HD novella

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Re: HD novella

Post by Bigbob »

Oh boy! Here we go again!!! :thumbup:
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Re: HD novella

Post by goinbroke2 »

If this is to be published, do you think there might be an issue with warner or whoever owns the rights to the dukes?

I love it so far, lets set some parameters though;
premise of storyline (or at least which direction are we shooting for)
end result (which ties in with the storyline, what will be considered the end?)

If the camaro is a 68 and was rebuilt, we could shoot for early mid 70's? Location is still Pagosa Springs but I found that when I was writing before (and googling roadmaps and town boundries etc of 1955) that it is actually a small place with limted roads, basically a stop on a highway. Perhaps tie in another town (real or imagined) to give a larger map to work off of. I expect that more will contribute to the second than the first.(personal guess)

It's late but tomorrow I'll revisit this and see the direction it's going and perhaps contribute. ( I tend to have a tendancy to dominate or hog the story and I will try to refrain this time)

Oh, and I specifically named the two bad guys who would be killed Kenny and Carmen for the explicit reason of saying that line. Yeah it was cheesy but I enjoy comedy and tend to throw in dry humour whenever possible....well here I go hogging the thread.

One last thing NBHD, why don't you start a new thread so this storyline can be finished up and named whatever we name it, and the next novella will be named whatever we name it in the new thread?
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Re: HD novella

Post by HDNB »

i thought the choice of character names was shite too... i just wanted to get the idea of hotrods and police chases going.

so according to the first edition, i think Moose's father was jesse, which makes it easy to make his brother (moose's).... jesse jr. brosephus is easy to shorten to bro...i looked for options for loki and denise (Disa) and i'm open to suggestion and can edit if i get some volenteers (victims) in the near future...before the edit window closes.

On edit *** came up with some new names, how's they sound? who's the f&*)ing Dukes anyway?

i think just keeping this thread going is a better option, new reader come along they can join in where it's current or go back to square one. If we leave off and go to a new thread this one will die and get buried in the archive.

location? headin into Knoxville with the weekly load???

what about upstate NY? there is some scenery there and big city action not too far away. There is a whole shitload of Aussies and NZ'rs here too, maybe we could get all mad max with our high school shenanigans and learn some new localisms from down under?

my head is at '73-75. the boys are old enough to drive and be invincible, young enough to be stupid as a box of rocks.

and broingroke, (see dry humour) the idea of the drag racin came because of you, so you gotta write. they say there is only the possibility of 5 differnt story lines, only the characters change. hell, the movie "grease" could have been filmed based on my high school drama... and probably at least 5 other people here.... i even dated a blonde girl named Sandy, a lousy wisp of virginity. won't go to bed til she's legally wed. (which didn't happen until she was 38 years old from what i was told...hmm...i wonder why?)
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Re: HD novella

Post by Drunk-N-Smurf »

The boys never did figure out how they managed to get home that day, but surely the car gods were smiling on them. the had half a crate of mason jars in the back seat left over from a run Loki had made the night before. It hadn't been taken out partially due to the late hour he had finished up, but mostly because Loki was prone to samplin a little too much with the customers and had a tendency to forget about stuff like that when he stumbled in. Either way, being stuck with it on that particular backroad was not an option.

He pulled the screen door open, throwing a final look at the old girl before he went inside. "Lot of good memories made in that car eh bro?" He said to his brother who was standing at the window now. The gaze in his eyes told Loki he was thinking the same thing. "Yup. Lot of close calls too. You remember that time with Deano?"

(That's all I got for right now. Woman hollerin from the bedroom that I start work tomorrow, guess I better be off to bed)
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Re: HD novella

Post by goinbroke2 »

As she was getting up to do the horses she heard that ratty old camaro tear by on the road in the distance. "Those boys out fooling around again, wonder where there were tonight?" Gail pulled her jean jacket on and headed out to the barn, coming around the corner of the house she was in time to see the headlights pull into Jesse's yard about a mile in the distance. "Well, they made it home safe again" she said as she shook her head and kept walking. She had got a crush on Loki the summer before when he was haying on their farm. Many dawn till dusk days where he was all ripped and sweaty and she couldn't wait to drive the car out into the fields to deliver the lemonade and sandwiches. Over the winter they became really close friends but it always stopped just before...well anyway, they were really good friends and she would keep working on it, even if Paul didn't like it.

Paul Wormell, he thought he was pretty hot stuff, he had a bright yellow 71 Chevelle with "heavy chevy" scripted on the side. All his money came from his job at "Pops burger stand", a little A&W copycat with the girls serving cars fast food. He couldn't build shite, but his older brother Wayne was pretty good at building and tuning and if it wasn't for him the "heavy chevy" would be a slug. He never challenged Loki directly because he knew the ratty camaro would spank him, so he was more into the cruising around showing off his shiny wide ovals and cragars. He wanted nothing more than to have Gail in the seat beside him though, something else to show off.

Loki and Bro slept until almost 11am, thankful it was a Saturday. Jesse was calling from downstairs and Disa already had dinner made. "I gotta head out boys, dinners on the stove" With that Disa was out the door and jumped into the passenger seat of the latest admirer of hers. Bro lifted his head and looked out the bedroom window, "a dart? a freaking dart with a leaning tower of power? Oh Disa, have we not taught you anything?" Bro laughed as he dropped his head to the pillow. "What's his name" Loki asked
"Loser" was Bro's reply.

