Cut Points? Foreshots? Heads and Tails? Feints?

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Re: Cut Points? Foreshots? Heads and Tails? Feints?

Post by Miserlymoms »

I have read various article on the apv of tails. Some say go as low as 5-10%, but here you mention 45-50%. Please advise me :)
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Re: Cut Points? Foreshots? Heads and Tails? Feints?

Post by seabass »

If you're going as low as 5-10%, you're doing a stripping run or just collecting tails to use for something else. Where tails starts will depend on a lot of things. The abv of your wash or low wines, the type of still, how you did your fermentation, etc.

This is why you ignore abv when making cuts unless you've been making the same thing a bunch of times and know where different flavors come out. If it's not an identical run to something you've done several times, there is no way to know what abv tails will show up at. Use your senses to figure out where tails starts and take notes for the next time you make the same thing.
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Re: Cut Points? Foreshots? Heads and Tails? Feints?

Post by Saltbush Bill »

Exactly as sea bass has depends on many things including still type.
Tails could arrive at 94 - 95% on a good reflux still.
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Re: Cut Points? Foreshots? Heads and Tails? Feints?

Post by Goog »

Hi, I read in other post you are running an air still. This may help you a bit with your runs and cuts until you work it all out.its only a guide but I found it very helpful when I first started
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