really there compared to the additional construction challenges.