"Well" Jesse asked across the table "what's the plan boys, June is coming quick and you still don't know what you're doing after you graduate." Bro looked at him seriously "I think I want to be a line dancer" Loki broke up laughing and Jesse threw his napkin at him, growling as he got up to get more coffee off the stove. "I'm serious, you two clowns have no long term plans and that worries me." Loki piped up "But I thought we'd haul shine for you Jesse, what's wrong with that for a plan?"
"Short term, yes, long term, no" was all Jesse said as he sat down again. The silence was defening as they ate their breakfast/dinner.
Bro finally broke the silence "race in three weeks, was thinking of running Betty" "Where's that at" Jesse questioned.
"Hubble airfield, $20 to enter and $500 to win!" Jesse was quiet for a bit, "you plan on driving there and racing and then driving home again?" Loki and Bro exchanged glances "well yeah, sure, why?" "And what if you break, how are you getting Betty home?" he pushed. Bro sat back in his chair "aww Betty won't break, she always gets us home" he said with a grin. " I got tow hubs you can use, weld some tabs on the front of her and build a tow bar."
With that Jesse got up "clean up the dishes and kitchen, I'm going to the shed" and was gone out the door.
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
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Re: HD novella

Post by S-Cackalacky »

Just an idea (suggestion) -

HDNB, maybe the previous story could be locked(?) and stickied in the "Off Topic" section. Any mod (Corene) could do that. She could also split out what you've started as a new story into a new thread if that's what's decided. If you decide you want to put a different title on the finished story, that can be very simply done by changing the title of the first post (also requires a mod's action).

IMHO, it might be confusing to have both stories in the same thread. If it's to be a sequel with information drawn from the first story (as with the account from the reporters' published story), maybe just call it "HD Novella: Part 2", or some such. With a new thread, new writers coming along wouldn't be obliged to have to read through the previous story, and/or try to locate the beginning of the new storyline.
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Re: HD novella

Post by jedneck »

I like the origianal novella taking place in the early to mid 1950's. And the sequal could be in the early 70's. Just my two pennies.
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Re: HD novella

Post by HDNB »

how about The Moonshine Wars - an HD novel and we could use The Moonshine Wars part 2 for the working title of the new thead.
it's a good solution for sure and my first stickie? ooo. I got stars in my *eyes* Whaddya say Corene, you want to wave you magic wand?
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Re: HD novella

Post by S-Cackalacky »

Thinking a little more about it - you might even want to leave the first one unlocked. That way any additions/rewrites/edits can be done directly to the existing thread. HDNB, if you do/did the text copy thing we PMed about, that should be good as a backup copy and you could bring any further additions/rewrites/edits down to your computer using the same technique.

edit: BTW, I like your title suggestions - got my vote.
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

HDNB wrote:how about The Moonshine Wars - an HD novel and we could use The Moonshine Wars part 2 for the working title of the new thead.
it's a good solution for sure and my first stickie? ooo. I got stars in my *eyes* Whaddya say Corene, you want to wave you magic wand?
That title is already copywrited from a novel from that time .
>I like the move to late '60's and 70's for the next book .
>Let's clean up the first one before we start delving into the second one . That has been my point all along . An editor needs to be an editor and ask for contributors to rewrite certain sections to give continuity to the first story before we start expanding to a second novel .
>It's just like taking a shit : No job is finished until the paperwork is done :moresarcasm:
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Re: HD novella

Post by goinbroke2 »

So everything is on hold until the first one is sorted out? I'm good either way.
Whatever needs editing that I wrote just give me a shout...or does the editor want to modify himself? Might be a bit much, get each person to modify their own posts to reflect the direction the editor wants, speads the work around more.

Another suggestion, now that we know the final outcome will require editing etc, perhaps every couple pages the editor cleans the new one up so it won't be such a huge job after 22 pages? (now that we know we need and have an editor)

...hmmm...thinking more, the editing will take a while due to the shear volume of work to do, should we hold up the second story waiting? What I mean is, if the desire to write is there, should we stifle it? Course on the other hand, the writing is the easy/fun part, the editing is going to be the work...Meh, like I said, I'm good either way, I'd love to write more but will wait/rewrite what I did in the first one, whatever HDNB wants.

Hope it's ok I set the age a bit younger this time, kids 17-19 full of piss and vinigar, ready to race/fight/fornicate/whatever hormones dictates. I wanted to set up a teen aged hormone induced rivalry between Loki and Paul (over a girl of course). Add a crisis (schools ending, what now) and of course the always popular "poor people barely getting by needing money" angle as well.
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
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Re: HD novella

Post by HDNB »

it's a free world. you got something to write -write it.
hell, i was 3 paragraphs into the continuing yellowing news article when i accidentally closed my browser. otherwise that would be further along already
I'll see what i can do to edit round 1. gonna take some time, it took about 20 minutes to copy and paste it down to notebook.

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Re: HD novella

Post by goinbroke2 »

"Ohh, that does make her look mean eh?" Loki said as he admired the tabs welded to the front of the camaro. "Yeah that looks bitchen. here, give me a hand with the headers" Bro said laying under the car trying to jam the driver side header in from the bottom. "We either got to jack it up or dig a hole so we can angle the header down enough to fit". As they fiddled around with the exh system Jesse finished packing cases of jars and was ready to have them loaded for the trip. "Need a hand boys" he called from the shed.

Jesse's wagon was loaded as the camaro was still in pieces. It was definately a sleeper, a 1970 ltd wagon with a 460 that jesse had built with 429cj parts. Looked like crap but would fly if pressed. He had picked it up the previous year when the big oil embargo struck and anything with a big v8 was quickly parked/sold or gave away. It was a 9 passenger wagon but that quickly converted into an excellent shine hauler.

Backed inside the garage, it was ready to go once the darkness fell.

"Sorry Paul" Gail lied "Loki is taking me out tonight..just cruising around, maybe we'll see you at Pop's for a cherry coke later?" She hung up then wondered what to do, she didn't want to seem desperate but she did want to go cruising around with Loki. It certainly wasn't for the conversation though as the drone from the engine stopped all possibility of talking when it was running. She saddled the horse and took a stroll over to Loki's place, just to..stop by and say hi..just friendly like because she was out that way anyway...
Bro heard the horse snort as it walked up to the car. He saw the hooves from under the car "Gail?" he called out. "Hi Bro" she returned looking around for Loki, "whatcha up to?" not really caring for the answer, just making conversation until Loki came out and saw her. Bro started a long explanation of where he got the second hand headers and what a great deal he got for them and how they were going to make the camaro so much faster and...Gail had tuned out after the "I'm" of the story and was just saying "uh huh" or "oh yeah" whenever there was a pause. Luckily the minutes (which seemed like hours) passed until Loki came out of the shed. she spurred the horse over to meet him "hey, whatcha doing tonight" she blurted out before catching herself "um, I mean" Loki patted the horse on the nose "gotta go for a drive, won't be back until late" There was a pregnant silence as Gail waited for him to ask her along and he waited for her to say something, anything because he was lost at that point. she leaned down and stroked the horse murmuring in it's ear. Finally she asked "where you heading to..need company?" never taking her eyes off the horses mane. "Oh I got company, Bro will be with me" Loki smiled. Right over your head wasn't it she thought to herself as she sat there with a slight smile stroking the horse."I gotta go" she said and abruptly spun the horse around and with a "Heyaa" took off charging through the yard. "What was that about?' Bro called from under the car. "I don't know, who can figure them out?" Loki replied "how you making out?"

11pm on the dot they fired the wagon up and pulled out. "You got the list?" Jesse asked in the window "yeah we know who's getting what, we'll see you later." "Drive slow and easy" Jesse called out after them.
They had stopped to turn onto the highway when they saw headlights coming. They waited until the car passed so it wouldn't be behind them in case it was the cops. As it got closer they recognised the shiny yellow chevelle. They also noticed the passenger in the front seat. "Was that Gail? Did you see that, was that her?" Loki asked "Yup, sure looked like it to me" Bro answered. loki pulled out after the car passed and stepped on it a little hard, the torque pressing them back into the massive bench seat. "hey, easy" Bro said as the wagon banged into second gear. "Jesse said drive easy, don't be stupid over a girl, we're working remember" Loki had knit his brows and was gripping the wheel tightly as he eased off the gas pedal. "He better keep his hands to himself or I'll tear him a new one" he said through clenched teeth. A little farther on the chevelle turned onto Snowball road, famous for it's long stretch of smooth level pavement where a lot of kids hung out. Someone had painted the road so it was marked off for a quarter mile strip with another two miles of shutdown before the turn up the mountain. A lot of money changed hands here on race nights, lots of it going into Loki and Bro's pockets. "We'll stop in on the way back through" Loki said. Bro just nodded in agreement.
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
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Re: HD novella

Post by goinbroke2 »

It was 3:22am when they drove up the road. "told ya they'd be all gone" Loki complained "there's a couple of cars up ahead Loki" Bro put in. There was a vw bus with kids sleeping in the back, too stoned or drunk to drive home, a gremlin on a jack with rear tire removed, a 4 door impala and a strato-chief. As they drove by nothing moved so Loki wheeled the wagon around and headed for home. "Scott's gremlin with the back tires burnt off, nothing new there" Bro laughed as Scott only had a 258 six in it with a 3 speed manual but the thing would burn one tire all night long. They were just about past the micro bus when they saw a hand wave and someone yell. Backing up the wagon, Dave ran up and called in the window. "hey guys, what's going on, got any liquor?" "No" Bro replied, "what happened tonight? much racing?" "Oh shit man, it was far out," then went on to explain several of the races that took place. 'the big excitement was when Gail flipped out on Paul" Loki leaned forward and looked at Scott "WHAT? What happened?" "Oh man, Paul was tripping on you and your camaro and Gail like flipped her lid man, it was awesome. They got yelling and shit and then she jumped out and got in with Boo, I think he drove her home" "With Boo, great" Loki said "freaking Boo King, 340 4 speed demon with more money in the engine that i got in the camaro, great, just great" "Oh don't flip out man, she just wanted a ride home, didn't matter with who..heck if I had a tire I would of drove her home. Roasted that fucker right off there,, HAhaha." "We gotta go, later" and with that Loki drove away. "Paul needs a punch right in the yap, asshole badmouthing Betty" Bro just stayed quiet, letting him vent.

The next couple weeks were busy, running liquor, breaking earth to get ready to plant crops, fixing the roof on the barn and finally getting Betty ready for the race. Headers on and a tune up complete they decided to clean up the appearance a bit. "What colour do you want to paint it" Bro asked "Ah, let's just paint it black, Jesse has a gallon of rustoleum for the equipment we can use." Bro looked at Loki "rustoleum, you serious? I thought you wanted to shine her up a bit?' "No, I want it black, so when I'm chasing someone down they can't see or judge me, a bright colour and whoever's racing me can spot me too easy." Loki said. They finished painting the car and rolled it into the yard. It sat kind of high as they used bigblock wagon springs in the front and added leaves in the back so it wouldn't squat so bad when it was full of liquor;


"so, put the doorhandles and stuff back on and it's ready I guess" Loki said. The plan now was to load everything in the wagon and tow the camaro to the track, Jesse did have a point about breaking they relented. They had no idea how fast it would go but since it was one of the faster cars around Pagosa Springs it must be pretty hot stuff. Guesses of 12's or even 11's were thrown around. When they got home Friday night the a-frame and towing hubs were installed and they headed for the track. Get there in a couple hours, time for a couple passes to get it sorted out before the race Saturday. The plan was flawless......
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
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Re: HD novella

Post by HDNB »

pssst....GB, supposed to be a '68 not a '67
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Re: HD novella

Post by goinbroke2 »

[While the first novella is being sorted/editted, HDNB said to carry on. I'm sure he meant everybody not just me. What is written before will be sorted out and no doubt others will have to rewrite some of their post to conform better. In the mean time, we have started a part 2, if you will, about Pagosa Springs 20 years later. Most of the original characters who were still living at the end of the other story are now 20 years older (20 years wiser is another question hehe) I've brought in a new generation of characters but the old ones are still around and can..no SHOULD be brought in. Corene is still around and at the end of the novella was thinking about being alone in her later years and Brock was trying to court her..what happened in the last 20 years? TB still has his farm and animals along with Flatwoods with what he had, or did they start a hoola-hoop business and are now rich gentlemen in New York living the high life? Uncle Jesse was Mayor of Pagosa Springs, is he still or did he lose his seat and is now a farmer/shine runner? It's been 20 years folks and as you know, 20 years can be a lifetime.
I've got one part of the story coming together, need more as it's not MY story, it's everyones. That said, here's the latest installment]

"This track sucks" Loki complained back in the pits "I'm down to leaving at 2000rpm and bogging the engine to get moving, but it's breaking loose in second and third too! Never had this problem on the street..this track sucks!" Some guys wandering through the pits were looking over Betty, Bro finished closing the gap on the traction bars and got up to talk to them. "This thing is outa site man" one guy said "can light them up like crazy" Bro never said a word, just wiped down the ratchet and put it in the box in the back of the wagon. "That's a bigblock, how big is it?" another questioned "it's a 396" Bro answered to the guys widening grin "yeah man, it's a 396, not a 454 or something like that eh? haha" the guy not believing Bro at all. Walter said he'd run you for $20.00, you interested?" Loki heard the last of it as he was sitting in the drivers seat of the wagon eating a sandwich and just walked back to the crowd. "What's he running?" Loki asked "He's got that orange 68GTX over there named "Vitamin C", running a 383 4 speed." One of the other snickered at the mention of a 383. "There's probably a run or two left tonight before they shut the track down, $20 sounds good, I need gas money" Loki answered.
Instead of doing a burnout like Loki, the GTX drove around the water and did a couple dry hops up to the line. Instead of a flagman, the track had the latest in accesories, a 5 bulb christmas tree just like the big tracks! Loki pre-staged then just turned on the stage light and brought the rpm up to 2500. He counted down the bulbs as the last yellow came on the GTX launched! Loki dropped the clutch and floored the gas, Betty stumbling then catching and lighting up the tires. Loki short shifted to 2nd and again the rpm dropped to 3000 then quickly hit 6000 again as the car was crabbing down the track. The GTX was at least 5 car lengths ahead at this point and Loki was furious, jamming 3rd the car started to bite and pull. Top of third and he was 4 lengths behind and catching him. Into 4th and it was a matter of holding it to the floor and keeping the wheel straight, he crossed the finish line 2 car lengths behind the GTX. Bro had already gave their $20 to the neutral person who held the money so he just walked backed to the wagon to wait for Loki and the ranting and raving that he was sure would ensue. Sitting on the tailgate of the wagon was an older guy with a STP jacket on, smoking a cigar. "You boys seem to be having issues with traction huh?" Just then Loki roared into the pit dragging all four tires. He jumped out of the car and slammed the door then noticed the stranger sitting on the tailgate. "Looks like you're over driving the car son" he started "THIS TRACK SUCKS, THAT'S WHATS WRONG MISTER" Loki exploded at him "Let's pack up, I'm heading home, fuck this race anyway" Bro jumped up, "hold on a minute now, I haven't even made a pass yet, I'm not going home" Loki stormed over to the wagon and got inside slamming the door. The guy looked over at Bro "once he calms down a might, you think he might want a couple tips?" Bro looked at he older guy in the diminishing light "If he won't, I will"

"Well, first off, you're running wide street tires which won't hook up in the track spray, it balls up on a street tire and acts like you're driving on marbles. So, drive around the water, you're not running slicks anyway, and stay out of the groove that the cars with slicks made. Move either close to the inside or outside of the lane but stay out of the groove. I saw you guys adjusting the slapper bars, what was your final air-gap?" Bro explained they had tried 3" which just caused wheel hop, 2" which was smoother but still spun and they haven't had time to try anything else. The guy rolled under the car and looked at a few things, then crawled out again. "What the heck you running for springs? these things came with a soft single leaf, you got enough leaves for a pick up truck under there! You can try slicks, I got a set that would fit, but that's just a band aid, you need some softer springs and 50-50 shocks on the rear of this." Bro looked at him, well thanks for the advise, as soon as it cools I'm going to make a pass and try what you said, we can't afford slicks but we could maybe swap the springs back out." The guy got up and started to walk away then turned and said over his shoulder "don't wait for the green, leave on the last yellow" then was gone.

Bro waited in line and then was motioned forward, his hands were sweating and his heart was pounding. He drove out around the water then did a dry hop like he was told. He rolled in putting both pre-stage and stage bulbs on at the same time. He wasn't sure if he should back up or just wait...he was really sweating now and he thought his heart was going to burst. He didn't see the first yellow, just the second and third before he got his foot from the brake to the gas and started to rev the motor. On the fourth yellow the rpm was around 3000 when he dumped the clutch and felt the car squat with a loud "screech" and started pulling. 5500 he pulled 2nd and felt the chirp and then was pushed deep into the seat again, the same happened in 3rd and 4th. He went through the traps at 5100 still pulling hard. After he picked up his time slip he drove back to the pit and showed Loki. Loki had run a 14.88@90mph and a 14.60@93mph, his run against the GTX was a 14.90@95mph..Bro pulled his timeslip out 13.79@102mph. Loki was quiet for a minute and Bro couldn't breath. Finally Bro explained what he did and why, it seemed to him it stopped pulling hard around 5500 so that's where he shifted. Loki was quiet then said "I guess you're our driver" Bro immediately refuted him, Loki was the driver, always had been, he had just tried some tricks this old guy in a STP jacket said. "Besides" Bro said "Tomorrow I'm racing the wagon in that new class "brackets" or whatever it's called.

Next morning Betty was classed as "modified" due to the headers on an otherwisw stock 396. That was bad as all modifieds in his class ran slicks, big cams, they were racecars. How the heck was he to compete with that? Bro was placed in "street" class with the wagon.
First round Loki did everything Bro said and still smoked the tires a bit but won when the other car broke half way down the track. Bro ran a 15.00 flat at 90mph with the wagon, within .03 of his two time trials before.
Second round saw loki again smoke the tires worse than first round but the car in the other lane redlit, taking off before the green bulb. Bro ran another 15 flat for the win.
Loki knew he was going to spin or bog so he borrowed a set of slicks for the third round. He was told that slicks would grab and kill the engine so take it up to 3500 or so to launch to prevent bogging.
Third round, Loki hit 4500 and dumped the clutch. Several things happened simultaneously, The front end stood up with the front tires 3ft in the air, the driveshaft twisted into a pretzle and spit out the tail of the tranny and then the nose came back down mashing the headers flat and pushing the oil pan in a bit. Bro was standing on the doorsill of the wagon in the staging lanes trying to see but all he heard was a crash and saw people running. Everybody sat back in their cars knowing it would be a while before they would be called forward. Bro finally rolled up for third round against the same GTX that Loki lost to. The GTX was dialed a 14.62 and Bro was 15.00, that meant Bro would get a .038 headstart. The lights came down and Bro sidestepped the brake and with the gas hard on the floor the big wagon lept forward. A split second later the GTX launched in pursuit. Bro had just left the wagon in D and let it shift on it's own around 5000rpm, after the 1-2 shift he saw the GTX's bright orange fender even with his back bumper. The wagon shifted into high and was again doing that deep moan as the rpm climbed, the GTX was at his right door and was trying to creep forward but the wagon was holding it's own. He saw the cones signifying the finish line getting closer and as he looked over, they were door handle to door handle! Bro was pushing the pedal so hard he was sure he'd find a dent in the floor after the race. They went through the traps and still Bro held the throttle down "for good measure". As he was driving back the return road he was singing to himself "you got the yellow slip, I got the white one, I got the white slip, you got the yellow one" referring to the printout slips they hand out at the shack. Normally the white top copy went to the winner and the bottom yellow copy went to the loser. His grin was ear to ear as she handed him the white copy "you got him by .02, about 4 inches" she yelled in the window to him.
Semi finals was a buy run so he ran it hard out the back door to a 14.99@91mph
Final round, it was worth $150.00 but more important there was a huge trophy and his name would be in the paper under the sports section!

He was staged and ready to go before he even saw who his competition was, a beige T-37 Pontiac with a 455 dialed at 13.70. Wow, he thought, that's a huge lead I'm going to get. The lights came down and off he went, the wagon squatting it's ass and moaning as it sucked air into the flipped over breather lid. He watched in the mirror for what seemed like forever, then he saw the T-37 rise in the nose, chasing down it's prey. Guages were good, shifting good, car sounds good, a million things going through Bro's mind as the Pontiac chased him down. 1000ft mark the Pontiac seemed to be right there and coming very fast, too fast, he wasn't going to make it, c'mon girl he was thinking. The Pontiac blew past just before the finish line and never lifted screaming ahead before shutting down. Dejected he slowed the wagon down and swung onto the return road. A couple people sitting on the tailgate of trucks and in lawnchairs gave him the thumbs up, "yeah I know, good try, thanks" he called back out the window. He rolled up the the shack and was handed the white slip. "The girl yelled in the window,"sucks for him, he broke out by .003 by running a 13.697 on his 13.70 dial, good job running him out the end."
Bro sat for a second not comprehending what she said, I won how? What happened here? She motioned him forward as cars were stacking up behind him waiting for their slips. he cruised around to the pit almost giddy with joy..then he saw Loki holding up a driveshaft, or what was left of it....it was going to be a long drive home, at least he'd have a trophy to keep him company he laughed to himself....
Last edited by goinbroke2 on Sat Apr 11, 2015 4:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
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Re: HD novella

Post by goinbroke2 »

HDNB wrote:pssst....GB, supposed to be a '68 not a '67
It is a 68, he just got a couple of 67 doors cause his were too rusty...that's my story and I'm sticking to it hehehe.

Now see, if he had a mustang, a simple mistake like that could've been avoided! :mrgreen:
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
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Re: HD novella

Post by goinbroke2 »

By dinnertime Monday, the whole school was buzzing about how Loki “stood it on it’s back bumper and was beating the other car and if the drive shaft didn’t come out he would of won..” The rumours were getting more and more fantastic as the day went on. Bro winning in the wagon was cool too….but not quite the same as Loki standing it on it’s bumper. Loki didn’t correct anybody either because it felt to him he was on the back bumper, not just front wheels 2-3ft in the air.
They walked in the house after school to see Jesse and somebody sitting at the table drinking tea. When the stranger turned around to greet them they recognised him, the guy who was in the STP jacket at the track! “Boys, I’d like you to meet a real old friend of mine” Jesse started “his name is Mel Moir” The boys sat at the table as Disa served supper. Turned out this Mr Moir was a hotshot drag racer and used to drive liquor for Jesse in the early years. He became an automotive teacher in Durango and kind of lost touch with Jesse and his old friends. The boys finished up and went to the barn to work on Betty, there was more damage than originally thought. The headers were flattened and they had to lift the motor to pull the pan and beat it back out. Lifting the motor they found the drivers side motor mount was ripped and the car must of come down hard as it not only ripped the mount, but it shoved the distributor into the firewall breaking the rotor and cap. Loki reinstalled the exhaust manifolds as Bro beat out the pan then scrounged up another mount from an old car out back. It was 11pm and Jesse called them to get cleaned up and go to bed, there was school tomorrow.

Thursday evening was spent driving a load in the wagon again. When they got back Jesse told them Mel stopped by and dropped some stuff off for them. All three went to the barn and there was a couple of boxes of parts laying on the floor. It was like Christmas, a rusty but still good set of headers, a used Isky cam, a set of rear springs and shocks, a used holley carb and intake. “Holy crap Jesse, why did he drop all of this stuff off?” Jesse just smiled “well boys, he’d like to help out an old friend and I guess he didn’t want your experience at the track to be your last Loki. Now off to bed boys, you can start on Betty tomorrow after school.”

The Sheriff was parked in his usual spot, behind the billboard just inside the county line. He was watching cars go past, training his new radar gun on them. He heard the car coming before he saw it so he jumped in the car banging his knee on the wheel, throwing his new toy on the passenger seat. He fired the 74 Monaco up just as the car tore past, WELL above the speed limit. He floored it, the big 440 throwing chunks of sod and dirt out the back of the car like a crazed rototiller. He saw the car but didn’t recognise it, a shiny black torino or fairlane, he didn’t see which. As the speedo swung past 85mph he radio’d his deputy for back up. He crested a knoll at over 100, clearing all four wheels off the ground, but he wasn’t catching up. Within minutes the black car was gone, didn’t know how, but it was gone. He switched of the gumball and slowed down, where the hell did that thing go he wondered. The kids around here drove a little above the limit at times, enough for a warning, but this thing was flat out flying..this concerned the sheriff if it was somebody new.

Mel drove in the yard and right around behind the barn, out of site of the road. He let the torino idle for a minute to cool down. He was walking around the edge of the barn when the copcar flew by, siren wailing and gumball flashing. “Looks like you got away” Gail said from the saddle of the horse. She turned a bit and was walking around the end of the barn and into the yard when Jesse stepped out. “HA! I knew that was you Mel” Jesse laughed with a big smile. “Oh, you know him Jesse?” She asked “Yeah he’s alright Gail, the boys are in the barn if you’re looking for them.”

It seems old Mel had retired from teaching 6 months before and had been driving the wife crazy, hanging around the house and all. She kept telling him to get a hobby but nothing caught his interest until he saw a poster for a dragrace coming up. He had parked his racecar and a lot of stuff when life came along and he thought that would be fun to get back into. Then at the track he saw a couple boys with the same last name as an old friend and after a bit of snooping, sure enough, he could see Jesse’s eyes and cheek bones in the one called Loki and confirmed who they were.

Jesse and Mel went into the shed. “Boy does this bring back memories eh Jesse?” Jesse grinned “bring em back, boy I’m still makin ‘em!” They both laughed and started talking business and old times. Mel just found a new hobby…
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
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Re: HD novella

Post by corene1 »

Sorry GB. SC wrote a Semi finish with me having a child . I am a shiner, musician and ,hunter, not a race car person. Me and little Sarah live up in the Skodies by ourselves while her Pa lives in town. We both raise her but we are not together. I am living the rest of my life in quiet seclusion since I will never get over my short love affair with Sarah before she was killed. My short time in town is spent with an occasional visit with my old friends from the liars bench and a little BBQ from Jimbo's. You have taken the story to a different area that I personally am not real comfortable with but it is something you are very knowledgeable about . Good luck in chapter 2, Little Sarah and I will watch it from afar living our quiet simple life up in the Skodies.
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Re: HD novella

Post by goinbroke2 »

Sorry Corene, didn't mean to exclude you. You got a little girl...she around Bro's age? :shock: Just kidding! :mrgreen:
Time period mentioned was 20 years later so I started writing..we could do a pre-quell instead, 20 years previous? Just watched Lawless again last night..hehehe...Or perhaps the prequell could be a third chapter? Jeepers, getting like StarWars now, jumping all over the time line.

Anyhoo, glad your enjoying the quiet peacefull life you've always wanted, dropping in to town to see friends/pick up staples once a month or so. If you see an opening though, jump in, it is going to take a more moonshining twist soon with Mel.
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
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Re: HD novella

Post by Jimbo »

Since Cack penned the ending its been pages and pages of racing and cars. Dont get me wrong, I do all my own car repairs, from complete upper/lower engine rebuilds to brakes and everything in between, but Im not a hot rod builder (yet). 12 bolt posi 3.73 rear end talk loses me. Im out too.

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Re: HD novella

Post by goinbroke2 »

HDNB wrote: i just wanted to get the idea of hotrods and police chases going.
This was what I was going on. That said, if nobody wants the racing side of it, we can go moonshining and car chases or do we want to go back to 1880's or so with horses? I grew up on a farm but animals don't interest me in the least (maybe my young years shovelling shit and cutting/splitting wood burnt me out) but I still got involved in the original. GB drove a truck and rode a horse too. I certainly couldn't compete with animal or horse writing like TB or Flatwood but that didn't make me bow out.

Anything can be deleted/modded/updated etc. HDNB wanted hotrods and police chases, once the characters are fleshed out we can get there. So far I'm the only one writing...if anybody adds their two cents it will change the direction, same as in the first story.

How about a crop duster filled with shine on the weekends to haul around the country? I can write a bit as my wife has her pilot's license and I absorbed stuff from her? 20 years previous would be the 30's..gangsters etc?

Or is everybody just happy we did a novella and that got it out of their system so nobody wants to write anymore?

Hello...is this thing on?
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
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Re: HD novella

Post by SassyFrass »

The man on the old Harley Bobber was just out riding. Trying to come to terms with things he'd seen, things he'd done, and places he'd been. He'd been riding for about a month. Doing odd jobs to earn enough money for gas and food for a bit, then heading on.
His bike wouldn't win any beauty contests or races, but she was loud and ugly as homemade sin. She'd once served her country as a courier, but she was stripped down to only needed items now. Spray bomb flat black paint and no glint or gleam of shiny metal. She had spent a few years touring around Europe during WWII, then shipped home after. She was sold at auction on the docks for scrap and sat in a barn for awhile. The fella that bought her had ridden her a little but lost interest after a couple years and just parked her and threw a tarp over her. And there she sat for a bunch of years, while the old fella raised his crops and his kids. (More later).
The man riding her was a match for her. He wasn't much to look at. He was about 6 foot tall and would go about 250 lbs. His hair was buzz cut and his beard was long and gray. He was dressed in clean but worn jeans, down at the heel jungle boots, and a leather jacket over a tee shirt. He looked to be in his 40's or 50's. He had served his country as a grunt in a few different places, did all the crazy crap the Army would let him do, made enough rank to pay the bills, fell out of lots of aircraft, been shot, been stabbed, beat up, beat down, hungry, thirsty, too cold, too hot, and any other bad thing a dog face grunt could endure. But he endured. He excelled at it. He spent 20+ years serving Uncle Sam, all over the world, in all kinds of hostile environments. Then he retired and came home.
His family was still doing the same thing they'd been doing when he left. Some made good, some didn't. Some farmed but most had moved off to the city. Ma and Pa had both passed on during one of his deployments and no one had let him know. His brother had sold the farm then promptly lost all the money trying some get rich quick scheme. His sister had been married since school to a county deputy. The nieces and nephews were sweet kids but scared of him. He just didn't fit any more. He still owned a few hundred acres of land in the Appalachians and had built a rough cabin and barn on it. He had bought the land while he was active duty, a few dollars a month went to pay the mortgage until it was paid off, then he just banked everything he didn't spend for a nest egg when he got out. He didn't need to work, but he did.
Until one day in town the local mine owner's son (and a couple friends,) tried throwing his weight around and ended up spending some time in the hospital. His Brother in Law let him know that he needed to get out of the county quick fast and in a hurry or he was looking at some time. So he went for a ride. A month ago...
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Re: HD novella

Post by SassyFrass »

The man on the Harley bobber was minding his own business, just riding down the road (in his own lane) when a yellow chevy damn near ran him over and ran him off the road. He rode thru it and didn't dump the bike, but he damn near shit his pants.
"Damn Kids!" He got the bike stopped on the side of the road, parked it and got off to make sure nothing was hurt. Finding nothing wrong with the bike he kicked her over and continued on down the road.
Up ahead he could see a little farm off the side of the road and figured they might need an odd job or two done that he was more than willing to do to pay for a home cooked meal.
He pulled down the farm road, parked the bike, and seen an old fella walking towards him from the barn. He stretched a little stuck out his hand and said," Hi, I'm Sassyfrass and I'd like to know if ya'll got any odd jobs you'd let me do for a meal"?
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Re: HD novella

Post by HDNB »

click, play then read:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmRDM7GyJXE" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow

"Well, Mr. Frass, today must be my lucky day. I'm Bob" The ole feller extended his hand. "I'm pleased to meet cha. I dun injured my back back last night slopping the hogs an when i almost didn't make from the the bed this mornin, I sent word to the good lord to give me strength and send some hep my way. I'm guessin yer that help then?"
Bob looked the unkempt biker up and down with an evaluating eye and said "that bobber must be hell to to hold onto on these gravel roads yeah?
"Oh i see you know your iron sir!" Sassy said with a smile, a little fire lighting in his eyes.
"Oh yes, son. I imagine i done forgot more about them machines than most'll ever know." Bob nodded towards the barn, rubbing his lower back. "Let's you and I go set a spell. I got me a little Muckalee creek water in the barn here. It eases me off nice. I imagine you could use a little lubrication yerownself."
"Mighty Obliged, Mr. Bob sir." Sassy took his kerchief and wiped the dust from his face. "Yessir a little sip would sit just fine."
As they neared the barn a bit of music wafted out the open door from a small tube radio hung from a nail .
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Re: HD novella

Post by S-Cackalacky »

GB, don't be gettin' your drawers in a bunch. I'll be pitchin' in eventually. Just takes me a while to get the thought gears lubed up and turnin'. You've done some good work and got some new characters comin' along. It's a new generation and it will take a little while to establish the depth of those characters. It'll be interesting to see how it all ties together and how the past might come into play.

Welcome aboard Sass. Nice bit of writing from you too.

Corene, I hope you'll come to change your mind. In the first story, you were probably the only one to express any kind of remorse about killin' some of them lowdown good for nuthin' ne'er-do-well murderous assholes. You know Lil' Sarah got a mind of her own. No tellin' what kind of stuff she might get into without some of her Mama's guidance.
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Re: HD novella

Post by ranger_ric »

I am conjuring up a free spirited college runaway hippy backpacker to wander into this story. I guess we are still sorta in the mountains of Southern Colorado near the infamous Pagosa Springs. I couldnt get a location from above.
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Re: HD novella

Post by rnw349 »

FS had made good to Pagosa, after the big showdown with Enrico and the winnings from the big horse race, FS donated a handsome sum to the church. He searched around and found him a small place just outside of town. It was perfect, had a creek in front a small cabin and and mountain going up behind the cabin. It was all of 20 acres, with a meadow in front before you get to the creek. The cabin was secluded and the evergreens hid it from the road.

FS kept to himself, coming to town only when he needed supplies. He built a small barn with a lot for the cows to come in and feed, and get under the leantoo. In the fall there was elk and mule deer come into the meadow, he always had fresh meat.

As time passed his demons slipped quietly into his past. He hadn't seen or smelled old man scratch since his night with Enrico. He never has told that story, course he doesn't have any company come by. Some of the local kids stop by ever once in a while, looking to see if they can figure out this mysterious loner. He has them work painting fence, and the cabin, even the outside of the barn, but they can't enter in there. That's his private place where he keeps his memories.

One day one of the boys ventured in the barn, he saw all the usual barn stuff, there was a stack of hay, some old tack, a small old ford 8n tractor, and in the back there was a still. Then hanging above an unused stall there was a dream catcher hanging on the wall. Looked like it had hair on it, a bone, some leather. Cool, this old man has some stories to tell thought the youngster. FS caught him in the barn and got all pissy, told him to leave he wasn't supposed to be in there.

Once the boy left, FS pulled out a mason jar and sat in the shade alone with his memories and the old feelings from 20 years ago. He thought to himself, damn it I need to get rid of this stuff, I need to get out more. It's a might lonely up here. Those boys when they came by, made him laugh, and remember how it was to be young, and all that goes with youth. He remembered all the grief brought to Pagosa.

The kids tell him stories about their cars, and racing, and running from the sheriff. He likes fast cars, not so much the newer ones, but the old ones, he had a 50 ford business coup, black with chrome grill and bumpers. Maybe he might hunt around and buy one and fix it up like new.
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

GB , this isn't all gearhead fantasy /movie bullshit . Many of us have been writing realtime about what we or our families have done instead of fantasy .
i'm not sure , at this point , whether I will continue to contribute here or dust off some of my old manuscripts and submit some for publication for my own benefit .
>I will definitely back HDNB to help him to fill the first 'Novella' to completion .
>If you want to turn book 2 into a hot rod novel I suggest that you read some of William Campbell Gault's novels .
>Those of us that were involved with REAL shining didn't play all these Hollywood games .
>My uncle Marvin Collier's farm was one of the pasture field race tracks where NASCAR was born .
>Muscle car and driving skill were handy if you got noticed ....... Not getting noticed was a MUCH better option .
>One hell of a lot more likker got delivered by the drivers that didn't get noticed than the ones that made the papers in some spectacular chase .
>(Patoo : terbakker spit from 'The Bench') Boy , you got to have just a smigin of truth in the lie you are fixin to tell to give it some credibility .
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Re: HD novella

Post by goinbroke2 »

Gail was sitting patiently in the car, doing as instructed. ”Step on the clutch…let it go…step on it again….good, let it go” Loki was adjusting the free play on the clutch as that was an issue as well. “Loki, let’s go for a walk” Gail said, batting her eyes. “I just got the clutch done, now I gotta start pulling the intake off so I can change the cam” Loki replied. Gail tried a bit more force “Loki, let’s go for a walk, you need a break and so do I, let’s go.” Bro popped his head up from the rear of the car “go on, take her for a walk, I’m good here” As they stepped out of the barn Gail slipped her hand into his and they started walking down to the river through the hay field. “Let’s sit here” she said, laying back in the grass by the edge of the covered bridge.

Just then they heard a couple cars rumbling down the road. Both entered the covered bridge and stopped. Suddenly the engines roared and tires started squeeling in protest as the two did burnouts on the wooden plank flooring. Smoke billowed out both ends of the covered bridge, it looked like it was on fire. By this time Loki had pulled gail up to the guardrail laughing and ssniffing the burnt rubber. As the cars tore out of the bridge one by one Loki recognised who they were. The first was a 72 455SD firebird that Carl’s father bought him, the second was Paul in his “Heavy Chevy”. As Paul went by he was laughing until he saw Loki and Gail standing hand in hand behind the guardrail. His smile turned to a scowl as he looked at Loki, then he was gone, the smoke still wafting out of the ends of the bridge.
“Wow” Gail said, “Paul must of done something to his car, never had that much power before.” Loki just dismissed her comment with a “pfft, he was probably doing a one wheel peel, that tub of shit ain’t got nothin’.”

Paul was twice as furious now, first, everybody in school was going on about Loki and that piece of shit that broke on him and how cool it and him were and now, he finds his Gail standing there holding hands with Loki. Wait till that dickhead gets his piece of crap back on the road, my new engine will surprise him he thought, that’ll show Gail what a loser he is and why she should hang out with me.

The next day Paul was out tearing around just for the fun of it, he liked the power of this new engine his brother built for him. He went down past Jefferson’s corner and slid a bit in the loose rocks on the pavement. The rear end came out a bit but he corrected and then floored it on the straight stretch. He had the needle shoved just past 100mph when all of a sudden a bike seemed to show up out of nowhere. “SHIIITTTT” Paul yelled as he twisted the wheel narrowly missing the bike, which presently left the road in a cloud of dust and dirt. He kept watching the mirror trying to decide what to do when he finally seen the big old bike come up out of the ditch and back on the road again. He let out a nervous laugh and slowed down to 60mph for the rest of the trip home.

“Boys” Jesse said, “ Mel is going to help out with the driving.” Bro looked over at Mel and said “welcome aboard I guess, but I don’t understand why Jesse, we make one run a week to take everything we got for deliveries, does this mean me and Loki won’t be driving no more?” Mel laughed “no, what it means is, I’ve got a couple places that will take shine for Jesse’s going price, we just got to get it there. You guys can keep you’re weekly runs to Dulce and Chama, I’ll do a weekly run to the guys I know in Durango.”
Loki asked Mel “what are you running?” “A 71 429scj Torino I built for high speed running, all old nascar suspension and everything. Took the back seat out and it’s a flat tray from the back of the front seats to the taillights” he replied. Loki looked at him for a second then at Jesse “how you gonna make all this likker for us to haul? Bad enough now getting as much corn and barley from the co-op that we do, you gonna be able to get even more? Jesse smiled, “more than one way to skin a cat sonny boy, when you haul a load, you’ll stop in Chama on the way home to haul corn. We can also stop at the feed and seed in Dulce for barley. Mel will do the same in Durango, likker one way, corn and barley the other. “Hell yeah” Mel laughed pulling out a bottle from his jacket. He took a pull then passed it to Jesse who also took a long swallow. “You want a drink” he asked Loki “SURE” was his reply, Bro declined as he didn’t drink. The boys went in the house and let Jesse and Mel reminisce. They figured it would be a late night as Jesse pulled out his banjo…and another bottle.
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
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